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Chapter 392 The dream of immortality is over, and the consequences are endless

At the opening of the scroll, countless dazzling fairy lights suddenly flew out from the scroll, catching Xu Ying's eyes. The fairy sound was deafening, as if there was an ancient and incomparable being reciting the great road, causing heaven and earth to resonate with it!


The fairy light in the scroll disappeared in a flash, leaving only the fairy light that kept dancing in Xu Ying's eyes.

Xu Ying stood there in a daze, and suddenly the scroll in his hand disappeared. However, Master Yuchuan came after him and snatched the treasure away!

Mr. Tamagawa was shocked and angry. He opened the scroll and looked at it, only to see that there was nothing in the scroll.

He was puzzled: What's going on? Uncle He gave me this painting and told me not to make any mistakes. Why is there nothing in the painting?

He looked over and over several times, but still didn't see anything in the painting.

However, when Xu Ying unfolded the scroll just now, there was clearly fairy light gushing out from the painting, and there was a deafening fairy sound, but why was it all blank when he got it in his hand?

Master Yuchuan looked at Xu Ying and saw that Xu Ying was still standing there in a daze. He couldn't help but attack Xu Ying and shouted: You are the one who ruined this painting!

The magical power he used was the magical power in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, called the Nine Heavens Wind and Thunder Seal. He slapped it with one palm, and nine layers of sky behind him were filled with wind and thunder, blessing him with divine power!

This palm contains the emperor's understanding of the immortal way. With one palm strike, the space around Xu Ying is imprisoned, and the nine levels of Tao power are hidden. With one palm, Xu Ying has a feeling that there is nowhere to escape in the nine heavens and ten earths. There is no place to hide!

Xu Ying's eyes were dull, and he suddenly blinked and raised his palms to face him.


The palm of his hand was also full of wind and thunder, and it was also the Nine Heavens Wind and Thunder Seal, which also contained the emperor's understanding of the immortal way.

With this palm strike, the space around Mr. Tamagawa was imprisoned, making him feel like he had nowhere to hide!

The palms of the two collided, causing each body to be shaken and staggered back.

Young Master Yuchuan laughed angrily, spun around and flew up, falling from the sky. He covered it with his palm seal and shouted: Where did you secretly learn the magical skills of my Bai family? You learned it well, but do you know how to do it? Prisoner of Souls in Ten Places Palm!

Behind him appeared the vision of nine heavens and ten earths, with torrential palm power, specializing in the soul, and it felt like sending the soul into the ten levels of hell!

Without thinking, Xu Ying struck out with the same Ten Earth Soul Imprisoning Palms, which were exactly the same as his Ten Earth Soul Imprisoning Palms. In some places, his Taoism was even higher than his!

Young Master Tamagawa was shocked to the point where his spirit was floating, and he staggered back, feeling shocked and angry.

He immediately changed his moves, and the various magical powers in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique emerged one after another. However, Xu Ying's long sleeves fluttered and danced accordingly. No matter what moves Mr. Tamagawa cast, he was able to perfectly reproduce those moves!

I can't say it's exactly the same, I can only say it's even stronger.

Mr. Tamagawa was shocked and angry, but also confused: How could he know the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique? This technique was obviously created by the emperor and only passed it down to me. How could he do it and do it better than me... …”

What Xu Ying used was not the technique of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Art, but the magical power in it. However, through his magical powers, it can be seen that his understanding of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Art is definitely much better than Mr. Tamagawa's!

But how is this possible?

There is no way the emperor would teach this skill to Xu Ying, so where did he learn it from?

The more he fought, the more frightened he became. Every move he made was possible, and he even understood the secrets that he had never understood before, as if he were taught by an emperor hand in hand!

Is it the effect of the painting just now?

Xu Ying also noticed something strange about himself. Every time Young Master Yuchuan performed a move, he would naturally understand the mystery of this magical power, and all kinds of mysteries came one after another.

He even knew clearly how the magical power worked and how many changes it had.

This is amazing.

I seem to be better at it than he is!

Xu Ying was surprised.

What is that painting just now, and why is it so powerful? Why can I understand so many things after just one glance?

He didn't know that it was painted by the emperor to break the seals of the Buddhas in the Great Thunder Sound Temple. The seals of the Buddhas in Daleiyin Temple are extremely profound. Even beings like the emperor must work hard to give full play to their own foundation and potential, and use all their lifelong learning and wisdom to break the seals.

In fact, as long as you open this scroll, you can break the seals of the Buddhas in Daleiyin Temple. But Xu Ying unexpectedly carved the sixteen-character immortal rune on the door of the underground palace, deepening the seal, so that the crane boy had to go back to consult the emperor, and the scroll fell into Xu Ying's hands.

When Xu Ying opened this picture, the method of breaking the seal, which contained the infinite wisdom of the emperor and the foundation of the immortal way, came into Xu Ying's eyes.

This time, Xu Ying used the same magical power as Mr. Tamagawa. It was just a small test of the emperor's wisdom and foundation. If Xu Ying absorbed these wisdom and foundation of immortality, he might not even know the contents of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Demon Breaking Techniques, as well as the Nine Heavens The Ten Earth Extinction Immortal Formations can all be deduced!

Xu Ying's fight became smoother and smoother. He felt all kinds of Taoist mysteries coming to his mind one after another, transforming into various magical powers. He couldn't help but scream again and again. He took the first step and attacked Mr. Yuchuan instead!

Nine Heavens God Thunder Yin!

Jiutian Dao King Seal!

Ten Earth Cloud Platforms!

Ninth Level Dojo!

Dragon Sky Ninth Level!

Master Tamagawa was dazzled and tried his best to receive Xu Ying's magical moves one after another. These magical powers were obviously from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, but they were more subtle than what he used, forcing him to keep retreating.

Suddenly, Xu Ying broke through his midline with a palm, and the palm print fell on his chest. A nine-level dojo appeared behind him, blessing the palm power. There was a loud bang, and Mr. Tamagawa's chest exploded, and the surging air waves caused him to stagger back.

He was physically strong, but the force of the palm still broke his ribs, fractured the xiphoid process, and almost pierced his heart.

Young Master Yuchuan groaned, feeling ashamed and angry. He couldn't help but sacrifice a piece of immortal picture, thinking: If you can't beat him, then refine him to death!

As soon as he launched the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation, he saw that Xu Ying had already disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying saw him setting up this formation to confront God King Xuankong. Xu Ying felt that he was far inferior to Xuankong, so he retreated immediately.


Young Master Tamagawa was filled with grief and anger, and roared to the sky, Don't let me catch you! If I catch you, I will put you in the formation to practice for three days and three nights!

Xu Ying returned to Ling Siyi and others, and suddenly saw that these people had started fighting. Ling Siyi sacrificed a willow branch. The power of the willow branch was so terrifying that he quickly retreated.

The God of the Earth beat the drum, and the sound of the drum struck, destroying the human spirit, causing Xu Ying to retreat again and again.

Master Xu, let's leave quickly! Master Huolong and Han Zekang saw the opportunity early and retreated far away.

Xu Ying immediately offered sacrifices to the Third Heaven Pass and pushed the door in. Master Huolong and Han Zekang also followed in. The residual power of the willow branches struck, and Xu Ying hurriedly closed the door of the Third Heaven Pass.

When the door is closed, the entire Tianmen disappears from the world, and the remaining power of the willow branches and other treasures are wiped out.

Young Master Yuchuan was chasing this way, and when he saw the four people fighting, he was shocked: What are the origins of these four people? They are so powerful! When has such a strong person existed in Taishi's world?

He didn't dare to come near and hurriedly retreated.

As soon as Young Master Yuchuan left, the face of God King Xuankong appeared from the sky. He looked at Ling Siyi, Nan Ziyan and others with shock and uncertainty in his heart.

The Taoism of these four people is completely different from the Taoism of all heavens and worlds. Who are they?

God King Xuankong hesitated for a moment, looked at Mount Sumeru, and thought to himself, The Crane Boy arrived at Sumeru on the orders of the emperor. Back then, I went down to the world on the order of the emperor to intercept and kill Xu Ying. As a result, my men suffered heavy casualties. I It was also seized by the new gods of the world of heaven.”

At that time, he understood that behind this was actually the emperor seizing power!

The emperor wants to control the entire world of heaven, so these old gods are the first targets to be eradicated.

This time I did a big thing in Mount Sumeru and killed so many of the emperor's direct lineage forces. Unfortunately, I fell short and failed to get rid of Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan. Instead, I lost the Water and Fire Huntian Cauldron.

Xuankong God King jumped up and escaped from the air, thinking, I promised to ruin my big thing, and the Crane Boy will come back to take my life. I can't stay in the great world of Taishi! Leave this place and contact your ancestors. , take a long-term approach!”

Let's say that the crane boy showed his true body and flew back to the fairy world, just as the jade pot master came from the lower world. Master Yuhu stopped it and said with a smile: My fellow Taoist is not with the emperor, where have he been?

Seeing that it was him, the crane boy quickly transformed into a human body and said with a smile: The emperor ordered me to go down to the lower world and unseal an evil Buddha sealed in Mount Xumi. When I got there, I found that Xu Ying had been here and added another one to the seal of the evil Buddha. A layer of seals. This layer of seals is used by the emperor to seal the promise.

Master Yuhu laughed and said, Is this happening?

The crane boy asked: Where are you going, Zhenren?

Master Yuhu said: I was also ordered to go down to the lower realm to deal with the issue of the Immortal Realm Cave. Someone opened the Immortal Realm Cave and Lord Yuan asked me to go down to the lower realm to check.

The crane boy said in surprise: Yuanjun asked you to go down to the lower realm? As far as I know, the emperor has asked Mr. Yuchuan in the lower realm to handle the matter.

Master Yuhu didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: What is Yuanjun's purpose that I can't interfere with? Just do it. Fellow Taoist, it's easy for you to go down to the lower world, you can just fly around, but you have to suffer for me. I will cut myself off to cultivate myself and take the path to heaven again. Can fellow Taoist send me to the lower realm?

The crane boy said quickly: You want to preserve your cultivation and sneak into the lower world? I don't dare to do that! Master, take your leave!

The feelings have faded, haven't they? Master Yuhu said with a smile.

Suddenly, he made a sudden move and broke the fairy boy's neck. Then he clasped his five fingers and saw five huge flesh-colored fingers falling from the sky and clasping the crane boy between his five fingers.

The five fingers were entangled with fire dragons, and they opened their mouths to spit out fairy fire, burning the Crane Boy to ashes in an instant!

It's a pity that this Crane Boy didn't even have time to display his abilities, so he died in his hands and died in an unknown manner.

Master Yuhu sacrificed a jade gourd, put away the immortal spirit of the Crane Boy, and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, you shouldn't refuse me. Everyone has his own master. This time I went down to the world, I just happened to help Yuanjun get rid of it first. Take off one of the emperor’s arms!”

He came to the Celestial Path, which was the end of the Celestial Road. Before Promise destroyed the Celestial Path, all the ascended immortals from all over the world had to take this road and undergo nine transformations before they could reach the Celestial Path. Really become an immortal.

This road has nine spiritual roots of heaven and earth, connecting the universe, running through the void and the underworld, and reaching into the vast and unfathomable land. It's a pity that in the battle to encircle and suppress Xu Ying, all the nine spiritual roots of heaven and earth were shattered by Xu Ying!

This way, it is no longer possible to ascend.

Master Yuhu cut off his own realm and placed it in the jade pot. He jumped down from the Immortal Platform and fell to the lower realm.

His Hutian Zhengdao Sutra is really powerful. Even if his spiritual roots are cut off, he can still walk in the void and go straight to all the heavens and worlds with the help of the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra!

After we leave here, we first go to Yuanshou to get my treasure! We also need to meet my cheap apprentices, especially the fool who cheated me!

Master Yuhu remembered how he was deceived by the fool Ah Fu, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of fire in his heart. His magic weapon, the Immortal Pot of Demonstration, was still in the hands of that fool Ah Fu.

The jade pot in his hand now was only newly refined by himself during this period. In terms of material and power, it was far inferior to the Immortal Pot of Zhengdao.

His speed became faster and faster, turning into a stream of light.

Xu Ying came to Yuanzheng World and traveled for a week, but still couldn't find Kunlun Mountain. But in recent days, strange things have happened frequently. Although he has left Mount Sumeru and the Great World of Taishi, every once in a while, he will fall into an illusion and see the young monk who is frozen in time and space.

Every time I saw the young monk, I would find that the monk was getting closer to him in the dark!

This shows that the young monk is not completely frozen in the dark space and time, and he is still trying to move forward, trying to get close to him!

However, after I left Mount Sumeru, I shouldn't see these visions again. Xu Ying wondered.

He was about to leave the world of Yuan Zheng when his eyes suddenly froze and fell on a familiar figure, Fairy Qingqu.

Fairy Qingqi practices here while exploring the secrets of ancient times and looking for relics from ancient times.

Xu Ying, why are you disturbing my Taoist mind again? Fairy Qingqu saw him and asked with a smile.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I was looking for Kunlun and passed by this place accidentally. It's rare to meet an old friend, Qingqiu. Have you returned to Yuanshou in the past few years?

Fairy Qingyu shook her head and said, I thought you were still in Yuanshou, so I didn't go back.

Xu Ying was stunned, shook his head and said, I'm in Yuanshou, so you'll never go back?

Fairy Qingqu did not answer, but smiled and said: What about you? Have you ever gone back?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Yuan Shou, after you leave, there will probably be no one worth missing. Or when I am not busy, I will go back and have a look.

Fairy Qingyu said: Me too.

It was rare for Master Huolong and Han Zekang to see Xu Ying settle down. These days, they followed Xu Ying through world after world, looking for the illusory Kunlun Mountain.

Xu Ying was always in a hurry. When he found that Kunlun was not in this world, he left in a hurry.

This time, Xu Ying rarely stopped, and their master and apprentice were able to rest for a few days.

Master, there seems to be some stories between them. Hanzekang pursed his lips and whispered.

Master Fire Dragon's face darkened and he said, Do you still remember what I said? Misfortune comes from the eyes, and misfortune comes from the mouth.

Xu Ying and Fairy Qingqu went touring the mountains and enjoying the water. They talked about their experiences after parting and spent a few leisurely days. Fairy Qingqu took him to see the fairy tomb she had excavated, where an ancient immortal was buried.

Xu Ying saw the tombstone outside the immortal tomb, which had the title of this ancient immortal written on it:

Patriarch Jiutian Shangfu

The commander-in-chief of the five capitals, General Zuo Yuan, the commander-in-chief of the five capitals.

Arctic Dharma Lord Tianpengdu Marshal Cangtian God

The true king who protects the country and eliminates demons

The Dharma Cloud of Enlightenment Universally Covers the Heavenly Lord

They entered the immortal tomb. In this ancient tomb was a stone statue of an ancient immortal, with red hair and a golden crown, three heads and six arms, and four angry faces. They were holding axes, bows and arrows, swords, halberds, halberds, ropes and other magic weapons.

These magic weapons also possess terrifying power. The light contained in the magic weapons seems to hide worlds composed of Tao. If the magic weapon were to move, the world would collapse!

This sculpture exudes an aura of incomparable grandeur, lasting forever, as if the statue can transform from stone to flesh at any time and start killing!

This Marshal of Tianpengdu is so tyrannical!

Xu Ying couldn't help but admire and wondered, I have seen similar immortal tombs in the ancestral court. Although I have never explored them, I can still see how powerful the owner of the immortal tomb is. Why have these ancient immortals passed away?

It may be that the changes in the great avenue of heaven and earth have caused the world where the ancient immortals lived to no longer exist.

Fairy Qingqiu said, Come and see here. This ancient immortal wrote a sentence. I think it is the key to the ancient immortal's death.

Xu Ying came to her side, bowed down and looked down with her, and saw a line of writing engraved on the jade platform of the immortal tomb.

The green rock flies away, and the other shore is empty; the dream of immortality is broken, and the disaster is endless.

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