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Chapter 391 Crane Boy

Zixi's death made him wary.

Just now, Zixi was extremely powerful, like an Immortal King, seemingly invincible, but these few masters from the ancestral court knocked him down from the Immortal King and transformed him back to his former self.

The Heavenly Dao of Penglai Fairyland, the magic weapons refined in the realms of the first life such as the Huntian Cauldron and the Twelve-layer Tower are just like the six caves harvested by Zixi. They are all foreign objects that can make me look powerful. But what really belongs to It’s your own realm.”

Xu Ying had a lot of feelings in his heart. He relied on the Nuozu Cave Heaven before, and later relied on the Penglai Heavenly Way, and relied on the Twelve-Storied Tower. Isn't it the same as Zixi?

Wouldn’t it be foolish to pursue external strength and ignore one’s own growth?

The Twelve Signs of the Yuan Shen mentioned by the Earth God just now are just an introduction to the Yuan Shen. Only by entering the Ancestral Court of Heaven to observe the ancestral gods can we gain the wonders of the Yuan Shen.

The Taoist patterns of the Immortal Family Dojo in the Shangqing Ancestral Court and the Demon Clan Ancestral Court are both very powerful and do not rely on external objects.

On the road of cultivation, there must be many things that I have not yet achieved, even in my first life. However, the Penglai Heavenly Way is really strong.

Xu Ying thought in his heart, The Twelve Level Tower and the Third Heaven Pass are also very useful. If I can collect all the realms I have scattered outside and collect all nine realms, I can reproduce the strength of my first life, even better than the first. The world is stronger!

This is definitely a great temptation!

More importantly, he has collected four realms!

Collecting all nine realms is not far away!

Therefore, even though Xu Ying knew that relying on external forces might lead to the same fate as Zixi, he still found it hard to give up. He thought to himself: You can also cultivate while searching for the whereabouts of these realms without delaying both. Moreover, if I have a stronger With the strength, you can also find the real Yuxu Palace, Niwan Palace, Huangting Mansion and other places, and open more caves in the fairy world.

It's the best of both worlds.

Shen Baiyu and Li Pingsheng killed Zixi and were each wounded. They bowed to Xu Ying. Shen Baiyu said, I'm afraid that I won't be able to follow the young master to Penglai. Now that the fishermen have been eliminated, the two of us will Find the master's skin and return to the mountain for burial.

Li Pingsheng said: I admire Brother Xu's ability very much. It was my honor to lose to Brother Xu in the Demon Realm last time. Next time I meet the Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu, I will have the courage to fight him.

Shen Baiyu also nodded repeatedly.

They woke up and realized that the Chu Tiandu they met in the ancestral court last time was actually Xu Ying. They were not defeated by Chu Tiandu.

Chu Tiandu defeated Nalandu, the successor of Wei Xu. It seems that Xu Ying did it. So Chu Tiandu is still the same Chu Tiandu. What should we fear?

The two of them rekindled their fighting spirit, and after making arrangements, they went to the ancestral court to challenge the real Chu Tiandu and win the title of the strongest in all worlds!

Xu Ying watched them go away and thought to himself: Now that Chu Tiandu has gained my magical power, he should also practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique that I have completed, right? These two guys are probably tied together, and neither of them is his opponent. Do you want to remind them...

He then shook his head and thought to himself: That's all, Chu Tiandu is my disciple after all. We are relatively close.

Ling Siyi put away the willow branch and said to Xu Ying: Mr. Xu, something has happened here. Can you follow me to the ancestral court of the Demon Clan as a guest?

Taoist Yuan shook his head and said: Master Xu should go to the Qing Ancestral Court. Fellow Taoist Ling, your Demon Clan Ancestral Court should push it back.

The Earth God said: I invited Mr. Xu to the Ancestral Court of Heaven on the orders of the Ancestral God. Do you want to fight with me? I spent a lot of money to buy the news about Mr. Xu from the Goddess of Penglai Fairy Mountain!

Xu Ying was stunned: Did the goddess sell me?

He felt a little unhappy: I wonder if the price is expensive? Do you want me to get a share?

The price of my Ziwei Ancestral Court is no less than yours. Nan Ziyan coughed softly and said.

Did I spend less to go to the Qing ancestral court?

Taoist Yuan looked around and said, In order to get the news about Mr. Xu, our Shangqing ancestral court even gave a purple blood treasure tree to the goddess as money to buy the road! This purple blood treasure tree was in the Shangqing ancestral court that year. Listen to the scriptures!

Ling Siyi sneered: The treasure sent by my demon clan's ancestral court is the inner elixir of my heavenly demon, which is refined by the demon immortal who has cultivated to an extremely high level throughout his life! Isn't this a small price to pay for the trip? My demon clan has spent a lot of money on it. , please leave Mr. Xu if necessary!

She sacrificed a willow branch and said with murderous intent: Whoever dares to stop me is going against the ancestral court of the demon clan!

Taoist Yuan snorted: Young girl from the demon race, don't think you can rule the roost just by holding a branch of the demon emperor's Tao tree. In front of the Taoist, you still lack some firepower! The demon clan and the Heavenly Dao will clear the Taoist sect with me. No one can take away Young Master Xu!

He spread out the Immortal Family Dojo with extraordinary magnanimity, and whispered to the young man beside him: Little Master Uncle, I will definitely not be able to handle it, you are ready to kill!

The young man's eyes suddenly widened, murderous aura surged out of his body, and he whispered: Are you going to kill them all?

Taoist Yuan looked fiercely and said, Except Mr. Xu!

The God of Earth sacrificed the big drum, grabbed the mallet, and sneered: The demon race is not a good thing, so is the Shangqing Dao Sect a good thing? Our Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court did not suffer less from you back then! If you beat the thunder drum today, you will be wiped out!

Ling Siyi sarcastically said: Thunder God's things can exert its full power on your mere land? Shorty, I will be the first to send you on your way!

It's not unreasonable that the demon tribe was the first to be destroyed back then!

Everyone was on tenterhooks.

Suddenly, Nan Ziyan, Ziwei's ancestral court, shouted loudly and said: Ziwei is the most respected ancestral court in the world, are you all going to rebel?

The other three sneered, and the Earth God smiled and said: I have never respected Ziwei before. Now that Ziwei has been abolished, you still want us to respect Ziwei?

Lingsi recalled: Ziwei Ancestral Court will be your mascot. You have no right to interfere between us!

Nan Ziyan was furious and sneered: I will intervene! Except for me, no one of you can take Mr. Xu away today!

They were murderous and would fight to the death if they disagreed.

Xu Ying coughed and said, Everyone, I have something else to do. I have to go find Kunlun and visit Yuxu Palace first. I'm afraid I can't follow you to the ancestral court. You don't need to take action.

Ling Siyi, Yuan Daoren and others are still murderous and ready to take action at any time.

Ling Siyi didn't look back and said, This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Xu, it's a grudge from the previous generation!

Taoist Yuan sneered and said: That's right! A group of monsters and ancestral gods are trying to master the Tao and ignore my Shangqing Taoist sect. Today, Taoist master will let them know what the sky is and the earth is high!

Master Fire Dragon whispered: Master Xu, what should I do?

Xu Ying frowned, shook his head, raised the Third Heaven Pass, and said, Everyone who has fought this battle can go to Penglai or Kunlun to wait for me.

He was about to leave when suddenly his heart moved slightly and he looked up at the sky.

But I saw fairy lights in the sky, falling from the sky, and the fairy lights rotated, distorting the surrounding sky. This kind of phenomenon is very rare, and it is somewhat similar to the fairyland cave sky promised!

What is that? Xu Ying was surprised.

In the sky, Young Master Yuchuan mobilized the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation, and the battle with the Xuankong God King was at a critical stage. The Xuankong God King was powerful, but he was frightened when encountering such an extermination formation.

At this moment, the fairy light fell, and God King Xuankong's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly turned into a divine light and fled far away!

I saw a white crane fluttering its wings in the fairy light, holding a scroll in its mouth, and flew down from the fairy world.

The aura of the white crane is extremely powerful, and its body is surrounded by immortal light. However, it is not an immortal, but a crane that has practiced the immortal way, so it can travel between the immortal world and the mortal world.

Mr. Yuchuan was surprised and happy. He hurriedly collected the Immortal Extinction Formation and faced the white crane: Uncle Crane, why did you come to the lower world?

The white crane's wings covered the sky, flying very fast towards Mount Sumeru below, shouting: I am ordered by the emperor to release the Taoist friends from the ancient era.

Its wings suddenly retracted, its body rotated and fell downwards, and a child-like clear cry came from its mouth: Gao Bodhi, on the order of the emperor, I came to release you... Bastard, who worshiped such a person here? How incense is it?”

The crane boy suddenly lost his magic power and fell to the ground in front of the underground palace where the ancient Buddha was imprisoned.

Outside the ancient Buddha underground palace, there were majestic stone Buddhas. In front of the stone Buddhas, they were promised to be filled with incense, each one as thick as an arm. This caused many stone Buddhas to revive and suppress the place, so that the crane boy came and suffered a small loss. .

It had just transformed into a human form, so it lost its wings and couldn't use its magic power, so it fell down.

The Crane Boy was frightened and angry, and despite the suppression, he extinguished all the incense. Then he felt more comfortable and walked to the underground palace, saying: Gao Bodhi, when the emperor came here, he checked your seal and told you about the future. I will definitely release you. Now I am here with the emperor’s promise. As long as you open this scroll, you can break all the seals and seals of the Buddhas...

It ate for a long time and stared at the sixteen-character seal on the door of the underground palace, speechless for a long time.

The voice of the ancient Buddha came from the underground palace, very faintly: There is a man named Xu Ying who left his seal on the door...


The crane boy was so angry that he stuttered and shouted, This is obviously the immortal rune used by the emperor to suppress Xu Ying! Why did he use it to suppress you? Bastard, what a bastard!

The voice of the ancient Buddha came, as thin as a mosquito: Since it is the emperor's rune, can you crack it? This rune is integrated with the seals of the Buddhas. Only by cracking the immortal runes first can the ancient Buddha's seal be unlocked.

The crane boy shook his head and said: The emperor gathered the wisdom of many great masters and designed the sealing runes, which can be said to be a masterpiece of immortality. How can I crack them? These immortal runes must be cracked by the emperor!

It turned around, just as Mr. Tamagawa came. The crane boy handed the scroll to Mr. Tamagawa and said: You must not miss anything while holding this thing. I will go back to the fairy world!

It fluttered its wings and flew towards the fairy world facing the brilliant fairy light.

Master Yuchuan held the scroll and quickly raised his hand and said: Uncle He...

call out--

A rainbow light flashed by. As soon as Mr. Yuchuan's hand was empty, he saw the scroll changing hands. He couldn't help being surprised and angry, and he hurriedly looked towards the rainbow light.

The rainbow light paused, and Xu Ying stood at the end of the rainbow light, looking at the scroll.

Bai Yuchuan, what kind of treasure is this? Let me see!

Xu Ying smiled and then unfolded the scroll with a swish sound.

——No, it’s getting later and later. If this continues, I will really have to go to the underworld to write a book. I will try my best to adjust it tomorrow to avoid a vicious cycle.

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