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Chapter 390 Mr. Yuxu Xu

The Demon Clan's Ancestral Court? Ling Siyi, I'm afraid Mr. Yuxu Xu will not be able to accompany you to the Demon Clan's Ancestral Court.

A voice came from far away. Looking from a distance, I saw purple air coming slowly, stretching thousands of miles. Under the purple air, a boat floated in, as if it was traveling in the Milky Way. The boat moved the stars, and the stars swayed one after another, as if the emperor's star was on a patrol.

Master Xu is going to my Ziwei ancestral court.

On the bow of the small boat, a young man in a yellow shirt was graceful and noble. He bowed and said, Nan Ziyan of Ziwei's ancestral court, by order of the emperor, please go to the ancestral court for Mr. Xu to be a guest.

Before Xu Ying could speak, another long laugh suddenly came: Ziwei Ancestral Court is no longer the place where the emperor lives, is it still so pretentious? Master Yuan of the Shangqing Ancestral Court came to respectfully invite Mr. Xu Xu from Yuxu Come!”

An old man and a young man came, but there was no sign of purple energy coming slowly, it was just normal. The old man smiled and said: If Mr. Xu wants to go to the ancestral court, he should go to my ancestral court of Shangqing. You all have to queue up behind me.

The woman in red thought Lingsi recalled: Shangqing Dao Sect, is it superior to others?

The ancestral court of the Qing Dynasty really cannot be superior to others!

Divine power surged in the distance, and an earth god came over. He was short in stature and less than two feet tall. He was holding a deer-head staff and wearing an official hat.

When He comes over, if you don’t look at Him, it will give people the impression that a giant god towering over the sky is approaching, giving people a great sense of threat!

The Ancestral Court of Heaven is superior to others. It is natural that the Ancestral Court of Heaven should be one step ahead of you. Please invite Mr. Yuxu to be your guest!

The earth god paid homage to Xu Ying, Mr. Xu, the divine power of the Heavenly Dao Ancestor invites you to go to the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: They are all visitors from the ancestral court. But why do they call me Mr. Yuxu Xu? Is it because my family lives in Yuxu Peak, Kunlun?

Judging from the background of these people, they came from different ancestral families, and they all wanted to invite me to be a guest. When did I become so fragrant?

Suddenly, Zixi was full of apologies and said with a smile: Everyone, you are a little late. Mr. Xu cannot go with any of you as a guest, because I am about to harvest him and turn him into a lantern to hang here.

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes immediately fell on him.

The earth god's face darkened: Apologise to Mr. Xu!

Zixi was stunned and laughed out loud: Three Inch Nails, do you know who you are talking to?

The young man from Ziwei's ancestral court, Nan Ziyan, also frowned and said, No matter who you are, you must apologize to Mr. Xu.

Zixi was shocked and angry. He activated the Six Secret Cave Heavens, and his momentum became stronger and stronger. He shouted: I am Zixi, the disciple of the Xuankong God King. I have devoured the 4,600 top experts in the Great World of Taishi. It’s earth-shattering, even if it’s the Immortal King or God King…”

The woman in red, Ling Siyi, frowned and advised: If you apologize to Mr. Xu, there is still a way to survive. Why are you seeking death?

Zixi is angry, how majestic is he these days?

He devoured so many strong men, deprived them of the elixir in their bodies, deprived them of the Six Secret Cave Heaven, and took it for himself. The survivors were so frightened that they hid here and there like mice. Now these people who didn't know what they were talking about came over and actually said something like apologizing to Xu Ying!

You people don't know how high the sky is, so I'll send you on your way!

Zixi couldn't help but mobilize the six secrets, and the six caves rotated. The soul behind him became more and more powerful. He spread the five fingers of his palm and waved down to everyone!


The sky seemed to be shattered by his palm, and the shattered space was like a torrent of glass, passing through his fingers!

Didn't you hear clearly just now?

The earth god was the shortest, but had the most violent temper. He took a step forward and said solemnly, I come from the ancestral court of Tiandao. Do you want to use your soul in front of me? Do you know that all souls imitate the birth talents of the ancestral god of Tiandao? Refined?

A big drum appeared in front of him. The five-short earth god held up an outrageous big stick and beat the drum hard. With a bang, waves visible to the naked eye rushed towards the big hand of Zixi Yuanshen!

Zixi's magic power has definitely reached the level of the Immortal King. In terms of magic power, this earth god only belongs to the land of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, and is far from his opponent.

But the sound of the drum contains strange power. Wherever it fluctuates, the soul, vitality, consciousness, mind, yin and yang that form the soul are separated one after another!

——The basis of the Yuan Shen is only one less physical activity than the physical body, but the Yuan Shen is close to the Tao, closer to the Dao than the physical body, and can exert stronger power of Taoism and supernatural powers. This is the power of the Yuan Shen.

Zixi tried her best to mobilize the six secrets, and finally suppressed the trend of the soul's disintegration!

But his entire right arm exploded due to the impact of the drums, and half of his shoulder disappeared!

Your soul has never achieved the twelve signs. You can't even touch the edge of the ancestral god. You have no magic power!

The Earth God from the Tiandao Ancestral Court stood in front of the big drum and sneered, You can only get started if you have completed the twelve signs. If you want to reach the level of the Ancestral God, you need to observe the Ancestral God in person. Your Yuan Shen is too weak!

Zixi's heart was so painful that tears flowed down her face. When the soul is damaged, the soul is damaged. The pain in the soul is a hundred times that of the physical body. This kind of pain cannot be endured by anyone.

He activated the Six Secret Cave Heavens, mobilized the spring soul power, and tried his best to repair his soul. He was in a panic: What are the origins of these weirdos?

His Six Secrets were really powerful, and his Yuan Shen's injuries recovered quickly. In just a few moments, the exploded soul of his Yuan Shen recovered, and his yin and yang, spiritual consciousness, mental strength, and vitality also recovered.

At the same time, he activated the Hidden Scenery Submersion Ground, set foot in the realm of the Six Immortals, and used his magical power on Mount Sumeru. However, he saw that the sky suddenly split open, and another Mount Sumeru fell from the sky, attacking everyone!

His magical powers come from the analysis of the Heavenly Way of Xuan Kong God King and the teachings passed down by ancient Buddhas. His magical powers are even more eclectic, combining the best of both worlds!

But seeing this Mount Sumeru shrouded in the Heavenly Way, descending from the sky, and the Buddhas standing in the sky, suppressing them, it is indeed very powerful!

Taoist Yuan from the Shangqing Ancestral Court praised: This magical power is indeed powerful, and the old Taoist is no match. But your magical power has not even been refined in the Xianjia Dojo, so it is unjustifiable! Shangqing Dojo!

His own Shangqing dojo spread out, and Zixi was included in his own dojo in an instant.

Zixi suddenly felt that his vitality, spiritual consciousness, soul power, yin and yang, etc. were all greatly suppressed. The Sumeru Mountain that fell from the sky also shrank sharply and its power was greatly reduced!

Even so, Mount Sumeru is enough to threaten everyone's lives.

He has devoured too many strong men, and his magic power is too powerful. The realm of the Six Secrets of the Six Immortals is not in vain. With the six secrets fully opened, and stepping into his own hidden scene, he is the Immortal King of the six immortal realms of body, vitality, spiritual consciousness, mind power, soul power, and yin and yang!

Boom, boom, boom!

The short earth god beat the big drum, and the sound of the drum rushed away, shaking Zixi's soul. Zixi Yuan Shen was injured, and Mount Sumeru's magical powers suddenly disintegrated.

Zixi's soul is constantly breaking up, but the six secrets are circulating, and they are scattered and gathered together. The six secrets of the immortal medicine are enough to ensure that his physical soul is immortal!

Even these envoys of the mysterious ancestral court, who possess rare treasures, cannot kill him.

Ling Siyi also praised: This person is indeed very strong. But there are many things in his body that are not his, which are very weird. These cultivations belong to these people, not him. Come out!

The girl in red took out a willow branch. The branch was filled with evil spirit. When she swung it gently, she saw layers of Dao patterns spread out.

Zixi was penetrated by the pattern, and her body was shaken. Countless alien flesh and blood were growing, and she saw human faces suddenly growing out of her body, then heads, and then necks!

Each body drilled out of his body, growing as it went.

These bodies are very weird, and there are caves floating behind them, which are actually the secret caves transplanted by Zixi!

Zixi hunted the guests who came to the meeting, cut off the six secrets of these powerful people, transplanted them into his own body, and then integrated them into one body to create his own six secrets.

But Ling Siyi's willow branches are so evil and weird that they actually allow these secrets to regenerate their owners!

Zixi screamed in pain, struggled to activate his soul, and rushed towards the girl in red: What kind of magic did you use to harm me? I will kill you first!

The girl in red, Ling Siyi, was surprised and said: There is also a foreign object in his soul. Take it out and have a look.

She held up a willow branch and waved it lightly.

The willow branches are even more demonic, but the willow leaves rotate like windmills. The willow leaves are like women's eyes, and the texture in the leaves is like the magic of heaven and earth.

Zixi Yuanshen flew towards him, and the next moment he saw human faces growing out of the surface of his Yuanshen.

They were the souls of the powerful people in the Taishi world who were devoured by him. They were originally crushed and eaten by him, and he absorbed the elixir in the souls. Now, they were inspired by the strange power contained in the willow branches of Ling Siyi, causing these to be shattered. The soul is reorganized!

Zixi was horrified, feeling that these people were just like monsters!

But it was only now that he looked like a monster.

He was so greedy that he cut off the flesh and blood of the powerful men who came to attend the meeting in Taishi Great World, leaving only pieces of human skin. He devoured and refined the six secret elixirs in these flesh and blood, turning them into his own cultivation. .

Not only that, the souls and even souls of these powerful men were also absorbed by him, extracting the five secret elixirs from them.

Xu Ying and others were dumbfounded. Zixi, who was so powerful just now, was defeated in just a short moment. In front of these people, they were completely helpless!

Within Zi Xi's body, human bodies grew out one by one, and then fell off from his body, falling from the air like raindrops.

The next step is the Kingdom of God in the four realms of Mount Sumeru. These days, the people are not living in peace. Mount Xumi undergoes sudden changes, gods fall from time to time, and the celestial phenomena become extremely strange.

But the days would continue. Outside the capital city of Rimushan Kingdom, people were working when suddenly they heard a thud and something fell from the sky.

Everyone looked around hurriedly and saw a large pit being smashed into the ground. In the pit, a naked person was lying on the bottom of the pit, motionless.

Everyone was surprised when suddenly the sound of popping and popping could be heard continuously, and a rain of people began to fall in the sky. I don’t know how many naked human beings fell from the sky. They landed unharmed, but without any breath, they turned out to be fresh corpses!

This incident has become one of the strangest things in Mushan Kingdom.

In the sky, all the flesh and blood of others in Zixi's body had grown out, leaving only Zixi himself.

The same is true for Zixi's soul. Other people's souls grew from his soul. Although these souls grew up, they died with life and flew to the underworld one by one.

The power of Zixi's physical soul declined sharply, but after a short time, it was beaten back to its former state.

Zixi's shawl was spread out, her expression was flustered, and she looked at everyone in horror.

Now his strength can only compete with young masters like Shen Baiyu and Li Pingsheng. His immortal king-like combat power just now was like a dream, and when he woke up, nothing would be left.

Xu Ying sighed secretly when he saw this.

The same is true in the Yuanshou world. How many people harvested each other, fierce internal fighting, countless people died, and finally the master of Niwan Palace was able to ascend.

Shen Baiyu, Master Huolong and others were also dazzled by the sight. Li Pingsheng murmured: What are the origins of these people?

Master Fire Dragon whispered: Why do they want to ask permission from this big demon and evil man?

Han Zekang came to the small boat and met Nan Ziyan, the young man in yellow, and said, Brother, they each have their own special skills and magic weapons. What are your special skills and magic weapons?

Nan Ziyan smiled slightly and said: I come from Ziwei, the emperor's family. There is no need to personally deal with such trivial matters, so as not to lose the royal dignity.

The Earth God, the young and old, and Ling Siyi all snorted and were very dissatisfied with him.

Zixi was horrified, looked around, and said fiercely: Don't mess around! I am the disciple of God King Xuankong. This is Mount Sumeru, and it is the territory of God King Xuankong! If you kill me, God King Xuankong will not Let you go!

Xu Yingqu raised his middle finger and said calmly: Zixi, do you remember? If I pop out my finger, all your six secrets will be shattered, and your forehead will be pierced directly to death.

He was about to flick Zixi to death when suddenly Shen Baiyu said: Fellow Daoist Xu, I want to avenge my master, and I hope that Friend Xu will give me a chance.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, but before he agreed, Li Pingsheng said: Fellow Daoist Xu, the person who is accompanying me is my fourth uncle. He treats me like a son. I want to kill my fourth uncle's enemy with my own hands!

Xu Ying took a step back.

Zixi hurriedly said: Shen Baiyu, Li Pingsheng, he is Xu Ying, he is the great evil man, the great evil man who broke the road to heaven! He is the heinous one...

Shen Baiyu and Li Pingsheng rushed forward, with anger and hatred intertwined, and killed him.

Zixi's strength was similar to theirs. Seeing the two of them charging at them fiercely, Zixi immediately opened his hands, one left and one right, and attacked their vital points at the same time!

Unexpectedly, Shen and Li did not dodge, but forcefully accepted his magical power, and their respective palms fell on him.

Zi Xi was beaten until his chest was dented, and then he saw Shen and Li, one on the left and one on the right, slapping him with their palms, one on the left side of his head and the other on the right side of his head.


Blood splattered everywhere.

The neck of Zixi's headless body was filled with flesh and blood, trying to grow another head. However, Shen and Li punched and palmed his six secrets. In an instant, his six secrets were completely destroyed. broken.

His headless body immediately stopped growing, blood spurted out from his neck, and his body turned into a corpse.

His spirit tried to escape, but the two spirits of Shen and Li rushed towards him and tore him into pieces!

This kind of strength obtained by clever means is just a dream after all. Xu Ying shook his head.

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