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Chapter 386 Always keep your word

Xuankong dug up a living ancient Buddha back then?

Xu Ying was stunned and said: You mean, Xuan Kong dug up a Buddha in the Great Leiyin Temple, which caused drastic changes in the world of heaven and earth and polluted the entire Taishi world?

This Buddha is too powerful!

Zixi suddenly formed a seal with his hands and shouted: Hum!

Xu Ying's mind was shaken by him. The moment Xu Ying's aura was shaken, Zixi's aura rose from the ground and instantly rose to an extremely terrifying state. His vitality, consciousness, body, soul, yin and yang, and mental power... All have reached heights unimaginable by ordinary people!

Six haloes of light appeared behind him, and he actually stood up to Xu Ying. He said with a smile: My master tried to refine the ancient Buddha, which led to the disaster of the demon invasion more than 40,000 years ago, but it also fulfilled my master's undesirable wish. World famous.


His seals changed again, forming another seal. Accompanied by a Sanskrit sound, his aura increased again, suppressing Xu Ying's aura!

What he used was the righteous Dharma in the Nuo Dharma, which was passed down by the immortal people of Kunlun. It was upright and without flaws.

Not only that, the Buddha's light shines brightly in these six caves, and a shadow of a giant Buddha vaguely appears in each cave. Sitting in the cave, it actually breaks through the suppression of Xu Ying's momentum!

Xu Ying looked at this scene in surprise and praised: Zixi, you have integrated the ancient Buddha's Taoism with today's Taoism? You are really a genius!

Zixi laughed and said: Xu Ying, you thought you could suppress me, what now?

The phantom of the giant Buddha in his cave even gave off the aura of the great avenue from ancient times!

Xu Ying praised: The ancient Buddhist teachings are indeed unique. It is indeed extraordinary that you can combine the teachings of the two eras.

Zixi smiled and said: Although the ancient Buddha caused a great disaster and caused the entire Taishi world to almost fall, it also allowed Master to see the power of Buddhism. Xu Ying, if you hand over the cultivation method of the immortal world, I will forgive you. You won’t die.”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Even if I teach you, you won't be able to learn it.

Zixi smiled and said: Then, I have to come and get it myself!

His figure suddenly moved, and his magical power was revealed. In terms of cultivation, whether it was spiritual consciousness, vitality, physical body, soul, yin and yang, etc., he could keep pace with Xu Ying, or even surpass him!

He came here to harvest Chu Tiandu and seize the Six Secret Ancestral Techniques!

But since Chu Tian is pretending to be Xu Ying, then he will take advantage of the opportunity to harvest Xu Ying and seize Xu Ying's fairyland cave!

His magical powers are also extremely exquisite. He has the magical powers of the Buddhas in ancient times and the magical powers of the current era, integrating the two systems into one. The seal contains Taoism, which is unique and admirable!

Xu Ying stood there and didn't move when he suddenly flexed his fingers, clanking, and made three loud noises in succession, like the strings of a piano collapsing. The three caves behind Zixi, Niwan, Yuchi, and Huangting, suddenly fell off and scattered in all directions!

Zixi only felt that his cultivation power was declining sharply. The next moment, he was suppressed by Xu Ying's majestic aura, and his magical power of sealing could no longer be delivered.

He struggled hard, but without the three caves, no matter how hard he struggled, it was difficult to resist Xu Yong's majestic oppression.

A few years ago, I left the world of Yuanshou.

Xu Ying's face was indifferent. He slowly bent a finger and flicked it. He said, Before I left Yuanshou, I was determined to wipe out all the fishermen. By then, I had obtained the four great Nuo ancestor caves and understood one of them. Zufa.”

Zixi's face turned red and he tried to get in front of Xu Ying, but as Xu Ying flicked his fingers, the Jianggong Cave Heaven behind him shook violently and broke away from his body!

He suddenly felt that all his divine power was being discharged rapidly, and his strength was weakening.

Since then, there is no secret in the world of Nuo in front of me. I knew then that I am different from other Nuo masters. I have become the ancestor. Nuo ancestor.

Xu Ying once again curled up his index finger, flicked it lightly, and said leisurely, To this day, I can't believe how much better I was when I surpassed Nuo Ancestor. Even a great master like you is like dirt in front of me.

Zixi's body was shaken, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. Behind him, springs gushed and floated in the sky, like a lotus spinning and flying away.

His spiritual cultivation declined sharply.

Now, he only has Yujing Cave Heaven left, and the pressure brought by Xu Ying on him is getting bigger and bigger, making it increasingly difficult for him to resist.

Xu Ying curled up a finger again and said quietly: It's too presumptuous for you to perform Nuo skills in front of me.


With a flick of his finger, Yujing Dongtian behind Zixi also broke away from his body and flew out.

Xu Ying bent another finger and said calmly: When I pop out my finger, a hole the size of a finger will be opened in your forehead, and a hole the size of a fist will be opened in the back of your head.

Zixi said in a hoarse voice: Wait a minute! I know where the ancient Buddha was suppressed by Master! It was suppressed at the old site of the Great Leiyin Temple!

Xu Ying stretched out his fingers and asked: Where is the old site of Daleiyin Temple?

Zixi said: It's right at Leiyin!

Thunder sound place? Xu Ying was stunned.

Zixi said: Yes! There is the sound of thunder there, but there is no thunder. As long as you walk there, there will be a thunder in your ears. You will never go wrong!

Xu Ying curled his fingers. Zixi's hair stood on end and he screamed: What are you doing? Xu Ying, you don't keep your word! I will fight with you!

Xu Ying flicked his fingers, and Zixi hurriedly raised an object to greet Xu Ying.

Xu Ying heard a Buddha's name in his ears, and visions abounded in front of him, as if he was falling into a sea of ​​fire. In front of him, an angry Buddha slowly stood up from the sea of ​​fire with his feet on flaming golden lotus!

Donor, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless.

The Buddha was surrounded by chains. He leaned down and looked down, chanting Sanskrit chants, When you turn around, you will find the shore!

Xu Ying clung to Taiyi and shouted: What kind of magic weapon are you? How dare you invade my consciousness? Break it for me -

He shouted violently, summoned his consciousness and rushed away. The Buddha's sea of ​​fire and golden lotus in front of him quickly shrunk, turning into an iron-clad Buddha only the size of a palm, and fell to the ground!

But Zixi and the six caves he chopped down took the opportunity to disappear!

On the wall opposite where Zixi stood before, there was a pool of blood and a piece of scalp with hair, which should be the back of the head.

I thought that Xu Ying's finger would pop out, and it would really make a finger-sized hole in his forehead, and the back of his head would fly out with the fist-sized head!

On the side, Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang looked at Xu Ying in horror. Master Fire Dragon whispered: Disciple, write it down, Old Demon Xu's words don't count.

Han Zekang quickly wrote it down.

Zixi is still alive like this! The elixir accumulated in this kid's body must be extremely terrifying!

Xu Ying looked solemn as he picked up the Iron Buddha on the ground. The Iron Buddha was somewhat similar to the Angry Buddha he had just seen.

Zixi sacrificed this object, affecting his consciousness and dragging him into the illusion of Buddha's wrath!

This iron-embellished Buddha doesn't look anything special. It doesn't look like a magic weapon. It's just an ordinary lump of iron. However, there is a strange power flowing inside.

Xu Ying couldn't see anything strange, so he put away the iron body Buddha and thought to himself: Zixi is proficient in the Buddhism of the ancient times, but what about the Xuankong God King? Zixi's skills are from Xuankong's teaching.

He looked solemn: Let's go! We must leave as soon as possible!

He walked around and said silently in his heart: Zixi probably hid the secrets from Xuan Kong in harvesting other strong men in Mount Xumi this time. He saw the power of the Six Secrets from Chu Tiandu, so he had the idea of ​​harvesting others. . His goal is to harvest me, so he shouldn’t tell Xuan Kong that I am Xu Ying! I still have time to refine the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron!

Xu Ying calmed down.

Zixi will definitely not miss this rare harvest opportunity, especially when he was suppressed by Xu Ying just now, which will make him eager to devour others to surpass Xu Ying.

The chaos in Mount Sumeru is a foregone conclusion.

This period of time is the time for Xu Ying to refine the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron.

However, refining the Huntian Cauldron was much more difficult than he expected.

When he refined the Third Tianguan, Xiandao Yaochi and Twelve Layers Tower, it was very simple and it was done naturally. Only the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron contains too much incense, and the incense is the most mixed, containing the thoughts of all living beings.

These thoughts are the sounds of prayers, supplications, and various wishes. It is difficult to judge between good and evil, and difficult to refine.

Moreover, there is a different kind of brand in this cauldron, which is extremely powerful and weird. It should be the Buddhist brand of Xuan Kong, which is very difficult to refine.

However, the Huntian Cauldron is, after all, a magic weapon refined in Xu Ying's first life. It is only a matter of time for him to completely refine the Huntian Cauldron.

Zixi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said silently in her heart: Xu Ying is really powerful. He can stand in front of my master, split into three, make the tiger leave the mountain, deceive my master and others, and seize the water and fire Huntian Cauldron. He is worthy of it. He is an old demon! I heard from Master that he also possesses the Six Secrets, and it is the ancestral method. He must be harvested!


Zixi felt awe-inspiring and hurriedly bowed and said: Master.

God King Xuankong came over, spread out his palms from a distance, and said with a gentle expression: Just now were you and Chu Tian having a fight?

Zixi hurriedly walked to his palm, bowed and said: Master has unparalleled Dharma eyes, and the disciple has indeed had issues with Chu Tian. When the disciple went down the mountain to the Demon Realm, he had a battle with Chu Tian. The disciple lost to him.

The Xuankong God King had a huge body and looked down at him from a high position, as if staring at an insect in the palm of his hand, and said: Is this Chutian Capital different from the Chutian Capital you have seen before?

Zixi recalled for a moment, shook his head and said: Master, he was wearing a mask, and the disciples didn't see the difference. However, his Six Secrets were changed and turned into a cave in the fairy world, which is very strange.

Is this so...

God King Xuankong was thoughtful and said, I am a master who is proficient in the way of heaven. He has celestial eyes and ears that can reach the sky and a mind that can observe every move in Mount Sumeru. He can hear anyone's voice and even see wherever he looks. What people think. But just now, I did not hear your conversation, nor did I see the scene in the Brahma Pavilion. Looking at his heart, I could not see what he was thinking. Those who can do this, either He has a strange treasure to protect his body, or he is as proficient in the way of heaven as his teacher...

Zixi was awestruck, but still followed his words and said: But Chu Tian is a member of the devil's way, and it is impossible to be proficient in the way of heaven.

God King Xuankong nodded slowly, his eyes still falling on him, as if he wanted to see what he was thinking.

Zixi relaxed her mind and only thought about respecting her teacher.

Ever since he became a disciple of King Xuankong, he has already developed this skill. What others have developed is duplicity, but what he has developed is duplicity, hiding his true thoughts.

God King Xuankong didn't notice anything unusual and said, Did you lose this challenge again?

Zixi's face turned gloomy: Yes. This disciple is stupid.

Xuankong God King said: It's not your fault. The Taoist and magical powers of the ancient era are indeed superb and extremely powerful. The demons in the Demon Realm are the remnants of the ancient era. The little Tianzun's extraordinary strength is the inheritance of the ancient era. .You were defeated at the hands of his disciple, and you did not lose unjustly.

Zixi bowed and said: Master, my disciple heard that there are fishermen on my Mount Xumi, eating people everywhere, causing people to panic. I don't know about this, does Master know who is responsible?

God King Xuankong was silent. Zixi felt awe-inspiring, with cold sweat on his forehead and did not dare to move.

After a while, Xuankong God King said: I don't care who the fisherman is, I don't care at all. What this fisherman does, on the contrary, plays into my hands.

Disciple is stupid. Zixi said.

Xuankong God King said: Although Mount Sumeru is the central sacred mountain of Taishi's great world, my power has never been able to get out of this central sacred mountain, because except for Mount Sumeru, everything in the outside world belongs to the emperor and is the power of the emperor. I The Immortal behind me supports me, but to him, I am just a pawn. The outcome is irrelevant to him, but it is crucial to me.

His face darkened: This time, Mr. Yuchuan, the descendant of the emperor, actually plotted against me and took away my heavenly treasure. This is a deep hatred, but he lightly exposed it, as if it was not worth mentioning. But to me, it is my wealth. Where life lies. In that case...

God King Xuankong slowly clenched his palm, and Zixi quickly flew up from his palm.

Xuan Kong said leisurely: Why don't I go with the flow and let the fisherman take this opportunity to weaken the emperor's power and devour these famous and upright sects who are subordinate to the emperor? Since it is beneficial to me, why don't I turn a blind eye? ?”

His eyes fell on Zixi in the sky, smiled, and said: Good disciple, this grand ceremony is not over yet, you continue to organize it. Do you understand?

Zixi bowed in awe, said yes, turned around and flew away.

But he was ecstatic in his heart: It turns out that Master saw it and tacitly allowed me to do this!

Xuankong watched him leave, his body suddenly straightened up, and he jumped into Qingming, his body was like a sky curtain, compatible with Qingming, and said silently in his heart: Back then, I was ordered to lead the gods of heaven to intercept the evil man Xu Ying, and I went through life and death. I made great achievements, but I was not rewarded. Instead, I was deprived of my power as a God King and was driven to the soil of the lower world to forage! Those losers who have never accomplished anything have climbed into my position!

I want to take back what belongs to me! My destiny is not a game played on the gambling table by you immortals!

I want to refine the Sumeru realm into the world of heaven, and replace it. I will become the master of the world of heaven, and control the catastrophes of all heavens and worlds. I want to become the ancestor of the gods, control the destiny of all living beings in all heavens, and gather a steady stream of incense!

Xuan Kong completely integrated into Qing Ming and whispered: Indulge Zi Xi and let him help me get rid of the emperor's influence. He will kill all the visitors. If you don't believe it, you can't force the promise!

At this time, Xu Ying went out from Brahma Pavilion and said: Master, you stay in Brahma Pavilion.

Master Fire Dragon quickly dragged his disciple Han Zekang and rushed out of Brahma Pavilion, shouting: After you go out, what if Zixi comes back and eats us?

Xu Ying asked: Both your master and disciple have practiced the Six Secrets of the Human Body?

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang nodded repeatedly.

Xu Ying said: I'm going to find the old site of Daleiyin Temple, you guys are going too?

Master Huolong and Han Zekang hesitated. The old site of Daleiyin Temple must be very dangerous. Even if it is not dangerous, it is probably the beloved of King Xuankong. Going there is obviously a risk of death!

Lord Star Sect Master!

Master Fire Dragon suddenly saw a familiar face and greeted him quickly. The Lone Star Sect Leader was a beautiful woman. Hearing the words, he looked back with a slight smile and said, Is there something wrong, Master?

Master Huolong originally planned to go with this woman to avoid being taken advantage of by Zixi, and the Lone Star Sect Master was a famous beauty, so it was easy to get close to her.

However, the moment the Lone Star Sect Leader turned around, Master Fire Dragon felt his hair stand on end as he saw a thin ray of light on the back of the woman's head!

it's okay no problem!

Master Huolong quickly approached Xu Ying and said seriously, Even if the old site of Daleiyin Temple is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, my master and disciple will accompany my fellow Taoists to try it out!

————The writing is messed up. Damn it, I scraped through tens of thousands of words to straighten out the plot.

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