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Chapter 385 The words are poisonous

There are not as many fishermen in the Taishi World as there are in the Yuanshui World. The fishermen in the Yuanshui World harvest each other, so they need to beware of each other and be careful not to get hurt. Injury means death. When they hunt, they must carefully calculate and wait for their prey. They only take action when they are hurt. They try to gain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

Xu Ying looked around at the shocked leaders and sect leaders of various sects, and said silently in his heart, Taishi Great World is so well protected by the immortals, so the fishermen here don't need to be as cautious as the fishermen in Yuanshou. .The purpose of the fisherman is to eat the fish. This person does not need to wait until the fish is injured and eats it directly.

At this moment, Mount Sumeru has become a Shura field with no entrance and no exit. Strong men from various sects gather here, and there is no immortal weapon to protect them. Instead, it has become the best place for fishermen to hunt!

As long as you eat all the people who practice the Six Secrets on the mountain, you can become the most powerful being in the Taishi world, and you can transcend tribulations and ascend, it's a piece of cake!

Xu Ying thought to himself, Could this person be an acquaintance of mine in the Yuanzai world? Logically speaking, there are no more fishermen in the Yuanzai world, and it is impossible for any fisherman to escape from Yuanzai.

Because, the owner of Niwan Palace killed all the fisherman Jiucaiguo very thoroughly!

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: Chu Tiandu! It's this Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu! Only after he came did we have fishermen who harvest other people! He is a demon, so he must be that fisherman!

A pair of suspicious eyes immediately focused on Xu Ying, and a white-haired old man said solemnly: That's right! There has never been any problem with the inheritance of Nuo in our Taishi world. No one dares to fish in our Taishi world. After Chu Tiandu arrived, chaos broke out frequently in a short period of time! Now that more than a hundred masters have died, it is hard to say that this is not a conspiracy of the demons!

For a moment, the crowd was furious: Kill him and avenge those dead fellow Taoists! The devil's thieves harbor evil intentions and everyone will find them and punish them!

Xu Ying suddenly laughed loudly, the sound was like a loud bell, making everyone's blood surge.

His laughter became louder and louder, and the sound implied the sound of the ancestral heaven and earth avenue. This sound was not abnormal to Xu Ying, but to everyone in Taishi Great World, it was the exotic demonic way!

As soon as this Tao sound came out, it immediately interfered with everyone's Tao behavior, causing their Qi and blood to be disordered, their Tao phenomena to be distorted, and their inner demons to appear!

Even the immortal way they have learned cannot be preserved!

Even the avenues of heaven and earth around Xu Ying changed accordingly, and the flowers, plants and trees also grew twisted and twisted!

Xu Ying suddenly stopped breathing, and the surrounding heaven and earth avenues returned to normal, but the flowers, plants, and trees still showed twisted postures. He said calmly: I practice the demon realm avenue. What use is your cultivation and flesh and blood? You treat your cultivation as a treasure. Because, it’s just dirt to me.”

Everyone saw the distorted scene formed by the heaven and earth avenue in the Demon Realm, and knew that what he said was true.

He practices the devil's way, but the people in Taishi Great World practice the righteous way. The ways of heaven and earth are different, and Xu Ying harvests them without any benefit!

Xu Ying glanced at everyone and said slowly: The fisherman who ate you is actually hiding among you.

He raised his finger and pointed at someone: Maybe it's him.

Everyone cast suspicious glances at the man. The man's face turned pale and he shouted quickly: It's not me! Purple-clothed Demon Lord, don't spit on me!

Xu Ying ignored it and moved his finger to the other person: It might be him. Maybe it's her!

He named names one after another with his fingers, pointing at the famous people in Taishi's world. The people he pointed out all looked pale and tried their best to argue.

This fisherman can be anyone around you, it can be your friend, it can be a fellow Taoist who is your brother! It may even be your first wife, your old friend, your disciple or teacher! But it cannot be I.

Xu Ying glanced at everyone and said leisurely, This person has been planning for a long time, allowing the flawless Nuo method to spread in the great world of Taishi, and never harvesting you. But now, on Mount Xumi, it is finally time to harvest! If you cannot leave Mount Sumeru, you will have no choice but to die in his hands.

He turned and left, leaving everyone frozen in place.

Everyone frowned and said nothing.

For a moment, suspicions and suspicions arose and spread in their hearts. Their eyes met, and then they looked away. Everyone left in unison. Even the disciple and master are strangers.

They no longer trust each other.

Prince Yuchuan suddenly shouted: Gao Xuanzong! Qi Tongshang! Dong Yu! Gao Wencai! Dai Fusheng! Zhou Youzhi! Tao Furong! Le Yuan! You stay!

The name of the person he called out was the head of the sect left by the nine immortal kings of Taishi Great World.

In the great world of Taishi, nine immortal kings were born one after another, leaving behind nine sects with countless masters and great power. But these nine major sects must obey the orders of Jiutian Daozong, because the founder of Jiutian Daozong is the emperor!

Nine figures came from all directions and gathered behind him. They were the heads of the Nine Immortal King Sects. They all bowed and said: Young Master Yu's orders.

Mr. Tamagawa ordered: This attack by fishermen is aimed at our Jiutian Dao Sect and our Bai family. You should be cautious and monitor around. If you find anyone suspicious, report it at any time!

Gao Xuanzong said: Sir, who can know whether this fisherman is among the nine of us?

Mr. Tamagawa frowned slightly.

Qi Tongshang smiled and said: The fisherman may be any one of the nine of us, or he may be the young master.

Mr. Tamagawa's heart sank slightly. He looked around and saw that the eyes of these nine people were looking at him with distrust. Obviously, Xu Ying's words just now made the nine sect masters lose their former composure.

Chu Tiandu's words are poisonous, and you are all poisoned.

Mr. Tamagawa suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, You have forgotten my identity. I am a descendant of the emperor. You fought hard for a place to be promoted and tried every means to increase your strength to fight against the catastrophe, while I ascended to be the emperor. It’s just a matter of words. Why do I need to harvest you to improve your strength and fight against the calamity?”

His words dispelled the suspicion of the nine sect masters.

The nine people looked at each other and disappeared.

Mr. Tamagawa breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of these nine people was extremely high. If they didn't trust him because of a promise, it would be a great loss to him.

Chu Tiandu! With your words, you divided everyone and kept them away from each other, making it easier for the fishermen to attack! You are really demonic!

Mr. Yuchuan's eyes flashed, he looked towards the direction Xu Ying left, and whispered, Since you can't be used by me, then I have no choice but to seize your Six Secret Ancestral Techniques and the Immortal World Cave!

Xu Ying took a leisurely stroll and returned to Brahma Pavilion unhurriedly. He was not as nervous as others.

In the Brahma Pavilion, Master Fire Dragon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him returning. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Ying quietly winked. Master Huolong understood, and in the realm of Xiyi, the Yuanshen said to the three heaven and earth Yuanshen promised: Master Xu, what is going on outside? Why are hundreds of sect leaders eaten by others?

Huang Yi Xu Ying was lively by nature and said with a smile: He is just a fisherman who specializes in harvesting Nuo Immortals. That man is hiding among us, waiting for opportunities to harvest human lives. He has already harvested many people before he was noticed!

The Fire Dragon Master was worried and walked back and forth: What should we do? There are only two seedlings left in our Condor Palace: me and A'kang. If we die, the Condor Palace will be extinct...

Xu Ying in yellow comforted him and said, Don't worry. The Condor Palace will not be extinct. I once saw that after some sects were wiped out, their immortal masters in the immortal world still appeared as saints and selected disciples to inherit the tradition. After the death of your masters and disciples, you The ancestor will definitely choose another successor.

The Fire Dragon Master groaned, thinking that it would be better not to comfort him.

Xu Ying in white was the most mature person and said: You don't have to worry, God King Xuankong already knows who this person is, and this person can't harvest us.

Master Huolong was stunned and asked in confusion: How does King Xuankong know who the fisherman is?

Mount Sumeru is a realm of its own, and God King Xuankong can control the way of heaven in Mount Sumeru. The fate of all those who enter Mount Sumeru is under the control of the God King!

Bai Yi promised, He only needs to look at the fate of these people to know their cultivation. The angler's cultivation must be the strongest among everyone except me, Bai Yuchuan and Xuan Kong! Find out! Find this person and find the fisherman.

Master Fire Dragon's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said with a smile: Then, this person is doomed! No, no! If God King Xuankong knows who this person is, why doesn't he find him out?

Xu Ying in Tsing Yi had the worst heart and smiled slightly: Except for Mount Sumeru in the Great World of Taishi, all the other immortal sects are subordinate to the emperor. The harvesting of these people on the mountain will weaken the emperor's power. The more people are harvested, the more powerful the emperor will be. The greater the loss of power. When people are panicked, Xuan Kong takes action to quell the chaos again, which is another great merit and gathers countless incense! It can not only attack the emperor's power, but also strengthen himself, why not do it?

Only then did the two of them wake up.

Except for Mount Sumeru, all other places in Taishi Great World are respected by Jiutian Daozong, and Jiutian Daozong is the actual ruler of Taishi Great World!

And by harvesting the major sects, the anglers can obviously attack the power of Jiutian Dao Sect and expand the influence of Mount Sumeru!

Huang Yi promised: The fishermen will definitely seize the time to harvest. If too many people die, each sect will be unable to help but leave Mount Sumeru. It won't be long before it's time for us to leave this place. Master, be prepared. .”

Master Fire Dragon felt awe-inspiring.

Xu Ying's words have two meanings. The first meaning is that the fishermen will also take action to harvest these masters who attend the meeting. The second meaning is that each sect will inevitably conflict with Xuan Kong!

At this time, a voice came from outside the Brahma Pavilion: The Purple-clothed Demon Lord, Zixi, a disciple of King Xuankong, is here to visit.

Xu Ying stood up and opened the door. He saw a young man in purple clothes standing outside the door. He was handsome, fair-skinned, and polite. He said: I have heard about the name of the Demon Lord for a long time. The day before yesterday, I saw the Demon Lord raise his hands and feet, defeating the masters of various sects. I couldn't help but feel I admire you. There are a lot of trivial matters on Mount Xumi, and I am responsible for the sacrificial ceremony, so I have never had time. Now that the sacrificial ceremony is over, I have the opportunity to pay my respects.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Fellow Taoist Zixi, you are polite.

Zi Xi was familiar with it and said with a smile: My little brother has long heard that the Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu practices the most advanced method of Nuo. After practicing this method, all six secrets are fully opened and there is no birth, old age, illness or death. Demon Lord, this time you Why didn't you use the Six Secrets in the fight against Bai Yuchuan?

Xu Ying said: To deal with Bai Yuchuan, why use the Six Secrets?

Zixi said eagerly: The Demon Lord's Six Secrets are unparalleled in the world. There is indeed no need to use the Six Secrets. The cave used by the Demon Lord is the Immortal World Cave Heaven, right? It's even better! Can the Demon Lord use the Six Secrets and the Immortal World Cave Heaven again? , let me open my eyes?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The reason why the six secrets are called secrets can't be revealed to others easily?

The smile on Zixi's face disappeared and she said lightly: Back then in the Demon Realm, I was defeated by the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord showed me the Six Secret Cave Heavens and showed off to me. Today, he has another expression of not remembering me. So, you Who is it?

Master Fire Dragon's heart was beating wildly, and he secretly said something bad: Master Xu has been discovered! It's over! He is notorious and has a reputation far and wide. I'm afraid he is even more hated than the fisherman!

Xu Ying's face was calm and calm, and he smiled and said: Back then, you were defeated by the Purple-clothed Demon Lord and saw his Six Secret Cave Heavens. After thinking about it, you learned from the pain and thought hard about how to defeat the Demon Lord. In the end, you finally thought of it. Harvest this This is the method you came up with for the guests who came here last time, right?

Master Huolong was stunned, his scalp numb: The disciple of King Xuankong, is that the fisherman?

Han Zekang came over and said, Master, what are you going to cook for lunch?

The Fire Dragon Master turned his head with difficulty: Good disciple, you don't have to cook for me at noon. I may never have to eat again as a master.

Zixi looked at Xu Ying with a smile on her face.

Xu Ying said leisurely: Your actions seem to be flawless, leaving no flaws, but for those who are proficient in the way of heaven, your cultivation level is obvious at a glance. You swallowed more than a hundred great masters and deprived them of their Secret Treasure and Cave Heaven, their cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds, so they came to me to show off, right?

Zixi smiled and said: So, you are proficient in the way of heaven?

I know a little better than your master Xuan Kong. Xu Ying said with a smile.

Zixi laughed softly and said: So, you are Xu Ying? The Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron fell into your hands?

Xu Ying walked towards him and praised: You are so smart, Zixi, I was afraid that you would die young.

His breath had locked Zixi in an instant, and the third Tianguan, Yaochi and Twelve-layer Tower were operating, raising his cultivation level to the extreme!

Zixi's face suddenly changed, and he immediately felt a pressure that was several times or even ten times stronger than Chu Tiandu. He quickly stepped back and said cautiously: The evil man Xu is indeed worthy of his reputation and is very vicious. What happens today is up to you and me. Take a step back, if you don’t call me a fisherman, I won’t call you Xu Ying. How about you pretend that I haven’t been here before?”

Xu Ying's momentum never relaxed at all, and he pressed forward step by step, saying: Zixi, have you seen a young monk trapped in the darkness in the Great Leiyin Temple?

Zixi's face changed slightly and she lost her voice: Did you see it too?

Xu Ying looked at him deeply and said, Did you hear what he was shouting?

Zixi shook his head: I only saw the illusion and the young monk when I entered the Great Leiyin Temple by mistake.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said, What did your master Xuan Kong dig up in the Great Leiyin Temple back then, which led to the invasion of the Demon Realm?

Zixi said: A Buddha. A living Buddha!

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