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Chapter 387 Ancient Buddha

Xu Ying also didn't know where the old site of Daleiyin Temple was. This temple had been moved more than 40,000 years ago. After the move, a lot of construction work was carried out on the mountain, and many shrines, temples, altars and statues were built.

In addition to this, there are places where the patrons of the gods live, places where the servants of the gods live, and places where the disciples live.

In addition, there are harems of gods, often women donated by mortals.

The gods of Xumi do not eat humans, so they were placed in the harem.

Xu Ying took a leisurely stroll and walked around. He remembered Zixi's words, and the place where the sound of thunder was was the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

Master Huolong and his disciples followed him, both of them looking frightened, because not long after, they met another sect master of Taishi Great World, walking on the street just like when he was alive.

The sect leader even greeted them kindly.

This person's obsession has not dissipated. He doesn't know that he is dead, but he is still the same as before.

Look, Master Ziyang!

Master Fire Dragon saw another person, his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice, He was also harvested!

The Master of Ziyang Sect looked as usual and said with a smile: What harvest? Master Fire Dragon, please don't joke. When I met little friend Zixi and listened to his sermon, I felt more relaxed than ever before and my Taoist mind was clear. I suddenly felt that life is hard work. Why bother working so hard? Why not relax, let your mind go, and enjoy life.

Han Zekang couldn't help but said: You were let go by Zixi!

The Fire Dragon Master quickly pulled him away and whispered: Have you forgotten what I warned you? Trouble comes from your mouth!

As they walked along, they met more and more human skins, all of them were sect masters or celebrities with immortal family backgrounds in the Great World of Taishi.

Hanzekang counted, they met more than 60 masters one after another, and were harvested by Zixi into their human skins!

Why don't you all get together?

Han Zekang murmured, When we get together, Zixi won't dare to take action.

Master Fire Dragon shook his head and said: They don't know who the fishermen are, so of course they don't dare to get together. If they spread out, they will be harvested by Zixi one by one. There will only be more and more people harvested like this. Zixi The strength will also become stronger and stronger!

He glanced at Xu Ying. What caused the current situation was precisely because of Xu Ying's words that led to the breakdown of trust between people.

However, even if Xu Ying didn't say those words, the trust between people would still be broken down. As long as the real culprit is not found, everyone will be suspicious of each other, and naturally there will be no trust!

Young Master Yuchuan looked solemnly as he looked at Gao Xuanzong, the master of Huanjian Valley. Gao Xuanzong smiled and didn't pay attention to his scrutiny.

Young Master Tamagawa shuddered and whispered: There are only four of the nine Immortal King Sects left. Even Gao Xuan Sect...

He couldn't help but shook his head.

There was also a thin crack on the back of the neck of Gao Xuanzong, the master of Huanjian Valley, but Gao Xuanzong seemed unaware and said: Sir, I have only now realized the true meaning of life. I need to let go of myself. Why don't you try?

Mr. Yuchuan's face darkened and he said, Gao Xuanzong, who killed you?

Who killed me?

Gao Xuanzong was stunned and laughed, Who can kill me? I, Huanjian Valley, belong to the sect of the Immortal King. I practice the Immortal King's magical powers and my sword skills are unparalleled in the world. Who dares to kill me? Who can kill me?

Mr. Tamagawa frowned and asked another question, Who was the last person you saw?

Gao Xuanzong smiled and said: Isn't he just the young master?

Young Master Yuchuan asked again, but Gao Xuanzong was still obsessed with him and could not answer many of his questions. Young Master Yuchuan had to give up and whispered: Gao Xuanzong is dead. Gao Wencai, the leader of Shenyin Sect, is dead, and Dai Fusheng, the leader of Tiandao Sect, is also dead... Who is targeting my Jiutian Dao Sect?

At this time, Xu Ying came towards him, walked past him, and said casually: Whoever benefits the most is the one.

Young Master Yuchuan was stunned, with a look of shock on his face, and murmured: The one who has gained the most is naturally...Xuankong God King!

He looked up at the sky and said to himself: Yes, the one who will benefit the most is Xuankong God King! Xuankong God King can take this opportunity to attack the sects all over the world and greatly damage the strength of our Jiutian Dao Sect. At the same time, He can force out that promise. He loves to see it come true!

His expression darkened. When Divine King Xuanyu took away the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, the immortal being behind Xuankong laughed and said that the emperor had a small victory, so he did not continue to pester.

This is the magnanimity of a great man.

The emperor also has such magnanimity.

He used to envy and appreciate such magnanimity.

But what if the chess piece sacrificed by the big shot was him? Could he still appreciate this magnanimity so much?

The purpose of God King Xuankong is to take this opportunity to uproot the power of Jiutian Dao Sect and turn the entire Taishi World into his sphere of influence!

Mr. Yuchuan's face trembled. The emperor was a big shot. Even if Bai Yuchuan died here, the emperor would smile generously and say that Taoist brother is a little better.

Young Master Yuchuan suddenly turned around and shouted to Xu Ying: Chu Tiandu, do you want to join forces? Mount Xumi has become extremely dangerous. If we don't join forces, it will be difficult to survive!

Xu Ying waved his hand without looking back: Ask me to take refuge in you? You are not worthy. Bai Yuchuan, can you still contact the immortal world now? If you can't, you'd better run for your life!

Prince Tamagawa was furious and wanted to take action, but he endured it.

It is true that he has been unable to contact the fairy world.

The entire Sumeru Mountain seems to have an invisible network, blocking all means of contacting the immortal world.

Xuankong, you want to eradicate all of us and then dump us to that fisherman? What a dream!

Young Master Yuchuan whispered, We must leave this place as soon as possible! No matter what method we use! Qi Tongshang, Le Yuan! In the name of my Nine Heavens Dao Sect, I call on everyone to gather here and break out of Mount Sumeru together!

Qi Tongshang and Le Yuan were also one of the Nine Immortal King Sects. When they heard the words, they bowed and said yes, and immediately flew in the sky while their spiritual consciousness spread to all directions, turning into sounds in the minds of those covered by their spiritual consciousness!

All the sects in the Great World of Taishi are listening to the order, and by the orders of Master Yuchuan of the Nine Heavens Dao Sect, we have summoned you to gather here to break out of Mount Sumeru together and save your own lives!

God King Xuankong can't protect us. Rather than sit here and wait for death, it's better to break out with Mr. Yuchuan and go back to their respective homes. At least we will be protected by immortal weapons!


Prince Tamagawa raised a big flag, and the flag soared into the air and spread out in the sky. The words Nine Heavens were swimming like dragons, as if they were about to jump out of the flag.

Soon after, someone followed the flag and rushed here.

As time goes by, more and more people come here.

Jiutian Daozong, Mr. Tamagawa, is enough to gather people's hearts.

However, Mr. Tamagawa's heart was getting heavier and heavier. There were a lot of people gathered around him. People were jostling one after another, eagerly waiting for his order to rush out of the mountain.

But Mr. Tamagawa was still unable to issue this order, because most of the people who came here had a thin cut mark on the back of their neck, and there was a faint light coming from it.

These dead people only have obsessions and don't have so much mind, so they will come when they hear his call. But those who are not dead are very thoughtful. When they see that the people gathered here are all human skins, they will suspect that Bai Yuchuan is the fisherman and dare not come.

Others came here and quietly retreated, so what was left was almost all human skin.

The corners of Mr. Tamagawa's eyes trembled: Is it not impossible for me to take these skins and fight my way out of Mount Sumeru...

He sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation and asked everyone to join the formation. They stood at various points in the Immortal Formation and thought to themselves: These human skins don't know that they are dead. They only have obsessions left. They can be better controlled and used to set up the formation. It’s the most suitable! With these people, I can not only break out of Mount Xumi, but even fight Xuan Kong, it’s not impossible!”

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Formation slowly disappeared. Master Yuchuan led hundreds of human skins and flew out of Mount Sumeru. His eyes flashed: I want to see who dares to stop me!

Suddenly, a god from the four realms of Sumeru came forward to stop him. One of the gods said: The King of Gods has ordered that the promise of stealing the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron is among you. If the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron is not found, no one can even think of leaving. !”

Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said: My life is about to be lost, so what's the use of the cauldron? If you block my way, I'll kill you without mercy!

Those gods naturally refused to let go without the order of King Xuankong.

A fierce light flashed in Mr. Tamagawa's eyes, and a fairy wind blew out from the fairy map. The next moment, all the gods in front of him melted their flesh and blood, turned into white bones, and fell down.

More gods from the four realms flew in, and another stream of fairy fire came out of the fairy map. Those gods instantly turned into ashes!

Xu Ying searched for a long time, and when he suddenly passed by a stone forest, he suddenly heard a sound of thunder in his ears.

Xu Ying took a step back, took another step forward, and heard the sound of thunder again, but there was no thunder.

The old site of Da Leiyin Temple is right here!

He felt happy and looked at the stone forest. The stone forest was like petrified tree stumps, standing there one by one, about ten feet high, and the tallest one was only three to five feet tall.

Xu Ying walked into the stone forest and seemed to hear bursts of Sanskrit sounds, but if he listened carefully, there was no sound.

He came to a stone pillar and examined it carefully, but he saw that there were architectural structures on the stone pillar, like ancient stone towers. The inside of the stone tower showed strange shapes, like the imprints of giant Buddhas.

It's just that time has passed and it has been weathered.

He walked up to it and reached out to touch it. Suddenly his vision went dark, and his senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, etc. were all suddenly deprived of him.

Xu hurriedly took a step back, his hands leaving the stone tower, and his senses such as vision and hearing were restored.

These stone towers are magical weapons used by Buddhism in ancient times to suppress them! Xu Ying suddenly realized.

Although the stone tower is dilapidated and looks like a forest formed by stone pillars, the suppressive effect left over from ancient times is still there and is very powerful. It is promised that for such a person, all senses will be suppressed when touched!

What exactly are these stone towers suppressing?

Xu Ying thought and walked forward. He has entered the area of ​​the former site of the Great Leiyin Temple. Passing through this stone pagoda, it should be the former site of the Great Leiyin Temple!

Suddenly there were two dong dong sounds behind him. Xu Ying turned around and saw Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang falling to the ground on their backs!

The master and disciple must have been curious and touched the stone tower. Xu Ying shook his head.

Master Huolong and Han Zekang woke up. The master and disciple looked at each other, and with lingering fears, they hurriedly trotted to keep up with Xu Ying.

Xu Ying led them out of the stone forest, and what they saw was a huge pit. The pit should be the former site of Daleiyin Temple!

This deep pit is dug diagonally downward, getting deeper as it goes forward. The road is paved with stone steps. On both sides of the stone steps are giant Buddha statues standing solemnly along the stone walls.

At the end of the pit, two giant Buddhas stood on both sides of a portal. The pit was unknown how deep it was, and the foreheads of the two giant Buddhas were just level with the ground.

Xu Ying walked forward, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, as if the giant Buddha statues on both sides were still chanting sutras.


The Fire Dragon Master offered sacrifices to the soul, the surrounding fire danced, and the talismans flew.

Retreat! Retreat! Master Fire Dragon whispered.

Han Zekang jogged all the way to the Buddha statue on the stone wall on the left, lit a handful of incense, and offered incense to the Buddha statues one by one.

No incense, no incense!

Master Fire Dragon rushed towards him in a hurry, extinguished all the incense without any explanation, and looked up nervously, only to see the scent of incense curling upwards and getting into the nostrils of the Buddha statues.

The Buddha statue shook slightly, and then the closed eyes slowly opened, and there was a terrifying light surging in the eyes.

The master and apprentice were so nervous that they grabbed each other's hands, but fortunately there was not much incense, and the Buddha statues slowly stopped moving.

Xu Ying had already arrived in front of the huge door, and looked inside through the crack in the door. He saw a sea of ​​fire inside, with blazing karma fires burning everywhere.

There is a golden lotus blooming in the fire of karma.

On the lotus throne, there is a faint Buddha sitting dangerously, with chains wrapped around him.

This Buddha is almost exactly the same as the angry Buddha he saw in the vision of the Iron-Embedded Buddha!

Master Huolong and his disciples came over and lay down at the crack of the door to look inside. Han Zekang murmured: This Buddha is the living ancient Buddha dug up by King Xuankong! He was suppressed here. !”

Xu Ying took out the Iron Buddha he got from Zixi. The Iron Buddha suddenly flew up with a buzzing sound, and the light shone brightly. Two rays of light shot out of the Iron Buddha.

Various strange patterns suddenly appeared on the portal in the center of the two giant Buddhas. It was a seal structure and extremely complex.

The Fire Dragon Master said: Unlock these Dao patterns and you can open this portal.

Xu Ying nodded and said, That's right. After saying that, he grabbed the iron tire Buddha and turned around to leave.

Master Huolong was stunned and quickly followed him, saying, Young master, don't you plan to break the seal and rescue this giant Buddha?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: There is something weird about this big Buddha. The person who suppressed him should not be Xuankong. These Dao patterns are from the ancient times, and Xuankong has not been able to arrange such exquisite suppression Dao patterns.

He paused and said: Xuankong probably didn't open this portal at all back then, but moved the Great Leiyin Temple away and found this portal. As a result, the aura of this ancient Buddha was released, affecting Taishi. The Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Great World! The Buddhist Dharma practiced by Xuan Kong and Zi Xi should also be taught by this great Buddha!

The ones who suppressed this great Buddha were none other than the Buddhas from the Great Thunder Sound Temple! The reason why this great Buddha taught Xuan Kong was because he wanted him to help him unlock the seal!

Xu Ying sneered, Xuankong found himself another backer!

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang were stunned when they heard this. Han Zekang chuckled and said, This is just your guess...


The Iron-Tired Buddha in Xu Ying's hand suddenly sighed quietly and said, Xuankong, this Benefactor Xu is too smart. Since he is not enlightened, you can send him on his way.

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