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Chapter 384 The Ultimate Reaper

Escape to the other side?

Xu Ying didn't understand what he meant and quickly said loudly: Fellow Taoist, are you on the other side and want to escape from the other side?

His voice came out, but I don't know if the young monk heard it.

The young monk seemed to be frozen in time, motionless, with tears on his face.

His voice came out a long time ago, and it was only then that it reached Xu Ying's ears. And when Xu Ying's voice passed through, he didn't know when it would reach his ears, and when he responded, he didn't know how long it would be.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand towards him, trying to see if he could catch his hand. Suddenly, the darkness split into pieces and fell apart.

Countless rays of light emerged in front of Xu Ying's eyes, and he was pulled back by a strange force, returning from the illusion to reality. I saw that the top of Mount Sumeru in the darkness was getting further and further away from the young monk.

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful, and did not move for a long time.

Did he warn me to escape from the other side, or did he want me to help him escape from the other side?

He was puzzled why he wanted to escape from the other side?

Nuo method and the recently rising martial arts are all based on the other shore. The six secrets of the human body are to contact the six other shores in the void, and use Nuo method to fish for the elixir of the six other shores, so as to achieve the purpose of immortality. .

The Buyi Martial Emperor Shen Luo and Zuting Xiao Tianzun opened up the other side of the martial arts, using the spirit of martial arts to open up the seventh cave, reach the other side of the martial arts, and improve their martial arts attainments.

Escape to the other side, is it to escape from these places?

But what danger could there be on the other side?

Moreover, based on Xu Ying's cave in the Immortal Realm, Xu Ying even suspected that even the Immortal Realm was a world beyond. But this world on the other side is extremely huge, far beyond other other shores!

If this guess is correct, what danger can there be in the fairy world?

Xu Ying carefully recalled the situation when he saw the young monk, and his heart moved slightly: Wait a minute! The top of Mount Sumeru broke away from Mount Sumeru and flew into the darkness carrying all the Buddhas in the void. Could it be that the top of Mount Sumeru was flying away? Is the direction to the other side?

He recalled what he saw at the Great Leiyin Temple. Before that scene happened, the light on the Buddhas was dim and covered with dirt. It was obvious that they were not in good condition.

Does this have anything to do with ascending to the other side?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, interrupting his thoughts. Master Tamagawa's voice came from outside, smiling: Mohou, let's go out for a walk together?

Xu Ying suppressed the reverie in his heart, stood up, opened the door, and said to Master Huolong and Han Zekang: You stay here, Mr. Yuchuan and I will go out for a walk.

Master Fire Dragon responded and sat there motionless.

Han Zekang was puzzled. He felt that his mentor's cultivation was improving rapidly, and bursts of mysterious Tao sounds came from his body, as if he was about to enter the Tao!

Master's talent is really not very high. The Tao, Dharma and magical powers he taught me are not even as great as what I have realized. Why did he suddenly become enlightened today?

He was confused and asked, Is it possible that Master is a late bloomer? He only realized his enlightenment with half of his legs in the coffin. This is too late.

Master Fire Dragon's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and his Taoism has become higher and higher, and the speed of improvement is frightening. It's just that Han Zekang never expected that there were three promises in the Xiyi Domain of his teacher, who would teach him while refining the Huntian Cauldron, so his cultivation and Taoism could progress so quickly.

Outside Brahma Pavilion, Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan walked hand in hand to enjoy the scenic view of Mount Sumeru. Xumi Mountain is like a fairyland, with pavilions, pavilions, meandering water, Hongqiao lying on the waves in the distance, and Langyuan fairy flowers nearby.

Immortal deer approach people, immortal cranes are not afraid of life, and there are ancient giant beasts prostrate in the mountains, roaring from time to time.

Mr. Yuchuan looked into the distance and said: The origin of Mount Sumeru is extremely ancient. It is said that it has existed for countless thousands of years in ancient times. The sect here is called Buddha and has great supernatural powers. Then it disappeared overnight, leaving only Daleiyin Temple. It is sad that a civilization that flourished for a while disappeared into thin air.

Xu Ying asked: Master Yuchuan, does he know anything about the demon invasion 40,000 years ago?

Mr. Tamagawa did not speak.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Forty thousand years ago, the Demon Realm was still a piece of loose sand, and it is still a piece of loose sand today. It was impossible to have the strength to invade the great world of Taishi. At that time, the Little Heavenly Lord of the Demon Realm was still a yellow-haired kid, and he did not have the courage to invade. Taishi World. I heard that during the demonic invasion, the avenue of alien world actually started from Mount Sumeru and spread to the entire Taishi World.

Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said: What the Demon Lord wants to say is that someone deliberately created an invasion of the Demon Realm to give God King Xuankong an opportunity to perform meritorious deeds? Your idea is too bold. It would release the alien avenues of heaven and earth in Mount Sumeru and pollute Taishi. The world has been devastated and hundreds of millions of people have been killed or injured. Who dares to do this?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: What if he does this in order to occupy Mount Xumi? What if this person has the support of a giant from the immortal world?

Mr. Yuchuan took a deep look at him and said, You mean the immortal urn that flew out of the Huntian Cauldron, right?

Xu Ying smiled and said, I didn't say that.

Young Master Yuchuan took a long breath and praised: The Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu, the number one young person in the Demon Realm, I have been famous for a long time. When we meet today, my reputation is indeed well-deserved! Yes, there is indeed a giant in the immortal world behind Xuan Kong. Back then, In that demonic invasion, my Bai family also suspected that it was Him who deliberately released the demonic ways of the ancient times and polluted the world. If He wants to gain a foothold in this big world and occupy Mount Sumeru, he must have great merits! The great merits of saving the entire world, It’s enough to push His reputation to the extreme!”

Xu Ying said: After that, it will be logical for Him to take up residence in Mount Sumeru.

Young Master Yuchuan said: It's a pity that although the Bai family has such a guess, they can't provide any evidence.

Xu Yingdao: As long as we find the place where he released the evil ways of the ancient times, we can find evidence. I think this place must be related to the Great Leiyin Temple!

Young Master Yuchuan thought for a moment and praised again: Chutian deserves to be the capital of Chutian! After Xuankong occupied Mount Sumeru, he immediately moved the Great Leiyin Temple away from the top of the mountain. If what happened back then was his doing, then this location must be the same as the capital of Chutian. It’s related to Da Leiyin Temple!”

Xu Ying smiled and said: If Mr. Yuchuan is interested, we can explore the former site of the Great Leiyin Temple.

Not interested! Mr. Tamagawa flatly refused.

Xu Ying was slightly startled, not understanding what he meant.

Mr. Tamagawa said calmly: Brother Chu may have misunderstood, thinking that our Jiutian Dao Sect has enmity with Mount Sumeru, and that the emperor has a grudge against the giant behind the God King. In fact, it is not the case. The emperor and that existence are in a competitive relationship, but also in cooperation. Relationships should be fought but not broken, and any struggle in the lower world is just a game in their eyes.”

Xu Ying understood what he meant and said: It's just a game. The victory or defeat in the game will not affect the relationship between them.

Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said, This is the spirit of a great man.

Xu Ying sighed. He originally thought that Bai Yuchuan would be a good comrade, but now it seems that he is not.

The lives of billions of creatures, in front of such giants, turn out to be just the outcome of the game.

There was a sadness and anger in his heart that he couldn't express, and an ambition that he couldn't relax.

It turns out that it’s not just the way of heaven that’s corrupt!

Young Master Yuchuan looked at the vast mountains and rivers of Taishi's Great World, and said leisurely: I invite Brother Chu to come out for a meeting, but this is not the purpose. My real purpose is to get Brother Chu's people. Chu Tiandu, the Demon Realm is not a good place, The world is broken, the avenue is gone, and your talents will only be wasted there. Why not take refuge in me, I can give you more than just this world!

He paused and said leisurely: I can also make you no longer a devil and make you an immortal!

Not interested! Xu Ying flatly refused.

Mr. Tamagawa's face darkened.

Xu Ying said calmly: Young Master Yuchuan may have misunderstood and thought that immortals are very attractive to me. In fact, immortality is nothing to me. The immortality you desire is a kind of torture to me. As for demons or immortals , it’s just a name difference.”

Young Master Tamagawa smiled and said, I deeply admire Chu Tiandu for his pride. In this case, I will not force him. I heard that Brother Chu practices the Six Secrets, and I really want to see it.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You want to learn something?

Mr. Yuchuan smiled and said: I once laid an ambush in Hunyuan Palace to kill Master Xiao Tianzun, but unfortunately it was destroyed by others and I was unable to see the grace of Master. It is better to meet by chance than to meet me on Mount Sumeru. See the style of the number one person in the Demon Realm.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Your Excellency's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are also extremely exquisite. I have seen one move, which is very extraordinary. I also want to learn about the emperor's magical skills.

There was a tense situation between the two of them, and the atmosphere became increasingly depressing.

Suddenly, Lord Brahma, the crowd swayed, and the heads and heads of various sects who came to watch the ceremony rushed towards the same direction.

Hua Wuhuang, the leader of the Great Compassion Sect, is dead! someone shouted.

Hua Wuyang was fine at first, but when she turned around, she turned into human skin!

Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan were slightly moved in their hearts, and they dispersed their murderous intentions. Mr. Yuchuan said: Brother Chu, let's compete again another day!

When Xu Ying heard the word human skin, he lost all intention to fight and said, That's exactly what I meant. How about we go and have a look together?

The two of them immediately flew out of the Brahma Pavilion and rushed towards the direction of the crowd.

There was already a sea of ​​people there. There was a young man lying on the ground crying. In front of the young man stood a thin old man. He was looking at the crowd with a puzzled face and said with a smile: Fellow Taoists, why are you doing this? Why are you all gathered here? ? Good disciple, why are you crying?

He had no idea that he was dead, but he was still standing there and talking to people normally.

However, Xu Ying sensed a familiar aura from him.

The smell of obsession.

Xu Ying quickly came behind him, raised his hand and pulled down the collar of the Great Compassion Master. Sure enough, a thin ray of light shone out from under the Great Compassion Master's skin.

Xu Ying took a breath of air and murmured: Fishermen...

Young Master Yuchuan stepped forward and asked the Great Bei Sect Master: Hua Wuyan, have you practiced Nuo and opened the Six Secrets?

The Great Bei Sect Master smiled and said: That's right. Haven't everyone practiced the Six Secrets? The Six Secrets have long been spread throughout the world.

Xu Ying looked around and said in a deep voice: The Six Secrets you have obtained are from Kunlun. The Six Secrets of Kunlun contain hidden mysteries and are not the true method!

The leader of Dabei Sect smiled and said: In our great world of Taishi, which sect does not have an immortal at its head? Who dares to use Nuo methods to cut our leeks?

Mr. Yuchuan sighed, put his hand on the back of his neck, penetrated his body, and said, Hua Wuyan, haven't you seen it yet?

He withdrew his palm.

The Great Bei Sect Master was stunned and hurriedly raised his hand to grab the back of his neck, as if touching a piece of skin. It was empty inside, but there was still a slit where his hand could be inserted.

He looked pale and murmured: I'm dead, right? I'm dead?

The person next to me couldn't help but said: That's right! You are dead! Someone emptied your body, and all you have left is a piece of human skin!

When the Great Bei Sect Master heard this, he sighed, and suddenly his body seemed to be deflated, turning into a piece of human skin and falling to the ground.

When someone revealed the truth, his obsession dissipated and he died completely.

Mr. Tamagawa glanced around and suddenly said loudly: Everyone, if you have practiced the Six Secrets of the Human Body, each of you can touch the back of your head! Beware of being tricked and not knowing it!

As soon as he said this, the crowd was in chaos, and countless people raised their hands and wiped them from the back of their necks.

Suddenly someone's hand dug into the back of his neck, and someone's hand stuck into the back of his head. A horrified voice came from one after another: So, I'm dead too!

When did it happen? How come I didn't know I was dead?

Who ate me?

Questions came one after another. In the blink of an eye, the life that was still alive just now was soon shriveled up.

At this time, a gust of mountain wind blew across the top of Mount Sumeru. Those human skins did not fall to the ground, but floated away with the wind, like paper figures dancing with their limbs in the wind. It was indescribably weird!

The great world of Taichu has a complete inheritance of immortality, and those who come here are existences like the sect master, headmaster, and sect master, with profound background and high realm.

However, hundreds of great masters were harvested silently!

Xu Ying also took a breath of air. There are also reapers in Taishi World, and this harvesting method is very similar to the style of Yuanshou World!

However, the fishermen in the Yuanshou world should be dead!

Mr. Yuchuan whispered: No one has become an immortal in these years. In order to live forever, everyone has practiced the Six Secrets of Nuo. Their life span has been greatly extended. Some people can even live to 20,000 years. The cultivation strength of each sect master has long been achieved. Comparable to immortals. Someone ate more than a hundred immortals...

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air and swallowed more than a hundred immortals. This person's cultivation strength must be extremely terrifying!

Many people fell into panic and wanted to leave this place. At this time, the voices of the gods of the four realms of Xumi came from the sky: The king of gods has ordered that no one is allowed to leave Mount Xumi until the whereabouts of the Hun Tian Cauldron have been found, otherwise they will be killed!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. God King Xuankong did not allow anyone to leave the mountain, so Mount Sumeru had become a harvesting ground for that fisherman!

He scanned the crowd and saw that this fisherman was hidden among the crowd!

If we raise voodoos, we will definitely raise a voodoo king here who is more terrifying than the owner of Niwan Palace!

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