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Chapter 383 A strange reappearance

What happened just now was so fast that even Young Master Yuchuan didn't have time to notice it, but Master Fire Dragon had been paying attention to the big devil Xu Ying, so he was aware of the change when it happened.

When the water-fire hybrid heaven cauldron pressed down, it seemed extremely dangerous, but Xu Ying, Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang did not encounter any pressure.

Just then, water and fire met, blocking everyone's view. Xu Ying used a wonderful magical power to stuff this heavenly treasure directly into Master Fire Dragon's Xiyi Domain!

This kind of magical power is actually Yuhu Zhenren’s Hutian Enlightenment Sutra!

Xu Ying noticed Master Fire Dragon's gaze and blinked at him.

Xu Ying! He is not the Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu, he is Xu Ying! The evil man Xu Ying!

Master Fire Dragon's head was dizzy, and he suddenly thought of Xu Ying's true appearance. When he compared the faces of the three Xu Yings in green, yellow and white just now, how could he still not guess the truth?

The villain promised to be by their side all the time!

The Master almost fainted, remembering that when he was at the foot of the mountain, Xu Ying said his name was Xu Ying, and their master and disciples laughed at him for picking such an evil name.

Thinking about that scene now, the master and the apprentice really broke into Merlin on a broomstick, bringing bad luck to the sky.

The lackey promised by the evil man is worse than the lackey of the Purple-clothed Demon Lord Chu Tiandu!

Master Huolong didn't dare to speak, his face turned pale, and he thought to himself: What should I do? The Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron is in my Xiyi Domain. Should I hand it over, or should I keep silent?

His heart was pounding. If he handed it over, he was afraid that the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron would explode in his body and kill him before he even opened his mouth.

If he doesn't hand it over, wouldn't he be Xu Ying's lackey? In that case, all the merits I have accumulated in my life will be lost!

Even if I hand him over, I'm afraid he will be considered a lackey of Promise.

The Fire Dragon Master secretly complained in his heart, After all, the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron is in my body, not Xu Ying's.

Young Master Yuchuan was shocked and angry. He rose into the air and glanced around. The Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron was something that the Emperor must obtain. He was responsible for capturing the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron this time.

The emperor gave the immortal cauldron and asked the gods and god kings of heaven to help. Originally, Master Yuchuan had arranged for the three god kings to seize the cauldron and lure Xuan Kong away. Then he took action himself to fight against Xuan Kong's incarnation of the merits of water and fire, using the immortal cauldron to fight against it. Immortal Ruan, let the other nine Immortal King Sects take action to steal this treasure.

However, the appearance of three Xu Ying made him simply go with the flow and let Xu Ying lure away Xuan Kong's incarnation of water and fire merits. God King Xuan Yu came to seize the tripod, so he didn't have to come forward in person.

Unexpectedly, now that I have obtained this cauldron, I can actually beat the odds!

What’s even more annoying is, where did the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron go?

In the sky, the gods guarding the four realms of Sumeru were furious and faced the gods of heaven who had been killed in the sky. The two sides fought together!

The gods of the four realms of Xumi are also cultivating the way of heaven. Although they are not as powerful as the gods of heaven, they are much better than the gods of heaven in terms of attainments in heaven.

The gods of heaven are man-made gods. They do not need to practice or comprehend. They only need to activate the runes of heaven on their bodies to use their supernatural powers.

The gods of the four realms of Sumeru are cultivated step by step. They need to understand the way of heaven by themselves before they can understand the runes of heaven. Therefore, they are better in the use of Taoism.

Both sides fought until rivers of blood flowed, and corpses of gods fell from the sky one after another. The three great god kings of the heavenly world were furious and committed suicide, intending to kill all the mortal gods.

The scum of the heavenly world! Take advantage of my grand sacrificial ceremony to destroy my merits and steal my magic weapon!

Suddenly, the angry voice of God King Xuankong came, and the God King's incarnation of water and fire came to kill the gods of heaven. These two incarnations have the merits of refining demons in the great world of Taishi. They have gathered the boundless energy of incense and turned it into divine power. Even the gods can't make a single move in their hands and will be killed!

For a moment, the sky was like a wash of blood and pieces of meat were like rain.

The two great virtues of Xuan Kong transformed into extremely vicious creatures, and soon the gods suffered heavy casualties.

The three great god kings couldn't help but get angry and came to surround and suppress the two incarnations of the god king Xuankong.

Xuanxing God King had a hot temper and sneered: Xuankong, when I gave you a way to survive, I just kicked you out of the world of heaven and didn't take your life. I didn't expect that you actually planned to create another world of heaven! You can't be tolerated!

The two incarnations of Xuan Kong were not as strong as these three god kings, and they immediately fell at a disadvantage, and their meritorious deeds were about to break after being beaten.

Three fellow Taoists, we haven't seen you for a long time. Do you only dare to bully my incarnation?

Xuan Kong's voice came from afar. Before anyone arrived, the force of his palm arrived first. The force of his palm made the space dent, forming a big hand and slapping at the three god kings!

The faces of the three god kings changed slightly, and they immediately met with pairs of palms. The moment the palm power of both parties exploded, brilliant heavenly runes appeared on each of the three god kings, all over the sky.

The three god kings groaned and staggered back. King Xuanyu shouted: All gods return to the world of heaven! Get the divine weapons of heaven to help!

The sky has not yet closed, and the gods are fighting and retreating, and they have returned to the world of heaven.

The three god kings faced off against Xuan Kong to buy time so that the gods of heaven could leave easily.

The three god kings and Xuan Kong are mortal enemies. There was a war tens of thousands of years ago. But now, Xuan Kong's strength is much stronger than then, and the way of heaven is complete. Even if the three god kings join forces, it will be very difficult and some can't bear it. live.

The three god kings were secretly shocked: If he gets the Water and Fire Cauldron, even if Xuan Hao is resurrected, we, the four god kings, will be no match for him if we come together!

It was difficult for the three god kings to escape. Fortunately, the gods who returned to the world of heaven immediately sacrificed the heavenly artifacts. In an instant, more than 300 heavenly artifacts filled the sky, showing the majesty of heaven!

The power of the entire heavenly world seems to be suppressed.

Seeing this, Xuan Kong suddenly pulled away, unwilling to fight them to the death.

The three god kings breathed a sigh of relief, and Xuan Chen and Xuan Xing took the opportunity to return to the world of heaven and ordered the gods of heaven to put away the artifacts.

Divine King Xuanyu fell one step behind and said: Xuankong, we really want to seize your heavenly treasure, but the chess piece is wrong and the water-fire hybrid heavenly cauldron is not in our hands. After that, he returned to the heavenly world.

Xuan Kong looked up at the sky with a gloomy expression. He turned around and returned to the top of Mount Sumeru.

He descended to the altar dedicated to the water-fire hybrid cauldron. Previously, the water and fire mixed together here to form the vision of a sea of ​​fire and an ocean, supporting the cauldron. Now, water and fire have become the incarnations of his two great merits, but the Huntian Cauldron has disappeared!

The Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron has always been a sacred object for pacifying demons and suppressing chaos. When the Demonic Realm invaded, Xuankong held the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron to suppress the demonic chaos and incorporated the main avenue of the Demonic Realm into the cauldron.

Of course, it is understandable that He has done great deeds and saved all sentient beings in the great world of Taishi, so it is understandable that He enjoys the worship of people all over the world, but if even the orthodox traditions left by the true immortals worship Him, it would be like an old man who has hanged himself and is looking for death.

Therefore, Xuan Kong did not take any credit, and gave all the credit to the Water-Fire Hun-Tian Ding. Hun-Tian Ding wanted to be worshiped by the people of the world, and the major immortal sects would naturally come to worship Hun-Tian Ding.

The Huntian Cauldron has been undergoing forty thousand years of sacrifice, and its power is really powerful. It has perfected the way of heaven and has become the most precious treasure of the way of heaven. It is the key to his comeback. Unexpectedly, it was stolen!

Xuan Kong's eyes were as sharp as lightning, falling on Mr. Yuchuan's face.

The world of Heavenly Dao is under the control of the emperor. Since Xuan Yu has taken away the Huntian Cauldron, there is no need for Bai Yuchuan to take it from him again. Someone else has taken away the Huntian Cauldron.

When he thought of this, his eyes fell on Xu Ying. This masked Chu Tiandu was indeed very suspicious.

It would be impossible for Chu Tian to seize my Huntian Cauldron. First of all, he is not Xu Ying.

Xuan Kong said silently in his heart, The Huntian Cauldron is in Xu Ying's realm. Only Xu Ying can take the Huntian Cauldron away from me.

He frowned slightly. There were three promises in total this time, which was really weird.

When He was chasing Xu Ying just now, he was about to catch up with him, but that promise suddenly disappeared.

The same thing happened when his two great merit incarnations chased the white-clothed promise. Xu Ying in white also suddenly disappeared and could not be found!

The strong men from other sects were chasing the Qing Yi Xu Ying, I'm afraid it would be the same.

Who will take away my Huntian Cauldron?

Xuankong glanced at Master Huolong and Han Zekang, directly ignoring them. He knew exactly what these two people were.

The Condor Palace has declined, and in this generation, it has been reduced to a small sect consisting of master and apprentice. They have no ability to seize treasures.

Xuan Kong raised his toes and paused lightly, and a stream of green smoke suddenly flew out from the ground, turning into the land of the mountain god.

The mountain god Earth had short limbs, like a big potato wearing clothes. He kowtowed to Xuankong first, and then a cloud of green smoke at his feet flew up, came to the ear of Xuankong God King, and whispered to him. , couldn't help but look at Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan.

King Xuankong was surprised. According to Tu Tu, after Xu Ying offered incense, he stood there without any abnormalities. On the contrary, Mr. Yuchuan spoke strangely, and the immortal jar flew out of his sleeve, competing with the immortal jar in Hunyuanding. .

God King Xuankong took a deep look at them and said: You two young masters, the treasure of heaven has been stolen. This is a serious matter. It is better for you two to stay in Mount Xumi for a few days.

Xu Ying said seriously: What the God King said is true. The treasure has been stolen, and everyone on the mountain is suspected. It will not be too late to leave after the thief is found.

Young Master Tamagawa said: Yamachuan obeys the arrangement of the God King.

King Xuankong summoned a god and ordered: Arrange for the two young masters to live in my Brahma Pavilion.

The god said yes and led the way ahead. Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan followed him. Master Fire Dragon hesitated for a moment and then followed Xu Ying bravely.

Han Zekang said quickly: Master, why are we going to join in the fun?

Master Fire Dragon secretly complained in his heart, but said: Now we have been misunderstood and have taken refuge in Chutian City. If we leave, we will be beaten to death. It is safer to follow Chutian City.

The masters who had been chasing Xu Ying rushed back one after another, making a loud noise.

God King Xuankong rose into the sky and said loudly: The Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron has been stolen. I would like to trouble all fellow Taoists to stay in my Mount Xumi for a few days. When the thief is found, I will respectfully send you off!

The crowd was in an uproar.

Xu Ying and Mr. Yuchuan came to Brahma Pavilion and lived there respectively. Master Huolong and his disciples lived in the same courtyard. Master Huolong felt worried when he thought of the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron lying in his Xiyi Domain. Uneasy.

Suddenly, three rays of vitality flew in, green, yellow and white, and penetrated into Master Fire Dragon's bare forehead.

Master Fire Dragon did not dare to move and quietly looked inside, only to see the three colors of energy entering his Xiyi realm and transforming into three promises in blue, yellow and white.

Master Fire Dragon, there is no need to hide.

The three Xu Yings were all generous. Xu Ying in green said with a smile, Just show up and watch me refine the treasure.

Upon hearing this, Master Fire Dragon boldly let his soul appear and said: Xu Ying, you fell into Mount Xumi and are doomed! God King Xuankong has great magical powers, and other immortal sects also have many masters. It is impossible for you to bring him with you. Take Hun Tianding and escape!

Xu Ying, who was dressed in yellow, said with a smile: I can't escape, and you master and disciple will also be buried with me.

Master Fire Dragon did not dare to say anything more.

The three Xu Ying came to the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron, inspected the cauldron, and each frowned. Bai Yi promised: Xuankong used my realm of cross-refining to refine this treasure. The realm of cross-refining is the combination of water and fire in the alchemy cauldron, and the golden elixir in the cauldron illuminates the light! Now there is a cauldron, but no water and fire!

Master Fire Dragon said quickly: Water and fire have become the incarnation of the merits of water and fire of the Xuan Kong God King.

Huang Yi Xu Ying praised: What the Master said is true. We can't get this cauldron and then leave. We must kill Xuan Kong's incarnation of the water and fire virtues and collect the water and fire, so that we can have a complete water, fire and heaven cauldron!

Master Fire Dragon murmured: I didn't say I killed the incarnation of Xuan Kong, don't slander me...

The three Xu Yings sat cross-legged around the Huntian Cauldron and said in unison: Today we will refine this cauldron, improve our cultivation and strength, and then wait for an opportunity to kill the incarnation of Xuan Kong!

Around the three of them, heavenly runes were flying and imprinted into the Huntian Cauldron.

Master Fire Dragon was restless, and suddenly saw that some of the heavenly runes used by Xu Ying looked very familiar: Hey, the underworld runes?

He was very good at exorcising evil spirits, and he immediately recognized that the Heavenly Dao runes promised by Xu Ying contained many of the Heavenly Dao of the underworld, which were even more exquisite and subtle than those taught in the Condor Palace.

By comparing these Heavenly Dao runes with the Book of Yin Shen Dao, the religious classic of the Condor Palace, many things that were previously unknown will suddenly be understood!

Xu Ying, who was dressed in green, smiled and said: Master, I see that your path is of the lineage of Yinshen. Coincidentally, the four emperors of the underworld, Dongyue, Cangwu, Beiyin, and Samsara, all have a close friendship with me. I I can introduce you to him.

Master Huolong was surprised and happy, and said quickly: The Book of Yin Shen in my Divine Eagle Palace is the Taoist book that records the four emperors of the underworld. If I can meet these four ancestors, Xu Daoyou will be very interested in my Divine Eagle Palace. It’s the gift of renewal!”

When he said this, his heart suddenly suddenly thought: Dongyue, Cangwu, Beiyin, and Samsara seem to be wanted criminals in the immortal world. If I get on the line with them, well...

The Fire Dragon Master gritted his teeth and said, You can die in the morning and you can die in the evening. The left and right will always die. If you die after hearing the Tao, you will die well!

Just pity me for being such a fool...

He opened his eyes and glanced at Han Zekang, who knew nothing about it, feeling pity.

In Brahma Pavilion, Xu Ying closed his eyes and concentrated, carefully refining the Huntian Cauldron. As long as he completely mastered this treasure and used it as an external realm, he would be able to possess the four realms of his first life, and it would be tempered by an immortal king-level powerhouse. The four realms that lasted forty thousand years!

His combat power will definitely be greatly improved!

Just when he was completely forgetful, the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness. The boundless darkness seemed to have frozen in time and space. A young monk froze in the darkness, stretched out his hand towards him, and shouted.

This young monk is the ghost he saw in the ruins of Daleiyin Temple!

Am I being pulled into a fantasy again?

Xu Ying was startled, and just as he was about to break free from the illusion, the young monk's voice finally reached his ears through the layers of frozen time and space!

Escape from the other side——

Recommend a novel written by a book friend, the title is Resurgence of Trick!

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