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Chapter 382 The treasure of heaven, plundered by clever means

Just now, everyone on Mount Xumi was fighting Xu Ying to death, but now God King Xuankong and Young Master Yuchuan came forward, and the spring breeze turned into rain, sweeping away the chilling atmosphere just now.

Although everyone in Taishi World still wanted to beat Xu Ying to death, with the presence of God King Xuankong and Master Yuchuan, it was not their turn to speak.

In this world, the Jiutian Dao Sect where Master Yuchuan belongs to is the supreme, because the founder of the Jiutian Dao Sect is a famous emperor in the immortal world!

The reason why Jiutian Daozong takes the word Jiutian is because there are nine immortal kings who came from the great world of Taishi, leaving behind nine major sects, and Jiutian Daozong means the Daosect common to these nine major sects!

Seeing that they could not attack Xu Ying, these sects all looked at Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang with unkind eyes.

The master and apprentice were trembling with fear, and Han Zekang quickly pulled Master Fire Dragon to follow Xu Ying.

Master, we are Chu's accomplices now. If we don't follow Chu closely, we will be killed at any time to eliminate demons and protect the Tao! Han Zekang said.

Master Fire Dragon caught a glimpse of a circle of eyes filled with murderous intent and said angrily: Our master and disciples have always been kind to others, why have we become like this?

Han Zekang said: Master, survival is important, stop thinking nonsense!

In front, God King Xuankong laughed and said: Brother Chu, how can I not be able to bear this Hundian Cauldron? This treasure is my treasure for refining demons, and it is also the treasure of merits of my great world of Taishi, the treasure of heaven. ! Countless people’s incense has gathered together. Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, who else’s incense can’t bear it?”

Xu Ying was surprised and asked, Is this treasure so powerful?

Bai Yuchuan looked at the Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron and said, I heard that the King of Gods used this treasure to refine demons, collect all the demonic ways in Taishi's world, refine the world again, and restore a bright world to the world. Is this possible?

The God King Xuankong was tall and tall, with the aura of incense curling around his body. He smiled and said, I'm overly praised. At that time, the world was in chaos, the demonic realm invaded, the demonic way disrupted the avenue of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven did not exist, but all the true immortals were protected by immortal weapons in the dojo in the lower realm. , to resist the evil ways. I and the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron can collect all the evil ways in the world, and it is also with the help of these immortal families.

Xu Ying wondered: More than 40,000 years ago, the Demon Realm was still torn apart. It was difficult for all living beings in the Demon Realm to protect themselves. How could they invade the Great World of Taishi? The Little Heavenly Lord of the Demon Realm was already the Immortal King. I am afraid that he still does not have the strength to invade Taishi. The original world. Was the demonic invasion 40,000 years ago really a demonic invasion?

God King Xuankong glanced at him and said: Young Master Chu is not very old, but he has a deep demonic nature and is good at deceiving people's hearts.

Xu Ying laughed and said, Isn't that what a demon should be like?

Bai Yuchuan smiled and said: The Demon Lord is a wonderful man!

He couldn't help but look behind Xu Ying, and his heart was full of enthusiasm: There really is a cave in the immortal world! The emperor taught me the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Demon-Destroying Techniques and the Immortal Extinction Formation. The first purpose is to refine Xu Ying to death, and the second is to get rid of Xiucheng. That person from the Immortal World Cave Heaven! But the Immortal World Cave Heaven is so powerful, if he could be mine...

Just now, Xu agreed to duel with him, revealing the cave in the fairy world. The power of this cave made Bai Yuchuan feel greedy.

God King Xuankong's eyes fell on the mask on Xu Ying's face, and he said silently in his heart: Is the face under the mask Chu Tiandu or Xu Ying?

He was once the God King of the Heavenly World, participated in the Battle of Heavenly Road, and was no stranger to Xu Ying.

Xu Yingshi had just tried to steal the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, but he had forced him back. Now, Chu Tiandu wearing a mask appeared again, so he doubted who the person under the mask was.

He offered Xu Ying a stick of incense to lure the snake out of its hole.

If Chu Tiandu was Xu Ying, then Xu Ying would definitely not be able to bear it and would try to refine the Water-Fire Hybrid Heaven Cauldron.

This treasure has been refined by me into a treasure of merit. If you want to take away my treasure of merit, unless you have greater merit than me in refining demons!

God King Xuankong said silently in his heart, I want to see if you will reveal your flaws!

As soon as Xu Ying showed his weakness and tried to refine the water-fire hybrid cauldron, He would immediately take action, sacrifice the cauldron and kill Xu Ying!

It would be a good thing to let him die in his condition.

Xu Ying got closer and closer to the Water and Fire Cauldron, and gradually felt the pressure brought by the incense.

This tripod is said to be a treasure of merit, but in fact it absorbs the incense from all over the world and condenses it into divine power, allowing the power of this treasure to continue to increase!

Xu Ying was secretly shocked. The power of the water-fire hybrid cauldron was too strong. Heavenly runes engraved appeared on the outer wall of the cauldron, but nothing could be seen on the inner wall.

Most of the Heavenly Dao runes engraved on the outer wall of the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron are correct Heavenly Dao runes, which is extremely rare. Thinking about these years, Xuan Kong God King has settled in Sumeru and ruled the four realms. Over the years, he has gained the incense of all living beings and understood the principles of heaven. He has become much stronger than when he was in the world of heaven!

Xu Ying came to the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, took a stick of incense, and was about to offer incense to the Hun-Tian Cauldron. Suddenly, the sky changed drastically, and he saw the sky split. A young man in yellow robe came to kill him. He raised his hand and grabbed the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron. , shouted: Xuankong, you surrendered me to the refining realm and refined it into a magic weapon. Now that more than 40,000 years have passed, it's time to return it to me!


God King Xuankong was shocked. The young man in yellow robe was Xu Ying, who came to seize the treasure. Obviously the Chu Tiandu next to him was indeed Chu Tiandu!

Without thinking, he immediately rose into the air and promised to catch Huangpao.

Xu Ying, who was in yellow robe, saw that he was approaching fiercely and did not dare to confront him directly. He immediately raised his body and turned into a ray of yellow light and flew away!

God King Xuankong sneered: I asked you to escape just now, and now you still want to leave? Can you escape?

His body moved, and suddenly thunder exploded, and the sky was full of divine thunder. It was like a thunder disaster broke out in the sky. God King Xuankong controlled the extremely thick thunder light and went straight to Huangpao Xuying!

The two figures, one with extinct martial arts and Jiyi Zizi Gong, and the other with Heavenly Tribulation Technique, were both extremely fast and quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Under the Huntian Cauldron, Xu Ying held a stick of incense in his hand, seemingly stunned by this scene and a little at a loss.

A group of gods from the four realms of Sumeru rose into the sky one after another and sat high on the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron, taking strict precautions.

Suddenly, the sky split open again, and a white-clothed Xu Ying came to kill him, laughing loudly and saying: Old ghost Xuankong, you fell into my trap to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Many gods guarding the four realms of Sumeru rose into the sky to greet Xu Ying in white.

Xu Ying in white sneered and said: A bunch of false gods, let you see what a real god is!

Three thousand Heavenly Dao runes lit up around him, forming a Heavenly Dao dojo. For a time, the power of Heaven was mighty. Although the gods of the four realms of Sumeru were powerful, their Heavenly Dao was insufficient. They were suppressed one after another and fell into the water-fire Huntian Cauldron!

Xu Ying in white laughed loudly and activated his magic power to put away the water and fire dojo.

At this moment, in the water and fire dojo, the aura of incense and fire condensed, forming the two Xuankong God Kings of water and fire. He laughed and said: Xu Ying, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Do you think I am defenseless?

Xu Ying's face suddenly changed in white clothes, and he turned around and ran away.

Where to go!

The two Xuankong God Kings of Water and Fire were the incarnations of Xuankong's virtues. They immediately jumped up into the air, one on the left and the other on the right, chasing Xu Ying in white!

As soon as they left, the sky suddenly shook, and another Xu Ying in green fell from the sky, smiling: No one can stop me now, right?

He headed straight for the Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, and he was bound to win it!

At this moment, someone shouted loudly: He is the promise that breaks the path to heaven and prevents us from ascending!

As soon as these words came out, the people on Mount Sumeru suddenly became angry: The evil man made a promise, and it is hard to tolerate the law of heaven if he does not get rid of him!

Those who come to attend this meeting are usually the sect leaders of the Taishi Great World. Even if they are not sect leaders, they are elders, supreme elders and the like, and they are very powerful!

They were practicing the immortal arts passed down from their ancestors. Suddenly, all kinds of immortal arts and supernatural powers were shining brightly over Mount Xumi, towards the green-clad Xu Ying.

Although Qing Yi Xu Ying was extremely powerful, he was unable to fight against so many tyrannical beings, so he immediately turned around and left.

Everyone flew up one after another, rising from the top of Mount Sumeru, turning into colorful tracks, chasing after Xu Ying in green.

In just a short moment, only the gods of the four realms and worshipers were left on the bustling Mount Sumeru. Most of the other powerful men went after the three promises.

It's strange, how come there are three of the evil Xu Ying? Han Zekan said dully next to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying held up a stick of incense and inserted it into the incense burner in front of the huge water and fire cauldron. He smiled and said, Maybe this Xu Ying is a triplet brother!

He couldn't help but laugh, and his voice actually trembled a little.

The three Xu Yings just now were dressed in different colors. They were the three heaven and earth souls transformed by his Yi Qi into the Three Pure Ones. They were Yu Qing Qing Yi, Shang Qing Huang Yi, and Tai Qing White Yi.

The three promises were all made by him, and they all seemed like real promises!

What’s even more peculiar is that every promise has 80% to 90% of the strength of the original body!

If not, it would be impossible to lure away God King Xuankong and the masters watching the ceremony!

Bai Yuchuan coughed and said, Brother Chu seems a little excited.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Is there any?

His mind was agitated. Now that all the masters on the top of Mount Sumeru were gone, he was burning incense and interacting with the Huntian Cauldron, and there was no longer any obstacle!

Bai Yuchuan looked up at the sky, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: God King Xuankong and his two great merit incarnations were all led away by promise, and the guests who came to watch the ceremony were also led away. If there is a powerful presence at this time If it falls from the sky and takes away the Huntian Cauldron, who can resist it? Brother Chu, do you think so?

Xu Ying thought he had been seen through, but when he heard Bai Yuchuan's voice trembled a little, he was startled.

At this moment, the sky suddenly exploded, and an extremely majestic God King descended from the sky. He reached down to grab it, his voice was like a loud bell, and he said with a smile: Xuankong, you are hiding in the lower realm to refine the treasure of heaven. Your sin cannot be forgiven. Today in Japan The God King will keep it for you!

That divine king was none other than the divine king Xuanyu, one of the four great divine kings in the world of heaven. The timing of his attack was extremely clever. He grabbed the Huntian Cauldron and flew through the air!

Xu Ying was shocked and angry: He, he's a bastard! He even dares to rob my things!

Before he could take action, a golden light suddenly emitted from the Huntian Cauldron, and the Immortal Urn rose up in the golden light. A heavy voice came from the Immortal Urn: The God King of Heavenly Dao, you dare to touch my subordinates, you will live or die!

The immortal urn was only drawn with immortal runes, but the terrifying power it contained actually surpassed God King Xuanyu. The moment the immortal light bloomed, King Xuanyu vomited blood and became exhausted.

Xu Ying's eyes widened. He had expected various changes before, but he did not expect this change.

But it's natural to think about it.

Mount Sumeru is the center of the great world of Taishi, the central sacred mountain. How important and noble is its status?

More than 40,000 years ago, God King Xuankong was just an abandoned son of Heaven. He was thrown into the lower realm. Even the emperor lineage did not dare to occupy Mount Sumeru. What qualifications did he have to occupy this mountain?

Behind the Xuankong God King, there must be the support of a giant in the immortal world! The background of this giant is not inferior to that of the emperor, or even surpasses the emperor!

Various thoughts flashed through Xu Ying's mind like lightning, That's why God King Xuankong can occupy Mount Sumeru, and he can confidently accept incense and practice the way of heaven! Mount Sumeru was built by him into a small world of heaven, and he is also the one behind him. Instructed by the giant of the fairy world!”

The goal of that immortal giant is to recreate a heavenly world and replace it!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, Mr. Yuchuan beside him smiled and said: God King Xuankong indeed has profound knowledge, but if the other party also has an immortal treasure, wouldn't it be dangerous?

Xu Ying blinked and looked at Young Master Yuchuan.

Suddenly, a fairy talisman flew out of Mr. Tamagawa's sleeve and rose into the sky. This was the emperor's talisman, and it started burning the moment it flew out.

The two Immortal Ruins each bloomed with light, and an aura as deep as a mountain came out from the Immortal Ruins. Immortal magical powers flew out from the Immortal Ruins. When the two collided, it was like two emperor-level immortals competing!

Mr. Yuchuan smiled at Xu Ying and said: The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole, and after the oriole there are hawks and falcons. The world of heaven needs a treasure of heaven to control all the artifacts of heaven. Brother Chu, what do you think of this water and fire cauldron? Who will be the winner?

Before he could finish speaking, he saw God King Xuanyu suppressing his injuries, grabbing the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron, and jumping away.

Mr. Tamagawa laughed loudly and said: It seems that the way of heaven is constant, and the world of heaven is still orthodox after all. God King Xuankong has refined the treasure of heaven for more than 40,000 years, and finally made a wedding dress for the world of heaven.

God King Xuanyu stirred up his spirit, tore the sky apart, and the rays of light fell, spreading to the top of Mount Sumeru.

Opposite the crack is the world of heaven. The other gods of heaven and the two god kings stand on both sides of the crack, preparing to meet the god king Xuanyu.

At the same time, the power of the two immortal jars also exploded to the extreme. They collided with each other and burned themselves out.

The immortal jar burned blazingly, and the emperor's voice came from the flames, smiling: Fellow Taoist, it's just a game in the lower world, why use real fire?

That's what fellow Taoist said. An old voice came from the other side of the immortal jar and said with a smile, In this round, the emperor has a slight victory.

The two Immortal Urns were burned out, and Divine King Xuanyu was about to fly into the crack in the heavenly path. Suddenly, the Cauldron of Water and Fire mixed with heaven shook violently, shaking Divine King Xuanyu until his fingers exploded!

Five of God King Xuanyu's fingers were bent back, almost touching the back of his hand, and tears flowed from the pain.

The water-fire mixing heaven cauldron broke free from the hand of God King Xuanyu and fell downwards with a roar. In the world of heaven, the God Kings and Gods exclaimed, one after another got out of the cracks and grabbed downwards!

Water and fire broke out in the Huntian Cauldron, flying between the immortal urns that turned to ashes on both sides. Water and fire merged, pressing down on the top of Mount Xumi. The sea of ​​fire and the ocean merged into one, with the power to sweep the heaven and earth, shocking those who worshiped. Panicked, they fled in all directions!

Young Master Tamagawa also acted as if he were facing a formidable enemy. He activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Destroying Art without hesitation, and launched the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation, preparing to attack this heavenly treasure.

At this moment, the water and fire in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the water and fire cauldron also disappeared without a trace. The vision of water and fire seemed to have never appeared before.

The sky was clear and clear, leaving only the god who came down from the world of heaven.

Next to Xu Ying, only Master Fire Dragon looked at Xu Ying in horror and did not dare to speak.

Because the Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron is lying quietly in Master Fire Dragon's Xiyi Domain at this moment!

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