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Chapter 375 The Other Side of Martial Arts

Xu Ying was stunned: Daomen's Ancestral Court? Dao Brother, Daomen Daomen's Ancestral Court, what does it have to do with the Ancestral Court?

Only then did he notice a bright silver bracelet on the Taoist's arm, and his heart moved slightly. The last time he came here to collect Taiqing Qi to cultivate his soul, he had seen this silver bracelet.

At that time, he was frightened by the power of this silver bracelet and did not dare to move. He only took away the Taiqing Qi contained in the bracelet.

How did this bracelet fall into the hands of this weird Taoist? He was puzzled.

This treasure is so powerful that Little Tianzun doesn't dare to take advantage of it when he sees this treasure. If the Taoist takes this treasure away by force, it means that the Taoist's strength far exceeds that of Little Tianzun!

But, is there such a powerful existence in the ancestral court?

The Taoist smiled and said: The so-called ancestral court refers to the middle court for worshiping ancestors. The court where the human race originated is called the ancestral court of humanity. The court where the Taoist sect originated is called the ancestral court of the Taoist sect. The Tusita Palace of Lihentian is the ancestral hall of the Taoist sect in the ancient times. Court. At that time, the ancestors of our Taoist sect preached and taught here.

Xu Ying's expression moved slightly and he said: Then the ancestral court is...

The Taoist led the way and said with a smile: The Ancestral Court of Humanity.

Xu Ying's heart was palpitating and he said: You mean, the ancestral court is actually the ancestral court where the human race originated. But why was this place destroyed? Why did the heaven and earth avenue here also fall apart?

The strange Taoist shook his head and said: This is beyond my knowledge. Dear Taoist Xu, please come here. You come to our Taoist ancestral court. Guests and hosts can do whatever you want. Please help me to offer incense to the Taoist ancestors of my Taoist ancestral court.

Xu Ying said yes and followed him to the main hall of Tushita Palace. Looking up, he saw the words Taiqing Palace written on the hall.

Tai Qing Hall? One Qi transforms the Three Pure Ones, and among the three gods of heaven and earth, there is Tai Qing Dao Tian Zun. Is there any connection between Tai Qing Palace and Tai Qing Dao Tian Zun? There is also this place, which seems to be called The realm of separation from hatred is too clear.

Xu Ying was thinking as he followed the Taoist into the Taiqing Hall.

Enshrined in the Taiqing Hall is an old immortal with white hair and a childish face. He wears a Taoist crown, has a delicate face, slender eyebrows and a long beard. He was sitting on a wooden boat, with the immortal energy behind him forming a forest and turning into willow trees.

Xu Ying looked at the appearance of the old god, and then at the strange Taoist beside him, and actually felt that the two of them were somewhat similar.

The old man is not the ancestor of Taoism, but the soul of heaven and earth in the land of Taoqi. If you don't mind it, fellow Taoist, you can call me Taoist Taiqing.

The Taoist took the incense and said, The Taoist ancestor is no longer in this world. Fellow Taoist Xu, please offer incense.

Xu Ying took the incense and offered incense to the statue of Taoist Ancestor. He then stepped back and asked, Brother Taoist said that he is the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. Brother Taoist taught me that one qi transforms into three pure beings. The three pure ethereal beings are all the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. So, Brother Tao is the soul of heaven and earth, or the soul of others.

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: They are all.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Taoist Taiqing smiled and said: I am the primordial spirit of heaven and earth of Dao Ancestor, and I am also the primordial spirit of heaven and earth of the land of Dao Qi. When Dao Ancestor is united with Tao, I am united with heaven and earth, and I become the primordial spirit of that heaven and earth. All living beings in the ancestral court are in Dao Qi. The land worships me in order to obtain the wisdom and enlightenment of the Great Way, and I obtain their incense and become one with the heaven and earth, no different from the soul of that heaven and earth.”

Xu Ying was thoughtful.

This Taiqing Taoist seemed to be talking about his origins, but he was actually giving him instructions on how to cultivate the soul of heaven and earth.

The gods of heaven and earth are somewhat similar to the primitive gods, but they are also somewhat different. The primitive gods were born in response to people's incense and thoughts, and are in harmony with heaven and earth. Therefore, the primitive gods will naturally follow the way of heaven, respond to heaven and people, and condense the runes of heaven.

The primordial spirit of heaven and earth is the immortal god who has achieved great achievements, and his primordial spirit is transformed into it.

Its soul cultivates like the original gods, harmonizes with heaven and earth, and merges with the great road, thus forming the soul of heaven and earth.

The one Qi that transforms into three pure beings that Xu Ying practices is the essence of heaven and earth, but he does not really understand what one Qi transforms into three pure beings. It was just a coincidence that he was able to develop this magical power by joining the Tao in the land of Dao Qi.

It was only now that he truly understood the soul of heaven and earth, and he also had a deeper understanding of the transformation of one energy into three pure beings.

One Qi transforms the three pure spirits, the three great spirits of heaven and earth. Let these three great spirits merge with the great avenue of heaven and earth, and then feed them back to themselves. The speed of cultivation will be doubled with half the effort.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, Furthermore, the Yuan Shen merges with the heaven and earth and turns into the Yuan Shen of Heaven and Earth. It is equivalent to the power of the great road in the world. It is all for my use. The improvement of the Yuan Shen is really great. This is a The potential of Qi Hua Sanqing!”

Thinking of this, he bowed and thanked Taoist Taiqing.

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: My dear Taoist, why do you need to thank me? You helped me get rid of the suppression of the fairy world, gave me peaches, and gave me Qiong Yao in return. This is a good fate.

Xu Ying asked for advice: Brother Taoist, I cultivated the six secrets of the human body, opened the six secrets, opened up the cave, and fished for the elixir from the other side. But now because the cave was destroyed and the six secrets were broken, my strength has been greatly reduced. Brother Tao, is it right? Can you teach me?

Taiqing Taoist shook his head and said, I can't teach you.

Xu Ying was still waiting to ask again, but Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: In my time, there was no other shore, let alone the cultivation method of the other shore, so I couldn't teach you. Fellow Taoist Xu, you are the great master of Nuo Dharma yourself, so why do you need to ask others for help? ?If you can’t solve it yourself, how can others teach you?”

Xu Ying murmured: Am I the great master of Nuo?

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: Having the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method, he also built the Six Immortal Palaces on the basis of the Ancestral Method, refined the elixir, and blessed the world. If this is not a great master, what is it? The Tusita Palace of Lihentian is the Taoist Ancestor. The Taoist temple is filled with the imprint of Taoist ancestors in the sky and the earth. When you first studied the Tusita Palace here, you gained some insights. Perhaps fellow Taoist, you might as well stay here for a few more days, maybe you will gain other insights.

Xu Ying thanks you.

Taiqing Taoist took off the silver bracelet on his arm and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Xu, this treasure is a self-defense treasure for Taoist ancestors. Your current cultivation strength is not as good as before. Do you need this treasure for self-defense?

Xu Yingda was tempted, but still refused, saying: Brother Dao, I have the treasures of the three immortal kings, so it is not difficult to protect yourself. You should keep this trap.

Taiqing Taoist had no choice but to give up.

Xu Ying sat down quietly in Tushita Palace, comprehending the great avenue of this broken world, and capturing the imprint left by the Taoist ancestors between heaven and earth.

Taiqing Taoist came to the outside of Tushita Palace. Penglai was located outside the palace. The Taoist went straight up the mountain to Amituo Temple.

The goddess ordered a group of celestial beings to serve tea and water, and entertained them attentively. Xu Ying, the tomb grass, was also doing chores there, and was very offended, and was repeatedly bullied by other celestial beings.

Did you not send out the trap of fellow Taoist? The goddess's eyes were bright, her eyes fell on the diamond on his arm, and she asked with a smile.

Taiqing Taoist sighed and said, I gave it away three times, but I don't want it.

He was quite helpless. Xu Ying came to the ruins of Tushita Palace in his first life, and when he understood Tushita Palace, he had already given it away once. At that time, Vajra appeared, showing the power of the most precious treasure.

At that time, Xu Ying was the thorn in the side of the ancestral court, stealing treasures everywhere, digging graves, deceiving and abducting. Unexpectedly, when Jingang Zhuo came to his door, he did not touch the treasure!

The second time, Xu Ying came to the Tusita Palace ruins for the second time some time ago. He only took the Qi of Taiqing and did not dare to take the Vajra.

He offered it again just now, but Xu Ying still refused decisively.

After failing to send it out three times, Taiqing Taoist was quite helpless.

The goddess smiled and said: It's obvious that this is a trap. How can anyone dare to ask for it? If so, who can bear the karma of Dao Ancestor? Any of Dao Ancestor's enemies can crush him to death!

Taiqing Taoist nodded: That's true.

The goddess smiled and said: So, the treasure cannot be taken lightly. Brother Dao, is it possible for the Ancestral Court of Humanity to rise?

Taiqing Taoist's eyes flashed and he said: In the human ancestral court, there are not only the Taoist ancestral court, but also the demon clan ancestral court, the heavenly ancestral court, the Jinxian ancestral court, the Shangqing ancestral court, and the Ziwei ancestral court. This place must be visited again. Rise up.”

He paused and said: Back then, the human race originated here and spread all over the world. Kunlun was the ancestral land connecting all worlds. All the worlds went to Kunlun and returned to their ancestral home through the divine bridge. The Xu family of Kunlun was responsible for The people who guard this passage. As the guardians of Kunlun, the Xu family connects the ancestral court with all the heavens and worlds. The Xu family...

His eyes were dark and he whispered: It may become the key to the rise of the ancestral court!

The goddess couldn't help but said: Brother Taoist, who can bear this burden?

Taiqing Taoist sighed: It's okay if you can't afford it. This is already the tallest one!

The goddess nodded silently. There were many masters in the ancestral court, but in terms of size, Xu Ying was the tallest and most promising.

Can he restore the Six Secrets in the Tusita Palace of Lihentian?

She couldn't help but said, If recovery fails, I'm afraid this head will be the same size after breaking both legs!

Taiqing Taoist hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: If Dao Ancestor is still there, he will definitely be able to help him recover the Six Secrets. But Dao Ancestor... Fortunately, the great Taoist imprint left by Dao Ancestor back then is still there, and maybe it can help him.

Maybe? The goddess glared at him, Just maybe?

It's already amazing that we can tell for sure.

Taiqing Taoist took off the diamond ring and said, Do you want to take this trap?

The goddess was tempted, and then she woke up, shook her head and said, No! If you find someone stupid, you might be able to trick them into working for you!

Taiqing Taoist had no choice but to put away the bracelet and walk out of the temple. At this time, he saw a big snake coiled on a fairy mountain in Penglai Wonderland. It was breathing towards the sky. The two qi of yin and yang on the back of its head were very eye-catching.

Taiqing Taoist's heart moved slightly, and he threw the diamond bracelet up. The silver bracelet landed in front of An Qi with a clang and rolled twice.

An Qi heard the noise, looked at the bracelet, then looked at the sky, and asked in surprise: Did the immortal weapon from the immortal world fall down?

He stuck out the tip of his tail and poked the silver bracelet, and the diamond bracelet was immediately put on the tip of his tail.

An Qi was surprised, and hurriedly mobilized his vitality, trying to take off the bracelet. When the diamond touched his vitality, it roared and grew in size, merged with the yin and yang at the back of his head, and turned into a Tai Chi diagram in the trap!

An Qi was surprised and happy: The fairy weapon that fell from the sky is destined to me!

He immediately refined the Vajra and put it on the tip of his tail as a large ring.

Taiqing Taoist saw this and said with a smile: Okay, okay! You and I will meet in my dream!

An Qi continued to practice and fell asleep unknowingly. In his dream, Taiqing Taoist came to him and taught him how to sacrifice and refine this treasure, how to exert its effects, and so on.

An Qiyi woke up and marveled. He refined it according to what he had learned in the dream. Sure enough, the power of this silver bracelet became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more satisfying!

In the Tushita Palace, Xu Ying unknowingly fell deeper and deeper into meditation, keeping his mind on Taiyi. He gradually felt the broken avenue of heaven and earth of Lihentian, and also touched the marks left by the Taoist ancestors.

Every time at this time, bursts of mysterious Taoist sounds would be heard in his ears. At that time, the imprint left by the Taoist ancestors when he preached here.

It's a pity that Lihentian is broken, and the Taozu brand has also become incomplete.

He could only scavenge from the sea, looking for useful things from those broken imprints.

When he woke up from sedation, he practiced Nine Turns Mysterious Kung in the Tusita Palace, honed his martial arts, and attempted to reach the other side of martial arts through the ancient fighting method of Nine Turns Mysterious Kung.

His six secrets of the human body could not be repaired, so he tried to start from martial arts and look for the possibility of perfecting martial arts on the other side.

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is a martial art from ancient times. Perhaps we can use this technique to open up the other side of martial arts and perfect it.

However, he also knew that his chances of perfecting the other side of martial arts were slim. After all, his attainments in martial arts were far inferior to those of the martial arts emperor Shen Luo.

However, the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique gave him a glimmer of hope.

The Great Emperor of Martial Arts sank and opened up most of the other side of Martial Arts. If Xu Ying could open up the remaining other side of Martial Arts, then he could learn by analogy and based on the process of opening up the other side of Martial Arts, he would know how to repair his own six secrets of the human body.

In the Taichu world, Buyi Martial Emperor Shen Luo and Wu Tianzun and others practiced day and night. Wu Tianzun, Zhai Wuxian and others each opened up martial arts caves to connect to the other side, strengthen martial arts, and try to completely open up the other side of martial arts.

However, they did not achieve the achievements of Emperor Wu Shen Luo. Although their abilities were high, they could never fully open up the other side of martial arts.

Everyone intensified their hard training, striving to reach the stage of martial arts soaring and accomplish this feat.

On this day, everyone who was practicing martial arts suddenly heard bursts of mysterious sounds in their ears. Everyone couldn't help themselves, and half of the martial arts cave appeared behind them!

That sound came from the martial arts cave. The essence of martial arts is compatible with the sound. It is deafening, explaining the spirit of man being able to conquer nature, not being afraid of power, and daring to fight.

Wu Tianzun and others were shocked and confused. Accompanied by bursts of martial arts sounds, the martial arts caves they opened up gradually became complete and were no longer half a cave!

Zhai Wuxian woke up and said in shock: The other side of martial arts has been completely opened up!

Wu Tianzun was surprised and said: Who can open up the other side of martial arts? In this world, besides us, are there other people who are proficient in martial arts? Could it be...

Xu Ying's face appeared in front of his eyes, and he shook his head: That boy is a good master at practicing the ultimate freedom skill. It is obviously impossible to open up the other side of martial arts!

While everyone was guessing, the Buyi Martial Emperor Shen Luo came over and said, Go and take a look at the other side of the martial arts, and you will know who opened the other side.

He made a stroke in the air, the void shook, and a divine bridge appeared.

Everyone followed him, Wu Tianzun carried the Five Color Immortal Mountain, and tried to keep up with them, walking towards the other side of the martial arts.

When they came to the other side, they saw someone on the other side.

My ancestral court, Little Heavenly Lord, has met all of you fellow Taoists.

The man was a scholar in white, holding a heavenly halberd. He had just opened up the other shore of martial arts. He was very humble and said to Emperor Wu Shen Luo and others, When I was practicing Xuan Gong, I suddenly sensed that there was another shore in the void, but it was incomplete, so I came to This place has opened up this other shore and disturbed everyone.

Emperor Wu Shen Luo and others were surprised and happy.

In Tushita Palace, Xu Ying was working hard to practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, and suddenly he felt that the other side of the martial arts path had been completely opened up by someone. His senses were keen, and he immediately realized that the person who opened up the other side of the martial arts path was Xiao Tianzun, and he couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Teaching the disciples will starve the master to death! It is indeed the case!

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