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Chapter 376 The Magical Use of Diamond Diamond

Little Tianzun completed the last link of the other side of martial arts, and Xu Ying was able to completely open up the martial arts cave and improve his cultivation level, needless to say.

But he also lost the best opportunity to observe and open up the other side of martial arts.

Xu Ergou beats me to it, that's all, I'm going to comprehend Lihentian!

Xu Ying calmed down and continued to understand the Taoist Patriarch's brand according to what Taiqing Taoist said.

Although Lihentian's Taoist brand was broken and scattered, he occasionally gained some subtle insights, which still inspired him a lot.

He had already merged with the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Land of Daoqi. The Land of Daoqi was the dojo of Taoist Taiqing. Taoist Taiqing was the Taoist Primordial Spirit of Taiqing. This time he concentrated on meditating and comparing it with that After the first combination of Taoism, Xu Ying's understanding of Taoism can be described as extremely fast!

Unknowingly, he had stayed in Tushita Palace for dozens of days, but he was still immersed in understanding. He picked up various Taoist imprints scattered in the world, and his understanding became deeper and deeper.

Taiqing Taoist came to see him several times. When he saw this, he secretly sighed in his heart: This man is the best successor of King Kong Zhuo. That useless snake... is a snake at least, which is better than nothing.

An Qi and Dazhong also came to Tushita Palace to visit Xu Ying. Seeing that he had been quietly meditating, Orochi and Dazhong had no choice but to return to Penglai and continue practicing.

Penglai receives the fairy light from the immortal world and attracts the immortal energy. You practice here and your life is very nourishing.

Since An Qi received Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing's guidance in dreaming, he seems to have had an enlightenment, and his cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Especially in the ritual refining of the Vajra Diamond, his size is as good as he wants, and he can send and receive it as he pleases!

The diamond was refined by him to create many wonderful things. The two qi of yin and yang were intertwined in the diamond, and turned into a Tai Chi diagram, which could be used to collect people and objects, and it could be changed according to the mind.

Seeing that he had been refining the magic weapon these past few days, Dazhong was eager to try it, and said, Master Qi, how powerful is this treasure of yours? Why don't we compare it.

An Qi didn't know the power of the Vajra Diamond, so he immediately offered it up as a sacrifice.

The big bell roared towards me, shouting: I'll hold back a little bit...

call out--

The big bell was put away by the King Kong Zhuo, and the next moment it fell into the Tai Chi Diagram, losing all its power. It fell to the ground with a clang, rolled for two weeks and then became motionless.

The big clock was startled: Am I already dead?

An Qi was also startled, stepped forward in a hurry, and poked the big clock with his tail. After a while, Dazhong came back to his senses, and felt that his Taoism had returned to its original state. He immediately said: Master Qi, I held back my strength just now, so it doesn't count. This time I will use my full strength!

An Qi was relieved when he saw that it was fine.

The big bell once again stirred up its aura, mobilized all its imprints, and raised its power to the extreme. It was no less than an immortal weapon, roaring in!

In fact, after being polished and remade by Zhuchanchan, its texture is already at the level of an immortal weapon. It is also very studious. It has three thousand heavenly runes painted on the inside, and all kinds of immortal runes carved on the outside. There are also various immortal runes, you know. Those who don’t understand will imprint themselves on themselves.

Its power is certainly no small matter. To save face at this moment, all the strength is used. There are three phantoms of big bells on the outer layer, and the Tiandao dojo is hidden in the inner layer, just like the god king of Tiandao raising the bell to destroy the world!

call out!

The big bell was involuntarily included in the Tai Chi diagram of King Kong Zhuo. It lost all its power, clanged to the ground, and rolled powerlessly for two weeks.

The big clock didn't move.

An Qi carefully poked the clock body and asked tentatively: Master Zhong?

The big clock suddenly stood up, and a human voice came from inside the clock, saying angrily: Ancestor Chanchan must have cut corners! I used scraps to replace the fairy gold given to me by the Queen Mother of the West! Otherwise, why can't I even hand out the moves? Captured directly?

An Qi probed: Master Zhong, is it possible that my magic weapon is too powerful?

No way!

The bell shot up into the sky and cried, Again!

This time it used Yuanyu Bayin, and as the bell trembled, even five of the eight-character inscriptions on the wall of the bell were activated!

These runes are forbidden arts among their brothers and must not be used. Otherwise, they may fall into the situation of fratricide. You throw me a forbidden technique, I throw you a forbidden technique, and both of them are finished.

However, the big clock was also blinded, and without much care, he activated the Immortal Path Forbidden Rune!

call out!

The big bell fell into the Tai Chi diagram like a bird in the forest, losing all its power and clattering to the ground.

The big clock was lifeless and lying on the ground. The immortal runes it activated were the runes that sealed the promise. Even these runes were of no use, so they were turned away by the silver bracelet, making it despair.

An Qi was surprised and happy, and quickly put away the diamond, caressed it, and murmured: My baby...

He still put the Vajra on the tip of his tail, and he was full of ambition: With this treasure, my status will be stable. Master Zhong, Master Cao, Master Chong, from now on all the characters must be removed. From now on From now on, there will only be one master, and that is my seventh master! I am number one among A Ying’s sect...

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that Xu Xiaoruan didn't matter.

Under Master Qi, Xiao Ying is number one. For the other rankings, let them do as they like. Xian Qi smiled openly and calmly.

Suddenly, the big bell jumped up and said: Master Qi, can you, my dear, collect all the magic weapons?

An Qi asked tentatively: Zhong Zi, what do you mean?

Dazhong didn't take this title seriously and said excitedly: There are many immortal tombs in the ancestral court, as well as many abnormal areas of the immortal path, and there are countless treasures hidden in them! With your bracelet, the opportunity to develop will come!

An Qi was stunned, then suddenly woke up, and said in a trembling voice: The opportunity for us to become fully developed has come! Master Zhong, you still have the bright idea! Let's go and call A Ying!

A bell and a snake came to Tushita Palace immediately, but Xu Ying was still studying the Taoist brand and couldn't wake him up at all. An Qi had no choice but to leave with Dazhong.

Near the Tushita Palace is the abnormal area of ​​​​the Immortal Path, which is extremely dangerous.

The closer you get to the abnormal area of ​​​​the immortal path of Tusita Palace, the more serious the pollution of the immortal path becomes. The nearest abnormal area of ​​​​the immortal path is a green lake. There is a gorgeous chariot in the lake, emitting a dazzling fairy light, and a giant deer in front of the car. The fur all over the body was rotten, and the bones could be faintly seen. It was unclear whether he was alive or dead.

But most of the people who broke into this place were already dead.

On the outskirts of the lake are their corpses, floating on the water.

The abnormality here is emanating from this immortal deer. This deer is inexplicably ferocious and extremely powerful, distorting the nearby avenues of heaven and earth and time and space!

Suddenly the giant deer sensed the intruder, and a fierce light flashed through its corpse-like eyes. Just as it was about to attack, it saw a silver ring flying past in the sky, and in the silver ring was a Tai Chi diagram.

The next moment the giant deer lost all consciousness. When it woke up, it saw that the fairy chariot had disappeared!

It roared angrily, and was about to use its magical powers to chase down the intruders, when it suddenly discovered that its pair of hard-forged antlers was nowhere to be seen!

In another abnormal area of ​​the Immortal Path, a female corpse was dressing up in the pool. She suddenly stood up and said with a smile: A friend came from afar...

A flash of white light flashed, and when the female corpse woke up, she found herself lying on the ground, and all her treasures had been looted!

An extremely angry immortal thought erupted from the abnormal area: Who is——, who is so damned that he doesn't even spare the dead?

On a cliff, a black coffin hangs high, with chains wrapped around it.

Whenever a stranger approaches this black coffin, it will bleed. If a red-haired corpse king crawls out of the coffin, the surrounding world will be abnormal, with red hair flying all over the sky, which is extremely dangerous.

On this day, a white light suddenly flew over the cliff. When the red-haired corpse king woke up, he saw himself lying on the ground, and his black coffin and the treasures in the coffin were all missing!

The red-haired corpse king looked up to the sky and roared, with red hair flying all over the sky.

In the Tushita Palace, Taiqing Taoist looked at the white light and demonic clouds flying in the distance, and felt a little worried: I gave the diamond to this snake. I don't know whether it is good or bad...

Unknowingly, dozens of days have passed, and the abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao near Lihentian were stolen. Some of the immortal weapons in the abnormal areas were collected, and the abnormal areas disappeared directly. In some cases, angry immortals and demons emerged from the abnormal areas. Fight your way out to find an elusive snake and a big bell.

The gods and demons guarding Lihenyuan are also very nervous. They have repelled several abnormal invasions in recent days, but the abnormal riots deep in Lihentian are becoming more and more intense and frequent, and the immortals and demons appearing there are also very nervous. It is also becoming more and more weird and powerful.

Quickly go to the Ziwei Remnant Realm and ask for the Little Heavenly Lord!

In the Ziwei Remnant Realm, in the Hunyuan Palace, Xiao Tianzun returned from the other side of the martial arts. These days, he was on the other side of the martial arts, exchanging martial arts magical powers with the Buyi Martial Emperor Shen Luo, Wu Tianzun and others. He was so excited that he forgot about the time. It was only today that he remembered Ancestral court, come back in a hurry.

These few are really martial arts idiots. No wonder they can find a direct path to the other side of martial arts on their own. What's even more strange is that they actually recognize their teacher.

The little Tianzun marveled at the magic of his encounter. At this moment, there was a commotion outside. The little Tianzun walked out of the Hunyuan Palace and looked outside. He saw the hot fire wheel, the fire tip spear, the Huntian Ling, and the Qiankun Circle floating in the air, forming a The humanoid figure was running at lightning speed, as if it was chasing something.

Suddenly, with a hiss, a white light flew past, and the Hot Wheels and other fairy weapons immediately chased the white light.

Several more white lights flashed across the sky, and the fairy weapons such as the Hot Wheels and the Cosmic Circle immediately disappeared.

Little Tianzun was startled and doubtful. He looked up and saw demonic clouds rolling in the distance. He didn't know what was making waves inside, and whether it was related to the white light.

Strange, why did the immortal weapons in the Chaotic Star Sea suddenly riot? What was it that just took away the magical weapons from the Immortal Tomb in the Chaotic Star Sea?

He had just thought of this when Lihenyuan came to ask for an audience. When the little Tianzun heard the riot in the abnormal area of ​​​​the Immortal Dao of Lihenyuan, he felt awe-inspiring and hurriedly summoned the Qilin chariot and rushed to Lihenyuan.

When he arrived at Lihenyuan, he saw that many experts had already arrived at the human settlement to guard the city and protect the people. There are also experts from all walks of life in the ancestral court, who are coming in a steady stream.

Mr. Yan Zhen, what happened here? Little Tianzun asked quickly when he saw an acquaintance.

Lord Yan Zhen said: I killed several abnormal creatures. Judging from their distorted consciousness, it seemed that a white light invaded their territory and plundered all their treasures. They rioted because of this.

White light?

The little Tianzun was inexplicably surprised. He immediately remembered what he had seen and thought, Is it that white light? What on earth is causing trouble? Even the terrifying existence in the abnormal area cannot stop it, and the treasure is taken away?

Lord Yan Zhen said: There are several extremely terrifying beings in those abnormal areas, asking us to hand over the white light and return the treasure to them.

Little Tianzun smiled and said: In the past, we would still be threatened by them, but now they don't have immortal weapons, so what qualifications do they have to threaten us? Why don't we take this opportunity to eradicate the anomalies here?

Yan Zhenjun's eyes lit up and he praised: Little Tianzun, you have such courage, which is admirable. The small characters in your name can be removed!

Little Tianzun shook his head and said to himself: I still have a small word in front of the teacher.

There are more and more powerful people in the ancestral court, fighting against abnormal creatures outside the Lihen Wall, and conflicts between different sects are happening all the time. Xiao Tianzun, Yan Zhenjun and other ancestral masters killed the abnormal creatures, wiping them out along with all the immortals.

Gradually, both warring parties felt something strange. That is, the avenue of heaven and earth near Lihenyuan is gradually enriching and becoming complete.

Something terrible must have happened in the depths of Lihentian! Both warring parties thought at the same time.

Dousita Palace, Taiqing Palace.

Xu Yingku sat there for several months. During these days, he picked up things from the sea and came into contact with Dao Ancestor Scattered in Brand, and his understanding of Li Hentian's Tao of Taiqing became deeper and deeper.

As the abnormal areas of the Immortal Path were destroyed, more and more imprints were added, and Xu Ying actually found many imprints that could be spliced ​​together.

He sorted out these scattered Dao Ancestor imprints with ease, and then exiled them between heaven and earth.

This was just something he did casually and had no deep purpose.

He felt that he had gained a lot from the Dao Ancestor Imprints. By sorting out these Dao Ancestor Imprints, it would be much easier for people to understand this world in the future.

But in the eyes of the people in Lihenyuan, in the depths of Lihentian, from time to time, a ray of light bursts out from the sky and the earth, or a golden spring springs from the ground, or a spiritual energy suddenly blooms, or thunder rolls.

The great avenue of this world is reviving! Little Tianzun was excited.

And those abnormal immortal creatures gradually became frightened, and they felt that their power was weakening!

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying sorted out all the Dao Ancestor Brands that he had access to. Some of the Dao Ancestor Brands were so completely broken that he couldn't start.

Although my Taoism has advanced by leaps and bounds, I still cannot recover the six secrets of the human body.

Xu Ying sighed. At this moment, he suddenly felt that a huge world on the other side was just around the corner, closer than ever before.

The world on the other side resonates with his Tao so clearly that it seems easy to enter that other side.

Xu Ying was suddenly stunned. He realized that what this other world corresponds to is the Jiang Palace of the human body!

The secret treasure of Jianggong, one of the six secrets of the human body? The secret treasure of Jianggong obviously corresponds to the other side of Jianggong. If you open the secret treasure of Jianggong, you can get the elixir of mental power. After refining, it can boost your mental power and enhance your physical strength and wisdom!

Xu Ying carefully sensed the other shore. It was vast and deep. It seemed different from the other shore of Jianggong that he had sensed before.

No matter what, I will seize this opportunity and take advantage of the enlightenment in Taiqing Realm to reopen the Jianggong Cave!

When he thought of this, a sword energy flew out and chopped down his Jianggong Nuozu Cave Heaven without any hesitation!

The next moment, Xu Ying gathered all his energy and opened Jiang Palace again!


Little Tianzun, Yan Zhenjun and others were fighting a decisive battle with several extremely powerful immortal creatures. Suddenly, everyone's minds were shaken, and they all raised their heads and looked in the direction of Tushita Palace.

But there, the sky suddenly twisted and rotated, and a huge cave appeared, extremely bright, connecting the sky and the earth.

The cave sky hung between heaven and earth, and at the other end, the fairy light and celestial energy from the fairy world sprinkled down the cave sky. The spectacular scene shocked everyone.

The cave in the fairy world...

Little Tianzun was confused and muttered, Someone has opened the cave in the fairy world...

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