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Chapter 374 Taoist Ancestral Court

Did the ninth level of Xuan Gong also be deduced?

Little Tianzun couldn't believe it. More than 40,000 years ago, when Xu Ying ascended, he inherited Xu Ying's ambition and began to study how to mend the sky. It was also at that time that he found the stone wall with the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique engraved on it and began to practice this technique from then on.

When Xu Ying ascended, his cultivation was still shallow and he had not yet completed the cross-refinement period. The techniques that Xu Ying passed on to him only reached the cross-refinement stage of Taiyi Xiantian Kung, and there was no follow-up method.

Little Tianzun turned to practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, groping for it on his own, and suffered countless hardships. He learned from the strengths of many masters, studied various Tao patterns, and spent tens of thousands of years to develop this mysterious skill to the seventh level.

He knew that although the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was powerful, it had many flaws, so he did not pass this technique to Chu Tiandu, but passed it on to Chu Tiandu's other more powerful technique, the Hundred Transformations Mysterious Technique. , also known as the ever-changing magic power.

Xu Ying was able to derive this mysterious skill to the ninth level in just a short period of time. It was too outrageous!

Xu Ying patted his shoulder and said with a smile: You reached the seventh turn of deduction. I just stood on your shoulders and deduced downwards. In fact, I am not that strong as a teacher. If you join forces in the land of Daoqi You can also understand the Dao patterns of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. At that time, you will be the one to complete the ninth level of Xuan Gong.

As if the little Tianzun had been hit hard, he grunted and said, If it were me, I would definitely do better.

Xu Ying smiled and said: You can comfort yourself like this. I am relieved that you have not been beaten to the point of being a teacher.

Little Tianzun snorted: If I know all the sealing runes like you do, I can suppress all the immortal weapons in the Land of Dao Qi. Naturally, I can also be in harmony with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. In addition, I have collected so many immortal weapons With the fragments, I can also complete the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique.

Xu Ying laughed: Then you will have to suffer for more than 40,000 years.

Little Tianzun also laughed, but thinking of his forty thousand years of suffering, he couldn't laugh. He promotes himself to others, and if he were himself, I'm afraid he wouldn't be as optimistic as Xu Ying.

Faced with Xu Ying's situation, it's hard for anyone not to despair.

He practiced step by step according to the nine-turn Xuan Gong modified by Xu Ying. The Xuan Gong was rotated one by one, making his physical body and soul suddenly grow bigger and smaller. The soul was like the original god, and the Tao power around his body became stronger and stronger!

When he reached the seventh level of Xuan Gong, Dao chains were flying around him, and the obvious flaws between the Dao chains were actually gone!

Little Tianzun was surprised and happy that Xu Ying had actually perfected the seventh turn!

He tried to complete the eighth turn in one go, but there were gaps in the world of the ancestral court and the incomplete Dao. He was unable to overcome the tribulation and enter the next realm. This eighth turn could not be completed no matter what.

Xu Ying saw that he was practicing hard, so he walked around in this space.

Suddenly, he saw the glow of immortality not far away. When I walked up to it, I saw all kinds of magic weapons piled up here, as well as a mountain of books on magic and magical powers. In addition, there were also some Taoist books on jade slips.

But most of them are handwritten books.

Xu Ying opened it and took a look, and saw that most of the books here were manuscripts of Qi Refiners, which should have been written by Qi Refiners from all over the world.

In addition, there are also manuscripts written by Xiao Tianzun, which write about his understanding of the Taoism and supernatural powers of the heavens and the world, as well as the techniques of various sects and sects that he deciphered.

Xu Ying walked forward slowly, and there were more and more manuscripts of Little Tianzun in front of him. These manuscripts were left by Little Tianzun when he tried to decipher the immortal magic.

Moving forward, many manuscripts about the four characters 囹囄囿圉 appeared.

Xu Ying looked at the mountains of paper in front of him. In front of him was a mountain of books!

Warmth surged out of his heart, and he stood in front of this mountain of books without moving for a long time. In order to decipher the four characters 囹囄囿圉 and help him unlock the seal, Xiao Tianzun started groping from the beginning and kept learning. Later, he already knew the immortal runes!

Even the immortals in the immortal world may not understand it as thoroughly as he does!

Xu Ying turned around and looked at Little Tianzun. Although he still couldn't remember what happened in his first life, he knew that Little Tianzun had always regarded him as his closest relative.

In order to save his loved ones, he did not hesitate to waste his time on something that seemed stupid to others!

The little Tianzun was immersed in cultivation, and several days had passed before he knew it. When he woke up, he saw that Xu Ying was still in this secret realm and had not left.

Xu Ying stood in front of a huge fragment of a magic weapon, with Dao patterns flying around it, trying to deduce the missing parts of the magic weapon from ancient times.

There were many books around Xu Ying. Little Tianzun looked at them and saw that they were the Heaven-Repairing Dao Patterns written by Xu Ying himself, which were deduced from the fragments of the magic weapon.

Little Tianzun did not disturb him and left quietly.

My master has completed the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique for me, but I don't know if there are really no flaws left.

Little Tianzun came to Hunyuan Palace, hesitated for a moment, and thought to himself, Why don't we try the power of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique. The best way to test the power of this technique is naturally that place. But I don't have a way to go there...

Two days later, Little Tianzun found An Qi, Da Zhong and his party who were hunting down the powerful men from all realms by the sea of ​​immeasurable fire. Following them, there were also some powerful men from the ancestral family, all of whom were powerful.

Little Tianzun called Nalandu and said, Nephew Nalan, I can let you go back, but there is one condition. You take me into Wei Ruins.

Nalandu was surprised and happy, and he hurriedly agreed.

He had been on tenterhooks these past few days, worried that bastards like An Qi and Dazhong would let him kill the powerful men in the world and then publicize them, which made it really difficult to sleep day and night. Now that Little Tianzun is making this request, it is undoubtedly his life-saving straw.

Immediately, Nalandu came to his senses: Little Tianzun, you are indeed powerful, but in Wei Xu, I am afraid that you will be in trouble. I am worried that you will never come back.

Little Tianzun said calmly: You don't need to worry about this.

Nalandu hesitated and said, I have one more request.

Little Tianzun frowned slightly, not liking others to bargain with him, and said calmly: If you want to get back the Immortal Yaochi, I advise you not to have such wishful thinking.

Nalandu shook his head and said: I definitely have no intention of taking back Yaochi, but this junior has an unspeakable secret, that is, that is...

He looked embarrassed and gritted his teeth, but still held back his shame and told the story.

Little Tianzun looked at him in great surprise and didn't speak for a long time.

Nalandu's face turned red and he said, Uncle Master, do you think you can help me?

Previously, Wei Xu had a good relationship with the ancestral court, and Nalandu also visited several times and called Xiao Tianzun his uncle.

The Niwan Palace Cave Heaven appeared behind Little Tianzun's head, and it moved a little to treat Nalandu's hidden illness.

Nalandu was surprised and happy. He suddenly felt that he had become complete. He couldn't help but shed two lines of tears and said: Uncle, my nephew has lost his temper. My nephew activated his magic and took my uncle to Wei Ruins!

He activated his magic and offered up a golden seal celestial being. On the celestial being, he saw a strange eye from the Wei Ruins.

The Immortal Ruan soared into the sky, with a sudden golden light. The strange eyes opened, revealing a crack in the sky.

Nalandu bowed, Little Tianzun walked into the crack, Nalandu then entered, and the crack disappeared.

The Ninth Immortal King and the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were seriously injured in this battle. The two Immortal Kings suffered heavy losses this time. All the immortal corpses refined by the Hua family were destroyed in the ancestral court. Many masters cultivated by the Hua family also died in the ancestral court court.

Not only that, the twelfth floor of the Five Ultimate Immortal King and the Huangting Cave Heaven also left his control, which made him irritated.

The Ninth Immortal King lost his most beloved disciple, and Immortal Yaochi also lost his senses, feeling angry in his heart.

At this moment, the voice of Little Tianzun was heard: Five Jue Immortal King, Ninth Immortal King, two fellow Taoists, and Yu Di are here to visit again.

The residences of the two immortal kings were not too far apart. When they heard this, they were surprised and happy. They hurriedly left the Dongfu Palace. Sure enough, they came to the Little Tianzun, dressed in white and covered with snow, standing in the decaying sky of Wei Ruins.

Little Tianzun is a wise man, why are you seeking death today? The Five Jue Immortal King couldn't help but laugh.

Little Tianzun activated the Xuan Gong and said with a smile: I'm here to challenge you!

In an instant, he activated the Xuan Gong to the seventh turn. His physical body, soul, and soul merged into one, and the chains of Taoism around his body were intertwined and penetrated into his skin, flesh, bones, and hair!


Little Tianzun took one step forward, as if he had stepped on the sky, and came directly in front of the Ninth Immortal King. Before the Ninth Immortal King could raise his cultivation to the extreme, his chest collapsed, he vomited blood in his mouth, and fell down and flew away!

The Five Ultimate Immortal King made a prompt decision to activate the Five Ultimate Immortal Formation, and the next moment, the Immortal Formation burst open!

Little Tianzun broke into the formation with his bare hands and tore open the Five Jue Immortal Formation. The body of the Five Jue Immortal King almost exploded!

The Ninth Immortal King forced himself to fly and rushed to rescue him. The two Immortal Kings besieged Little Tianzun, but the more they fought, the more frightened they became. The last time they faced off against Little Heavenly Lord, Little Heavenly Lord was holding an ancient celestial halberd, and he forced them back, but he only forced them back, and Little Heavenly Lord paid for it with his life.

But this time, Little Tianzun came with bare hands. They only borrowed a few moves, but they were overwhelmed. They were shocked to the point where their souls were scattered, the dojo was soft and soft, and the laws of the great avenue seemed to be shattered by the shock!

The two Immortal Kings vomited blood continuously. After ten moves, the Ninth Immortal King secretly said something bad: We are going to die! He can kill both of us in three moves at most!

The Five Jue Immortal King was in despair: This boy has the courage to live up to his promise!

Suddenly, Little Tianzun's face changed slightly, he abandoned the two Immortal Kings and stood up, smiling: Since the Lord of Wei Xu wants to protect your two lives, then Little Tianzun will come back to take your lives another day!

Before he finished speaking, he saw a blood-red ocean deep in the Wei Ruins. There were mountains of corpses on the ocean. Immortal corpses were piled up. Deep in the blood sea of ​​corpse mountains, a wisp of extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted.

Without thinking, the little Tianzun activated the Xuan Gong, tore apart the space, and turned into a stream of light to escape from Wei Xu!

The breath did not pursue him, but turned back and disappeared.

The two Immortal Kings escaped death, their faces pale, and they bowed respectfully to the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, thanking them for saving their lives.

Nalandu also looked pale. He brought Little Tianzun with him. He originally thought that Little Tianzun would die in Wei Xu, but he didn't expect that it was his mentor who almost died.

I must not tell anyone about the fact that I brought Little Tianzun into Wei Xu. Otherwise, even if Master respects me, he will probably kill me! He thought to himself.

The little Tianzun returned to the Ziwei Can Realm of the ancestral court and couldn't help laughing.

He tried his hand at the seventh level of Xuan Gong, and it turned out to be very powerful, defeating his two enemies!

Master is still master after all. Although his words may sound a little stinky, there is nothing wrong with the completed skills and he will not deceive his disciples!

He was happy in his heart and returned to the secret realm, only to see that Xu Ying had left the secret realm, leaving behind many magical powers composed of Dao patterns. The shapes of these magical powers are exactly the shapes of those broken fairy weapons from ancient times.

Little Tianzun was stunned, Xu Ying left these Taoist images in order to facilitate his understanding.

He only needs to stand in front of these Tao images to understand the Tao patterns in them and understand the laws of heaven and earth contained within them.

It will be much easier to understand these Dao phenomena and mend the Heavenly Dao of the ancestral court, and it will no longer be an almost impossible task as before.

Not only that, he can also reconstruct these broken immortal weapons based on these Tao phenomena and restore them!

It is no longer difficult to restore these immortal artifacts and reorganize the broken world of the ancestral court, because the great road of heaven and earth is hidden in the immortal artifacts. Restore the immortal weapon, sacrifice it, and integrate it into the heaven and earth, so that you can complete the ancestral court and the way of heaven!

Little Tianzun's heart was filled with fire.

Mending the sky was originally Xu Ying's long-cherished wish, but later it became his long-cherished wish. He dedicated more than 40,000 years to it. Now that Xu Ying has come back and left behind the Taoist image composed of these Dao patterns, more of it has been fulfilled.

Fulfill his forty thousand years of reluctance and persistence!


Little Tianzun rushed out of the secret realm and came to the outside of Hunyuan Palace. He saw a vast purple air hanging in the sky. Penglai Immortal Mountain, which was originally parked outside Hunyuan Palace, also disappeared.

Little Tianzun felt lost, Xu Ying and Penglai Immortal Mountain had already left.

He calmed down and summoned two Mo Qilin. The two Mo Qilin replied: Master Xu returned to Penglai Fairy Mountain yesterday. When he saw that the master was not there, he said he was going to the Tusita Palace in Lihenyuan to look for the Revive Cave Heaven. Dharma door, so that the master does not have to worry.

Little Tianzun relaxed, he was still worried that Xu Ying would leave without saying goodbye like before.

Why did he go to Tushita Palace? Little Tianzun was a little confused.

In the Penglai Fairyland, Xu Ying bathed in the fairy light, practiced the Taiyi Innate Skill, and absorbed the sunshine of the fairyland into the Taiyi vitality. It has been a long time since he practiced like a normal Qi practitioner.

Goddess, on the day when I became a Yuan Shen, the Yuan Shen created demonic pollution. You said that to untie the bell, one must tie the bell. You asked me to go to the demon realm.

Xu Ying said while running the technique, Now that I have obtained the Heaven and Earth Avenue of the ancestral court, my soul cultivation has skyrocketed, but the Six Secrets have been abolished because of it. Do you think there will really be something like this in the Lihen Yuan Dousita Palace? Is there a way to revive the cave?

The goddess taught those immortal grasses how to meditate and practice. When she heard this, she smiled and said, Didn't you attain enlightenment there in your first life and recreate Tushita Palace? You were able to attain enlightenment there last time, and maybe you can do it this time too.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised and said with a smile: The goddess seems to know my past very well. How long have we known each other?

The goddess smiled and said: A long, long time. Xu Immortal Master seems to have forgotten that it was you who carried this fairy mountain away from the fairy world to the lower world. At that time, I was already on this fairy mountain.

Penglai Immortal Mountain passed through the abnormal areas of the immortal path in Lihenyuan, and finally came to the ruins of Tushita Palace. However, when Xu Ying looked around, the ruins were missing.

A Tushita Palace carved from white jade came into view.

The weird Taoist from the Land of Dao Qi had already opened the door of Tushita Palace and was waiting outside the palace, as if he had known they were coming.

You may not know something, fellow Taoist, but Lihentian Dousita Palace is the ancestral palace of the Taoist sect in ancient times. The weird Taoist stretched out his hand to greet me and said with a smile.

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