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Chapter 373 The remnant realm unites with the Tao, Xu Ergouzi

That woman next to me?

A beautiful figure appeared in front of Xu Ying's eyes, which had been with him for more than 40,000 years. Could the woman cursed by reincarnation be Yuan Weiyang?

Who will be Yuan Weiyang's first life?

What kind of story do you have with her?

The two of them go through reincarnation together, one is in a muddle-headed manner, having his destiny manipulated by others, and the other is struggling in the reincarnation, like a fish being sucked into the whirlpool again and again.

It's both romance and torture.

Xu Ying calmed down and said: She has recovered her past memories, and her cultivation has returned. She should have escaped from the curse of reincarnation, right?

Samsara Xuannv shook her head and said: The curse of reincarnation is still there.

Is the curse still there?

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel horrified. The Queen Mother of the West helped Yuan Weiyang unlock the dusty memories, remember the past, let her return to her identity as a fairy and regain her former strength, but she hasn't broken the reincarnation curse yet?

Could it be that she will encounter an accident again and fall into reincarnation?

Could it be that she is still under the control of that terrifying existence cursed by reincarnation?

Samsara Xuannv said: The person who cast the spell is extremely powerful. After my death, he used my method to cast the spell, and I can't undo it now. Fellow Taoist, please forgive me for my inability to do so.

Xu Ying calmed down, put the matter aside for the first time, and asked: The Empress can save the little Tianzun, is there any way to help me restore the Six Secrets?

His Six Secrets were damaged, and now he is no longer a Nuo Immortal, but a Qi Refiner who has reached the Chonglou stage. Although he can use the Twelve Layers Tower, Yaochi and the Third Heaven Pass to improve his combat power, these three treasures are already magic weapons and are no longer in his realm.

Therefore, he was very eager to restore the Six Secrets.

Samsara Xuannv said: Fellow Taoist Xu, it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for yourself. Back then you came to the ancestral court, understood the Xu family's ancestral techniques, and made breakthroughs in the Xu family's ancestral techniques. Now why do you need to ask for help from others? If I help you, I will only let you Stand still. Fellow Taoist, please say goodbye to me. We will meet again one day when I return to my peak.

Xu Ying was stunned and watched her walk down Penglai Fairy Mountain, only to see a bright moon disappearing into the vast mountains and rivers.

When I was in the ancestral court, I broke through the Xu family's ancestral method? What she is referring to is that I refined the Tushita Palace at the ruins of the Tushita Palace and placed it on the other side of the Jiang Palace.

Xu Ying thought about it. When Samsara Xuan Nu said that he had broken through the Xu family's ancestral laws, this was probably what she was referring to.

The me back then broke through the Xu family's ancestral methods in a difficult situation. The me today will definitely be able to break through the me in the first life!

Xu Ying cheered up and said to himself, But some of the things the empress confided are quite interesting. The invasion of the underworld is promoted by the Immortal Realm Yuhu, and there must be someone else behind it. The invasion of Wei Xu, the invasion of the Ancestral Demon Realm, There’s something very weird here. Don’t worry about him in Weixu for now, what’s going on with the invasion of the Ancestral Demon Realm?”

He thought of Little Tianzun's plan to mend the sky, and his heart moved slightly. Is there any connection between the plan to mend the sky and the invasion of the Ancestral Demon Realm?

He immediately came to Hunyuan Palace, looking for Little Tianzun, and asked about the invasion of the Ancestral Demon Realm.

Master, the great avenue of heaven and earth in the ancestral court has not been restored, how can we talk about invading other heavens and realms?

Little Tianzun shook his head and said, The revival of the great world of heaven and earth in the early Yuan Dynasty actually has nothing to do with the ancestral court!

Xu Ying was extremely shocked and lost his voice: The invasion of the Demon Realm in the Great World at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had nothing to do with the Demon Realm?

It was because the demonic invasion of the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty polluted his soul that he made this trip to the ancestral court. Unexpectedly, Little Tianzun actually said that the demonic invasion had nothing to do with the demonic realm.

This is outrageous!

Little Tianzun said: Master, the invasion of the demonic domain in the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty should be called restoration and regaining the homeland! The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty should have been consistent with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth of the ancestral court, not the current Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. ! The ancestral court is happy to see this change. I call it the awakening of the ancestral path!

Xu Ying was stunned and suddenly said: Do you think that there will be immortals behind the awakening of the ancestral path in the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?

Little Tianzun said in surprise: Is it promoted by immortals? Immortals regard the great road of heaven and earth in the ancestral court as the devil's path, and regard the ancestral court as the devil's realm. Why do they promote the awakening of the ancestral path? What benefits does it bring to the immortals by promoting the awakening of the ancestral path?

Xu Ying thought: The struggle in the lower realm is the manifestation of the struggle between the giants of the immortal world in the lower realm. The invasion of the underworld, the invasion of Wei Xu and the invasion of the demon realm may be behind the overt and secret struggles between the giants of the immortal world. One more thing, it's me!

He walked around and said: In the past, if I escaped from the surveillance of the monitor and started to practice, I would immediately attract various gods to suppress me, and even the immortal world sent immortals to the lower world to suppress it myself. However, not only have I started to practice in these years , and even began to break the seal and release the memories that were previously sealed. There has been no big movement in the fairy world so far, as if there is no time to intervene. This is very strange.

When he said this, Little Tianzun also noticed the weirdness in it.

The original gods of Kunlun have resurrected, Kunlun has lost control, and the four giants of the underworld have resurrected one after another. I am afraid there will be big moves in the underworld, but they have not attracted the attention of the immortal world. It is really weird!

Not long ago, Xu Ying caused a lot of commotion in the Land of Daoqi. The Immortal Realm only suppressed it once symbolically, and then left it alone.

Could it be that the fairy world is also lying flat?

The two looked at each other and said in unison: There must be something weird in this!

Xu Ying said quickly: Little Tianzun, what is the specific content of your plan to mend the sky? How to implement it? Have you mentioned it to outsiders? Most people know about your plan and will follow the trend to cause a big event in all the worlds!

Little Tianzun said: Master, you proposed the plan to mend the sky. Over the years, I have only perfected the plan to mend the sky. Follow me.

He led Xu Ying to a moon cave gate and said: I collected fragments of various avenues in the ancestral court just to perfect Master's plan to mend the sky. When you left and all the uncles went into seclusion, I sorted out these things by myself. Zu. Although many people in the court know about this matter, it is unknown whether any immortals know about it.

Xu Ying walked into the moon cave door and exclaimed, seeing that after passing through the moon cave door, there was another space.

Facing the front is a giant fairy artifact fragment that looks like a mountain. There are strange Dao patterns on the fairy artifact that light up from time to time.

This is a broken fairy weapon from an ancient era. It is dead and has no spirituality.

There were rows of bookshelves next to this piece of fairy artifact. Xu Ying picked up a book and flipped through it. The book recorded Xiao Tianzun's annotations on these Dao patterns, as well as the Dao patterns he tried to complete.

Xu Ying put down the book and walked forward. Not far away, he saw another huge fragment of an immortal artifact, like a bronze button on a clock.

There are also many bookshelves with books nearby.

Xu Ying flew up and looked around, only to see that this space was filled with huge fragments of magic weapons, and various dao patterns were flickering on and off!

Next to these magic weapon fragments, there are many bookshelves filled with books!

These books are Xiao Tianzun’s attempts to mend the sky for more than 40,000 years!

He searched the ruins of the lost civilization and found the fragments of the magic weapon buried in the ruins. He sorted out the texture of the avenue from the Dao patterns on it, and tried to deduce and complete it based on these incomplete Dao patterns!

This is a task that is too huge to be completed, a task that cannot be completed by human beings, nor a task that can be completed by human wisdom!

Regardless of whether Little Tianzun can mend the sky or not, just persisting for more than 40,000 years is enough to be admired!

Xu Ying was filled with emotion in his heart. He was silent for a moment and said, I proposed the plan to mend the sky. I have already ascended and defected. Why do you still insist on doing it?

Little Tianzun thought for a while and smiled: Who said it must be your dream? Master, you taught me to have the world in mind, why can't it be my dream?

With the world in mind?

Xu Ying murmured, I can't do it myself, so how can I ask you for it? That's right!

Xu Ying perked up and said with a smile: I have always called you Little Tianzun, but I still don't know what your real name is. Since you still recognize me as your master, you should also tell me your real name.

Little Tianzun hesitated and said, Disciple doesn't remember either.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I picked you up and raised you, and you still want to hide it from me?

Little Tianzun was a little embarrassed, and after a while, he said: My nickname... Ergouzi. I don't know who my parents are, so I don't have a surname. Later, when I met the master, I gave him a surname of Xu.

Xu Ergouzi? Xu Ying asked.

Little Tianzun nodded reluctantly.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said: I'll call you Little Tianzun from now on.

Little Tianzun nodded hurriedly.

In addition to broken immortal artifacts, there are also some stone walls and bronze tripod carvings, engraved with some incomplete skills.

Xu Ying came to a stone wall, stopped to watch, and tried to activate the vitality according to the incomplete skills on the stone wall, and it was actually able to work.

However, because the skill is incomplete, it is extremely dangerous to operate and may go crazy at any time.

There are also rows of bookshelves next to these stone walls. The books on the bookshelves are Xiao Tianzun's attempts to complete these skills.

Xu Ying looked at the rows of stone walls and thought that for thousands of years, Little Tianzun was here, trying to restore the ancestral Taoist and magical system.

Suddenly, Xu Ying woke up and asked, Where did you get the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique?

This technique is extremely powerful. In a decisive battle with the two Immortal Kings, they were forced to retreat. If there weren't flaws in Little Tianzun's mysterious skills, I'm afraid it wouldn't be Little Tianzun who died, but the two Immortal Kings.

I obtained the fragment of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique from this stone wall.

Little Tianzun led him to the stone wall engraved with the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and said, However, there are too many missing parts of this ancient-era technique, and I can only reluctantly deduce it to the seventh revolution.

Xu Ying looked at the incomplete skills on the stone wall. This skill is a method for physical sanctification. However, there are too many incomplete parts of the method on the stone wall, making it extremely dangerous to practice.

Xu Ying will know the method of this skill after watching it once.

This technique adopts the method of reversing the innate nature of drawing the small world within the vitality. The first round of the technique is extremely simple. It is just a rough big door with only a large frame.

The second turn adds many contexts within the Great Week. The third turn has many more details.

The main veins of the fourth turn evolve into Tao patterns. In the fifth turn, the details evolve into Tao patterns.

The sixth path pattern evolves into a path chain, and the seventh path chain has more details.

In the eighth turn, the Great Zhoutian turns into a dojo. After being refined in the Taoist temple, the small world inside the body will be the same as the real world, thus reversing the innate nature, transforming the acquired nature into the innate nature, and the soul becoming the innate sacredness.

In the ninth turn, the dojo transformed into the Luotian Method.

It's just that the eighth and ninth turns on the stone wall only describe part of the cultivation effects, and there is no real record of the practice.

There are too many missing parts in this nine-turn Xuan Gong, and because it follows the innate path of reversing the inner world, the first turn is extremely important. If there is a slight mistake or omission, the subsequent mistakes and omissions will become more and more big.

Xiao Tianzun should have been practicing in the first and second turns. Except for the point difference, it left a flaw in the technique. By the seventh turn, the flaw was magnified countless times, so it was spotted by the two Immortal Kings, leading to death in battle. .

There are also many bookshelves in front of the stone wall of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. Xu Ying picked up a book and looked through it. In the book, he saw that the little Tianzun had verified a lot of information and perfected the Tao patterns.

The Dao patterns of cultivation in ancient times are similar to the Immortal Dao runes, and they are both means of recording the great avenues of heaven and earth.

Xu Ying simply stood by the bookshelf, reading one book after another, reading the books that Xiao Tianzun had written by Zheng Bo.

He was originally not good at reading, especially boring books. He would get sleepy after reading a few sentences. Little Tianzun was a boring person, so it was naturally impossible for him to write a book that demonstrated the Nine-turn Mysterious Gong Dao pattern in an interesting way.

Xu Yingqiang read all the books on the bookshelf, pondered for a moment, and said: I unsealed the Dao Qi Land, revived the Dao of Heaven and Earth there, and gained many insights into the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Some of the Dao patterns you wrote are related to mine. The results don’t match. I’ll correct it for you.”

He revived the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Land of Dao Qi and gained a lot. However, in his opinion, there were many flaws in the Dao patterns completed by Little Tianzun.

Xu Ying took up his pen and corrected the erroneous Dao patterns. Soon after, he organized the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the seventh revolution. The eighth and ninth turns of Xuan Gong on the stone wall contained only concepts and no techniques. Xu Ying reached the seventh turn and was about to stop writing when suddenly a light flashed in his mind and he continued to write along the train of thought of this technique.

When he wrote to the fullest, his understanding of the righteousness in the land of enlightenment became deeper, and he couldn't help but enter a strange and wonderful state!

But he saw the Dao patterns spreading out all over his body, and unknowingly permeated the incomplete world. The Dao patterns spread across the sky, like rays of light slowly floating and spreading.

Little Tianzun was inexplicably shocked. He looked around and saw different Dao patterns connected with the fragments of the immortal artifacts he collected, completing the incomplete Dao patterns on the fragments of the immortal artifacts!

The plan to mend the sky, the way of heaven to complete it...

Little Tianzun's soul trembled and his scalp was numb. This was exactly his dream plan to mend the sky!

He, the master who abandoned them and ascended to the Immortal Realm and betrayed his ancestral family, returned this time and actually brought new hope for the Sky Mending Plan!

This space was refined from a fragment of the Ziwei Remnant Realm that Little Tianzun found. It was used to store the fragments of immortal weapons and incomplete techniques he collected. At this moment, Xu Ying's body was filled with Dao patterns, resonating with all the fragments of immortal weapons. The connection caused waves of mysterious Tao sounds to be heard in this world.

After all, the Land of Dao Qi is just a part of the Ancestral Court. It cannot have all the avenues of heaven and earth of the Ancestral Court, and some of the Tao patterns contained in these fairy artifact fragments are not among the avenues of heaven and earth of the Land of Dao Qi. At this time, Xu Ying reunited with the Tao, and those Tao patterns naturally matched his.

The mystery contained in the Taoist pattern also turned into a deposit of his knowledge.

After a long time, Xu Ying suddenly pulled out of the state of harmony, threw down the pen in his hand, and said with a smile: Second... Little Tianzun, on a whim, I also deduced the ninth level of the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong. . However, there are probably big mistakes. You can practice with it first, and then see if you can improve it in the future.

————The update is sometimes in the underworld, sometimes in the yang world, jumping between the yin and yang worlds repeatedly! I jump!

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