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Chapter 369 Insect Disaster

Fairy insects were flying all over the sky, not only rushing towards Nalandu and all the fairy corpses, but even Big Bell, Hua Cuoying and Gong Qi were on their food list.

Nalandu saw the ferocious swarm of insects coming, so he calmly used his magical power and filled the sky with fairy fire, covering the incoming swarm of insects.

Burning bugs is the simplest thing. Using fairy fire to crack magic weapons like Gu bugs is the right medicine.

However, his fairy fire flew out, and after encountering the insect swarm, instead of decreasing, the insect swarm became more and more numerous, while the fairy fire was shrinking rapidly.

Those fairy insects even gnawed on the fairy fire. After absorbing the energy in the fairy fire, they trembled, split into two, and continued to chew on the fairy fire.

Nalandu's Immortal Fire is also the flame of imagination. It is a Dao phenomenon in itself. Coupled with the Immortal Dao runes and the inheritance of the Ninth Immortal King, it is extremely powerful.

However, in the face of these fairy insects, they are useless and have become nutrients for the insects to divide and reproduce!

Nalandu looked solemn, and quickly used a magical power. With a wave of his hand, thousands of sword energies flew out from the Immortal Yao Pond. The thin swords were only two inches long, like silver needles, extremely dense, flying towards the swarm of insects. go.

The sword energy fell on the insects, making a clanging sound. The next moment, the insects were seen holding the sword energy and gnawing at it. In the blink of an eye, the number of insects increased by several percent.

Nalandu's scalp went numb, he flew up and fell into the Yaochi.

The water of Yaochi rotated, forming fairy light water dragons around him, circling and dancing.

The swarm of insects rushed towards them and were carried around by the fairy light water dragons. Nalandu breathed a sigh of relief, but then his heart was in his throat again, and he saw that the insects were lying on these fairy light water dragons and couldn't stop biting them.

What on earth are these bugs? He felt desperate.

The fairy insects even gnawed at Yaochi, the treasure of the Immortal King. They only took a few bites. When they found that they couldn't eat anymore, they came to gnaw at the Immortal Light Water Dragon. Obviously, the Nalandu in the water dragon cover was more delicious.

Nalandu tried his best to maintain the dragon group formed by the water dragons, protecting his body and struggling to hold on. But if he does this, he won't be able to hold on for long. When his mana is exhausted and the water dragon cover breaks down, he will be swarmed by the insects!

He looked outside and saw chaos all around him.

Those strong men from the Hua family faced the swarm of insects, but they couldn't resist it at all. They used their magical powers and were eaten clean before their power could be unleashed. When they used their magic weapons, they couldn't hurt the swarm of insects at all, but they were eaten until nothing was left!

The insects swarmed on them, and their souls were riddled with holes in an instant, turning into sieves.

If you enter their physical bodies, you can still see that they are alive at first, but the next moment, the realm of Xiyi is eaten up, and every realm is eaten clean!

When they are alive, they can feel that something is eating them in their bodies. Neither the real fire of Samadhi nor the divine water of Samadhi can kill them, they can only be tortured.

But fortunately, he died quickly.

When Nalandu looked outside, he saw that those powerful Hua family men quickly turned into pieces of human skin, falling from the air in their clothes.

The human skin was thin and translucent, and there were countless tiny shadows crawling around inside. Soon, even the human skin was eaten away, and no clothes were left.

Only the swarms of insects, as fine as smoke, flew out and pounced on the next target.

In the sky, figures ran away frantically, and were immediately overtaken by swarms of smoke-like insects. They were flapping wildly in mid-air, clawing at their bodies, and some even burned themselves.

However, they all met the same end, being eaten up by the swarm of insects!

Nalandu was horrified when he saw that there were immortal corpses attacking the insect swarm. They were the corpses of the Immortal King. The corpses were extremely powerful. Countless insects pounced on these corpses of the Immortal King and bit them, but it was difficult to bite them.

Even if the Immortal King is dead, he can still make the immortal corpse clean and unbreakable, and cannot be eaten by these insects.

Seeing this, Nalandu felt a glimmer of hope in his heart: If the corpse of the Immortal King can save itself, then I can still be saved. With the help of the corpse of the Immortal King, everyone in the Hua family may be able to kill these insects by using their magical powers. …”

Just as he thought of this, he saw countless insects burrowing into the body from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of a corpse of the Immortal King. The corpse of the Immortal King activated its Taoist and magical powers to attack other groups of insects, trying to blow them up and kill them. .

Indeed, many bugs died in its hands, but soon, its body became translucent from front to back, and the swarm of bugs ate it from the inside!

After a while, all that was left of the Immortal King's corpse was a skin that could not be chewed to pieces, and a white bone in the skin. Nothing else was left!

The swarm of insects reluctantly grinded their teeth on the white bones, causing fire to fly everywhere. Then they all fluttered their wings, flew out of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the Immortal King's skin, and pounced on the next target.

Nalandu's heart felt cold: What kind of monster is this...

The insect swarm did not recognize any of its relatives, and some of the insects pounced on An Qi, Da Zhong, Hua Cuoying and the comatose Fairy Gushe. Seeing this, An Qi hurriedly gathered everyone together, shrank his body, and protected everyone in the middle.

The big bell was suspended, placed upside down on the head of the big snake, and a curtain of light hung down.

An Qi activated the word prisoner and shouted: Master Chong, are you not afraid that I will seal you again?

Swarms of insects were flying around the outer wall of the big clock. Insects kept hitting the wall. The big clock was also extremely nervous. The prison characters on the wall became brighter and brighter.

Seeing this, the insect swarm became a little frightened and flew away whistling.

Master Qi, can you still take back Master Chong? The wall of the big clock trembled nervously and kept making clanging sounds.

An Qi was shaking so hard that all the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart, and he felt that he had no strength.

He looked at the swarm of insects and saw that in just a short moment, everyone in the Hua family was eaten clean, and the immortal corpses were all eaten up, leaving only them and Nalandu barely able to survive.

They relied on the prison character script, and Nalandu relied on the Immortal Yaochi.

Because they had eaten so many masters, the insect swarm grew a hundred times in size, forming clouds of insects one after another, swooping down.

How can we accept this... Xian Qi murmured.

On the Penglai Immortal Mountain, Yuan Tiangang, Patriarch Yan Yu and others were trapped and fighting, fighting to the death with the immortal corpses that had entered the Hunyuan Palace. When they were at the end of the mountain, all the immortal corpses suddenly rushed out.

Everyone was shocked and confused, and followed the immortal corpses to fight out. The immortal corpses ignored their attacks, rushed out of Hunyuan Palace, and flew up one after another, rushing towards the sky.

Those immortal corpses who were fighting with the Xuanwu beast also left the Xuanwu at this moment, and flew up one by one, rushing into the sky.

Everyone looked up and suddenly, the immortal corpses seemed to have lost control and fell from the air one by one.

Look! What is that?

Lin Tianhua, the master of Lin Pavilion, was not injured because he was guarded by the Seven Immortals of Penglai Pavilion. At this moment, he became the one with the highest cultivation level among the people. He also had a good look in his eyes. He raised his hand and pointed to the sky and shouted, Several dark clouds are coming down. !”

Everyone ran out of gas and lamps, and barely looked around, only to see the dark clouds getting closer and closer, and suddenly dispersed like smoke and dust.

A rustling gnawing sound was heard, and the first thing that bore the brunt was the Penglai fairy mountains floating in the air, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

not good!

The goddess's face changed drastically, and she shouted hurriedly, It's an insect plague! Hurry and hide back to Hunyuan Palace!

Everyone rushed towards Hunyuan Palace. In the sky behind them, dark clouds fell one after another, covering the small fairy mountains in the sky.

The goddess said loudly: Xuanwu! Run! If you can't escape, remember to leave the body and give up the body! It's better to escape from the soul than to be eaten to pieces!

The Xuanwu beast carried the Penglai Wonderland and roared towards the outside of Ziweican. In the air behind it, patches of insect clouds rushed downwards.

The Xuanwu Divine Beast looked back, hurriedly opened its mouth, and spit out a mouthful of divine fire, increasing the insect swarm by 20 to 30%.

The Xuanwu beast was startled and ran even harder.

However, there were already many swarms of insects on His back, devouring the immortal mountains everywhere, leveling the mountains one after another, and even the immortal corpses were eaten until only the bones were left.

The Goddess rushed into the Hunyuan Palace and lost her previous calmness. She looked around at everyone with a serious face and shouted: Everyone listen to my order! Sacrifice the soul! As long as an insect comes in, you will immediately abandon the body and the soul. Run away! Do you understand? The physical body is just a piece of shit, at worst, you will be reincarnated and start a new life!

Everyone was uneasy and extremely nervous, staring at the entrance of Hunyuan Palace with their eyes.

Previously, even when the immortal corpses attacked Hunyuan Palace, the goddess was not so nervous. Unexpectedly, a mere insect swarm made the goddess feel like she was facing a formidable enemy.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside: Master Zhong, split up and suppress it!


The sound of the bell came with a strange sound. When the goddess heard the sound of the bell, she breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: It's almost, it's almost! Just hold on for a little longer...

Da Zhong and An Qi each used immature seals with the word prison and attacked in all directions to suppress the insect swarm.

They released the bugs, knowing that the consequences would be disastrous, but they didn't expect the bugs to be so powerful, multiplying a hundred times in the blink of an eye!

Moreover, as the number of bugs increases, they devour and reproduce faster and faster, and there is a trend of getting out of control!

If these insects are allowed to devour Penglai, I'm afraid it won't be long before the swarms of insects eat up the entire ancestral palace and wipe out the whole world, leaving nothing behind!

The sound of the big bell erupted, and the seal with the word prison trapped swarms of insects in cages. Within the cages, cages were born, growing inward in layers, quickly compressing the insect swarm to the extreme.

Thousands of fairy insects were squeezed so hard that they had to merge with each other, and finally turned into a larger fairy insect, grinding its teeth and palms fiercely, biting the cage.

On the other side, An Qi followed the same pattern and sealed another swarm of insects, shouting: Master Zhong, don't seal too many at once, otherwise the insects will be too strong and we won't be able to seal them!

A bell and a snake flew around Penglai, putting out fires everywhere and suppressing the insect swarms.

Suddenly, the rest of the insect swarm gathered together and rushed towards them. Xian Qi did not dare to confront them head-on, and quickly shouted: Master Zhong, join forces!

One snake and one bell stir up all the cultivations, one activates the prison word brand, and the other holds the prison word brand, sealing and imprisoning the insect swarm!

Bell Snake was overjoyed, and worked hard to seal it. The seals became smaller and smaller, and the seals were layered on top of each other, finally sealing the fairy insects.

The insects gathered together and turned into a giant fairy insect. It wanted to flap its wings and fly in the cage, but couldn't, so it opened a pair of big scissor-like teeth and bit the cage.

An Qi smiled and said: This cage is strong...


There was a crisp sound, and the railings in the cage were cut by the fairy insect. Anhui Qi and Dazhong were stunned, and saw the big fairy insect cutting and biting, breaking through the layers of prison seals in an instant!

Without any explanation, Xian Qi raised the big bell and tried his best to activate the brand with the word prison on the wall of the bell. This brand was carved by Xu Ying and contained profound and mysterious truths that were far better than what Xian Qi could use himself.

The big bell shouted: Seventh Master! Quick! Quick! Sacrifice me and suppress this guy!

The bells were ringing incessantly, and they were suppressing downwards continuously. Regardless of whether it was the prisoner characters or the brand of heaven, they were all blasted downwards!

The fairy insect cut back and forth, getting faster and faster, and finally cut off the prison seal and escaped from the cage.

The fairy insect was ferocious. It opened its big mouth and flapped its wings towards An Qi and the big bell.

An Qi raised the big bell and threw it at the fairy insect. He heard a loud clang sound and the fairy insect penetrated the big bell from front to back.

Da Zhong panicked and shouted: Stop! Master Qi, stop! I missed it, I missed it!

The fairy insect rubbed its big teeth with its two front legs, causing fire to fly everywhere. It flapped its wings and flew back. Suddenly it divided into ten thousand and rushed towards them.

The other cages of Anhui Qi and Dazhong were also broken by the fairy insects inside. Countless fairy insects escaped and no longer clung to the Penglai Fairy Mountain. Instead, they flew in all directions, spreading branches and leaves, and multiplying everywhere!

An Qi and Dazhong were in despair: The Demon Realm is finished... we are finished too!

Suddenly, a figure in white passed by them, raised his palm to face the swarm of insects, and said in a low voice: Immortal!

All kinds of fairy runes suddenly flew around the fairy insects, forming a six-sided cube, layered on top of each other, sealing each insect in a different space!


The scholar in white took another step forward, the immortal runes changed again, and thousands of cages flying out in all directions sealed the immortal insects scattered all over Penglai.


The scholar in white spit out the immortal sound from his mouth, with Penglai as the center, the heaven and the earth were like a cage, locking the heaven and earth, trapping the immortal insects that were scattered in all directions.


As this word was spoken, the cage of heaven and earth shrank rapidly, all the immortal insects in the cage merged, and the seals merged themselves, integrating into one.

All the cages turned into a square box and fell lightly into the palm of the white-clothed scholar.

The extremely ferocious fairy insect was hundreds of times more powerful than before, but now it was suppressed and unable to move, like a wood carving and clay sculpture.

An Qi and Dazhong were stunned. This person's four-character seal was more flexible than Xu Ying!

An Qi quickly asked: Who are you?

The scholar in white turned back, showed his handsome face, smiled slightly, and said calmly: Little Tianzun of the ancestral court. The promise you follow will be my master in his first life.

An Qi looked at the big clock. The big clock was also very excited and asked tentatively: Are you our... grand master's nephew?

The scholar in white was sluggish, with a stiff smile on his face.

An Qi said quickly: My surname is Niu, and my name is An Qi. You can call me Qi Ye!

You can call me Master Zhong!

Da Zhong was surprised and happy, and said quickly, By the way, there is Mr. Cao! Mr. Cao! Mr. Cao! Mr. Cao is not here... Also, don't kill the insect, it is your Mr. Insect!

The scholar in white was none other than Little Heavenly Lord, who had just woken up from reincarnation. After being treated by Samsara Xuannv, he not only survived, but also recovered from his injuries.

During his reincarnation, he had many encounters and experienced various wonderful experiences. After coming out of the reincarnation, he felt that he was stronger than before. With one move, he turned the tide and directly suppressed the insect plague that was about to sweep through the ancestral home.

However, although he has become stronger, his seniority seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

Master Xu, how many people have you sworn sworn sworn friends with? It doesn't matter if you swore sworn sworn vows to others, why are there still snakes, bells, and most importantly, grass and insects!

Little Tianzun was a little dizzy, wondering if it was a sequelae of falling in reincarnation.

————During the meeting, everyone’s chapter notes will basically not be displayed. After the meeting, they will all be displayed. All forums are old traditions. Book friends, please stay calm.

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