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Chapter 370 The Great Terror in Wei Ruins

Probably something went wrong when I was in reincarnation. Maybe this world is a different world now, or maybe I changed the timeline during reincarnation, causing the current future to be different from the future in my original time and space.

Little Tianzun hesitated for a moment and thought to himself, Otherwise, if I wake up from death, why would there be so many uncles calling themselves masters?

His experience in reincarnation was so mysterious that he is still a little confused and can't believe his experience.

Anhui Qi and Dazhong were surprised again and again. This extremely powerful master nephew was born for nothing, and having a big backer in the Demon Realm naturally brought many benefits.

One snake and one clock followed the little Tianzun, and Xian Qi said: Ah Ying is above, under the Tianmen, he was guarding the Hunyuan Palace and defeated the Immortal King, and was seriously injured.

Aying? Little Tianzun was confused.

It's the nickname for Xu Ying.

An Qi explained, When he caught snakes in the past, people in the village called him A Ying.

Catch a snake? Little Tianzun glanced at him and thought to himself, Catch a snake uncle for me? But why is his surname Niu?

He was puzzled, but there were too many stories that happened to this master. Little Tianzun even suspected that there were probably thousands of master's wives in the past forty thousand years.

He flew to the Third Tianguan and saw Xu Ying sitting at the Tianguan, unconscious. The Sixth Secret Cave was in tatters behind him. There were wounds everywhere on his body, and there were squirming flesh and blood. He should be repairing the physical damage.

Why is Aying so injured?

An Qi and Dazhong were startled. They saw that the Sixth Secret Cave behind Xu Ying was riddled with holes, as if they had been bitten by insects, and they couldn't help but feel a sudden rush in their hearts.

Could it be that Ah Ying was bitten like this by a fairy insect?

An Qi and Dazhong secretly felt ashamed. They chased the swarm of insects and went to Penglai, but they forgot to check on Xu Ying's condition.

Little Tianzun checked it and said, It was bitten by a swarm of insects.

He just took action to suppress the insect swarm, kidnapping all the nearby fairy insects and suppressing them. It seems that there was a group of insect swarms here that were eating Xu Ying.

These insects were suppressed and Xu Ying's life was saved.

An Qi and Dazhong were in a state of confusion. An Qi was uneasy and said, I see that the flesh and blood on A Ying's body is still recovering on its own, so the injury shouldn't be serious...

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: His Six Secret Cave Heaven was bitten and was unable to function. When the fairy insects came to bite him, he could not resist and could only fight hard. Now that the physical body has recovered, it should be the immortal true spirit that is at work. Self-healing physical body.”

Anhui Qi and Dazhong felt sad. One can imagine how miserable Xu Ying was in the situation at that time. He was unable to make any resistance. The Six Secrets were eaten by insects again. They could only let the insects bite and devour them, relying on their own immortal true spirit. To repair the broken body.

But there is also an advantage. He was originally seriously injured, and it was the wounds left on him by the two immortal kings. Now these wounds have been eaten by insects, so he can be reborn with flesh and blood.

Little Tianzun inspected Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm and Yinjing Daoxiang, and couldn't help frowning. Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm and Yinjing Daoxiang were extremely damaged. Just like the ancestral court today, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the heaven and earth were broken. The avenue is in ruins.

It is hard to say that the damage caused to the hidden scene Taoism can be repaired in the future if we think about it. But it will be very difficult to repair the damage done to the Xiyi Realm.

He checked the six secrets of the human body again and couldn't help but frown.

Xu Ying's Six Secrets are not optimistic either. The six caves were damaged and the Six Secrets are no longer as grand as before. I wonder if they can be trained back.

As for the twelfth floor building, it was also seriously injured by the insect swarm and the immortal king's magical power, so it is not optimistic.

Xu Ying's soul was even more damaged. His soul was not big to begin with, and the light of the immortal true spirit could already be seen in the ruined place.

It must have been bitten like this by a swarm of insects... The teacher was injured like this because he wanted to save me.

A complex emotion arose in his heart. In his opinion, Xu Ying's ascension to the immortal world was a betrayal, but Xu Ying did everything he could to save him, even risking his own life to save him. This left him entangled in love and hate and difficult to sort out.


Suddenly, I saw the fairy light surging in the promised Yaochi, flowing down from top to bottom. Wherever it passed, the mountains and rivers were reorganized, the way of heaven was refining, the five mountains were restored, and the thirty-three-level Tianshan Mountain was restored to its original state. Water and fire were tempered together. The dojo has also returned to normal.

In just a moment, the twelve-story building was as bright as new, and Xu Ying's soul was nourished by the fairy light of Yaochi and gradually recovered.

Little Tianzun was stunned: This is...

He still remembered the situation when Samsara Xuannv found him in reincarnation and took away the fairy water from Yaochi from his body.

Samsara Xuannv told him that his true body was wandering and struggling in reincarnation, so as not to be found by the gods and immortals, he wanted to use the fairy water of Yaochi to revive him.

They traveled through time and space in reincarnation to find the true form of the reincarnated Xuannv, and they had just rescued the empress.

However, how could there be Yaochi fairy water in Xu Ying's Yaochi?

He has not cultivated to the Yaochi stage, and even if he has cultivated to the Yaochi stage, it is impossible to cultivate the Yaochi fairy water!

Little Tianzun didn't know that Xu Ying took away most of the fairy water from the fairy water of the Queen Mother of the West, and a large part of the fairy water was absorbed by the fairy water in his Xiyi Domain. Now that Xu Ying suffered an unprecedented serious injury, the effect of the fairy water came into play to heal his body.

He'll wake up soon.

Little Tianzun straightened up and looked up at Wei Xu, his eyes gleaming: Sure enough, only the teacher can awaken the fighting spirit of these seniors!

In the Wei Ruins, the Four Fiends of the Ling Family, Taoist Wuliu and others fought a decisive battle against the two Immortal Kings. The two Immortal Kings suffered dozens of injuries at this moment, but the Four Fiends of the Ling Family and others were not much better either.

However, the four villains of the Ling family and others were so brave that they killed the two immortal kings in fear, revealing their defeat.

The two Immortal Kings were beaten like this by a group of unknown people, which ruined their reputation.

This matter started because of me, and I will resolve it myself!

Little Tianzun raised his right hand and was about to summon the Heavenly Halberd when he suddenly saw a girl clasping Nalandu's throat with one hand, lifting Nalandu high, and shouted to the Ninth Immortal King in the Wei Xu monster's eyes: Ah Baaba!”

Little Tianzun was very surprised: The flowers are wrong?

He even suspected that he had seen it wrong.

Hua Cuoying is a child of the Hua family in Weixu and the daughter of the Five Ultimate Immortal King. How could she capture Nalandu and threaten the Ninth Immortal King?

Master Cao! An Qi and Dazhong were surprised and happy.

Little Tianzun was stunned: Master Cao?

Only then did he notice that there was a purple fairy grass on Hua Cuoying's head, and the grass blades were hidden between Hua Cuoying's hair: Could it be Master Cao? Bah! I actually called a grass Master Cao! What if? If Chu Tiandu and Zhou Yashu hear this, how should they look at me?

Aba Aba! Hua Cuoying shouted with murderous intent, gesturing on Nalandu's neck.

Graveyard Grass controlled Hua Cuoying, and while An Qi and Dazhong went to suppress the insect swarm, they stayed near Xiandao Yaochi, waiting for the opportunity.

The little Tianzun suppressed the insect swarms in the nearby world. The insect swarms that besieged Nalandu were also suppressed and taken away by the little Tianzun. Nalandu's cultivation was seriously depleted, so this girl immediately broke into Yaochi and went straight to Nalandu.

Nalandu was hit on the knees by dozens of times by this girl. His body trembled in pain, he lost his fighting ability, passed out, and became a prisoner of the grass on the grave.

The Graveyard Grass knew that Xu Ying once pinched Nalandu's neck and threatened the Ninth Immortal King, so he followed the same pattern and pinched Nalandu's neck to threaten the Ninth Immortal King. However, it did not understand human language and could only say Abaaaaaa bar.

The battle in the Weixu Monster's eyes was extremely fierce, with magical powers colliding all the time, so Aba Aba's voice never reached the ears of the Ninth Immortal King.

As Little Tianzun walked towards the Wei Xu Strange Eye, he reached out to grab the side of his body and said calmly: We are sure to win this battle, so why threaten the enemy with hostages? Tianji——

A huge ray of light soared into the sky, and fell into his hands the next moment. Little Tianzun's aura surged. He held this rare weapon, and immediately rushed towards the strange eye in the sky with murderous intent!

In the strange eyes, the two Immortal Kings were already at a disadvantage, but when they suddenly saw Little Tianzun, they couldn't help but become confused.

Especially the Ninth Immortal King, when he noticed the little Tianzun, he also noticed that Hua Cuoying was pinching his beloved disciple Nalandu's throat, and his mind became even more confused.

The moment he was confused, Taoist Wuliu immediately seized the opportunity, pierced the Tao domain with sword light, and severed the hamstring of the Ninth Immortal King!

The Ninth Immortal King fell to the ground, and the Immortal King Yuanshen behind him immediately reached out to grab him, trying to send Wu Liu Taoist on his way. Unexpectedly, the Lanshan Sword, Tianlong Double Mace, Bin Iron Rod, and Pengyi Double Sword of the four brothers of the Ling family fell one after another. On him!

The Ninth Immortal King vomited blood profusely, his breath became exhausted rapidly, and he could no longer contend with the crowd.

Relying on his powerful magic power, Xuan Yazi joined forces with Pan Demon God to fight against the Five Jue Immortal King, giving Taoist Wuliu and the four evil spirits of the Ling family a chance. Taoist Wuliu and the four villains of the Ling family defeated the Ninth Immortal King and immediately joined forces to besiege the Five Jue Immortal King.

The eight masters clashed, and when the rabbit was up and the falcon was about to fall, the physical body and soul of the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were all severely damaged.

As the minds of the two Immortal Kings were in turmoil, their dojos were destroyed, their chains were broken, and they had no strength to fight anymore!

Little Tianzun was resurrected, but before he could take action, the two immortal kings were defeated.

Demon God Pan grabbed the Huntian Treasure Umbrella, and was about to put the two Immortal Kings into the treasure umbrella to refine them into ashes. Suddenly, Little Tianzun's face changed drastically, his body suddenly accelerated, and he rushed in front of the seven people!

When he rushed out, the Xuan Gong had already reached the sixth turn, the six secrets were fully opened, the ancestral caves emerged one by one, the breath circulated, and everything was as expected, and there was no longer the stagnant feeling before.

He was resurrected from the dead and experienced reincarnation. Although he failed to learn the Taoist teachings of the reincarnated goddess, he made his own Taoist teachings more rounded and rounded, giving people a sense of reincarnation.

But even so, he didn't dare to use the seventh turn.

At the seventh turn, the flaw is too big. Although the attack power is powerful, it is also easy for others to seize the opportunity.

Fortunately, he came back from the dead and was even better than before. Now that he was using the sixth turn, his combat power was no less than that of the seventh turn.

Demon God Pan, the four evil spirits of the Ling family, Taoist Wuliu and Xuan Yazi also sensed the danger in an instant. They did not bother to kill the two immortal kings, and immediately activated their magic weapons, sacrificed their souls, and prepared to prepare.

When Little Tianzun arrived, he pushed everyone's momentum to its peak!

At this moment, in the Wei Xu Heavenly Eye, an extremely terrifying aura surged, and a huge shadow slowly emerged, appearing behind the two Immortal Kings.

In an instant, the sky and the earth tilted, the avenue twisted, and the sound of countless ghosts crying and howling came, like falling into the hell of mud and plowing, making people crazy and turning into demons!

Around that human-shaped shadow, there were countless shadows floating like tentacles, filling the sky like lines.

The strong corpse aura hit his face.

Everyone was infected to the point where their Taoist hearts were unstable, and they each suppressed the demonic nature of their Taoist hearts. They were filled with shock and doubt, and felt that the corpse aura was even stronger!

Beside An Qi, Fairy Gushe woke up and looked at the terrifying figure in the Wei Xu monster's eyes. Suddenly her heart moved slightly: That day when I was sorting out the cause and effect of Xu Ying, I noticed that there were several monsters in Wei Xu that were related to Xu Ying. There are giants connected by causal lines, is this weirdo the most powerful among them?

The shadow's face couldn't be seen at all. Its eyes and mouth looked like the eyes and mouth cut out of a black paper man.

Its aura is more powerful than the two Immortal Kings, twisted, and the corpse aura is strong, and can even be transmitted to the outside world!

Little Tianzun was a little nervous. This aura was too powerful. He was resurrected after death and was better than before, but facing this shadow, there was no chance of winning!

At this time, a bright moon slowly rose, appeared in the mid-air, and hung opposite the Wei Ruins.

The bright moon only illuminated one person, a goddess who looked like water and snow, stepping on the moonlight and walking towards this side, with a calm face and said: Back off!

Behind the bright moon, a figure of an empress appears vaguely. She is in the underworld, her hair connects all the heavens and worlds, and she controls the reincarnation of the souls of billions of living beings.

That is the true form of Samsara Xuannv!

The empress' voice seemed to have a strange power, and the terrifying shadow quickly retreated. The Five Jue Immortal King and the Ninth Immortal King immediately took the opportunity to return to Wei Xu.

Xuan Yazi and others also breathed a sigh of relief. Unknowingly, they were sweating profusely, which was more tiring than fighting the two immortal kings in a life-and-death duel.

The sense of oppression brought to them by that terrifying shadow was so strong that it even gave them a feeling of surpassing the Immortal King!

Little Tianzun, if you want to annex Wei Xu and let the two immortal kings work for you, please think twice. Taoist Wuliu said.

The four villains of the Ling family and others looked solemn and nodded.

Little Tianzun hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to nod and said: Uncles, my master is seriously injured and dying. He is down there. Won't you go take a look?

Demon God Pan's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said excitedly: Will you die?

You won't die!

Taoist Wuliu raised his hand and grabbed it, and a pole flew towards him. Taoist Wuliu inserted his sword into the pole and said lazily, I once sneaked into the world of Yuanshou to see him. Even if he is killed, his true spirit will never be extinguished. Reborn.

Xuan Yazi nodded and sighed: That's it.

The four villains of the Ling family each carried their weapons and left, and they all sneered: We also went to see him, but he can't die.

Pan Demon God was not interested, so he put the Huntian umbrella on the back of his neck, put his hands on the umbrella, stood up and left, and said with a smile: Since he can't die, it's nothing. When he wakes up the memory of his first life, we will kill him again. !”

Little Tianzun frowned and said silently in his heart: It seems that they are still unable to resolve their resentment against the teacher.

Ziwei Remnant Realm, outside Hunyuan Palace.

The Black Tortoise lay quietly on the ground, recovering from his injuries. On his back, the Penglai Fairy Mountain was floating in the air, tied by the chains on his body, so that it did not float to the sky.

In the Heavenly King's Palace, An Qi's voice came with a flattering tone: Are you awake? You are already a girl.

Nalandu woke up leisurely and heard these chilling words.

At this time, the bell sounded: Master Qi, come quickly! Ah Ying is awake!

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