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Chapter 368 Old Friend

The three demon gods were stunned and watched Demon God Pan rising into the sky with a big umbrella.

Aren't we his brothers?

The three demon gods were still a little confused, We have been friends for tens of thousands of years, but why haven't we heard that he has a sworn brother?

How did his cultivation become so powerful?

The three demon gods felt the sudden burst of power when Demon God Pan escaped into the air, and they were each shocked. They were guarding Jianmu City together and enjoying the incense and offerings of the people together. Why did Demon God Pan suddenly become so tyrannical?

In the North Pole Emperor's Seat of the Ancestral Court, in a vast wilderness, four majestic stone statues towered over the mountains. Suddenly, between the eyebrows of the four stone statues, the surface of the stone exploded and fell off.

Each vertical eye is revealed.

The light from the vertical eye circulated and instantly surrounded the body. The four stone statues turned into flesh and blood, and each rose into the sky.

He is unkind, and we, the four villains of the Ling family, must not be unjust!

Even if Xu Tianzun is going to die, he will die at the hands of the four villains of our Ling Family!

As they flew away, mountains and rivers exploded all around. In the mountains, swords were like swimming dragons, maces were like hanging towers, double knives were like wings, and clubs were made of iron, as strong as mountain peaks!

The four heavy weapons turned into streams of light and caught up with the four Ling family brothers.

Xu Ying collapsed in front of the Third Heaven Pass with a pop. He struggled hard to get up again, but he had no strength left.

The injuries caused to him by the Five Jue Immortal King were not only flesh wounds, but the five-color immortal light cut off the Five Sacred Mountains in his body, leaving cracks all over his Xiyi Domain.

His various realms were beaten into tatters. The six secret treasures and the cave were in tatters. When the cave was rotating, you could even see the condition of the secret treasure!

As for his hidden scene, it was also severely damaged. What constituted the hidden scene were his imaginary Taoist phenomena, and all kinds of Taoist phenomena were also wiped out.

Behind him, the gods and men of heaven have collapsed, and the power of heaven that composed the gods and men has been shattered. Even Penglai is full of abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao. The Heavenly Dao is polluted and can no longer provide him with more power.

He was at the end of his rope.

The Five Jue Immortal King saw that he tried to stand up several times but was unable to do so, and his eyes shone with pleasure. The Ninth Immortal King never made a move, and frowned slightly when he saw this, and said: That's enough of the Five Jue, give him a good time.

The Five Jue Immortal King glanced at him and said calmly: Are you feeling pity? He can't die. We tried it back then and couldn't kill him with the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword. With this injury, he would be the most likely to die. His physical soul. I actually think that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation that the emperor sent to the lower realm this time might be able to refine him to death. After all, the emperor has not been idle for more than 40,000 years...

Seeing that he wanted to continue, the Ninth Immortal King coughed and said: Friend Taoist, the nights are long and the dreams are many. Although Xu Ying is nothing to worry about, if the little Tianzun recovers from his injuries, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

The Five Ultimate Immortal Kings are awe-inspiring, and Xiao Tianzun is a figure who can force the two Immortal Kings to retreat even if they join forces. His combat power is really tyrannical. If there wasn't a flaw in Little Tianzun's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and the flaw had been discovered by them long ago, they might have been doomed in that battle.

The five-color fairy light flew out from behind the Five Jue Immortal King and slashed towards Xu Ying!

This time, he not only wants to kill Xu Ying's body, but also kills Xu Ying's soul and beats Xu Ying back to the state of an immortal spirit!

The Wei Xu monster’s eyes were lowered, as if they were pressing down on the Ziwei Can Realm. The five-color fairy light flew out of the monster’s eyes, and the next moment they arrived in front of the Third Heaven Pass!

Suddenly, the crisp sound of the sword resounded throughout the world, and the bright sword light made people feel that thousands of suns were shining at the same time in front of the third day of the pass, shining all over the sky white, without any shadow!

A Taoist in commoner clothes and sandals appeared in front of the Third Heaven Pass. The sword in his hand shone brightly in the ancestral court, showing his sharp edge and cutting off the five-color fairy light!

The Taoist was shocked to the point of losing his breath. He took a step back, raised his head, and looked at the two Immortal Kings in the eyes of the Wei Xu Monster.

Xu Ying raised his head with difficulty, his vision was hazy, and he felt like he had seen this person before.

Taoist Wuliu, don't go... He raised his hand, wanting to warn the Taoist.

The Five Immortal Kings and the Ninth Immortal King stood side by side, looking down at the Taoist from a high position, each showing surprise. They all recognized the people in the ancestral court who could withstand the Immortal King's attack. Below Little Tianzun were Yan Zhenjun and Cang Yue. Most of these two people could withstand the Immortal King's attack without dying.

Apart from this, there are only the Four Saints of the Ancestral Court.

But where did this Taoist come from?

There is such a tyrannical existence in the Demon Realm. We didn't know it. Little Tianzun has hidden the master. It's a pity that it's too late.

The Five Jue Immortal King raised his palm and was about to kill him. Suddenly, a tall god and demon carrying a big umbrella stepped forward. His muscles were full of explosive power and his face was ferocious. He stared at Taoist Wuliu and then looked at the man lying on the ground. Xu Ying looked up.

Sigh! You deserve it!

The ferocious god and demon turned around, stood with Taoist Wuliu, and raised his head to look at Wujue Immortal King.

The Five Jue Immortal King was slightly startled. The aura of this vicious god and demon was no less powerful than that of the Taoist just now!

At this time, four more tall figures came over, their brows were extremely bright, and the dazzling light shone so brightly that even the sword in Taoist Wuliu's hand seemed to lose its color!

The four villains of the Ling family! Demon God Pan spat at the four brothers to express his respect.

The four brothers of the Ling family all looked at him, with fierce gleams in their eyes. Demon God Pan paused heavily while holding the Huntian Treasure Umbrella, and said with a smile: We didn't fight enough back then, why do we want to fight again?

The boss of the Ling family was the one who broke up the fight and said that he would wait until Xu Ying awakened the memory of his first life before killing the giant. He said sullenly: Xiao Pan, you became a giant spirit with a mortal body, but our four brothers were born giants. Ling. You are still a little kid in front of us. Today, we four brothers will not argue with you. We will talk about it after we deal with the enemy.

Demon God Pan was about to speak when he saw the Taoist and immortal Xuan Yazi walking over with a sigh.

Several people were a little surprised.

Anyone could come to rescue Xu Ying, but Xuanyazi would not come. They all heard that Xuanyazi had a secret room filled with straw and paper figures with the words Promise written all over them. Xuanyazi would go to the secret room every day to stab the straw figures and beat villains.

How could Xuan Yazi's hatred for Xu Ying come about?

If he dies at the hands of others, my 40,000 years of hard work will be in vain, right? Xuan Yazi smiled at them.

The Five Jue Immortal King shouted: Who are you?

Taoist Wuliu, Xuan Yazi, Demon God Pan and the four evil spirits of the Ling family all looked at him with fierce looks in their eyes.

Suddenly Wuliu Taoist roared up and rushed towards Wei Xu's strange eyes. The sword in his hand shone with light. Wujue Immortal King sneered and spread his fingers. The five-color fairy light surged behind him and turned into five thick sword energy towards Wuliu Taoist. Attack!

The sword in the hand of the Taoist was shining brightly, meeting the five-color fairy light. For a moment, the sword light and the five-color light collided in the air, and it was like a goddess scattering flowers. The sky was filled with colorful colors, one after another, seemingly beautiful, but with hidden murderous intent!

Wu Liu Taoist's offensive was gradually blocked. Wu Jue Immortal King smiled slightly and raised the formation map. The Wu Jue formation broke out and fell on Wu Liu Taoist!

At this moment, Demon God Pan rushed past Taoist Wuliu, laughing loudly, and the Huntian Treasure Umbrella unfolded in the midst of laughter.

I don’t know where the precious umbrella came from. It was in tatters and had signs of repairs everywhere. But when the Huntian precious umbrella was opened, the entire sky and even Wei Xu were under the umbrella!

Even looking up, you can see the sky full of stars, flowing in the umbrella!

The Five Jue Formation Pictures flew up with a hiss, fell into the depths of the umbrella, and disappeared.

Immortal weapon from ancient times!

The Five Jue Immortal King's heart was slightly shaken, and the twelve-story building in Yuanshen's hand was about to move, and was almost taken away by the Huntian Treasure Umbrella.

The Ninth Immortal King Yuanshen leaned over, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Demon God Pan.

Not to be outdone, Demon God Pan met his palm, and the palms of the two met. Pan Demon God groaned, and was pressed so hard that he could not move. The four evil spirits of the Ling family suddenly sprang out from his left and right sides, their third eyes blazing with divine light, shooting towards the Ninth Immortal King.

The Ninth Immortal King drew a scroll of Tai Chi patterns with one hand, and immediately countless runes flew out, forming Tao chains and forming a Tai Chi diagram. The sun and moon rotated to resist the four evils.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk!

The Tai Chi diagram was penetrated by four divine lights, and the big hand behind the Tai Chi diagram was also punched with four bloody holes!

The Ninth Immortal King was shocked, Demon God Pan took the opportunity to defeat his magic power and rushed into the Wei Ruins. However, he encountered the suppression of the twelve-story tower set up by the Five Immortal Kings.

When the twelve-story building was pressed down, all the doors in the building were opened, and the Promise Brands rushed out one by one, and all of them shot their palms at Demon God Pan.

Demon God Pan was unable to resist, but an old man in green clothes had already come to his head and stood on his forehead.

Demon God Pan's physical body is vast, but the old man is thin and short. He gently taps Demon God Pan's forehead and meets the palm of the twelve promises brand!

The palm power of the twelve Xu Ying Brands is mixed together, how amazing is it?

There was a dull and loud bang, and Xuan Yazi received this palm force, which shocked the Ninth Immortal King and the Five Jue Immortal Kings: This old man is not good-looking, but he is the one with the most powerful magic power among them. He is close to Immortal King!

The two Immortal Kings were secretly shocked. It was just one or two such powerful beings, but the key point was that there were seven of them here!

The seven people joined forces to attack the two Immortal Kings, and they cooperated closely, as if they had cooperated countless times!

The more the two immortal kings fought, the more frightened they became. The paths of these seven people were different from the current immortal system. It would be extremely awkward to fight with them. If the opponent's magical power fell on them and they were injured, it would be difficult to fight them in a short time. Go and practice!

But fortunately, Nalandu and the Hua family will get rid of the Penglai immortals first and kill the little Tianzun. The Ninth Immortal King thought to himself.

In the Wei Xu Monster Eye, the battle was extremely fierce, and below the Wei Xu Monster Eye, the battle to encircle Penglai Fairy Mountain was coming to an end.

Chu Xiangxiang fell to the ground and was dragged into the palace. Yuan Tiangang and others fought hard, but could not stop the Wei Xu Immortal Corpse and had to retreat into Hunyuan Palace.

The immortals looked at the many immortal corpses entering Hunyuan Palace, feeling despair in their hearts.

Time comes, time comes!

Yuan Tiangang had a thin layer of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and he was so anxious that he said, I obviously expected that the luck of the hour would turn the bad luck into good luck, so why is it still a dead end?

He looked at the goddess, but saw that the middle-aged woman was still as usual, and couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. He immediately remembered that in the Battle of Penglai, it was rare for the Goddess to take action. She only rescued someone when someone was about to die, but then she stopped taking action.

Teacher is so calm, can he really turn a bad situation into a good one? Yuan Tiangang thought to himself.

In the sky above Penglai Wonderland, Nalandu finally severely wounded Fairy Gushe, and felt happy in his heart: By capturing this woman, I can return the Immortal Yaochi to the teacher, and let the teacher surrender the enemy!

Fairy Gushe fell down, her heart filled with despair: I tried my best...

At this moment, a thick tail flew up and caught her. The demonic clouds in the sky were turbulent. When the clouds dispersed, an extremely huge giant snake lowered its head and stared at Nalandu with a faint gaze.

Master Zhong, Master Cao, look! Is this kid the one A Ying choked and used to threaten the Ninth Immortal King? The big snake said excitedly, spitting human words.

From the clouds, another big bell flew out, and a human voice came from the bell: It's really him! I still remember A Ying pinching his neck, so the Ninth Immortal King didn't dare to kill him!

Nalandu felt awe-struck in his heart and laughed loudly: So it's you. If it were Xu Ying, I would still be afraid of him. But you are just Xu Ying's mounts and magic weapons, so why should I be afraid?

The big snake smiled and said: You are powerful, so of course we are no match. But fortunately, we can help you find an opponent. Mr. Cao, please come out.

Nalandu thought to himself: What is Mr. Grass? Grass...

He widened his eyes and saw a girl in palace clothes walking towards the clouds and mist. She was the figure of the flower family in Weixu!

Hua Cuoying smiled at him: Abba.

Nalandu felt a little timid. There was indeed a gap between him and Hua Cuoying. Although it was not big, the gap was still a gap.

However, both Gong Qi and Dazhong were a little nervous. They knew very well what Mr. Cao was. If Mr. Cao controlled Hua Cuoying to compete with Nalandu, he would be defeated and captured in a few moves.

However, even if Hua Cuoying were to compete with Nalandu, he would still be defeated. Hua Cuoying was without the twelfth floor and was seriously injured. He would definitely not be Nalandu's opponent in this battle.

Stand shoulder to shoulder later. If you can't defeat him, let the insect come out to eat people!

Xian Qi and the big bell had a close connection. Suddenly the bell rang, and Xian Qi opened his mouth to roar. Yi Zhong Yi Snake took the lead and suppressed it directly with the Tiandao Dojo, intending to suppress Nalandu!

Nalandu was originally wary of Hua Cuoying, but he didn't expect that they would be the ones to take action first, and he was immediately restrained by the double heavenly dojo.

His response speed was extremely fast, and he could not help but activate the Immortal Yaochi, shattering the Heavenly Dao Dojo of Da Zhong and An Qi. But as soon as the figure flashed, Hua Cuoying had already stepped in front of him and slammed her knee into his crotch.

Nalandu burst into tears instantly, and a big bell hit his forehead with a clang.

Nalandu's soul was knocked out of the body, and the big bell was about to bombard it again, shattering his soul. Suddenly, the fairy light in the Immortal Yao Pond vibrated, rising almost violently.

The big bell shouted in alarm: Lost the insects, release the insects quickly!

An Qi was startled: I can't suppress Mr. Chong. I can't take him back if I let him out!

The big bell had been suppressed by Nalandu's sharply increased magic power, and he shouted sternly: Let the insects go!

Xian Qi opened his mouth and vomited, and the fairy insect cage flew out. The prison characters were unraveled layer by layer. The fairy insect in the cage that was biting the seal suddenly became excited, and suddenly spread its wings. In an instant, tens of thousands of insects separated, buzzing. Buzzing, rushing in all directions!

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