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Chapter 367: Resurrection, the fate remains intact

The Five Ultimate Immortal King was despairing. When he faced Xu Ying's magical power, he felt a sense of despair that he could not stop it and would die in the next moment. Now when he faced Xu Ying's magical power, he still had that familiar feeling of despair!

The sword has reached the center of the eyebrows, and the chain of immortal runes is broken and collapsed.

Xu Ying's magical powers at this time are more sophisticated than before, especially the Zhuxian sword energy, which has surpassed the artistic conception of the swords of the past.

But just when the Five Ultimate Immortal King was about to die, the Ninth Immortal King suddenly appeared and struck Xu Ying Sanqing Yuanshen with his fingers.

After all, Xu Ying's Sanqing Yuan Shen was transformed into Yi Qi. He was hit by the Immortal King's supernatural power and made three bang bang sounds, turning into three rays of Yuan Qi and returning to Xu Ying's body.

The Immortal Killing Sword Qi of the Sanqing Yuan Shen stabbed at the center of the Five Jue Immortal King's eyebrows was also deflected by the Ninth Immortal King, grazing the Five Jue Immortal King's head and scratching it aside.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King's head was bleeding profusely, and he almost had his head opened, so he secretly said that he was lucky.

He cast a grateful look at the Ninth Immortal King. The Ninth Immortal King still looked like a middle-aged gentleman and said apologetically: Fellow Daoist Xu, I share the same spirit with fellow Taoist Wu Jue and cannot watch him fall. Therefore, I must not Don’t join forces with him to fight against Your Excellency.”

Xu Ying's heart gradually sank, and he said with a kind face, It's easy to say. When you set up an ambush on the heavenly road to harm me, you were already colluding with each other. It is only natural that your lips will be dead and your teeth will be cold, and you will work together to commit adultery.

The Ninth Immortal King laughed loudly, and he and the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were on the left and right, preparing to join forces to besiege Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed.

All the advantages he had accumulated by attacking the Dao Heart of the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were gone at this moment!

After he mastered the way of heaven in Penglai Wonderland, he had the incarnation of a god and man of heaven. His strength was the peak of the god king of heaven, and his combat power could rival the immortal king.

However, it is still very difficult to defeat the Immortal King. Only by finding his gaps, taking advantage of his disadvantages, and breaking them can he win.

This is also the reason why he and the Five Jue Immortal King verbally attacked each other's Taoist hearts.

If there are no loopholes, create loopholes. This is a tactical use.

Now, not only does Xu Ying have no advantage, but the two Immortal Kings have joined forces and their combat power has doubled. It is still unknown how long he can last.

Suddenly, the figures of the two Immortal Kings moved together and attacked Xu Ying!


A towering Tianguan descended from the sky and stood behind Xu Ying. Xu Ying and the gods of heaven, one tall and one short, stood under the Tianguan. Behind the Tianguan, the fairy light was lingering and the glow was steaming. Behind the Tianguan was the Jade Capital, majestic and majestic. It’s like a magnificent heavenly palace!

Xu Ying sacrificed himself to the Third Heaven Pass, and together with the gods of heaven, defeated the two Immortal Kings!

Under the Wei Xu monster's eyes, many masters of the Hua family formed a formation, controlled thousands of corpses, and besieged the Penglai Immortal Mountain. Many immortal corpses even ran to the head of the Xuanwu beast, biting the ancient beast.

Under their control, it was inevitable that Hunyuan Palace would be destroyed.

At this moment, they saw a fairy with skin like ice and snow, and an unparalleled grace flying towards them.

Penglai Witch!

The masters of the Hua family ignored him and were about to kill the fairy. Suddenly, their eyes were filled with chaos. All the bad things he had done in the past came to light. Not only that, they even see the bad things others have done!

The Hua family is a big family in Wei Xu, and there are many disputes among the family members. Otherwise, the Five Jue Immortal King and Hua Cuoying would not be so loving and filial.

There are not many internal fights between family members. At this moment, the cause and effect among everyone emerges, and even magnifies, causing hatred to break out at this moment!

In particular, some people misplace cause and effect with each other, grafting cause and effect that had nothing to do with them onto other people, framing them and sowing discord!

Many masters of the Hua family were confused for a moment, and suddenly someone got jealous and killed his enemy!

This chaos was no small matter, and it ignited the flames of war.

Everyone in the Hua family showed their ferocity. After killing their own clan members, it became difficult to control them: Third uncle, if you see me killing him, I will naturally kill you to silence you!

Good nephew, you must kill me to silence me. Of course I will kill you in advance!

Cousin, I know you have to kill me first, so I strike first! You won't blame me, right?

Fairy Gushe sacrificed her small fairy sword to harvest the strong men of the Hua family who threatened her. For her, anything that has no escape from cause and effect can be exploited. Of course, if your cultivation is too strong and your realm is too high, you can also escape from her law of cause and effect.

For example, the corpse of the Immortal King she encountered in Penglai Fairy Mountain could not be shaken by her law of cause and effect.

In just a few moments, nearly half of the Hua family's masters were killed or injured.

Outside Hunyuan Palace in Penglai Wonderland, when Yan Yu and others fell into despair, even the strongest Chu Xiangxiang had no strength to fight anymore at this moment.

She was originally injured due to the battle with Hua Cuoying. This time she was guarding Hunyuan Palace and her injuries were getting worse. Even if she used the cloak of heaven, she could not fight against the corpses of many immortal kings!

Suddenly all the immortal zombies froze in place, motionless, and only their own immortal ways were polluting Penglai.

Everyone was surprised and doubtful, but Yuan Tiangang looked up at the sky, feeling happy in his heart: My prediction is indeed correct! We can really turn bad luck into good luck!

The masters of the Hua family were in chaos, killing each other, and the controlled immortal corpses suddenly lost control and no longer besieged Hunyuan Palace.

Fairy Gushe breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: Now if we just eliminate these masters, Penglai will be safe and sound!

Suddenly, she noticed that her causal line had become extremely bright, and she was startled. She hurriedly dodged, but saw a ray of light coming, heading straight to the place where she had stood before!

Fairy Gushe avoided the blow, and the aura around her body was violently turbulent. It was evident that she was oppressed by the aftermath of the blow, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

She is an immortal from Penglai. She has transcended human immortality and become an earthly immortal.

A blow from someone who just passed her by could make her cultivation turbulent and her aura unstable. It was really powerful!

She dodged, avoiding the second magical power of the visitor, and then avoided the third magical power. She was oppressed by the man and could hardly breathe.

She looked over hastily, and the person who attacked her was a young man in brocade clothes. Behind him was a Yao Pond. Immortal light was transpiring in the Yao Pond, and the Immortal Way was buzzing!

who is he?

Fairy Gushe has never seen Nalandu, so she naturally doesn't recognize him. However, after Nalandu offered sacrifices to the Immortal Yaochi, his cultivation strength was really terrifying. Even an earthly immortal like her couldn't use any of his magical powers!

Fairy Gushe tried to provoke the cause and effect on Nalandu, but Nalandu was protected by the Immortal Yaochi. No matter how subtle her law of cause and effect was, she could not get close.

Nalandu was also shocked. He was planning a sneak attack on Fairy Gushe, and he thought he would succeed with one move, but he never knew that this woman was like a prophet, always able to know his moves in advance and avoid his magical powers one after another!

After I came to the Demon Realm, I didn't expect to meet strange people many times. First I was taken hostage by Xu Ying, and then I was defeated at the hands of Chu Tiandu. Now a woman appears out of nowhere, and I can't even touch her!

He was extremely surprised, his figure was like light and electricity, and he rushed towards Gushe. He used all kinds of magical powers to attack Fairy Gushe crazily, but they were all in vain.

Although Fairy Gushe could calculate the direction from which Nalandu's moves came from based on the line of cause and effect, Nalandu's strength was so strong that she dared not stop and was unable to control the Hua family.

Everyone in the Hua family woke up immediately and couldn't help but feel horrified. In just a few moments, more than half of them were killed or injured!

Penglai Witch!

One of the Hua family's strong men's expression darkened, and he immediately controlled several corpses of the Immortal King to rise up from the Penglai Immortal Mountain and kill Fairy Gushe!

At the same time, the other Hua family members immediately formed a formation again and continued to control the immortal corpses to surround and suppress the Penglai immortals.

In just a few moments, everyone was severely injured!

Get behind me!

Chu Xiangxiang shouted loudly, raised his Tiandao cloak, turned it into a Tiandao dojo, protected everyone, guarded the palace gate, and said loudly, You hurry up and recover, I will guard it!

Ahead, a corpse of an Immortal King walked towards them with an expressionless face. In the sky, a corpse of an Immortal King floated, slowly following behind them.

Chu Xiangxiang's face was solemn, and a big river slowly flowed out of the void and surrounded her body.

The Xiangjiang River itself was the source of her divine power, and it was also sacrificed by her!

She has also reached the end of her rope!

In the sky, Fairy Gushe was besieged by Nalandu and the corpses of several immortal kings at the same time, and she was surrounded by dangers. Even if she was proficient in the law of cause and effect and figured out where the attacks came from, she would often be unable to dodge them.

Because there are too many attacks and there is no way to dodge them.

Fairy Gushe was hit by the Immortal Corpse's finger on her shoulder. The finger force pierced her body, and the shoulder blade behind her exploded with a snap. Her back was dripping with blood, and one of her arms could not move.

She felt desperate and said silently: The future calculated by my law of cause and effect is correct. This is still a dead end after all. Unfortunately, I could escape before, but now I have fallen into a dead end...

As soon as she thought of this, she saw the sky split open, and a towering sky gate crashed down from the sky, dragging the light of fire!

In the sky pass, there are the figures of Xu Ying and the gods of heaven!

At this moment, Xu Ying and the God of Heaven were covered in wounds. Xu Ying's clothes had been stained with blood, and there were clear holes in the front and back of his body. The holes were shining with the light of various avenue runes.

The God of Heaven was beaten to a mutilated state, the Heaven in the body of the God was wiped out, one eye was blinded, a leg was broken, and several large holes were opened in the chest.

Half of his head was opened, and the rays of light evaporated from the opening, emitting a magma-like light.

Fortunately, the God of Heaven is not a real life, but a deity formed by the combination of Penglai Heaven and the power of the fairyland. It is equivalent to the incarnation of Xu Ying. Even if he is injured to this extent, he can still fight.


Xu Ying and the third Tianguan were smashed to the ground.

The third Tianguan still stood majestically between the heaven and the earth in the Ziwei Can Realm, unmoving, but Xu Ying under the Tianguan was coughing up blood continuously.

He can compete with any of the two Immortal Kings in Wei Xu without losing, but facing two Immortal Kings at the same time, he can only get beaten!

Xiao Ying! Do you think you are still the same person you were before? Stop dreaming!

The voice of the Five Ultimate Immortal King came from the sky. Xu Ying struggled to get up and raised his head. The biting cold wind howled and blew into the sky.

The sky became drooping, and the Wei Xu strange eyes in the sky became even larger. The huge eyeballs almost pressed against the vast and vast Ziwei remnant.

The powerful figures of the Five Ultimate Immortal King and the Ninth Immortal King stood in this strange eye, looking down at Xu Ying from a high position.

The Five Jue Immortal King laughed loudly, and five strands of immortal energy behind him flew out like five strands of sword energy and rushed towards Xu Ying in the Tianmen: You have already died once, and your power has been broken! You were cut into fifteen pieces by us, you can save it Only the true spirit comes down!


The moment the five strands of immortal energy penetrated the Third Heaven Pass, the Five Ultimate Formation erupted, cutting off the energy of the five elements and cutting the foundation of the great avenue!

The five qi of the human body originate from the five internal organs. These five qi are the source of the human body's vitality. At the beginning of cultivation, the five qi need to move towards the origin and cultivate the vitality before practicing.

Cutting off the five qi and destroying the internal organs is to cut off the foundation of the great road!

Xu Ying's Heavenly Gods rushed forward to resist the Five Jue Formation and protect Xu Ying. However, his body was broken, and the Five Jue Formation invaded Xu Ying's body, and his internal organs were almost cut into pieces!

On the third day, bursts of rays of light burst out from Guanzhong, blocking the blow.

Xiao Ying, for more than 40,000 years, you have lived worse than a dog!

The Five Jue Immortal King slapped his palm, and his five fingers were like five mountains, pressing against the Third Heaven Pass. Xu Ying and the God of Heaven urged the Third Heaven Pass and were beaten back for dozens of miles.

Suddenly, a five-color fairy light flashed from behind the Five Jue Immortal King, hitting him in the back of the heart and staggering him.

The Five Jue Immortal King was shocked and angry. He looked at Xu Ying and saw Xu Ying grinning under the sky, with blood on his teeth.

How does it feel if I use your magical power to hurt you? Xu Ying said with a smile.

The Five Jue Immortal King was furious, suddenly glanced at the Penglai Immortal Mountain and the Black Tortoise, and said with a smile: I will kill your disciple first and send the little Tianzun back to the west!

His magical power descended from the sky and struck Penglai.

On the Penglai Immortal Mountain, Chu Xiangxiang's oil lamp was exhausted, and he looked up helplessly. He saw the splendid fairy way in the sky, like colorful rays of light, beautiful and charming, falling towards this side.

Her face turned gloomy. At this moment, the majestic Tianguan appeared between Penglai and the Immortal King's magical power. Xu Ying tried his best to block the blow. Wounds all over his body exploded, and the gods of heaven were also beaten. Most of the head disappeared.

Xu Ying fell down with a thud, struggled to get up, and said to himself: I said, I don't allow anyone to hurt him...

The Five Jue Immortal King frowned, and the five-color immortal light behind him was turbulent and blasted down from the sky again!

In the distance of the Ziwei Remnant Realm, the Zhu Xian Remnant Sword stands between heaven and earth. The Biyou Sect's leader, Xuan Yazi, has a face as dark as water, holding the promised straw man, and holding a silver needle in his other hand.

He looked into the distance, where Wei Xu's strange eyes were floating in the air, and clusters of five-color fairy lights exploded, illuminating the gloomy sky.

The corner of Xuan Yazi's mouth trembled: You betrayed us, I will not save you, you should have died long ago...

Xianghui Mountain, a small nameless temple.

Taoist Wuliu had no expression on his face and swept away the soot scattered on the ground. The temple was full of people who had come to seek refuge. They looked at the sky that flickered between bright and dark, whispering to each other in low voices and talking about it.

That man is going to be beaten to death.

Some time ago, I saw a young man who came to the temple to offer incense.

Ask the temple gods to bless him.

Taoist Wuliu carried the ashes up the mountain. After a while, he came to the mountain and looked into the distance.

Bursts of dull thunder came, and five-colored rays of light fell from the sky and smashed into the Third Heaven Gate.

You betrayed us...

Taoist Wuliu's heart trembled violently. He silently put down the load of incense ash and lowered his head to spread the incense ash. Smoke and flames gradually emerged from the mountain of incense ash at his feet, and the incense gas swirled around him.

Taoist Wuliu was stunned and whispered: Why? Why is it coming back to life? My heart is obviously dead...


On the four sides of his body, endless fireworks rise from the ground into the sky, the immortal ambition hidden in the mountains burns, and the huge soul rises slowly, carrying fire and smoke, standing behind him!

Why can't I let go?

Taoist Wuliu raised his hand, the pole flew up, and one end fell into his hand.

He walked in the air towards Penglai Fairy Mountain, and slowly drew out the long sword in the pole. The sword light leaked out from the pole, and the light became brighter and brighter.


The mountain of incense ash exploded, followed closely by Yuanshen filled with smoke and fire.

Probably because I can still recall those days of gold and fire!

Demon God Pan, if you don't guard the divine city, where are you going? The gods and demons guarding the other three corners of the divine city in Jianmu City shouted and asked.

Demon God Pan, carrying the huge Huntian umbrella, turned around and grinned: I have a sworn brother, right there.

He pointed his thick finger at Penglai: I can't watch him being beaten to death.

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