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Chapter 366 I want to kill you, even Xu Ying can’t save you!

The Black Tortoise, carrying the huge Penglai Immortal Mountain, stood guard outside the Hunyuan Palace. It roared like thunder, breathed out thick fireworks and thunder, and blew up the immortal corpses one after another.

Yuan Tiangang and other immortals took this opportunity to activate their magic power and turned it into rainbows. They lifted the entire Hunyuan Palace below and sent it to Penglai Immortal Mountain.

The Black Tortoise raised its legs and feet as thick as a mountain and stamped on them, trampling those immortal corpses until they were knocked over. It carried everyone and ran wildly through the Ziwei Remnant Realm at an extremely fast speed.

From behind, immortal corpses are coming like a tide. These immortal corpses can also fly and can cast immortal spells. How can the Black Tortoise resist them?

Although there are only a hundred or so immortals on the Immortal Mountain, their cultivation strength is not weaker than that of the true immortals. They are just limited by the Penglai Fairyland and cannot leave the fairyland.

One after another figures flashed in the air, the immortals gathered their immortal magical powers, and their souls emerged. They immediately set up the immortal dojo, activated their magical powers, sacrificed the immortal weapons they had refined, and repeled the attacking immortal corpses one by one.

There were also many immortal corpses climbing up the legs of the Black Tortoise, climbing onto the back of this ancient beast, and entered the Penglai Wonderland.

The goddess took her time and assigned people to go and intercept it.

However, their number is too small after all. Some of the immortals died in conflicts with the ancestral court. How can they withstand a fairy mountain as big as Penglai with only a hundred or ten people?

Soon, countless immortal corpses flew to Penglai Wonderland, and many immortal corpses climbed up the mountain, spreading their own immortal ways, corroding the heavenly dojo, and entering the fairyland!

The immortals and the immortal corpses rushed forward to fight and fight!

Above their heads, the fairyland was looming in sight, and the cave of fairy light shone on the Penglai mountains.

They are real immortals in Penglai, and their cultivation strength is much higher than that of ordinary immortal corpses!

The seven immortals of Penglai Pavilion shuttled around. Yan Yu, Xiang Hao, Yu Qin and others were all pavilion masters of the same sect. Although they always irritated you and me and I irritated you, they worked closely together.

Although Pavilion Master Lin Tianhua's cultivation level is far inferior to theirs, and he has never entered the Immortal Realm, during this period of training in Penglai, there were seven more ancestors, and his cultivation strength increased by leaps and bounds, so he was able to barely intervene in this battle.

However, the Seven Immortals loved him very much and were not willing to let him be in danger and always protected him behind them.

Suddenly, an immortal corpse came over, and Patriarch Yan Yu performed the three movements of Jinghong. His magical powers were like Jinghong, colorful wings flying, and the aura of the immortal way was fierce and sharp.

However, the three Jinghong moves fell on the immortal corpse, but they had no effect. They only made the immortal corpse shake slightly.

The Dao light around the immortal corpse shone loudly, the Dao sound was loud, and the thick and incomplete Dao chains flew around the body. A palm flew up and struck him.

Patriarch Yan Yu's expression changed dramatically, and he summoned up all his magic power to face the blow from the immortal corpse. As soon as he encountered it, blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

His Yuan Shen was also forced to emerge, and in an instant his Yuan Shen was squeezed until it crackled and shrunk.

Just when he was about to be slapped to death, suddenly a series of figures flashed past, rushing towards Hao, Yu Qin and others. They each shouted loudly and all took action to meet the palm.

The Seven Immortals of Penglai all vomited blood, and their physical bodies and souls were severely damaged and became sluggish.

It's the corpse of the Immortal King!

Patriarch Yan Yu took a strong breath and shouted, Back off!

Everyone retreated towards Hunyuan Palace, only to see that other immortals were also retreating towards Hunyuan Palace at this time. Apparently, they were also attacked by the strong ones among the immortal corpses.

As long as you defend Hunyuan Palace, you will win! The goddess's voice came from the door of Hunyuan Palace.

The immortals stood around Hunyuan Palace, guarding each direction, and fought hard with the corpses of the immortals.

Soon, all the immortals were injured and kept retreating, being forced closer and closer to Hunyuan Palace.

At the same time, the Black Tortoise was carrying the Penglai Immortal Mountain on its back, galloping like crazy in the Ziwei Remnant Realm. Behind it, in the wasteland, countless immortal corpses were either running or flying, chasing this ancient divine beast.

Despite the astonishing speed of the Black Tortoise, immortal corpses kept coming to its back and joining in the fight.

But fortunately, the Black Tortoises kept running wildly and did not let the large army of immortal corpses catch up with them. Otherwise, if the tide of immortal corpses caught up with them, even if Xu Ying came to guard them, they would be overwhelmed by the corpses in an instant!

Even so, it is extremely difficult for Yuan Tiangang, the Seven Immortals of Penglai Pavilion, Fairy Gushe and others, especially those who fly on Xuanwu's back are many terrifying beings who were immortal kings in life. Even if they die, they will not have souls and their bodies will be incomplete. Bring them a great threat!

Fairy Gushe shuttles between small fairy mountains, using the small fairy mountains to avoid the attacks of fairy corpses.

She made an extremely clever move. She spread her fingers and triggered the cause and effect thread on the immortal corpse, allowing the immortal corpse to briefly regain its memories of life. At the moment when the immortal corpse was stunned and lost consciousness, a blow of the immortal sword directly pierced the opponent's head or cut it off in half.

Her skills are extremely powerful and she is considered to be the top expert in Penglai Wonderland.

Suddenly, a fairy mountain suddenly sank, but an immortal corpse about six feet tall landed on the fairy mountain.

Fairy Gushe followed the same method to hook up the cause and effect of the immortal corpse's life, but suddenly the whole body of the immortal corpse shone brightly, and the avenue formed a chain of Taoism, wrapping around the whole body. For a time, the Taoist voice sang loudly, resounding through the sky!

Fairy Gushe's heart sank and she immediately abandoned this fairy mountain.

Another corpse of the Immortal King.

She retreated towards Hunyuan Palace, only to see immortal corpses approaching from all walks of life in front of Hunyuan Palace. The immortals had been forced to the door of Hunyuan Palace, and her heart sank.

This is the Penglai disaster that I calculated based on the law of cause and effect. If we don't run away, we will all be in trouble!

Fairy Gushe hesitated and looked at the immortals guarding in front of Hunyuan Palace. They were old friends, but she hesitated to ask her to die with them with her life.

I ascended to Penglai to live forever and become an immortal, not to die here!

She gritted her teeth, turned around and flew away.

She was about to fly out of Penglai Fairyland, but she saw a familiar figure shuttled among the small fairy mountains floating in the air, avoiding the pursuit of many fairy corpses.

Yuan Tiangang! Is he still alive?

Fairy Gu She flew forward, shot out a small fairy sword, beheaded an immortal corpse that was besieging Yuan Tiangang, and joined him.

When Yuan Tiangang saw her, he was surprised and happy, and said quickly: Fairy, you also figured out the key to breaking the situation? I figured out that the danger will turn into good luck, right now! Look at the sky!

Fairy Gushe was about to persuade him to leave Penglai with her. When she heard this, she looked towards the sky and saw many figures intertwined in the sky. They should be the masters of the Weixu Hua family forming a strange formation.

Yuan Tiangang said: The key to turning danger into good is to send a master to get rid of those Wei Xu masters in the air! They are the ones who control the corpses. Get rid of them and the crisis in Penglai can be solved! I am not strong enough, kill You can't defeat them, but you should be able to do it with your strength! Fairy, I'll send you out!

He fought with all his strength to cover Fairy Gushe as she rushed out of Penglai, and said loudly: Fairy, the safety of all of us depends on you alone!

Fairy Gushe floated in the air, her clothes fluttering, and she was tangled in her heart: If I leave immediately, I can survive. If I go to fight the masters of Weixu for life and death, I may die there. After all, Weixu cannot be defenseless. Moreover, I’ve determined that we’re going to be in trouble this time...

There was a war between heaven and man in her heart, and she suddenly turned around and left, saying in a low voice: I'm sorry, fellow Taoists, please forgive me for not being able to endure life and death...

She flew away from the battlefield. After a moment, Fairy Gushe gritted her teeth suddenly, rose into the sky, and rushed towards the master of the Weixu Hua family who was standing in front of him in the sky!

Cause and effect are caused by the past, and the future is yet to be known! Maybe the chance of survival lies in my chance!

She was full of murderous intent. If she left like this, although she could survive, she would blame herself for the rest of her life.

Instead of doing this, it is better to simply break the law of cause and effect and risk your life for the immortals of Penglai!

Ziwei residual state.

The purple energy is like a waterfall, falling from the sky and hanging high between heaven and earth. The strange eyes of Wei Xu block the sky. In the strange eyes, the five immortal kings of Xu Ying stand facing each other.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King was previously shocked when Xu Ying took over his Five Ultimate Immortal Light. He thought that Xu Ying had restored the memory of his first life. He was relieved after seeing the Heavenly Dao God clearly.

He was the Immortal King who blocked Xu Ying on the Heavenly Road. He was so scared that Xu Ying killed him in that life, and he was somewhat shaken by the news.

Xu Ying, dressed fiercely, entered Wei Xu's strange eye, with the gods of heaven floating behind him.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King's body was entangled with five strands of immortal energy, and he smiled slightly: Promise, Little Tianzun was defeated by me twice. The first time I was on the shrine platform, and I asked my disciples and disciples to practice the Five Ultimate Formations of Ten Thousand Immortals, and severely injured him. And now , he was seriously injured again, and you had to move out to save him. How pitiful.

He couldn't help laughing and said: He begs anyone to save him, but he shouldn't beg you. Because you are even more pitiable than him!

He laughed and said: Back then, you were cut into more than ten parts, divided cleanly, the physical body and soul were peeled off, and the memory was sealed, leaving only the immortal true spirit. For more than 40,000 years, the physical body derived from the immortal true spirit , like a walking corpse, without the slightest ability to control its own destiny. You have been toyed with for more than 40,000 years! He still asks you for help, who can come to save you?

Xu Ying stood opposite him, looking straight at the Immortal King, not moved by his words at all, and said calmly: I made you feel threatened, so you used words to attack and mess up my Taoist mind. Five Jue Immortal King, What happened to you after you killed me?

The Five Immortal Kings were unmoved.

Xu Ying continued: The cunning rabbit dies, and the lackeys are cooked. You lackeys, after being used by the immortal world, were abandoned in the lower world. Even if you are as powerful as you, don't you have to flee to the Wei Ruins and live with the corpses? You are only worthy Become an Immortal King in Wei Xu, how dare you step out of Wei Xu?

There was still no wave in the Taoist heart of the Five Jue Immortal King. He saw five strands of immortal energy turning into five strands of immortal silk, forming a formation, as if there were five other him forming an formation.

The aura of the two people suddenly increased, and their momentum collided, looking for an opportunity.

Xu Ying admired his determination and said with a smile: Meng Wuhuai has been killed by me.

The Five Jue Immortal King's heart beat violently.

The death of Immortal Lord Meng Wuhuai had a great impact on him!

Because Meng Wuhuai, like him, was the Immortal King who ambushed Xu Ying on the road to heaven. After Xu Ying's defeat, the immortal kings parted ways due to uneven distribution of the spoils, and were very unhappy with each other. Meng Wuhuai found the Penglai Immortal Mountain and became the Immortal Lord of Penglai. He also entered the Wei Ruins and became the ruler of the Wei Ruins.

The Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were well aware of each other's strengths.

Although Meng Wuhuai is a little weaker than him due to the imperfection of Penglai Heavenly Dao, the difference in strength is actually not big. They are both at the level of Immortal King.

Xu Ying beheaded Meng Wuhuai, which had to shock him!

With his heart beating violently this time, Xu Ying had seized this fleeting opportunity and took action boldly!

As soon as he takes action, it's the Killing Immortal Sword Qi!

Boundless murderous intent sweeps across the heaven and earth, sweeping away all the wasteland and opening up the Liuhe, slaying the heaven and earth, exterminating all living beings, and wiping out any chance of life!

The murderous intent of this sword is more than just killing immortals? It is clear that he wants to kill all living beings, slay the immortals and destroy the Tao, re-create the heaven and earth, re-define the universe, and regenerate the great road!

The Five Jue Immortal King didn't think much and immediately activated the Five Jue Lingtian Technique. The five immortal silks formed the Five Jue Formation and faced Xu Ying's sword!

This sword was also the sword that killed his incarnation, so he was naturally familiar with it.

When Little Tianzun entered the ambush, he, the Ninth Immortal King, Prince Yuchuan, the direct descendant of the emperor, and others gathered in Hunyuan Palace, waiting for Little Tianzun to enter the ambush. However, what was waiting for them was the promised Immortal Killing Sword Qi, which almost wiped them all out!

This time, the Heavenly God behind Xu Ying also used the Immortal Killing Sword Qi, which was more powerful than the Immortal Killing Sword Qi used by Xu Ying. Under this sword Qi, the Five Jue Immortal King even had a kind of disillusionment with the Immortal Way, and he was beheaded. illusion!


His Five Jue Formation and Five Dao Immortal Silks were torn into pieces, and all the Dao Chain runes were cut off. Faced with Xu Ying's sword, his magical powers had no use at all!

Xu Ying had never practiced the Wujue Formation. When Little Tianzun was injured in the Five Jue Formation, he could not help Little Tianzun heal his injuries. But he does not need to learn the Five Ultimate Formations.

The sword energy of Zhu Xian can destroy all the immortal magic, so why study it?

The sword light illuminates the body of the Five Ultimate Immortal King and his soul, and he can be killed in the next moment!

At this moment, the soul of the Five Jue Immortal King held up the twelve-layered tower in his hand, held up the treasure, and blocked it in front of the Five Jue Immortal King.

The doors of the twelve-story building were all opened, and the twelve Promise Brands each flew up, shining divine light in their eyes, commanding the clouds, and pointing their fingers into swords, they all pointed at the Killing Immortal Sword Qi!

When the Five Jue Immortal King taught Hua Cuoying the functions of the Immortal King's most important treasure, he still held back and did not tell her more about the changes in the Twelfth Floor.

At this moment, facing the chance of life and death, he made a prompt decision and activated all the power of this important treasure.

The twelve Promise Brands are like the twelve Promise Spirits,

Xu Ying, this is a magic weapon refined in your realm, didn't you expect it?

The Five Ultimate Immortal King was forced back continuously by the Zhuxian Sword Qi. Countless sword Qi exploded and shot out from his side, leaving many wounds on his body.

However, he showed no fear at all. Instead, he showed a sarcastic look: You can't believe that I have made you so strong that you can save my life today!

The Yuan Shen above Xu Ying's head jumped out, and one Qi transformed into three Qings, turning into three Yuanshen. The three Qings Yuanshen each used the Killing Immortal Sword Qi, thrusting out almost at the same time!

At this time, just when the front force of the twelve Promise Brands in the Twelve Layer Tower was exhausted and the back force had not yet arrived, the three Qing Yuanshen and the three Immortal Killing Sword Qi came to the forehead of the Five Ultimate Immortal King in an instant!

The Five Jue Immortal King showed fear on his face, and the soul behind him hurriedly reached out to block him. Whoosh, all five fingers of the soul were severed, and he was vulnerable to the Qi of the Killing Immortal Sword!

His eyebrows were split open and he was about to die under the Qi of the Zhuxian Sword!

Only then did Xu Ying's voice reach his ears: Wu Jue, if I want to kill you, I can't even save you!

——Fortunately, it’s not past midnight...

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