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Chapter 251 Yuxu Palace Opens

Xu Fu invited Xu Ying to climb the Fairy Mountain, but Xu Ying ignored him. Emperor Zhou wanted to go to the Fairy Mountain, but Xu Fu did not invite him. Qingluan looked at Xiao Fengxian warily. Xiao Fengxian admired Xu Fu but was a little wary of Xu Ying.

Feng Yao opened the Yuchi Cave, looked at these people, and said silently in her heart: Can they really work together and enter Yuxu Palace?

Enter the cave and don't mess around.

Qingluan warned everyone, saying, This is my lady's cave. If you touch the cave with your magical powers, it is very likely to hurt the lady. If the lady's cave is closed, you will never come out!

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Zulong Zhao Zheng and said: Some people say it loudly, don't be overwhelmed by Zuo Zu when trouble comes.

Zulong Zhao Zhengdao: Only I can attack others in this world, no one can attack me. Xu Fu has proved this.

Xu Fu raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when Zulong Zhao Zheng said: Xu Aiqing has thought carefully and angered me. I can kill the little undead girl without Nuozu taking action and lock you on the other side, unable to come out.

Xu Fu complimented: Your Majesty is wise.

The Emperor of Zhou said: It is not the behavior of a wise king to use force to coerce his ministers into submission.

Zulong said: Brother Ji's country was captured by me. If Brother Ji refuses to accept it, I can rush into Haojing and capture it again when I return from Kunlun.

Emperor Zhou laughed and said: I am waiting for you, I am afraid that you will not survive until that time.

Feng Yao saw that they might get into trouble before they entered Yuxu Palace, so she coughed quickly and said: Gentlemen, please.

Everyone suppressed the displeasure in their hearts, flew up together, fell into her jade pool cave, and walked towards the interior of the cave.

Zulong and Fengyao stayed outside. Fengyao said cautiously: Brother Zhao won't be angry because of this and take it out on me, right?


Zu Long said lightly, I still have this amount of energy. As long as I set a goal, my energy can be infinite.

He looked at Yuxu Peak, and the light of the other five other shores became more and more dazzling, and said: At this time, five of the six Nuo ancestors are going to preside over the five other shores and enter the other shore palace to collect medicine. In other words, only Nuo ancestors are going to preside over the five other shores. Zu Nuolu may attack. One-on-one, I have never lost.

In the Yuchi Cave, Xu Ying, Xu Fu, Zhou Tianzi and others rushed forward, but after a while, the flames in front of them were blazing and getting more intense.

Feng Xianer and Qingluan flew ahead, observing their surroundings.

The pressure in the fairy fire increased sharply, and there were things like flying fish in the fire, flying back and forth in the fire, and there were a lot of them. However, these two phoenixes can handle any danger.

Feng Xian'er took to the flames like a fish in water, flying around to catch those flying objects in the fire. Every time she pecked at them, she raised her head and swallowed them.

Qingluan's strength is almost as good as Feng Yao's, and he is also a master of Nuo Qi. He activates his six secrets in the cave sky, and has a strong sense of oppression. He does not fly around like Feng Xian'er, as if he is against the flames. The flying objects in it are not taken seriously.

But Feng Xian'er ate so happily that she couldn't help but feel a little curious. She stuck her head out suddenly, pecked an object flying in the fire, raised her head and swallowed it.

After taking a bite, she couldn't hold it back any longer. She fluttered her wings and flew up and down to catch the flying objects in the fire.

What it is?

Xu Ying looked closely and saw that the two phoenixes were catching something that looked like gold and iron, but also looked like a swimming fish. He didn't know if it was a living thing.

Zhou Tianzi said: We have also caught creatures in fire. They are fish with extremely tough skin. They live in fairy fire, and the scales on their skin are a kind of fairy gold. If we can collect a lot of them, we can make them into magic weapons. However, it is extremely difficult to capture.”

Xu Ying remembered that when the big bell protected Pei Du into the cave of the ancestor of the Guo family, he was attacked by some strange creatures in the fire. It should be this kind of fish living in the fairy fire.

At that time, the big bell was hit with marks and was almost scrapped.

At that time, facing such swimming fish, Nuo immortals like Dazhong and Pei Du could not resist, but now these swimming fish are not even enough for two phoenixes.

Moreover, Xu Fu's abbot, Immortal Mountain, was there, and the Immortal Fire could not even get close to them. Xu Ying and Emperor Zhou could be said to be relaxed and comfortable.

At this moment, there was a sudden abnormal fluctuation in the flames. Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi each noticed it and immediately became vigilant.

Xu Ying is proficient in the sensing of heaven and man, and he and Yuan Weiyang have both cultivated the sensing of Yuandao and the heavens. His own sensing ability is extremely powerful, so he can detect abnormal movements.

The Emperor of Zhou was very familiar with this kind of abnormal fluctuations. For six thousand years, he and the civil and military officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty were always on guard against this kind of thing!


Emperor Zhou whispered, Be careful of those medicine collectors in the fire, they will become parasitic targets of the demon!

Xu Fu smiled slightly and said leisurely: Emperor Zhou need not worry, Shanren has already prepared.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Feng Xianer and Qingluan rushing towards the fire, and the next moment they came to a sitting herb collector.

Feng Xian'er whistled, and the sound wave actually appeared, turning into a phoenix with colorful wings and fluttering its wings into the eyebrows of the herb gatherer.

The next moment, the sound wave blasted out a humanoid shadow from the back of the herb gatherer's head. The shadow vibrated and was shaken away from the herb gatherer's body by the sound wave!

However, there is still a flesh-and-blood connection between the humanoid figure and the medicine gatherer. It is obvious that this demon is possessed and is unwilling to give up this physical body.

Suddenly Qingluan pecked it down, grabbed the devil's head and threw it out hard, pulling the devil out of the medicine collector's body, and slapped it on the ground.

The demon was furious, buzzing, and countless tentacles were flying, trying to drill towards Qingluan's eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

His consciousness was extremely powerful, and his mind invaded Phoenix, but just after it invaded Qingluan's body, instead of disturbing the opponent's consciousness, his own consciousness almost collapsed.

Qingluan's consciousness is like a ball of green fairy light. Wherever it shines, his consciousness turns into flying smoke!

This is the oppression of natural enemies!

Qingluan swung hard, and a series of crisp sounds came from the fire. The demon hit the ground outside Yuxu Palace. In an instant, it was shaken like cooked noodles. Its tentacles hung on the ground, unable to move.

Qingluan sucked hard and sucked the demon into his belly.

Xiao Fengxian rushed over and shouted: I found it first!

She grabbed the other end of the demon and pulled it outwards with force.

Qingluan said angrily: It's obvious that you couldn't help him, so I helped you. I captured him, and you came to grab food again!

The two phoenixes each pecked a section of the demon, stepped back, and started tug-of-war. Suddenly, with a snap, the demon was torn apart by the two phoenixes!

Qingluan and Xiaofengxian each swallowed half.

Seeing this, Xu Ying decided to respect Qingluan and Xiaofengxian.

At this time, strange fluctuations were heard in the fairy fire, and the herb gatherers stood up one by one, expressionless, and walked towards the two phoenixes.

Qingluan sneered and said: There are many demons now. If they don't compete with you, can you cope with them?

Not to be outdone, Xiao Fengxian shouted: Of course!

The two phoenixes flew towards the herb gatherers.

Just now, there was only one demon. The demon had no time to take action and was restrained by the twin phoenixes. Now there were so many demons. Even if the phoenix was the demon's natural enemy, the twin phoenixes had no time to kill all the demons. They immediately gave those demons an opportunity to attack them. Chance!

Those heavenly demons were physically powerful and stimulated the fairy medicine in the body of the medicine collector. Their attack power was extremely strong. With a roar, one of the heavenly demons' hands turned into tentacles and wrapped up Feng Xian'er!

After all, Feng Xian'er was a newborn phoenix. Although she had a tough talk, her cultivation was far weaker than Qingluan's. After being caught up, she felt that the devil was going to pluck her head off!

At this moment, there was a flash of green light, Qingluan fell from the sky, the phoenix claws grabbed the head of the devil, pressed it down hard, and smashed the devil's brains with a bang!

The demon's head was broken into countless pieces, and then it split open, and each piece danced in the air, forming a big mouth, and bit into Qingluan!

Qingluan sprayed phoenix fire from his mouth and burned it down his mouth, instantly igniting the demon's entire body like a human skin lantern.

Qingluan flapped its wings and flew up, rotating its body and flying between the two attacking demons. Its phoenix wings soared and cut the two demons in half!

She spread her wings, stood in the air, suddenly stopped, transformed into a girl in green clothes, and struck out with her backhand, and the two demons exploded.

Qingluan girl jumped back, with her head and feet on her head, before Qingluan's true body appeared, she took a long breath and sucked the two broken demons into her belly.


She fluttered her wings in the fairy fire and pounced on the other demons.

Yaochi Qingluan is well-deserved. Xu Fu praised.

Xu Ying, Zhou Tianzi and Xu Fu have already arrived in front of Yuxu Palace. The closer they are to Yuxu Palace, the greater the pressure and the stronger the power of the fairy fire.

Xu Ying had already prepared the twenty-four bright moon mountain and river beads, and Emperor Zhou also secretly prepared the magic weapon, which vaguely exuded the majesty of an immortal weapon and was ready to be sacrificed at any time to deal with the immortal fire.

However, the abbot's fairy mountain at Xu Fu's feet always steadily forced the fairy fire back and did not let the two of them do anything.

In front of Yuxu Palace, the three of them stopped.

Emperor Zhou's eyes fell on Xu Ying and he waited quietly.

Xu Ying looked confused and looked back at Xu Fu.

Xu Fu smiled and said: Xu Jun, please open the fairy palace.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I don't know how to open it. When Nuozu Nuolu used his magic formula to open the Yuxu Palace, I couldn't see his method clearly.

Xu Fu frowned slightly and said: He can open the Yuxu Palace, so you can naturally open the Yuxu Palace. Think about it again.

Xu Ying held his breath and concentrated, looking at the entrance of Yuxu Palace, carefully recalling Nuolu's method of opening Yuxu Palace. Xu Ying is self-taught in all kinds of immortal runes, and he can naturally understand the meaning of the immortal runes. If he can see Nuo Lu's method of opening the immortal palace, he can reproduce the same method.

However, Nuo Lu's back was turned to him at that time, and the big red-spotted snake was entangled, so that he could not see what kind of immortal magic Nuo Lu used to open the portal!

Xu Fudao: Xu Jun, the attack of the demon is just an appetizer. Nuo Lu will definitely attack in person! When he attacks the undead Fengyao and is blocked by Emperor Zulong, he will do the next best thing and come in person. Come here and kill us! You must open this portal as soon as possible, the sooner the better!

Xu Ying's brain was running wildly, thinking desperately about how to open Yuxu Palace, but the more anxious he became, the emptier his mind became!

Feng Yao maintains the operation of the six caves. Zu Long stands beside her, slender in black clothes, tall and straight, looking around with narrow eyebrows.

Suddenly, clouds and mist came from the other side of the mountain in front of me, and the fishy smell hit my face. The Tai'a sword on Zulong's waist made a clanging sound, and popped forward, revealing a section of the sword's blade. Suddenly, the bright sword light shot up into the sky, connecting with the stars of the Bullfighting Palace in the sky!

Zulong drew his sword and swung it out. With a single stroke, it was like the mountains in the small world of Kunlun. The light of the sword seemed to have leveled countless mountains and rivers in Yuanshou!

Where the light of his sword passed, a large red-spotted snake came riding on the clouds and mist, dancing in the clouds and mist to avoid the light of the sword. At the same time, a white-haired immortal man came from under the head of the red-spotted snake, with a smile on his face, raised his hand and pounced towards Zulong!

Zulong's face changed slightly, and he raised his hands to meet him. The moment the two palms touched, countless mountains and rivers suddenly rumbled around Zulong, and Jiuding emerged, turning into the rivers and mountains of Jiuzhou, and forming the land of China!

The Ancestral Dragon's aura vibrated, and he felt the opponent's mana rolling in. He immediately let out a roar, and a golden man appeared behind him. The golden man was connected front to back, and one person pressed his palm on the other's back, each exerting force!

The last golden man held the ancestral dragon in his palm, and poured his magic power into the ancestral dragon's body!


The powerful magic power collided, the white hair of Nuo Lu was flying, and the Yuxu Palace emerged behind him. The nine-layer fairy light shone outward, clear and distinct, and gradually overwhelmed the ancestral dragon!

Zulong Zhao Zheng's heart skipped a beat: Impossible! No one can beat me in terms of magic power! Kunlun——

He roared, and the Kunlun Mountains appeared behind him!

After the Kunlun Ruins reappeared in the world, he came here and began to measure Kunlun with steps as a ruler. Only the Yuxu Peak in front of him was enough for him to incorporate Kunlun into his Taoist image.

Now, he has not yet achieved his magical power, but seeing that Nuozu Nuolu is so powerful, he is forced to use his strongest yet immature attack!

His magic power has increased again, but the Yuxu Palace behind Nuo Lu is a real other shore. I am afraid that he can only match it by practicing the Kunlun Taoist Elephant and filling in the missing link of China!

Suddenly, Feng Yao saw his situation, and her figure floated over, like a god descending from heaven. She pointed her finger in the air and touched Nuo Lu's eyebrows.

Nuo Lu groaned, and with a flick of his finger, the Yuchi Cave Heaven behind Feng Yao suddenly separated from itself, like falling leaves, being chopped off by Nuo Lu with one finger!

Feng Yao's breath was scattered, she fell to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Her Yuchi Cave Heaven was cultivated through countless efforts. Unexpectedly, when she met the Nuo Ancestor from Yuxu Palace, she was cut down and her cultivation was greatly damaged.

She was so confused that she couldn't even feel her Yuchi Cave!

She hurriedly looked inside the Jade Pond's secret treasure, and her heart sank. The Jade Pond's secret treasure had become so solid that it could not be opened, and even immortal weapons could not open it.

Zulong seized the opportunity and stabbed Nuolu with Tai'a sword. Just when Nuolu was injured, he was about to kill Nuozu with his sword. Suddenly, the white-haired immortal man jumped back and jumped. Enter the Yuxu Palace behind you.

The light of Yuxu Palace converged and disappeared without a trace, and the red-spotted snake also disappeared.

In front of Yuxu Palace, Xu Fu saw that his way was suddenly cut off, and his heart was awe-inspiring. Then he saw the immortal fire turbulent again, and said: The Nuo ancestor Nuo Lu cut off Feng Yao's cave, but he was still worried and rushed into Yuxu Palace. Xu Fu said Jun, even Zulong can't stop him. Why don't you open Yuxu Palace yet?

The fairy fire stirred and spread to both sides. A big red-spotted snake swam forward and caught the eyes of Xu Fu and Emperor Zhou.

Nuo Zu Nuo walked out slowly, sighed, and said, Why are you doing this... seeking your own death?

Xu Fu stood on the fairy mountain and said with a smile: Searching for death? Do you think that because you have the other side of Jade Void, you can look down on the heroes of the world?

He went to Nuolu to greet him.

Xu Ying looked at the portal of Yuxu Palace, and his mind was roaring. The more he concentrated on thinking, the less he could figure out how to open the portal, and he gradually became dizzy.

Suddenly, he was in a trance, and vaguely seemed to see a person coming, standing in front of him, raising his palm, and various immortal runes flew out of his palm and were imprinted on the door of Yuxu Palace.

That's his figure.

Xu Ying raised his palm in a daze and lightly stamped it on the door of Yuxu Palace. His consciousness mobilized his vitality, and colorful immortal runes flew out from his palm.


There was a slight vibration from the door of Yuxu Palace, and then it parted to both sides.

Emperor Zhou was stunned: Is it really open?

Xu Ying raised his feet and walked into Yuxu Palace. Emperor Zhou composed himself and followed him into the palace.

In Yuxu Palace, a large immortal furnace with a height of more than three people sits on the ground. The aroma of Chinese medicine in the furnace is fragrant. However, there is a forbidden talisman attached to the outside of the furnace. The golden light is so bright that no one can approach it.

The seal is still there, this fairy furnace has never been opened!

Emperor Zhou exclaimed in shock, The immortal furnace has never been opened, so what are the nine elixirs that Nuozu Nuo Lu took out made of?

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