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Chapter 252: Refining people and thinking they are great medicine

The two looked at each other, their eyes showing uneasiness.

The immortal furnace in Yuxu Palace has a talisman attached to it, and the talisman has not been damaged, indicating that the immortal furnace has never been opened. So what exactly are Nuo Lu's nine elixirs?

The immortal furnace is huge, with extremely complex Taoist phenomena imprinted on the furnace walls, and flames floating outside the furnace.

The elixir refined inside should have matured long ago and been sealed in the furnace. Outside Yuxu Palace, the elixir that everyone stole came from this immortal furnace. It was just the fragrance of the elixir in the furnace.

The fairy fire outside the palace should be the fairy fire used to refine the elixir in the furnace.

It can be seen that the Nuo method is not a real Taoist method, but a realm created by humans to assist cultivation.

Emperor Zhou looked up at the fairy furnace, sighed and said, This fairy furnace is the source of the Yuchi fairy medicine. The Nuo master absorbs the power of the Yuchi fairy medicine, refines it, and turns it into majestic magic power. But the source of this magic power is not It’s natural, but it’s made by man.”

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: Xu Fu doesn't want to admit that he can practice Nuo Qi as well. He thinks that Qi refining is the orthodoxy. He does have his reasons.

His face turned gloomy.

Is Xu Fu's path the right path?

Is the Nuo method really a heresy? Although it is a shortcut, it is a demonic path with great hidden dangers?

He is not a stubborn person. If practicing Nuo Qi at the same time is a wrong path, then he will give up this path.

However, it made him a little sad to prove that the path he insisted on was wrong.

Xu Ying came to one side of Yuxu Palace and saw a few fairy fires against the wall. There was also a furnace cauldron above the fairy fire, but it was much smaller. There is a table next to it with scales and tools for making medicine.

There are also some elixirs in the shape of ashes on the scales, and the fragrance is fragrant.

There are also some medicinal materials on the table, which are the roots and leaves of some plants, as well as the flesh and blood cut from the bodies of unknown beasts, which are also filled with medicinal fragrance.

Emperor Zhou came to him and inspected these things with him, wondering: What are these used for?

There is a prescription on the table with the names of the medicinal materials written on it.

Xu Ying grabbed the medicinal materials, prepared the medicine according to the prescription, weighed the medicinal materials with a scale, and gradually arranged the medicinal materials according to the prescription, leaving only the last medicine.

What is the great medicine written on the prescription? Xu Ying asked doubtfully.

Emperor Zhou looked at the ashes-like elixir, his eyes flashed but he said nothing. At this time, Xu Fu's voice came: Try weighing some ashes.

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi looked back and saw Xu Fu standing on the Abbot Fairy Mountain, with Shi Shiran floating over. His clothes were not messed up, his breath was as usual, and he seemed uninjured.

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi's hearts beat violently. Just then Xu Fu took the initiative to meet Nuo Lu. Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi both expected that even if he survived, he would still have to skin him. Unexpectedly, Xu Fu was safe, but Nuo Lu was nowhere to be seen. !

Could it be said that Xu Fu is more powerful than Zulong?

Fellow Daoist Xu, how is the battle going? Xu Ying asked.

Xu Fu had a deep meaning and said: I used a magical move that he had seen before to scare him away.

Xu Ying's heart beat violently. Could it be that Xu Fu's magical power that frightened Nuo Lu away was also a magical power that he passed on to him?

He did not ask further questions, but Emperor Zhou was greatly shocked. One can imagine the strength of Nuozu, but Xu Fu was able to frighten him away. Could it be that Xu Fu is the number one person in China?

Xu Ying calmed down, carefully picked up the gray-white ashes, weighed some according to the proportion of the elixir, opened a cauldron, and put the prepared elixir into the cauldron.

There was some Yaochi water on the table, not much, and he poured it all into the cauldron.

Suddenly there is a strange light emanating from the cauldron. Every inch of light blooms outwards layer by layer. A strange fragrance hits your nostrils. The elixir in the cauldron is taking shape!

After a while, the elixir in the cauldron matured, causing the lid to clang as the elixir tried to fly out of the cauldron.

However, Xu Ying, Zhou Tianzi and Xu Fu did not move. Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi had fought hard for a piece of elixir and wanted to kill each other.

But now they have refined an elixir with their own hands, but no one wants it.

Zhou Tianzi's eyes fell on the remaining ashes and said, What do you think this ashes are?

Xu Ying's voice was a little hoarse: The prescription says that this is a great medicine.

Xu Fu floated over from the fairy mountain and said with a smile: I heard that the Nuo master has mastered extraordinary magic. Among the six secrets of the human body, the spring secret is the soul elixir. Those who master the power of this secret can summon souls. Why don't you try to summon the spirit to this ashes?

Emperor Zhou stared at the ashes and said, I have indeed opened up the Six Secrets when I returned from the other side, but my research on Nuo techniques is not deep.

I come!

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air, activated Yongquan's magical power, stretched out his hand and pointed, and Yongquan's secret soul power exploded, acting on the ashes.


Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the ashes, and gray ghosts emerged from the ashes one after another, almost throwing themselves in front of the three of them!

They struggle, twist, and are still burning with fairy fire!

They are the ghosts of the Qi refiners who were burned to death outside Yuxu Palace. After these herbalists were burned by the fairy fire, their physical bodies could not withstand the fairy fire and were burned to ashes!

Their three souls and seven souls were also burned clean, leaving only the immortal true spirit.

A bit of their immortal true spirit was hidden in the ashes, and now Xu should use his own soul power to inspire the immortal true spirit and reshape the ghost!

Xu Ying dispersed the Yongquan magical power, and the screaming ghosts immediately disintegrated, their souls flew away, turned into immortal true spirits, and flew back into the ashes to hide.

Xu Ying's heart was pounding wildly and he said, Brother Ji, open the alchemy furnace.

Emperor Zhou waved his sleeves, rolled up the lid of the cauldron, and the elixir flew out of the cauldron.

Xu Ying pointed and activated the magical power of the spring, and suddenly a shrill scream came from the elixir. The faces of ghosts were stuck on the elixir wall, and they were bound in the elixir and could not break out!

Zhou Tianzi murmured: Nuolu released nine elixirs, and the elixirs flew around when they encountered people. Are the ghosts in the elixirs flying? Are they worried about being caught and eaten by us, so they try to escape?

Come to think of it, from the perspective of those people who were shrunk in the elixir, those who chased the elixir were like ferocious giants, chasing them with their bloody mouths open, trying to devour them!

Xu Ying looked a little unhappy and said: Herb collectors have been burned in the fairy fire for thousands of years, and a large amount of fairy medicine has been collected in their bodies. When the medicine gatherers are burned to ashes, the ashes are filled with fairy medicine. Use medicine collection People's ashes are used to prepare elixirs and elixirs, so you don't have to go into the immortal fire to collect the elixirs yourself. You can enjoy the results without spending any energy on your own.

Emperor Zhou thought of the situation where the Nuo ancestor was forced to retreat from the fairy fire, but because he promised to say old man, he got burned. Obviously, the fairy fire also threatens the Nuo ancestor.

If the Nuo ancestors entered the fairy fire to collect medicine, their cultivation would be burned out, so they needed medicine collectors.

As far away as the Yu Dynasty and Xia Dynasty, not to mention the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty alone, countless herb collectors entered the other side to collect herbs. These most powerful Qi refiners in the world eventually turned into a handful of ashes. , became the medicinal material used by the six Nuo ancestors to refine the elixir!

Zhou Tianzi said: I still have a doubt, that is, why are we the ones taking the elixir, and not the six Nuo ancestors? The six Nuo ancestors worked so hard to trick people into coming here to extract the elixir, why didn't they take the elixir themselves? ?”

Xu Ying nodded lightly, why did Nuo Zu not take the elixir himself, but let it go?

Xu Fu smiled and said: What if the elixir is just a bait?

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi had a cold war and said in unison: What kind of fish are you going to catch using elixir as bait?

Xu Fu said: The elixir is used as bait, so the fish to be caught must be quite big.

Xu Ying suddenly thought of the man in a bamboo hat who took the elixir from him and Emperor Zhou, and was horrified. He immediately knew who the big fish the six Nuo ancestors were trying to catch was!

What the Sixth Patriarch wants to catch are those fishermen who teach fake Nuo methods to refine human medicine!

His scalp was numb, and he suddenly said: Where will people who take the elixir fly to? Why is the heavenly tribulation fake? Why is there the aura of the devil?

There are six great Nuo ancestors and six great shores. If each Nuo ancestor refines nine elixirs, there will be fifty-four elixirs. With fifty-four elixirs, fifty-four fishermen or leek men will take the bait.

If the man in the bamboo hat and others take the elixir and ascend, what will be waiting for them?

He shuddered.

Nuo Lu did not fight to the death with Xu Fu and was eager to leave. I think other Nuo Zu's fish had also bitten the hook. They were eager to collect the fish instead of being forced to retreat by Xu Fu!

Come to think of it, drastic changes have taken place in the outside world!

Xu Fu said: Xu Jun, the Nuo method is not the right way. Do you agree now?

Xu Ying opened his mouth, wanting to refute him, but couldn't find a reason to refute.

Yuxu Palace, the Immortal Furnace, and even the Immortal Medicine are all man-made creations. The same is true for the other Six Secrets. The Six Secret Nuo Technique has become a tool for the fisherman Leek Man to harvest the world.

Xu Fu said calmly, Therefore, it is imperative to eradicate the Nuo method and restore the orthodoxy of Qi refining! No matter how powerful the Nuo method and the secret treasure are, they are all borrowed power. Since it is borrowed power, it can be repaid. One day, so these herb collectors will be harvested, and only the Nuo immortals will be harvested.

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

Xu Fudao: With Nuo Lu's control of Yuxu Palace, he can easily cut down Feng Yao's Yuchi Dongtian, and he can also cut down other people's Yuchi Dongtian. Nuo's method of cultivating truth is not true, but only illusion.

He had been planning for a long time, with the purpose of overthrowing the Nuo method and restoring Qi refining, but now he didn't care about the outside world, as if persuading Xu Ying was his first goal.

Emperor Zhou said: The urgent task is not to argue about the right path, but how to leave this place! Miss Feng Yao's Yuchi Cave Heaven was cut off, and there is only one way left for us. Go to the other shore.

His eyes flashed and he suggested: I know the way. The two phoenixes can take us to other shores. They can fight against the devil.

Qingluan and Xiaofengxian flew over and turned into two girls. Qingluan heard this and said: I am the fastest and will take you there!

Zhou Tianzi said: It just took a long time.

Qingluan asked: How long?

Emperor Zhou said: It took us more than three hundred years to travel from Yuxu to Jianggong on the Bi'an Shenzhou. Miss Qingluan is very fast and can reach Jianggong in about a hundred years.

Everyone frowned, a hundred years was too long.

We can't borrow Feng Yao's Yuchi Cave, so should we borrow someone else's Yuchi Cave?

Xiao Fengxian suggested: There are many Nuo immortals in Kunlun. As long as someone opens the Yuchi Cave, we can pass through!

Xu Fu shook his head and said: Try, can you sense other people's Yuchi Cave Heaven? Nuolu will definitely not let you sense anyone else's Yuchi Cave Heaven. Your hope is slim.

Xu Ying, Qingluan, Feng Xian'er and Zhou Tianzi immediately tried to sense it. Zhou Tianzi frowned and gave up after a while. He glanced at Xu Fu and whispered: You must have a backup plan.

Xu Fu looked at him puzzled.

Zhou Tianzi said: I heard Jiang Qi mention you, and he praised you very much, saying that the chess piece in your hand is just one step away. Since you dare to enter Yuxu Palace, you must be sure to leave. What is your back-up plan? ?”

Xu Fu sat on the abbot's fairy mountain, with a golden book in his hand. His eyes fell on Xu Ying and said softly: If you can't sense other people's Yuchi Cave, I will only have this way. Open the golden book .”

He exhaled a breath and said: This is the worst plan...

As soon as he said this, Xu Ying's surprised and happy voice suddenly came: The induction is established! Let's go -

As the voice of promise fell, the sky suddenly rotated and twisted, and a jade pool cave penetrated through the layers of time and space, penetrated from another world, and was connected to the Yuxu Palace where they were!

Without thinking, everyone immediately flew up and flew into the cave!

At the same time, Xu Ying was connected with the feelings of the Yuchi Cave, and his consciousness became extremely vast in an instant, covering the surrounding areas in an instant, scanning the other side of the world where Yuxu Palace is located.

But seeing that this piece of time and space is like jade, the Dao phenomena are made in nature, the whole world is a world of Dao phenomena, and there are Dao phenomena everywhere!

And Yuxu Palace is located in the center of this Taoist image. The fairy furnace leads the great avenue of heaven and earth into the furnace, and refines the mysteries of heaven and earth into fairy medicine!

This is a natural elixir!

This is the elixir from the other side of Taoism, not the borrowed power as Xu Fu said.

Maybe someone forged Yuxu Palace and left behind this huge fairy furnace, but the power of the fairy medicine is by no means a borrowed power, but the power generated by the great avenue of heaven and earth!

Everyone flew out from the jade pond cave and landed on their own.

I saw that they were still in Kunlun, but not at the same place, but in the ruins of ancient Kunlun.

Xu Ying hurriedly said loudly: Xu Fu! I just sensed the true face of the other side and discovered something! Practicing the Nuo method is to hide the mysteries of the world in oneself, to see the big from the small, to open up one's own secrets, and to connect to the other side of the world. This is how you understand the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side and achieve the goal of ascension! This kind of cultivation method is the right way, not a magic!

When Xu Fu heard this, he couldn't help but feel extremely disappointed. He rolled his sleeves and said: Xu Jun is stubborn, so Xu has no choice but to tear apart the bloody truth of this world for you and the world to completely destroy the Nuo method!

He controlled the abbot's fairy mountain, soared into the sky, and said in a deep voice: Master Niwan Palace, where is my elixir?

In the distance, a giant flew over after hearing the news. With a flick of his finger from afar, a pill of elixir whizzed over and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, I have already prepared it for you!

Xu Fu looked back, looked at Xu Ying, raised his head and drank the elixir, and a voice came: The destruction of the Nuo method begins today!

Xu Ying was about to chase after him when a familiar voice came from behind: A Ying!

Xu Ying's heart trembled, and when he looked back, he saw a young man in white and indigo standing on the ruins, with delicate features. Next to him was an old man with gray hair in green clothes and cloth shoes, who was Uncle Xiao of the Yuan family.

A Ying, I found Xu Jiaping. The young master said.

Xu Ying's various emotions surged into his heart, and he felt as if thousands of lifetimes had passed in an instant. Behind him, from all over Kunlun, streaks of rising rays of light rose up and intertwined in the mid-air.

Those were fifty-four great masters who took the elixir almost at the same time and overcame the tribulation and ascended!

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