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Chapter 250 The mob gathers (please vote for me in the middle of the month!)

On the Yuxu Peak of the Kunlun Mountain, the six other shores, including the Yuxu Palace, are exuding fairy light, and the fairy aura is lingering. Huangting, Jianggong, Niwan Palace, Minghai, and Yujing, and the five fairy homes are emitting light. The medicinal fragrance is getting stronger and stronger.

The other five shores are already crowded with people, fighting and killing each other.

Those with backgrounds all offered gold seal scripts to protect themselves from being killed.

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi were still standing outside Yuxu Palace, quietly looking at the other side. At this time, the immortal fire had returned, drowning the immortals outside the palace again.

Xu Yingdao: I can identify the runes of the heaven and understand the meaning of the runes at a glance, so I can evolve the dojo of the heaven and manifest the incarnation of the heaven.

Xu Ying stretched out his palm, drew a heavenly rune in the air in front of him, and said: I can use countless eyes to observe your magical powers from all angles and look for flaws in your magical powers. I can also, in a short period of time, Learn your magical powers and use your magical powers to kill you.”

The next moment, a popping sound was heard in the air around Emperor Zhou, and one eye after another opened, staring at Emperor Zhou Ji Man faintly.

Zhou Tianzi was shocked and felt extremely uncomfortable being looked at by him. He felt that he had no secrets left.

Boo boo!

Strange sounds also came from his Xiyi Realm, and the sky in the Xiyi Realm was instantly filled with eyes. However, Xu Ying took the opportunity to invade and used his divine power to observe the reality of his Xiyi Realm.

Emperor Zhou remained calm and burned all the heavenly eyes with a burst of fairy fire, saying: That's enough, Brother Xu, please accept your magical powers.

Xu Ying failed to find out his true and false nature, so he withdrew his magical powers.

Zhou Tianzi said: Brother Xu can discern the meaning of Heavenly Dao runes, and can use Heavenly Dao magical powers, and can also display Heavenly Dao incarnations. In other words, Brother Xu can control heavenly tribulations. I don't know if I understand this, right?

Xu Ying was shocked and quickly explained: I don't have a divine weapon of heaven, and my understanding of the runes of heaven is incomplete. I only understand the runes of heaven from the remains of the stone statues in the temple of heaven...

Emperor Zhou interrupted him and said: If you can see all the heavenly runes on the bodies of gods, then you can master all the heavenly runes, right?

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, Theoretically, that's the case.

Then, you can master the heavenly tribulation!

Zhou Tianzi's eyes were shining with excitement. He was walking around in excitement, and suddenly stopped, You can control the heavenly tribulation, and you are even a god and a divine weapon of heaven! Now you have the deepest understanding of the number of days, which is the human world. God of heaven! If you master all the runes of heaven, then you are the heaven on earth!

Xu Ying was shocked. He had never thought about this aspect.

Emperor Zhou laughed and said: How did the Heavenly Tribulation come about? The Heavenly Tribulation is the number of tribulations accumulated by people during their cultivation. When a Qi Refiner ascends, he has to clear the number of tribulations before he can ascend. Therefore, the Heavenly Tribulation arises in response to the tribulation. If, refinement What about the qi warriors who don’t have to survive the heavenly calamity in the world of heaven? What if the qi refining warriors have no calamity?”

Xu Ying's scalp was numb, and she understood what he was thinking.

Emperor Zhou continued: What if I have already passed through the tribulation before going through the tribulation? Then do I need to go through the tribulation again when I ascend? Then is I already an immortal?

He was inexplicably excited and laughed loudly: Even if I can't ascend, I am still an immortal, but an immortal on earth!

Xu Ying said: I need to see the Heavenly Dao runes before I can know whether they are right or wrong. The Heavenly Dao runes are often found on the bodies of gods, and some are imprinted on Heavenly Dao artifacts.

Zhou Tianzi's eyes flashed and he said: You don't need to worry about these things. How to make the gods descend to the world, how to make the heavenly artifacts descend to the earth, leave it to me. You only need to observe them and record the heavenly runes.

He exhaled a breath and said: If you master the way of heaven, you can master the tribulations of heaven! If you master the tribulations of heaven, you can create a group of immortals on earth!

Xu Ying thought for a moment. Although he couldn't believe it, if he could really master all the runes of heaven, then Emperor Zhou's vision could indeed come true!

Those nurturing gods who control half-true and half-false heavenly runes can still control heavenly tribulations, let alone him who controls perfect heavenly runes?

We can cooperate! Zhou Tianzi said with eager eyes.

Xu Ying composed himself and nodded eccentrically.

He really wanted to master the Heavenly Tribulation.

There is nothing great about becoming a member of the Heavenly Dao. Becoming a Heavenly Dao is his dream.

Emperor Zhou laughed loudly: I entered Kunlun this time, and getting the elixir of ascension will not make me smile. Only getting Mr. Xu can make me happy. Mr. Xu is my elixir of ascension.

Xu Ying said calmly: Brother Ji, please don't forget that I am not your minister. Also, what do you mean by sensing the demons on the six other shores? Why are there also demons on the six other shores?

Zhou Tianzi said: This is also what makes me feel strange.

He looked towards Yuxu Palace. The Nuo shoes in front of Yuxu Palace had disappeared and disappeared.

Back then, we took the Shenzhou on the other side and sailed to the other side, overcoming many tribulations. The Shenzhou was sailing in the fairy fire. We were worried that we would be burned by the fairy fire and become like those Qi refiners in the Great Shang era, so some people got off the boat and collected fairy fire. Some of the medicine is left on the ship for rescue at any time.”

Zhou Tianzi said, If we get off the ship, we will need to seal all the acupoints. If we become insensitive, we may never be able to get back on the ship. If we leave a group of people behind, they can rescue us on the ship. If we stay on the ship, Let them go down to collect the elixir, they have done this before without any problems.

It wasn't until their cultivation was severely damaged by the immortal fire and their realm fell that problems began to arise.

The demon came and ate many of them.

We worked together to force the demon back.

Zhou Tianzi said, But the demons seem to be targeting us. They will start chasing us as soon as our divine boat sails out of the other shore, but as long as we are in the fairy fire, they will not disturb us.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, The devil is afraid of fairy fire?

We thought so too before, so we collected fairy fire and I refined six kinds of fairy fire.

Zhou Tianzi said, Later, outside the fifth shore, the demons invaded again, causing us heavy casualties. Even the fairy fire we collected could not make the demons retreat. We could only rely on the other shore divine boat refined by Zhu Tiangong to hit the demons. , forcing the opponent back.

Xu Ying was startled and lost his voice: How dare you hit the demon with a boat made by Zhuchanchan? Aren't you afraid that the boat will fall apart?

Emperor Zhou sighed: Although Zhu Tiangong's character is questionable, the magic weapons he refines have never had problems during critical periods. Such a talent would be reluctant to behead.

Xu Ying felt the same.

Emperor Zhou said: We knocked back the demon and rode the divine boat to escape the pursuit. At that time, Master Jiang suddenly said that the demon was not afraid of the fairy fire, but wanted to force us into the fairy fire.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows. Jiang Qi was the Grand Master of Emperor Zhou and was extremely intelligent. He must have reason for making such a judgment.

What is the purpose of forcing you into the fairy fire?

Xu Ying thought about it and felt a little strange when he thought of those great businessmen who were burnt to ashes.

When all Qi refiners enter the other side, they will be burned by the immortal fire and have to close all their senses, seal all their acupoints, and concentrate on collecting medicine.

During the process of collecting herbs, they accumulated a large amount of immortal medicine in their bodies, but their cultivation was destroyed by the immortal fire. At this time, they were no different from ordinary people.

After they are burned into mortals, their death is not far away.

They will be burned to ashes by fairy fire.

Xu Ying looked at the fairy fire outside Yuxu Palace. At this time, there were many qigong masters from the Great Zhou Dynasty in the fairy fire. They did not go through the other side of the divine boat, but used other methods to get to the other side.

They came here alone to collect medicine, hoping to live forever.

They stood or sat, bathed in fairy fire, motionless.

They look more like human-shaped elixirs... Xu Ying whispered.

Emperor Zhou had a cold war.

Xu Ying thought of Zhu Chanchan and said, When we rescued Zhu Chanchan, Zhu Chanchan also felt like she was facing a powerful enemy. She said that there would be demons who smelled her scent and came to eat her. We had to find the phoenix to save her life.

Xu Ying thought of this matter again, and vaguely felt that he had grasped some extremely important clue, but he couldn't think clearly for a while.

Why did Zhuchanchan say that the demon would come to eat her?

Why didn't the demons attack when Emperor Zhou and others were in the immortal fire? Why do demons come to claim their lives when there is fairy fire?

Could these Qi refiners collecting medicine be the medicine from the devil? He murmured to himself.

At this moment, I heard a voice, saying with a smile: Whether the Qi Master who collected the medicine is the medicine grown by the devil, you only need to do one thing to find out.

When Xu Ying heard this voice, his heart skipped a beat.

Emperor Zhou turned around and saw phoenixes flying in. One was a colorful phoenix with colorful wings, and the other was a Qingluan, a blue phoenix.

Between Caifeng and Qingluan, there is a floating fairy mountain. Two young people stand on the mountain the size of an abbot. One is the Xianyang Dufu whom he resents, and the other is a young man with blood centipede scars on his face.

In addition to them, there was also a delicate-looking girl who was an acquaintance of Emperor Zhou. She was responsible for the punishment of bandits in Qiu, named Feng Yao.

Xu Ying was startled: Why are they here together?

His memory awakened to four thousand years ago, and he naturally remembered that the young man named Zhao Zheng was none other than Emperor Zulong!

The other person on the fairy mountain is naturally Xu Fu!

The person who just spoke was Xu Fu.

When the fairy mountain floated over, Xu Fu said with a smile: The way to verify it is to enter Yuxu Palace and see with your own eyes the pill furnace for refining medicine!

Emperor Zhou didn't recognize him, frowned slightly and said, Yuxu Palace has been closed. Without Nuozu's intervention, who can open Yuxu Palace?


Xu Fu raised his hand and pointed, and his eyes suddenly focused on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and asked doubtfully: Can I open Yuxu Palace?

Xu Fu nodded lightly and said: Only you can open the Yuxu Palace and take us in to find out the truth about the fairy medicine.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuxu Palace suddenly shook, layers of fairy light gathered, and disappeared from Kunlun!

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng frowned slightly and said: The Nuo Ancestor Nuo Lu has closed the Yuxu Palace. So we need to find a Nuo Immortal who has opened the ninth cave of Yuchi before we can enter the Yuxu Palace.

Feng Yao said softly: That's me.

Six extremely bright haloes appeared behind her, which were the Six Secret Cave Heavens. Her Six Secret Cave Heavens had been refined into one, and the Six Secret Cave Heavens had been refined into six paths.

Among them, the Yongquan Secret Treasure has two left and right, and the opened Lotus Cave is therefore divided into the left and right. There are a total of eighteen caves, which she refined into one and turned into one cave.

Xu Fu said with a smile: I need to enter Yuxu Palace to witness the truth. Xu Jun needs to go and open Yuxu Palace. Feng Xianer and Qingluan need to drive away the demon. But we also need to leave a strong person to protect Miss Fengyao.

Zulong Zhao Zheng said calmly: As long as I'm here, no one can touch her.

Emperor Zhou frowned slightly, coughed, and said, I will enter Yuxu Palace with Brother Xu.

Xu Fu said with a smile on his face: It's great that Emperor Zhou is willing to go with us. Then I'll leave it to Your Majesty.

Zulong Zhao Zhengdao: Xu Fu, if you tease me, I will not let you die easily. You know my methods.

Emperor Zhou sneered and said: Are you Zulong? The single man who built the tomb next to my Haojing?

Zulong Zhao Zhengdao: Are you the Emperor of Zhou who led all the civil and military officials to the other side and ruined the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Qi Refiners?

Xu Ying was also quite unhappy with Zulong Zhao Zheng, and was wary of Xu Fu.

Feng Yao looked at this rabble and couldn't help but frown.

————Please vote for me in the middle of the month! Brothers, please check if there are any monthly votes in your account. If so, vote for Ascension! ! Thank you! !

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