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Chapter 238 The Peak of Martial Arts

Qiao Zizhong followed Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng into this town, and his murderous intention suddenly arose.

He was the one who sneaked into my tomb and removed all the wealth I had accumulated over the past 20,000 years, leaving only a coffin and black water for me!

The anger in his heart could not be suppressed, I mistakenly thought that Xu Fu did this secretly, but I didn't expect that the thief was right under my nose.

Xu Ying sacrificed the twenty-four bright moons in mid-air and was explaining to Yankong City, saying: Just now I heard Brother Yan say that you also have twenty-four bright moon beads in Emei. I wanted to avoid suspicion, so I didn't admit that I was the one who sacrificed the bright moon. Pearl. Now I have to admit it.”

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: There are countless magic weapons of the same kind in the world. How can I be suspicious for no reason? Besides, the tomb of Patriarch Qingshuang is in good condition and has not been stolen. Naturally, the beads of the Haoyue Mountain and River will not be lost. Zhongzi Qiao, what do you think of me? Is this correct?

Qiao Zizhong was about to kill him in pain, but he saw a majestic incarnation of heaven rising behind Xu Ying, full of heavenly power, and it was extremely terrifying.

Although the way of heaven is not as good as the way of immortality, Qiao Zizhong is not an immortal, and the way of heaven still oppresses him greatly, which invisibly limits his cultivation strength.

He was stern in his heart: Although I am not afraid of him, Headmaster Yan is still here. If he makes a move, if he makes a mistake, I will be the sinner of Emei.

That's what the Headmaster said. He said calmly.

Xu Ying explained to Yan Kongcheng: Brother Yan, you should avoid suspicion. I have to explain to you clearly that my set of magic weapons came from Kunlun Mountain and was collected in Luwu Mountain. There is a brand of heaven in it. I I also learned how to use it from the Tiandao Brand. Mountain God Lu Wu can testify to this matter.

Yan Kongcheng said: I see that your method of offering sacrifices is different from the method of offering sacrifices to my Emei magic weapon. My disciple Zhong Ziqiao is quite familiar with the twenty-four-wheel bright moon beads. If you study this method carefully, you can communicate more.

Although he had some doubts about the origin of the Bright Moon Pearl that Xu Ying said, Qiao Zizhong didn't say anything. He thought that the Bright Moon Pearl that Xu Ying came to was indeed innocent and had nothing to do with Emei.

I was always worried that he would dig up my Emei ancestral grave, so that when he got a similar set of magic weapons, he explained to me that I had misunderstood him. Yankongcheng felt guilty towards Xu Ying.

As they spoke, they had already entered the town.

Surprisingly, this town was deserted, and no Heavenly Daoists were entrenched here.

They saw the traces left by the battle. The entrance to the town and several houses in the front were not damaged, but the roofs of the houses in the back were blown off and the walls were cut off.

The further you get to the back, the more serious the damage becomes.

At the back of the town, the houses had been completely reduced to dust.

Judging from the traces of the battlefield, someone should have entered the town through the entrance of the town. After walking dozens of steps, they started to clash with the townspeople.

By the time they reach the end of the town, the power of his moves has reached its peak and is becoming more and more powerful!

He fought against everyone in this town at the same time, and his magical power oppressed all the Heavenly Daoists in this town, forcing them to retreat!

Xu Ying knelt down and saw some broken bones in the ditch on the street. These bones showed that the owner was directly broken by the opponent's magical power!

This Heavenly Dao crowd is jumping in the air and coming to kill him.

Xu Ying stood up, suddenly took a step forward, turned around and waved his palm, striking it in the air and saying, With this blow, he directly smashed the Heavenly Dao people into pieces in the air, so the broken bones showed such a splattering pattern!

Yan Kongcheng nodded and said: His power exploded completely, so that the Heavenly Daoists who received his blow were not moved backwards, but exploded in the air.

He suddenly felt something tingling on the ground. He looked down and saw that they were fragments of the magic weapon of heaven!

The opponent used heavy tactics to shatter the enemy's heavenly magic weapon into pieces!

The magic weapon was shattered into pieces when the man's palm touched it, without any extra power.

Xu Ying pulled up the magic weapon fragments one by one from the ground. Seeing this, Yankong City also stepped forward to help.

The two teenagers quickly gathered together the fragments of the heavenly magic weapon they could collect and put them together to restore the original appearance of the heavenly magic weapon.

This is a three-legged tripod. A piece of the tripod wall is missing, which happens to be the size of a fist seal.

Yan Kongcheng looked solemn, raised his head and looked into the distance, saying: This person's control over the physical body has reached an unimaginable level. When he punched, the part where the heavenly magic weapon came into contact with his fist was directly evaporated. I Never seen anyone like this.”

Xu Ying nodded slightly and exhaled a breath: This person's skills are stronger than mine, and his body is the most powerful magic weapon. This method of attack is not like magical power, but very similar to...

He paused and did not continue.

This is a one-sided massacre!

When that man came here, he did not rely on magic weapons or supernatural powers, but only relied on his physical body to kill the Heavenly Dao people and defeat them!

Xu Ying stood up, collected most of the Bright Moon Beads, leaving only eight Bright Moon Beads hanging in the sky, and followed the traces on the ground to walk out of the town.

Qiao Zizhong saw that the bright moon beads he had put away were full of cracks, and his heart dripped with blood: The magic weapon that I rely on to become famous is about to be destroyed by him. But then again, what ability does he have? Just enter my tomb and steal property?

He suddenly became alarmed: Isn't it possible that Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal and I share the same philosophy, and he has been hiding his clumsiness? He could obviously collect all the Bright Moon Pearls, but he kept eight. Is he warning me not to take action?

He squinted his eyes and thought to himself: He thinks that eight bright moon beads can make me throw a rat weapon? He is too underestimated me. But if he harvests crops like me, then he can indeed make me throw a rat weapon. He really Gou.

Xu Ying walked ahead and continued to check the battle traces left on the ground.

The man fought his way here, fought his way out of the town, and fought his way into the mountains.

Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng sped up. The further they moved forward, the more intense the battle became. Finally, when they arrived dozens of miles away, an extremely strong aura of heaven suddenly hit their faces.

Although this kind of heavenly aura is powerful and strong, it is extremely dangerous, causing people to go crazy and causing chaos in the world!

The breath of the gods! Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng each felt their hearts tighten.

Xu Ying did not take away all the Bright Moon Pearls and still maintained the Tiandao Dojo. The alien aura of Heavenly Dao did not affect their sanity, but as long as they walked out of this Tiandao Dojo, they were afraid that they would not be able to control it and would inevitably fall into madness!

Although Xu Ying's martial arts will can resist the influence of Heaven's Dao, the Heaven's Dao here is too strong. When the war broke out, the influence of Heaven's Dao was even more terrifying.

The aura of heaven here is stronger than that of the Temple of Heaven! He thought to himself.

They came to the final battlefield and saw the scene of the battle. It was a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides and as steep as a wall. However, there are now pits and depressions on the stone wall. Some are fist marks, some are palm prints, some are fingerprints, and there are also marks caused by blows to various parts of the body.

And in this valley, there are gods of all sizes!

To be precise, the gods descended into the bodies of the heavenly beings, and the bodies of the heavenly beings expanded, became huge, and transformed into gods, forming the incarnation of the gods in the human world!

These incarnations of gods are hundreds of feet tall and often have grotesque shapes. There are giants with a hundred eyes, no organs on their heads, and eyes front and back; there are gods with thousands of arms, with countless arms growing on their bodies like cattail fans, which are deformed and huge;

There is a god with a mantis-like body, but with a human upper body, well-developed mouthparts, and guillotines on both arms with hooks all over his body;

There are also those with human bodies and countless dancing tentacles sprouting from their backs;

There are also the incarnations of Tianshu, followed by countless others.

In this valley, you can almost see various forms of gods!

Xu Ying had met most of the gods, such as Zhou Qiyun to overcome the tribulation, so he kidnapped 360 Zhou Tianzheng gods and came to help him overcome the tribulation. On the sycamore tree in Jiuyi Mountain, stone statues of gods arrived to kidnap Xu Ying, but were chopped to pieces by Jin Buyi's double swords.

But when Zhou Qiyun overcame the tribulation, he was thousands of miles away, too far to see clearly, and the thunder tribulation was uncertain, so he could only see a brief scene.

As for the stone statues of gods, they cannot show the true colors of gods at all.

And in this valley, the Heavenly Dao people lured the intruders, and the gods descended, occupied the bodies of the Heavenly Dao people, and instantly assimilated the Heavenly Dao people into part of the Gods, completing the ambush!

Each of these gods is alive and lifelike, maintaining the same posture and expression as when they died!

Their postures are innate with the Tao and are natural Tao phenomena.

Their expressions include joy, anger, hatred, despair, and sadness. All kinds of human emotions are clearly printed on their faces.

The moment before they died, they were like the mortals they regarded as ants.

Xu Ying's figure floated up and came to a majestic god. The forehead of this god was blasted through, making the front and back translucent.

They can even follow the big hole in the forehead and fly into the head of the god's incarnation to examine the solidified scars.

Suddenly, Yan Kongcheng raised his palm and clasped it gently. With a buzzing sound, the Xiyi Domain incarnated by the god was shaken out by him and revealed in front of them.

Brother Xu, please take a look.

Yan Kongcheng raised his hand and pointed to the highest level of the Xiyi Realm, the Yujing City behind the third Tianguan, and said, The primordial spirit of the Heavenly Dao people was shocked to death by the power of the Heavenly God the moment the Heavenly God came. .”

Xu Ying looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough he saw a fragmented soul in the jade capital, which was in a broken state like porcelain, but solidified in the air.

The cultivation method of the Heavenly Daoists seems to be able to quickly improve the cultivation strength and gain a long life, but in fact it is to refine oneself into a container for the gods in the human world.

Yan Kongcheng looked at him deeply and said sincerely, You and I are friends, and I can't bear to see you go astray. You have gone too far on the path of the Heavenly Daoists and have strayed far away from the right path.

Xu Ying defended: I understand the runes of heaven that even the gods don't understand...

Yan Kongcheng shook his head and said: I know that you are extremely accomplished in the runes of the heaven. You can control the dojo of the heaven and kill many people of the heaven. But the god of heaven is too powerful. When he comes to your body, you will not be able to resist at all. He will directly Crush you to death, assimilate you, and turn your body into their incarnation.”

Xu Ying thought about it and realized that the danger Yan Kongcheng mentioned might indeed occur.

Although there are many errors and omissions in the heavenly runes on the gods, there are also many correct runes. I will continue to dig deeper along the path of the heavenly gods. If I am sensed by a certain god, I can follow those correct runes. !

At that point, he risks turning into a vessel!

Thank you, Brother Yan, for your advice. He bowed and thanked him.

Yan Kongcheng quickly supported him and said, I don't dare. Brother Xu, you are following the Heavenly Daoists. Do you know who the Heavenly Gods are encircling and suppressing here?

He looked around and saw that all the gods were dead, dead in this valley, killed with one move without using the second move.

It's just a matter of killing the Heavenly Dao people. After all, the Heavenly Dao people cannot exert the full power of the Heavenly Dao, but those gods who descend are by no means comparable to the Heavenly Dao people.

With the same cultivation level, they can exert several times more combat power, and with the pressure of heaven, their opponents may not even have the courage to take action.

Xu Ying suddenly jumped up, and while he was in mid-air, he hit a sky-shaking seal in the air, and shouted: This is the move he used to kill this god!

His palm landed on the forehead of the god, and then he turned back and swung his tail like a dragon in mid-air. He used the hammer seal technique and hit the chest of an apparently harmless god. He shouted: Kill. This god uses this trick!

His body shape is like a flying swallow, and his movements are mysterious and unpredictable. He dances along the road, the muscles and bones in his body are roaring, and thunder is constantly shaking. He uses his hand as a knife to chop at the throat of another god: Use this move to kill him!

His body shape changed continuously, running all over the valley in an instant, rarely landing, using various mysterious martial arts moves to hit the weak points of the gods!

Yankong City was dazzled by what he saw. Looking towards the cliff behind the gods, he was shocked to see the fist prints, palm prints, fingerprints and other marks, which were exactly the same as Xu Ying's fist, palm, finger and other attacks!

Xu Ying fell from the sky and landed beside him.

Yan Kongcheng sneered and said, Brother Xu, Xu, who are you who killed these gods?

I have learned his eight martial arts techniques.

Xu Ying's Qi and blood were still surging. He looked at the valley and said, This man is a martial arts genius from the Taichu world. He established the martial arts on the other side. When he left, he had already cultivated the martial arts soul. Now look at Come on, I'm afraid he has already practiced martial arts to the ascension stage. Martial arts...

He was silent for a moment and said: We will welcome the first ascended Martial Immortal and the first Martial Arts Emperor!

Behind him, Qiao Zizhong looked towards the valley. The towering gods used their deaths as gifts, demonstrating the power of this martial arts myth.

Perhaps, he wants to create a true other side of martial arts and plant magical medicine. Qiao Zizhong murmured, unable to suppress the shock in his heart.

Hearing this, Xu Ying suddenly looked at him, his eyes becoming sharp.

Qiao Zizhong was shocked and hurriedly followed Guang and made himself extremely ordinary. Anyone who looked at him would feel like they were looking at a stubborn stone and slipped away.

He suddenly came to his senses again: Why am I afraid of him? He stole my magic weapon, so I still need to be afraid of him?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Yan, I will lend you this disciple for a while and ask him to teach him how to sacrifice the Bright Moon Pearl.

Yan Kongcheng was attracted by the traces left by the martial arts emperor, trying to understand the martial arts essence contained in them, and allowed him to take Qiao Zizhong away.

Xu Ying took Qiao Zizhong to a remote place, glanced at Qiao Zizhong, and said, Ziqiao knows how to sacrifice the bright moon pearl?

Qiao Zizhong was furious. This boy actually asked him for advice on how to sacrifice the Haoyue Pearl!

He dug his own grave, took his own magic weapon, and taught him how to perform sacrifices!

Is it tolerable or not...

Bear it!

Qiao Zizhong raised his head and glanced at the bright moon beads hanging in the air. At some point, Xu Ying sacrificed twenty-four bright moon beads again. At this moment, he fell out with Xu Ying. Even if he could win, his own vitality would be greatly damaged.

There are many anglers here, so it is not advisable to take risks.

The best opportunity is to wait for the moment Xu Ying takes back the Haoyue Bead, and then strike with a fatal blow.

The veins on his forehead twitched and he said: The magic weapon of heaven is not the correct way to use the Haoyue Pearl. This treasure seems to be sacrificed to form a dojo of heaven and exert the power of heaven, but the real power of the magic weapon has not been exerted at all. At this time, the magic weapon is used What is being exerted is only the power of heaven.”

Xu Ying asked for advice: Then, how to exert the power of the magic weapon itself?

Qiao Zizhong quietly clenched his fist, then slowly opened it, and said: A bright moon bead is a small world. In the small world, there are heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, and all kinds of things. You regard these things as Taoist symbols, and understand the Taoist symbols in the beads. , you can master this power. If you can cooperate with the skills of my Emei Qingshuang Patriarch, the Haoyue Mountain River Skill, and combined with the twenty-four heavenly immortal formations, you can exert the power of immortals.

Xu Ying was thoughtful and praised: Zi Qiao really understands. Then, can you pass on the Bright Moon Mountain River Technique and the Twenty-Four Heavenly Immortal Formations to me?

Qiao Zizhong had no expression on his face and said with a smile: This kind of thing is beyond my control. I need the headmaster's nod.

Xu Ying said calmly: Can't Patriarch Qingshuang be the master?

The veins on Qiao Zizhong's forehead were running wildly, and he almost went on a rampage and killed someone. Fortunately, he was surprisingly calm and endured it, but the air around him became extremely depressing.

Qiao Zizhong clenched his fists tightly and chuckled: Xu Ying, do you know?

Xu Ying put his hands behind his back, and the incarnation of the heaven behind him became more and more powerful, vaguely echoing the incarnation of the gods in this valley, and tending to borrow the avenue of the gods.

Of course I recognize you. When you were fighting Xu Fu, I caught a glimpse of you from a distance, but you were so ordinary that I didn't dare to recognize you.

Xu Ying looked calm and said, But when you said that the purpose of the Martial Arts Emperor is to build the other side of Martial Arts, I know that you are by no means an ordinary disciple of Emei. As the Patriarch of Emei, you pretend to be a junior and sneak into Emei. Could it be that you want to harvest Yankong City?

His murderous intent grew stronger and stronger, and he said coldly: Yankong City is one of the few friends I have. If you have this intention, only one of you and I can get out of this valley today!

Qiao Zizhong looked at him, and after a moment, he said, Do you know how strong I am?

Xu Ying sneered and said, Do you know how strong I am? In my Heavenly Dao Dojo, no matter how strong you are, you still have to take five steps to splatter with blood!

Qiao Zizhong was silent for a moment and said, I stay in Emei with no ill intentions. I just want Emei to become a better place.

Xu Ying looked directly into his eyes. Qiao Zizhong was calm. After a moment, Xu Ying nodded and said: I believe you for the time being. Don't let me catch you, otherwise you will know the consequences. After that, he turned and left.

Qiao Zizhong watched him go away, only to see that the young man's legs were shaking a little, and he was obviously very frightened. He couldn't help but feel startled in his heart, and suddenly realized: This kid is pretending to be a big deal again! I... can't bear it!

————A five thousand word chapter! ! !

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