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Chapter 237 Revealing the truth

Brother Yan, who is this? Xu Ying looked at the ordinary-looking man and asked.

I am the new disciple of Emei, Zhong Ziqiao. Qingshuang Patriarch Qiao Zizhong said.

Xu Ying didn't take it to heart. After all, Yankong City was the headmaster of Emei. It was normal to bring one or two disciples to Kunlun this time.

When noble families come to Kunlun, they bring a large army of thousands of people, so that when they encounter danger, the low-level Nuo masters can go and explore the way. This kind of Nuo masters are not descendants of aristocratic families, but disciples with foreign surnames, and they are consumed very quickly.

Sometimes even the peripheral children of aristocratic families can be used as consumables.

Most upright sects such as Emei would not do this. They usually take their disciples out to train them and give them more experience in the world.

Uncle Xu came down from the Kaiming Mountains?

Qiao Zizhong asked, Have you ever seen anyone offering sacrifices to twenty-four moon beads?

Xu Ying felt a little guilty, knowing that his Bright Moon Bead came from Emei, so he smiled and said: I have just arrived. I just sensed the aura of heaven, which was so powerful that it caused the mountains to avalanche and I dared not go up the mountain. Is there anything wrong with that person, Zi Qiao?

Qiao Zizhong said: I have a magic weapon from an ancestor in Emei, which is the Twenty-Four Bright Moon Mountain and River Beads. After being sacrificed, it turns into twenty-four bright moons. In the moon, there are heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, and it is extremely powerful. Therefore, the disciples saw the same I’m a little curious about the magic weapon.”

Xu Ying smiled and said: There are countless magic weapons that look similar to each other in the world. There may be senior masters who have refined the same treasure as the Emei Patriarch.

Qiao Zizhong said yes and said: The magic weapons are similar, indeed they often exist.

There was still something left unsaid in his mind: But if every inch of the mountains and rivers are in the same position, it is not common. The Bright Moon Bead that the Heavenly Daoists sacrificed just now has every inch of the mountains and rivers consistent with my Bright Moon Bead. It is definitely a tomb robber!

Xu Yingdao: What is the name of the founder who refined the Twenty-Four Bright Moon Mountain and River Pearl? I come from an ancient place, so maybe you know him.

Qiao Zizhong felt awe in his heart: The name I am using now is the name Qiao Zizhong turned upside down. If I tell him that the name of the owner of Haoyue Pearl is Qiao Zizhong, I am afraid he will guess the truth. In that case...

He said silently in his heart: I have no choice but to silence him.

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: The ancestor who refined the Twenty-Four Bright Moon Mountain and River Pearl is named Qingshuang. Brother Xu, what kind of rune is the blood stain on your body? It is not an immortal rune, but it also has extraordinary power.

When Qiao Zizhong heard this, he looked over and saw blood stains on the surface of Xu Ying's skin, with some strange characters and patterns written in blood.

The blood has dried.

Xu Ying glanced at his skin, grabbed a handful of snow, wiped it off casually, and said casually: I encountered a strong enemy and was injured, so I used my own blood to draw some talismans on my body to increase my combat power.

Yan Kongcheng said: This is a heretic, so it is rarely used. Brother Xu, you also have extremely high attainments in immortal runes. You should know that the power you have when you imprint the runes on yourself is just a representation. Understand the runes and turn them into yourself. Knowledge is the true enlightenment.”

Brother Yan is right. Xu Ying accepted the lesson with an open mind.

He stood at the foot of the mountain, picked up some stones and piled them together to form a small house. He made a mountain god with a tiger head and a human face out of mud and placed it in the small house.

What is Brother Xu doing? Yan Kongcheng asked curiously.

Xu Ying placed the clay sculptures, took a few sticks of incense and placed them in front of the simple temple. He said, There is a god in this mountain, but it's a pity that the power and consciousness have been scattered. I want to build a temple for him and then reshape my body.

Yan Kongcheng looked up at the Kaiming Mountains and noticed the divine power of the Kaiming Mountains. They were vast and profound, even worse than the mountains in front of them.

The temple here has been destroyed and the statue of the god has been broken into pieces. I don't know the name of this god, so I can't regain the power and consciousness.

Yan Kongcheng sighed: Moreover, there are no undead people in this world, and this mountain god cannot wake up. His divine power will dissipate sooner or later. When the person who worships the god dies, the god will gradually wither.

Xu Ying stood up with a sad face. He didn't know the name of the mountain god.

Yankongcheng walked with him. Yankongcheng happened to have some questions about Nuo Qi and cultivation, and asked Xu Ying for advice. Xu Ying naturally said everything he knew and said everything he wanted to say.

After the two of them talked about Nuo Qi and cultivation, they discussed the immortal runes. The attainments in this area were much more extensive in Yankong City. Xu Ying summoned the big bell, and the two of them studied the eight forbidden runes on the bell wall.

Emei has a profound heritage, and Yankong City is well-informed and intelligent. He quickly found the immortal runes similar to Emei. However, the structure is simple and the principles are simple, but it is also easy to understand and make connections by analogy.

The two of them were extremely talented, and they soon found a breakthrough in Emei's immortal text with the word Feng, and they were very happy in their hearts.

Qiao Zizhong felt awe-struck when he saw these eight sealing runes. He hurriedly called Yankong City aside and whispered: Headmaster, the words on the bell are the great seal of the Immortal Dao.

Yan Kongcheng said: I know it's an immortal seal. I, Emei, don't have such a profound sealing technique to learn.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Qiao Zizhong hurriedly said: Think about it, even our Grand Patriarch of Emei does not have such a profound seal, so who in the immortal world is using the seal? If you help him unlock the seal, I'm afraid the Grand Patriarch will The founder would be so angry that he would defect to Emei overnight, severing all ties with you! He might even kill us out of righteousness!

Yan Kongcheng's heart suddenly suddenly hit him, and he said with a smile: Grandmaster, you are too careful. Brother Xu and I just understand the structure of these immortal runes, and we have not broken any seals. How can we offend a big shot in the immortal world?

Qiao Zizhong also felt that he was a little too careful, and thought to himself: These eight characters are engraved on the wall of the bell. There are no demons suppressed by the seal in the bell. Even if they unlock the seal, they will not be able to release any demons. .”

He glanced at Xu Ying, who was concentrating on studying it, and thought to himself: How can a seal be a human being? I have only been cautious in my life, so I can survive until now, but I am too cautious.

Suddenly, a picture flashed through Xu Ying's mind, and a name jumped out of the ancient memory seal.

He turned around, faced the mountains that were far away from them, and let out a deafening shout:

God is enlightened——

His voice was loud and loud, resounding throughout the heaven and earth, reaching far into the enlightened mountains.

Xu Ying called three times in a row, but there was still no response from the mountains. He felt sad in his heart: That mountain god may really be dead.

But he didn't see that inside the mountains, the vast divine power formed by the incense gas was like a vast ocean, creating waves.

In this ocean of divine power, countless broken thoughts and consciousnesses collide with each other, causing chaos like a sea of ​​chaos.

God is enlightened——

As Xu Ying's shout came, the waves of this vast ocean of divine power became more and more intense, and the ancient and broken consciousness seemed to be awakened by the call.

Xu Ying's third call came. At the foot of the Kaiming Mountains, in front of the simple stone temple built by Xu Ying, the incense gas flowed straight into the stone temple and entered the body of the nine-headed statue with a human face and a tiger body.

At the same time, in the vast ocean of divine power of the mountains, rays of light kept pouring out, following the mountains and flowing into this small stone temple.

The small statue of the enlightened god gradually became more alive.

Suddenly this little god with a tiger head and a tiger brain jumped down from the shrine and walked out of the small stone temple.

Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng walked together. Along the way, they saw more and more people going to the Kunlun Mountain. These people included aristocratic families from China, as well as descendants of sects that had been dusted for three thousand years, and each had their own purposes.

In the mountains, there are gradually more and more exotic animals, flowers and plants. Some people saw the Dragon Blood Tree, a sacred tree with dragon scales on its bark and dragon horns on its branches.

Some people also found the legendary metal used to refine immortal weapons in the stream, with natural immortal patterns on it.

Someone else saw a phoenix in the mountains, flying around a treasure place. They found a large piece of crystal in the treasure place. There was a woman sealed in the crystal, who was rumored to be a female fairy.

There was also news that someone saw a fairy light in the mountains. Many people rushed there, but no one returned.

There is also news that someone discovered an immortal artifact in the Kunlun Mountains. They chased it and found that it entered a cave in the mountain.

Some people said they saw immortals descending from the sky to preach and teach, and they said they saw immortals holding me on the head and my brain cracked.

The closer you get to the Kunlun Mountains, the more violent the vibrations become. There are rumors that someone has discovered a huge abyss at the southern foot of the mountains. It is unfathomable, and a sacred mountain is erupting from the abyss.

There are also legends that a team of thousands of people accidentally entered there, and suddenly the earth opened and swallowed them up. The earth closed together, and it was as if these people had never appeared.

These legends were either true or false, and Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng looked at each other in confusion.

However, there are indeed traces of battles in the mountains. These traces are too old and were buried by the wind and snow. A terrifying aura bursts out from the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and if touched accidentally, both body and soul will be destroyed.

In some places, you can still see weathered ruins. Walking among them, you can also see the traces of civilization that were destroyed by barbarism.

Xu Ying and his party arrived not far from Yuzhu Peak and Yuxu Peak, and suddenly saw one of the mountains with a strange shape. The two mountains were like outstretched wings, the central mountain looked like the body of a horse, and the mountain in front looked like a human body.

The geographical trend is spectacular and strange.

There is also a piece of tiled houses in the mountains, which should be a village or a town.

Another group of Heavenly Daoists! Xu Ying began to have murderous intentions.

Qiao Zizhong raised his head and looked at the tile house in the mountain, his eyes flashing: The man who stole my tomb destroyed the residences of the Heavenly Dao people along the way, so it can be seen that he has enmity with the Heavenly Dao people. That person will definitely pass by this tile house!

Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Yan, I have an appointment with someone, so I'll say goodbye.

He immediately turned around and everyone else went to Yuxu Peak, while he rushed to the tile house in the mountain.

Qiao Zizhong said in a deep voice: Headmaster, let's go to that tile house too.

Yan Kongcheng said yes and said with a smile: Where are you going, Brother Xu? I'll go with you.

Xu Ying had no choice but to let them follow, and thought to himself: How can I get rid of them? When I meet the Heavenly Daoists later, if I directly sacrifice the Twenty-Four Bright Moon Mountain and River Beads, will Brother Yan recognize me? Hmm...

He pondered for a moment and said decisively: If he asks, I will tell you that by another chance, I got twenty-four bright moon beads in the Kunlun Mountains. Everyone is a bright moon pearl, and they are naturally similar to the bright moon beads in Emei. Yankong City has never seen Emei’s Bright Moon Pearl with his own eyes, so naturally he can’t doubt me.”

Qiao Zizhong's eyes flashed as he looked at Wa She who was getting closer and closer. He felt a little excited and said in his heart: That thief is well versed in the methods of the Heavenly Daoists and hates the Heavenly Daoists deeply. He will definitely sacrifice my Haoyue Bead. You little thief, you have to show your flaws... huh?

At this time, a bright moonlight gradually rose around him, and the moonlight was as bright as a flower.

He hurriedly looked around and saw a bright moon behind Xu Ying's head flying into the sky, hanging on the canopy of the tile roof, and then closing down at the Tiandao Dojo.

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