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Chapter 239: Martial Arts Ascension Method (please vote for me)

However, he really regards Master Yan as a friend.

Qiao Zizhong looked at Xu Ying's back, very happy for Yankong City, and said silently, He risked his life to have a showdown with me. This friendship is worth cherishing. After all, I can't show up. If Emei wants to gain a foothold, Master Yan needs more What a friend like Xu Ying.”

He hesitated for a moment, then thought of the magic weapons he had collected, and felt a surge of anger in his heart: I just promised this person, it's so unethical!

Xu Ying was still a little scared after leaving Qiao Zizhong.

Qiao Zizhong is definitely a fisherman like Li Xiaoke, and he is the owner of the Twenty-Four Bright Moon Beads. The mausoleum he vacated in Emei is his mausoleum!

Facing such a terrifying existence, I have to pretend to be calm and say harsh words, saying that I am not scared is a lie.

His heartbeat was pounding like a drum, his lips were dry and his mouth was dry, and he didn't dare to look back.

The legs are still shaking a little.

If Qiao Zizhong attacks me, even if there is a Tiandao dojo, I probably won't be able to sustain many moves. The only way is to call Lu Wu. But the strength of the fishing guy may not be inferior to Lu Wu. He thought to himself.

When Yankong City saw that he and Qiao Zizhong were chatting happily, he was also very happy: The Patriarch Qingshuang must have taken a fancy to Brother Xu's qualifications and talents and wanted to accept him as his disciple, so he taught him how to refine the Haoyue Pearl. I'll start with him. If we don't expose this matter, until they have a deep relationship, I will reveal the identity of Qingshuang Patriarch, and then Brother Xu can naturally become my disciple in Emei.

He felt a little complacent in his heart: The ancestors of the past generations will definitely be very happy to see such a disciple.

After Xu Ying learned the Eight Arts of the God of War, he never encountered a more outstanding skill in martial arts. However, the peerless strongman who created the other side of the martial arts left something other than the Eight Arts of the God of War in this valley.

Xu Ying had just performed the Eight Techniques of the God of War in the valley, and discovered that he had created a new technique based on the Eight Techniques of the God of War.

Moreover, he has a stronger fighting spirit in the valley, like a mortal who dares to break all unruly, fighting against the nature of heaven and earth in adversity, breaking all the gods and shackles that symbolize the way of heaven!

Martial arts begins with ordinary people.

It is mortals who use their bodies and use their fragile flesh as weapons to fight against the dangerous environment.

This peerless master demonstrated this to the fullest in the battle at Tiandao Valley.

While Xu Ying studied and studied, he also understood the martial arts emperor's moves, trying to deduce the moves after the eight moves of the God of War from clues.

Yan Kongcheng is also trying to deduce the martial arts emperor's moves, but he has no foundation in martial arts, so it is naturally difficult to understand them out of thin air.

The master can use the Bright Moon Mountain River Technique and the Twenty-Four Celestial Immortal Formations to ask him for advice on the eight methods of the God of War. Qiao Zizhong reminded.

Yan Kongcheng looked at him in surprise and whispered: Grandmaster, this is your unique skill!

Qiao Zizhong said: I, Emei, have one unique skill, but I exchange this unique skill with others for another unique skill, so we have two unique skills.

Yan Kongcheng said yes and said: It's just that if I passed it on to him, the Patriarch would have less chance to accept him as a closed disciple.

Qiao Zizhong tried his best to maintain a dead look on his face, but he was still stunned by these words and thought to himself: If I accept him as my disciple, do I think I have a long life or do I think Emei has a long life?

Yan Kongcheng came to Xu Ying and proposed the idea of ​​​​exchange. Xu Ying was naturally happy to agree and said with a smile: The Eight Methods of the God of War is a martial arts technique, and it is also a martial arts magical power. Although it is difficult to get started, with your intelligence and understanding, you should be able to do it. It’s not difficult.”

The two taught each other, Xu Ying was very accomplished in martial arts, but Yankong City had no foundation, and he was a little confused when he rashly came into contact with such advanced martial arts. However, because Xu Ying had practiced the Supreme Immortal Book of the Golden Chamber, he was very good at the Haoyue Mountain River Kung Fu.

It's just that he didn't dabble in formations, so he was a little slow in learning the Twenty-Four Heavenly Immortal Formations.

Brother Yan, you can compare the martial arts emperor's moves to kill the gods to understand and learn the eight methods of the god of war. Xu Ying reminded.

Yankong City came to his senses and compared the wounds on the corpse of the god incarnation in the valley, he gradually figured out the training skills of the Eight Methods of the God of War, and said with a smile: Ziqiao, help Brother Xu understand the Twenty-Four Heavenly Immortal Formations.

Qiao Zizhong walked forward with a dead look on his face, explaining the secrets of the Immortal Formation with his heart bleeding.

Although I, Emei, am not the only one who owns the Bright Moon Mountain and River Pearl, and others can also own it. However, you can still see the difference in the different textures of the mountains and rivers in the Bright Moon.

Qiao Zizhong's eyes fell on the twenty-four pearls and said lightly, But the mountains and rivers in your bright moon are exactly the same as the mountains and rivers in my bright moon in Emei. Isn't this too much of a coincidence?

Xu Ying said in surprise: Master Qingshuang, this is your Emei Mountain and River Pearl. Don't you recognize it? I dug it out from your tomb.

Qiao Zizhong clenched his fists and resisted the urge to punch him to death.

Xu Yingdao: The reason why I asked for advice on the method of refining the Haoyue Pearl is mainly because the sacrificial refining method is not correct, and the Heavenly Dao Dojo will break after a few times of use. Now the Haoyue Pearl is cracked a lot. Since you are the refiner of the Haoyue Pearl, you naturally Know how to fix it.”

Qiao Zizhong's hands were shaking.

Behind Xu Ying, An Qi, Big Bell and Purple Immortal Grass were also trembling.

A Ying, how about we stop mentioning this matter? Big Zhong said tremblingly.

Purple Immortal Grass poked Xu Ying and said tremblingly that the matter could be ignored.

Qiao Zizhong tried his best to calm down his emotions and said: You can repair it yourself if you practice the Bright Moon Mountain River Skill.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You can help me repair it faster.

Qiao Zizhong took a long breath, then exhaled a breath of turbid air, and stepped forward to help him repair the Bright Moon Bead, while giving him instructions on how to set up the Immortal Formation.

Xu Ying was open-minded and eager to learn. After Qiao Zizhong helped him repair the Bright Moon Pearl, he also figured out the general operation method of the twenty-four heavenly immortal formations.

However, this formation involves many mathematical problems, which require various mathematical algorithms to solve, which is very difficult for him.

Qiao Zizhong was very happy when he saw that he was failing in his skills.

The Haoyue Pearl was not in danger of being broken, and Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. During this period of time, Yankong City had already mastered the Eight God of War techniques, and gradually started to practice martial arts.

The next generation headmaster selected by the Patriarch of Emei is indeed a best among men.

Seeing this, Xu Ying admired in his heart, Acheng's qualifications and understanding are only a little bit worse than mine before, which is quite remarkable.

He no longer practiced the Haoyue Mountain River Kung Fu, but continued to study the moves of the Martial Arts Emperor with great concentration.

Suddenly, a strange throbbing came, as if the divine consciousness of the Immortal King who was high in the nine heavens spread out, and along with the supreme wisdom, it was transmitted to the minds of everyone in the sacred mountains of Kunlun Ruins, making it appear before people's eyes. Various mysterious phenomena appear.

Elixir of Divine Knowledge!

Xu Ying and An Qi raised their heads at the same time and looked at Kunlun Yuxu Peak in surprise. Looking from a distance, they saw fairy light turbulent in the mountain, bursting out like thousands of rays of light blooming outward!

The light is divided into nine layers. When viewed from a distance, each layer of light is only a few inches long. It is unknown how long it is up close, as if it is solid.

And in the ninth level of light, there is a fairy palace floating in the fairy fire, and the throbbing caused by the divine knowledge fairy medicine comes from there!

The elixir mastered by Nuo Lu!

Yankong City became excited and hurriedly said to Xu Ying, Qiao Zizhong and others, I have received a message from the Supreme Patriarch. Nuo Lu is one of the six great Nuo ancestors and possesses the elixir! Let's go quickly, maybe we can get a chance!

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, Brother Yan, I think our daily collection of the six secret elixirs is enough. Why should we collect the elixirs mastered by Nuozu?

He was always a little uneasy about the origins of these six Nuo ancestors.

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: According to the message from the ancestors, the six Nuo ancestors do have elixirs in their hands, and they are different from the elixirs that the Nuo masters fished for. They are rumored to be the ones in charge of the keys to the six fairy palaces. Let's open the secret treasure and fish for them. The elixir you have is just the fragrance of medicine overflowing from the Immortal Palace, but the elixir from the six Nuo Ancestors is the elixir cultivated in the Immortal Palace, and it is the elixir that can make people ascend directly!

As soon as he said this, everyone except Tongzhong couldn't help but be tempted.

Even if he promised, even Qiao Zizhong, even the purple fairy grass would be greedy.

Xu Ying thought: If you can get the Sixth Patriarch's immortal medicine, wouldn't you be able to directly ascend to the immortal world? Even if you can't ascend to the immortal world, it would be good to be an immortal immortal in the lower realm!

Purple Immortal Grass also fantasized about taking root in the Sixth Patriarch’s Immortal Medicine and ascending to the sky to become a grass-headed immortal.

As for An Qi, he has long been in a state of ecstasy and cannot extricate himself.

Although Qiao Zizhong was deeply suspicious of the origins of the six Nuo ancestors, when he heard that the elixir was produced in the six immortal palaces, he could not help but be greedy and hesitated in his heart: Then, let's go and take a look.

He used fake Nuo methods to grow leeks and refine human body elixir, in order to make up for his inability to explore the six secrets of the human body and fish for the six secrets of the elixir.

But the Six-Secret Immortal Medicine is just the smell of the elixirs in the Six Immortal Palaces. In other words, no one has ever taken the real Six-Secret Immortal Medicine.

Even the smell of the real Six Secrets elixir is enough to make people live forever and feed countless Nuo masters, Nuo immortals, fishermen, and leek eaters!

If you take the real Six Secrets elixir, your ascension will be easy!

If the six Nuo ancestors really had the real Six Secrets elixir in their hands, it would definitely be a huge temptation for him.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, looked at the battle traces left by the great martial arts emperor in the valley, and said: Brother Yan, you guys take a step first, I have to understand the mystery here. I feel that my martial arts will have a big breakthrough.

Yankong City immediately called Qiao Zizhong and said: I'm afraid the quantity of the Immortal Palace elixir in Nuo Zu's hands is not large. If you arrive late, you won't even have water left to wash the pot! Zi Qiao, let's go quickly!

Qiao Zizhong strode to catch up with him, Xu Ying quickly said loudly: In the future, if the Haoyue Pearl is damaged, I have to trouble Ziqiao to help me repair it.

Qiao Zizhong looked gloomy and was noncommittal.

Yan Kongcheng walked out of the valley and headed straight for Yuxu Peak. He smiled and said, Grandmaster, I think Brother Xu still has a very good feeling for you and always wants to get closer to you.

Qiao Zizhong's face was expressionless and his heart was bleeding.

Xu Ying abandoned his distracting thoughts and continued to comprehend. Suddenly, he jumped up and practiced the Eight God of War techniques over and over again. Following the path of the martial arts emperor's boxing techniques, he attacked the gods, trying to recreate the situation in which the martial arts emperor killed the gods. .

An Qi and the Purple Immortal Grass were secretly worried. An Qi couldn't help but look at Yuxu Peak and thought to himself: Even if you can't get the Immortal Palace elixir, it's still good to smell the fragrance.

The purple fairy grass controlled half of Xian Qi's brain and tempted him to go together. Xian Qi rolled his eyes and said: Aba, Aba Aba (A Ying won't go, and I won't go either. If anything happens, A Ying won't be able to bear it) .”

The purple fairy grass pointed at the big clock, and Xian Qi said: Aba Aba (the fairy medicine has no effect on the stupid bell, so it won't go).

However, An Qi was still itchy and went to persuade Da Zhong in person, saying: I have many rare treasures stored in my belly. When Master Zhong goes to Ancestor Chanchan, they can be used on Master Zhong. A Ying didn't know How many magic weapons I have in my belly, and how many of them I can use on Master Zhong when the time comes, am I not the one who has the final say?

Dazhong complimented: What are Master Qi's plans?

An Qi looked at Yuxu Peak, Dazhong pondered for a moment and said: I can escort you there, but I can't fight for the elixir myself.

An Qi smiled and said: As long as you have these words from Master Zhong. Master Cao, come up!

One snake, one bell, one grass, he slipped out of the Tiandao dojo and headed towards Yuxu Peak happily.

Xu Ying completely forgot about himself in the valley, practicing the Eight Methods of the God of War over and over again, trying to enter the state of the martial arts emperor when he was fighting against the encirclement and suppression of the gods.

His martial arts cultivation is improving faster and faster, his martial arts spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the Eight God of War methods is getting stronger and stronger.

His golden elixir has no boundaries, reflecting his spirit. There seems to be a tall figure always in the golden elixir, performing various magical techniques to fight against the gods.

Suddenly, the moves of the tall figure in Xu Ying's Golden Pill were no longer limited to the Eight God of War moves. His fists and feet carried a mysterious Taoist rhyme, which was consistent with the avenue of heaven and earth, and he displayed even more amazing skills!

In Xu Ying's mind, the three seals gradually became clear!

The subsequent three seals of the Eight Methods of the God of War were used in his hands. The ninth method, the Heaven-Breaking Seal, was a seal that broke the way of heaven. It mobilized the power of heaven and earth to fight against the way of heaven and crush it.

The tenth technique, the Other Shore Seal, is to explain the Tao of the martial arts emperor and the other shore in his heart. This move transforms the Tao into martial arts and recreates the other shore in boxing!

The eleventh method, the ascension seal method, is to ascend on the other side and step directly into the fairy world!

Xu Ying used the Heaven-Breaking Technique, the Other Shore Technique and the Ascension Technique. When he used the Ascension Seal, he suddenly felt that his own Qi, blood, and even his physical body and soul had a feeling of rising up in the sky, as if he was about to fly out of this world and set foot on it. Another time and space!

The Great Emperor of Martial Arts, has he really ascended? Xu Ying was shocked and woke up from the state of enlightenment.

He calmed down his surging Qi and blood, calmed down the feeling of rising up like a rosy cloud, and felt that in just a few days, his martial arts cultivation had progressed from an innate 100,000-level heaven to an innate 200,000-level heaven, and he was extremely happy.

Master Qi, Master Zhong, Master Cao!

He called several times, but no one answered. He looked up and saw that the light of Yuxu Palace on Yuxu Peak was still shining brightly.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, knowing that Xian Qi and others were only afraid of going to Yuxu Peak to join in the fun.

With Master Zhong's strength, he is enough to protect himself.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and did not go to Yuxu Peak. Instead, he left the valley and walked towards Yuzhu Peak.

I wonder if that undead girl is still waiting for me by the rice fields on the mountain?

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