Choose a day to soar

Chapter 227 Native God

Xu Ying waited for a long time but saw no movement, so he came to a nearby hill and raised his hand to make a hollow cut. The mountain peak was split open by a sword energy, and the mountain peak moved to the left and right.

Xu Ying gathered energy into a sword and left a line of immortal runes on each of the two walls of the mountain.

He came to another hill and did the same thing, leaving another immortal rune behind.

Repeatedly, he left behind eight stone walls. The stone walls were hundreds of miles apart from each other, and the center of the circle was where the Outer God Tianshu died.

An Qi and Dazhong looked at the immortal runes on the stone wall. These runes were words that Xu Ying transformed from his understanding of the sword. They contained the content of the sword's Return to True Secret, but they were not exactly the same.

Master Zhong, are you saying that the swordsmanship restoration technique on the cliff of the Sword Immortal is the rune left by the former Sword Immortal to suppress the demon?

An Qi followed Xu Ying and said thoughtfully, The devil died later, but the runes left by the Sword Immortal were still there. The first founder of the Sword Sect came there, discovered the runes, and understood the way of swordsmanship. Immortal. Do you think someone will come to the stone wall left by A Ying in the future and understand the swordsmanship in it?

Da Zhong laughed and said, Master Qi, are you thinking too much? The secret of returning to the truth of swordsmanship must have been carved there by the peerless swordsman and passed on to the destined people. Maybe the swordsman can calculate with his fingers who the first generation ancestor is. His descendants.

An Qi smiled and said: Where can there be such a powerful person? If he can be counted as the first ancestor of Jianmen, can he be counted as A Ying?

Da Zhong said: Perhaps Ah Ying is also part of his plan.

Three days after Xu Ying and others left, the ground suddenly loosened, and bloody tentacles protruded from the ground. Then, the bloody tentacles crawled out from the ground holding pieces of meat.

The piece of meat shook and turned into the form of the Outer God Tianshu. He whispered: I have not recovered from my serious injury, and he took advantage of me. If I don't take revenge, I will become a god! But if I want to regain my peak strength, I have to destroy the entire Shenzhou. Just swallow it clean.

In the battle of the Heavenly Temple, he was injured so badly that he had to sneak into the Hundred Thousand Mountains and devour the vitality and living creatures of heaven and earth to regain his strength.

Xu Ying found him and almost killed him with the swordsmanship of the Xian family. Fortunately, he had an incredible body and cut off part of his body from the main body and escaped.

Then just eat the entire Yuanshou world!

Just when he thought of this, he looked up and saw a cliff, and the writing on the cliff came into view.

Suddenly, a sword light flew from the cliff and pierced his forehead with a hiss!

His eyes suddenly became hollow, lifeless, and collapsed into a puddle of dead flesh.

A mere mortal wants to seal me? You are so bold!

The earth suddenly boiled, and countless tentacles of flesh and blood were seen flying in the air. One after another, the gods emerged from the ground and fled outwards.

Within the scope of the eight stone walls, with a radius of hundreds of miles, the sword lights are intertwined, like an extremely dense network!

There was only an endless sound of chi chi chi, and suddenly it became quiet again, leaving only the gods of heaven and earth standing there frozen.


For hundreds of days, the alien gods turned into piles of rotten flesh and piled them on the ground. After a long time, there was no movement in this land.

A few days later, a bird flew over this land in the sky. Suddenly, a bloody tentacle flew out from the earth, like a frog's tongue that stuck to the bird and dragged it underground.


A sword light shot out from a stone wall, cutting off the bloody tentacles, and the birds struggled to fly away.

The remaining bloody tentacles retracted into the earth.

A few days later, several hunters passed by. As soon as the leader walked into the valley, he suddenly found that he could not lift his feet. He lifted up with all his strength, only to see countless tiny tendon-like granules that had pierced his shoes at some point and penetrated into his shoes. inside his body.

When other hunters saw this, they were about to come to the rescue, but they saw that the hunter who walked into the valley had his flesh and blood melted away in an instant, leaving only a white skeleton with wriggling tentacles of flesh and blood wrapped around it!

Another sword light came, cutting off the flesh and blood tentacles on the bones.

When the hunters saw this, they were so frightened that they rolled and crawled away from the place, not daring to enter the valley again.

They fled far away, and suddenly the sky became gloomy, and a group of dark clouds formed over the valley. The clouds gathered and then formed a thunderstorm.

Countless thunderstorms crashed into the valley like rain, causing the earth to become devastated. The flesh and blood of the Outer God Tianshu hidden in the valley was split by the thunder and had to break out of the ground.

At the same time, the sword runes on the eight mountain walls lit up, turning the valley into a sea of ​​swords!

Behind the dark clouds in the sky, the face of a god appeared, looming and invisible.

These gods stared at the flesh and blood of the gods struggling in the vast sea of ​​​​the sword. It was not until the last piece of flesh and blood was chopped off, and both body and soul were destroyed, that they showed a satisfied smile and gradually disappeared.

Finally, the revenge of the Heavenly Temple has been avenged. A faint voice came from the sky.

The hunters looked at this scene in horror, crawled back to the village, and told other people in the village about this strange thing.

This incident gradually spread throughout the country, and the Bamian Cliff became a local legend. However, the strange words on the Bamian Cliff did not erupt with sword light again, as if they were returning to the ordinary.

In the sky, a big snake two to three hundred feet long was swimming, with sword energy flying around it. There were two horns on the top of the snake's head, one black and one white, with bifurcated horns.

There was Yin and Yang energy flowing between the two horns, causing him to gradually speed up.

Xu Ying stood between the two corners and looked forward.

They went all the way west and embarked on a journey to find the Kunlun Mountain. They traveled a hundred thousand miles in seven days and flew for more than ten consecutive days, but still saw no trace of the Kunlun Mountain.

Below, there is an uninhabited land stretching for tens of thousands of miles, a vast wasteland inhabited by giant beasts.

Anhui Qi's ancient beast bloodline was so powerful that it oppressed the beasts in the wasteland and ran wildly in groups, leaving behind thick smoke and dust like clouds and mist following the beasts.

Xu Ying looked forward, and saw rolling hills, ancient and majestic, and huge temples could be seen on the mountains, worshiping ancient gods.

There are gods here! If there are gods, there will be people!

He was surprised and asked Xian Qi to slow down and swim past a sacred mountain to carefully observe the gods in the temple on the top of the mountain.

The god here is a golden god with three faces, four arms, and an extremely powerful aura. He stands in the temple and looks at them.

There were extremely gorgeous incense streamers around his body. The streamers formed an arc behind his head, and in the arc was a large bell made of the incense's divine power.

The big bell was extremely simple, with all kinds of strange characters on it, different from bird seals and insect characters, but somewhat like heavenly runes.

Is that big bell formed by the condensed breath of incense a divine weapon of heaven?

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. This god was so ancient that his incense could be condensed into a magic weapon, surpassing all the gods he had seen before!

The aroma of incense on His body has probably been formed for tens of thousands of years!

Xu Ying murmured, A god who has practiced Taoism for tens of thousands of years, is probably as powerful as a Qi practitioner in the ascension stage, right?

The aura of incense on the Emperor of Yin Ting is also very strong, but it has not reached the level where it can be condensed into a magic weapon. He became the Emperor of Yin Ting three thousand years ago and received incense offerings from the people.

During festivals such as Qingming Festival and Zhongyuan Festival, when people burn paper for their relatives, part of the incense gas is given as tribute to the judges of various prefectures and the ghost kings. The ghost king judges keep part of it and then pay tribute to the emperor of Yinting.

The incense aura gathered by the Yin Ting Emperor was extremely powerful and could compete with a being like Li Xiaoke. But He couldn't do it if the incense aura condensed the magic weapon.

Xu Ying asked An Qi to slow down, shrink in size, and slowly land on the sacred mountain. The big bell floated above Xu Ying's head and followed him to the magnificent temple.

Xu Ying knocked on the door in front of the temple, the door creaked open, and the young man walked into the temple with the big snake.

When you get close to that majestic god, you can even hear all kinds of noisy sacrificial sounds and people chanting, which makes it difficult to keep one's consciousness and fall into madness!

This god actually has the demeanor of a heavenly god!

The three-faced and four-armed gods recognized his extraordinary status, received him personally, and invited him to enter the temple.

Xu Ying asked: How long has it been since Taoist brother enjoyed sacrifices on the sacred mountain?

The three faces of the god were joy, anger and normality. The normal side said: It has been more than 40,000 years. I am too old to remember whose soul I was back then, and why I was named The gods guard this sacred mountain. This mountain is called Xiangwu Mountain, so I am called the God of Xiangwu Mountain.

More than 40,000 years old! Ah Ying is older than you! An Qi and Dazhong exclaimed.

Xu Ying said: Brother Taoist, I see that there is no one around. Who is offering sacrifices to you?

Xiangwu Mountain Shinto: There are not only spiritual beings in heaven and earth, but also other creatures. The nearby flowers, trees and other spirits, the birds and beasts in the forest, and the giant beasts walking in the grassland, they can all worship me. You are looking for Kunlun A Qi Refiner?

Xu Ying said yes.

Xiang Wushan said: I have met Qi masters like you, and they are also looking for Kunlun Mountain. They go there.

He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

Xu Ying thanked him and was about to leave when he noticed that there was a strange rune on the body of the god. It seemed to be formed naturally and was almost consistent with the runes of heaven. He suddenly stopped and asked: Brother Taoist, gods can also ascend and become God?

Xiangwu Mountain Shinto said: Why not? I often feel the signs of ascension, and feel that there is heaven above the sky calling me, asking me to go.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Congratulations, Brother Dao.

It dawned on him.

In the past, he didn't know where the gods came from. The appearance of the Xiangwu Mountain God finally solved a question for him. It turns out that the gods are worshiped by the people, and over time, they will be with the heaven and the earth, and the heavenly runes will naturally and gradually appear on the body.

Such gods ascend to the heavenly world and become the gods there.

Mountain God Xiangwu shook his head and said: I don't want to ascend. On the one hand, I am reluctant to leave this green mountain and the people who worship me, and on the other hand, I am very afraid of ascending. I have met several predecessors who are older than me, and they have formed The runes formed by condensing the avenues of heaven and earth, trained as magic weapons, ascended to another world. Then they were killed.

Xu Ying was stunned: Killed?

Xiangwushan Shinto said: In the world where we ascended, there are a group of false gods entrenched there. If we sense that the heavens and the earth are in agreement and there are signs of ascending, we will not be able to escape from their poisonous hands. Therefore, I have been trembling with fear these years, always Shield the connection with that world.”

He paused and said: I once met some of your human qigong masters, who were also in the ascension stage and had power not weaker than mine, but they didn't dare to ascend. Could it be that they are the same as me?

An Qi said quickly: Our dream of overcoming the tribulation and ascending was interrupted by the super catastrophe, not by the gods.

Mountain God Xiangwu smiled and said: Isn't it the same? They are all gods who ascended before. They don't want the newcomers to ascend to seize their resources, so they have to block the path to ascension to maintain their interests.

Xu Ying was impressed and said with a smile: Brother Dao has seen it thoroughly.

He said goodbye to the mountain god Xiangwu and left with Qidian Zhong.

An Qi asked: Ah Ying, the bell of Xiangwu Mountain God is extremely powerful, and even has some power of heaven. Could it be a divine weapon of heaven?

Xu Ying speculated: Not yet. If he ascends to heaven, the Mouth Xiangwu Bell should be able to evolve into a divine weapon of heaven, but if he does not ascend, he will never truly become heaven.

There are many original heavenly runes on the body of Xiangwu Mountain God, which are still being formed. Obviously, if he wants to completely become a heavenly rune, he still needs a great opportunity.

The only thing that can bring about His transformation is ascension!

But there is still something weird. Judging from the heavenly runes being formed on Xiangwu Mountain God, it should be the correct heavenly runes.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky and murmured, If sacrifices are made to gods normally, then the runes on the gods in the world of heaven should also be the correct runes of heaven. But why are there so many errors in the runes on them? ?”

It must be a man-made thing, not a god born in response to the great ways of heaven and earth. The big bell said.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said: Then, where did the god who was born to sense the great road of heaven and earth go?

Even the big clock cannot answer this question.

At this time, Xian Qi said: Aba, Aba, Aba!

The big bell sounded like a cloud, and I didn't understand why.

Xu Ying seemed to understand and asked, You mean that Po Meng is a native god?

There were purple grass leaves flying above Xian Qi's head, and he said: Abba, Abba, Abba!

Xu Ying frowned and said, Is it possible that Dongyue is a native god?

An Qi nodded: Aba Aba.

Xu Ying thought about it and had to admit it, saying: What Mr. Cao said makes sense. The native gods sense the great ways of heaven and earth and obey the instructions of heaven and do not listen to the instructions of the immortals. It is very likely that they will fail in the struggle and be driven out of the heavens by the immortals. World, please bring in some obedient ones. If the original god is not obedient, then create a group of false gods. If the original god wants to ascend, then kill the original god.

The purple fairy grass said proudly, Abba, Abba.

Da Zhong smiled and said: I understand this sentence, it means that children can be taught.

Xu Ying snorted and thought to himself: Mr. Dongyue asked me to go to Kunlun and get a ladle of Yaochi fairy water for him. What exactly do you want to do?

They flew forward for several more days and finally met other Qi Refiners and Nuo Masters. Xu Ying looked up and saw a cloud and mist blocking their view.

After a while, he realized something was wrong.

It was not clouds and fog covering the sky, but a snow mountain.

An indescribable sense of oppression came over me.

Kunlun Ruins has finally arrived.

————I will try my best to finish the second update before twelve o'clock. Brothers who can't sleep can wait. If you can, you can read it tomorrow. My updates are becoming more and more underworld, and I need to change them, but I always feel sleepy during the day and feel energetic at night.

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