Choose a day to soar

Chapter 225 Snow Mountain God

Xu Ying was very excited. He met Po Meng not long ago, and when he returned to Wangxiang Terrace, he saw this snow-capped mountain from a distance!

My hometown is really nearby!

His palms were trembling with excitement, and he walked around above Xian Qi's head.

An Qi flew toward the mountains, when suddenly the wind and snow hit his face. The wind and snow became stronger and stronger, and even slapped the sword energy around An Qi, making his flying speed become slower and slower.

There was thunder in the wind and snow, and the closer we got to the snowy mountain, the louder the thunder became.

Xu Ying even smelled a smell of fireworks, like the incense of the gods. He was startled, and then he came to his senses: Master Qi, this mountain is alive! Some people worship the mountain as a god! We broke in The incense of the mountain is intoxicated!”

When An Qi heard this, he was shocked.

If the mountain is worshiped as a god, and the wind and snow are the incense surrounding the mountain, then how powerful should the magic power of this mountain be?

At this time, other qigong masters and Nuo masters also activated their magical powers, or sacrificed magic weapons, and flew into the snowy mountains, trying to get through the snowstorm.

Turn around!

An Qi shouted to them, Turn around quickly!

Even if the Qi Refiners and Nuo Masters heard what he said, they didn't take it to heart at all and continued flying into the mountains, trying to fly over the mountain along the edge of the snow-capped mountains.

Many people mobilized their magical powers to sacrifice magic weapons to resist the wind and snow. There were also descendants from the ancient sects who rode in Lilong chariots, pulled by two extremely powerful Lilongs, with various treasures hanging on them, flying into the wind and snow. go.

Seeing this, Xian Qi did not bother to persuade them to leave. He immediately changed direction and flew outward with all his strength. He used his sword energy to break through the heavy wind and snow, trying to escape from the scope of the incense aura of the snow-capped mountains.

Xu Ying turned around and shouted to those people: Don't attack the snow in the snow mountain, or you will anger him. Come back quickly!

Mr. Gu, that is Xu Ying, who is known as the immortal immortal.

Next to the Lilong treasure chariot, a Nuo Immortal from the Gao family said to the young man in the chariot, Back then, he was proficient in various qi refining methods, integrated Nuo techniques, and made a big fuss in the city of gods. He was the only one among the younger generation to have a stroke.

Mr. Gu, who was in the carriage, was dressed luxuriously and had exquisite make-up. He turned back to look at Xu Ying and said, I didn't expect that he survived and actually developed strong skills.

The Nuo Immortal of the Gao family said: Not as good as Mr. Gu. At that time, we also sought medical treatment in a hurry, thinking that he could help us decipher the Qi Refining Immortal Technique, so we indulged him. But now, various immortal sects in the land of China have reappeared in the world, and the aristocratic family and The sects join forces to complement each other and complement each other. It is not surprising that Xu Ying's achievements are small.

Mr. Gu smiled and said: The children of the Gao family join my Wuji Sect and learn to collect and refine qi. I can also learn the six secrets of the human body and the Nuo method through the Gao family. The only way for survival in today's troubled times is for the aristocratic family and the sect to join forces. way.

When he said this, he saw the wind and snow getting tighter, and Lilong sprayed out long flames, melting the ice and snow in front of him. There were also many people who sacrificed magic weapons and waved away the wind and snow, paying no attention to Xu Ying and Jian Qi's warnings.

Suddenly, the wind and snow became violent, and the sword energy around Xian Qi suddenly crackled and shattered. The howling cold wind even blew the big snake out of balance and rolled it up in the air!

The snowflakes in the wind became extremely sharp, whirled, and cut the scales on Gong Qi's body, causing his blood to flow!

Dozens of those Qi refiners and Nuo masters just now died in the blink of an eye and were cut into pieces by the wind and snow!

This incredibly large snow-capped mountain suddenly became extremely dangerous and seemed to cut them all into pieces!

The big bell quickly spun and flew up, getting bigger and bigger, and then flipped down to protect Gong Qi and Xu Ying as they rushed out.

But the next moment, it was hit by countless snowflakes, making a clanging sound, and various patterns of Taoism appeared on the wall of the bell, flickering on and off.

The big bell could not keep its body steady and was blown by the strong wind. It swayed in the wind with Xu Ying and Gong Qi, not knowing where it was going to be blown.

Those Qi refiners and Nuo masters also suffered disasters one after another. Suddenly, the golden bells hanging from the four corners of the Lilong chariot rang, and heavy sound waves swayed in all directions, forcing the wind and snow back.

The golden bell is obviously a great rare treasure, a treasure that can only be cultivated by Qi Refiners in the Ascension Stage. There are four in a set, and the power they emit when formed into a formation is not much weaker than that of a big bell.

Gao Shiqing, the Nuo Immortal of the Gao family, also took action to calm the wind and snow and help those Qi refiners and Nuo masters.

An Qi shrank in size and hid on Xu Ying's shoulder, trembling and saying: Master Zhong, hurry up, these people are seeking death, we can't save them, I'm about to freeze.

He is a big snake. When the weather is slightly colder, he will fall into a coma, and the temperature here is getting lower and lower. If the gold is not left behind, you can also bake it with the Sun God Fire, although it will be a bit fragrant.

The big clock was knocked off course by the strong wind and blizzard. It was surrounded by vast white snow, but the sky was getting darker and darker.

In the strong wind, the power of the snowflakes became stronger and stronger, and countless textures appeared around the bell, forming a thick wall of light. The light wall formed a larger bell shape to block the wind and snow.

But the next moment, the light wall shattered like glass.

On the other side, the team of Nuo masters and Qi refiners just now also suffered a sudden disaster. Each of them suffered heavy casualties. Many people were torn to pieces by the snowstorm, and some were blown by the cold wind and froze into ice sculptures. The next moment they were torn apart!

The two Li dragons were also injured by the wind and snow, and were covered in blood. The blood turned into ice picks and pierced into their bodies!

Mr. Gu of the Wuji Sect in the car was also a little flustered when he saw this. He hurriedly took out a golden seal script and stuck it on the chariot. The power of the chariot exploded and broke through the storm.

In the blizzard, everyone was separated. They didn't know where to go, and it was difficult to distinguish things. From time to time, there was a scream in the storm, and someone died.

Finally, the big bell could no longer hold up, and the power of the bell exploded, and all things and phenomena were seen rotating. Accompanied by the vibration of the bell, the hurricane and countless snowflakes were swept away with a bang.

Suddenly, everything was calm, and the wind and snow seemed to disappear.


Xu Ying said quickly, Master Zhong, be careful!

The big bell is turned upside down, and the walls of light are spread out layer by layer, even running the six-character immortal text of the Emei Golden Chamber Taishang Immortal Book. The big bell seems to be floating in the void, boundless.

The true spirit is empty and clear.

The Six Paths of the Immortal Family were vividly displayed on it, making Xian Qi’s eyes bulge with envy and jealousy.

The big bell was waiting. Suddenly, Xu Ying smelled the strong scent of incense and hurriedly said: Master Zhong, be careful!

The hurricane struck, accompanied by an avalanche of ice and snow. The big clock suddenly felt that its connection with the vitality of heaven and earth was cut off, and the next moment it was blown out of the emptiness and boundless state by the hurricane.


Countless ice and snow fell on the big bell, destroying all the layers of light walls. The big bell made a loud clang, and was pressed and rolled around, flying to nowhere.

Xu Ying and Xian Qi bumped into each other inside the bell, and were almost thrown out of the bell mouth. Each one was frightened.

They haven't felt this kind of fear for a long time. You must know that the big bell is already a rare treasure in the world. It integrates offense and defense. Except for fairy weapons, there are few magic weapons that can be more powerful than it.

And since Zhu Chanchan refining the big bell, the big bell's understanding has become much higher than before. He has comprehended the Golden Chamber Supreme Immortal Book, understood the sealing runes, and shamelessly rubbed the fairy sword Si Wuxie's immortal energy.

It has its own spirituality, and its power is still growing, becoming more powerful day by day. Its strength is already comparable to the top Ascension Stage Qi Refiners.

However, the blizzards in this snow-capped mountain have defeated its defenses time and time again. One can imagine how terrifying and rich the incense accumulated in this sacred mountain is!

The power of this snow-capped mountain is probably more profound than the incense of the original god!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, the big clock seemed to hit something, making a clanging sound and bouncing around.

He looked outside, and it was pitch black outside. He could see nothing except the wind and snow. Suddenly, the snowstorm formed a huge face, opened its mouth, and let out an earth-shattering roar!

Xu Ying's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were shaken to the point of bleeding, An Qi's energy and blood were scattered, his bones were dislocated, and the big bell was shaken to the point of making a buzzing sound, and it fell towards a darker and unknown place.

The blizzard outside got tighter, and another huge face rushed towards them!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, activated the golden elixir, stood on the edge of the big clock, gathered a sword energy, and prepared to stab the face.

The snow-capped mountains cover the sky and the sun. With his cultivation strength, he can't do anything about the snow-capped mountains. But now his life is at stake, and he can't care much.

He activated his sword energy and used the Taoist Jue. The sword light penetrated into the darkness and met the face. However, the next moment his sword energy continued to shatter in the wind and snow.

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, activated the Eight God of War moves, and performed the starting move of the Return to Dao technique, preparing for a desperate fight.

That blizzard face came over, and suddenly, the eyes of the blizzard face seemed to roll, focusing on Xu Ying at Zhongkou.


The wind and snow rushed towards him, without the terrifying power before, it just swept over him and the big clock.

At this time, the sky gradually became brighter, the snow stopped unexpectedly, and the wind also subsided a lot. The big bell hit the nearby rocks with a clanging sound, and after rolling for several weeks, it finally stopped.

Xu Ying and Xian Qi slipped out of the bell and were shocked. Looking around, they saw that they had been blown to the back of the Snowy Mountains by the snowstorm at some point. The sacred mountains came into their eyes, taking advantage of the rising sun and the snowy mountains. In the reflection of the sky, a group of sacred mountains shine with thousands of lights.

What happened just now? Why did the wind and snow stop? Gong Qi was still a little confused.

In the distance, Mr. Gu's chariot also drove out of the blizzard. The Nuo Immortal Gao Shiqing, covered in blood, also fought out of the snowstorm. However, there were only two of them among the hundred or ten who survived, and they were in a miserable state.

The two of them looked at the snowy mountains behind them with lingering fear.

Xu Ying was also looking at the big snow mountain. Like a giant towering above the sky, it blocked the entrance to Kunlun Ruins. If you want to enter Kunlun Ruins, you have to climb over this mountain.

But because of the wind and snow, they entered the entrance of Kunlun Ruins instead.

This snow-capped mountain is spiritually sanctified and has boundless magical power. It is an existence at the level of a god.

Xu Ying whispered, If the Heavenly World can ascend, it can probably ascend to the Heavenly World and become a native god.

The big clock floated up and looked at the mountains. I saw the vastness of the Kunlun Ruins. There were many sacred mountains comparable to the Snow Mountains. I couldn't help but murmured: A Ying, which mountain is the Kunlun Sacred Mountain?

At this time, a strong wind blew behind them, blowing a line of snow and pointing towards a mountain among thousands of mountains.

That mountain is surrounded by mountains. The top of the mountain is not much higher than the other peaks. Facing the sun, the top of the mountain is somewhat transparent and glows with jade. It is actually a jade mountain.

The snow line dispersed.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he turned around and bowed slightly towards Daxue Mountain: Thank you, Brother Tao, for your advice.

He pointed to the jade mountain and said in a deep voice: Let's go there.

They immediately got up and rushed to Yushan.

This time, they did not dare to fly easily again, lest they would frighten the mountains.

Kunlun Ruins is full of sacred mountains. The sacred mountains here are truly sacred mountains. Each mountain is a god with great power. They can control the life and death of climbers.

Even if you are a Qi Refiner in the Ascension Stage, even if you are a Nuo Immortal, it is extremely difficult to survive.

The snow and mist on the snow-capped mountains formed a face, sliding down the mountain and gradually turning into an ice-like girl, staring faintly at the direction Xu Ying and others were leaving.

You're back.

Forty-eight thousand years later, you return to the Holy Mountain for the first time.

Xu Ying felt something. He looked back and saw a woman in a white skirt and white clothes in the vast snow-capped mountains, but she disappeared from his sight the next moment.

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