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Chapter 226 Immortal Sword Killing Gods

Xu Ying came to the Temple of Heaven and saw that the place was in a mess, with broken stone statues everywhere and the mountain covered with rotting flesh.

This place is filled with the aura of heaven, and all kinds of strange chanting sounds can't help but appear in people's minds, making people confused and crazy.

The big bell made a clanging sound, using its own sound to resist the interference of heaven, lest they be influenced by heaven's mind.

It seems to be the flesh and blood of the foreign god in the Land of Divine Punishment.

Xu Ying knelt down and looked at a piece of rotten flesh and blood on the ground. The flesh and blood had been hit by the divine power of heaven, killing all life.

He should be a descended god. Why does he conflict with the Temple of Heaven?

He once caught a pagoda-like monster born from the flesh and blood of an alien god in the Land of Divine Punishment. There were still eyes in the pagoda, so he was no stranger to that alien god.

That foreign god was once the Heavenly God of the Heavenly World. The Heavenly Runes promised to be obtained were partly from him and partly from the current Heavenly God.

However, for Xu Ying, the two heavenly gods are both illiterate, and the heavenly runes on their bodies have many errors.

Could it be that the gods from the Temple of Heaven captured the God of Heaven and brought him here to be executed?

Xu Ying walked into the gate of the Temple of Heaven. The door was still there, but only one frame was left.

In the hall, this majestic ascension place was beaten to pieces, and the sky seemed to have been burned by fire, and was still glowing with red blood. In some places, red flesh and blood could even be seen clinging to the sky.

The majestic sacred tree in the temple broke, the huge tree crown fell, and countless gravel and flesh fell into the abyss below.

Xu Ying walked on the passage, with cliffs on both sides.

This passage has also been beaten intermittently, forming broken bridges. The broken bridges may collapse at any time, causing people to fall into an abyss.

The interference from heaven here was even more intense, but the big bell was no longer what it used to be. The bell rang faintly, and neither Xu Ying nor An Qi felt any discomfort.

Master Zhong is indeed more powerful than before. Xu Ying admired in his heart.

From under the cliffs on both sides, bright light comes from time to time. They are the flesh and blood pagodas derived from the flesh and blood of the outer gods. Their eyes shoot out light and they are slaughtering the withered bones under the cliff.

The dry bones are the people who died in the Celestial Temple.

These people were disturbed by the way of heaven, died unexpectedly, and turned into skeletons. They did not know that they were dead, and they were still struggling at the bottom of the cliff.

The withered bones that can die in the Heavenly Temple are not just ordinary people. They are Nuo masters and Qi refiners who have tried to break into the underworld from this place throughout the ages. They are still powerful after death.

They pounced on the flesh and blood pagoda, tore the flesh and blood from the pagoda, and covered themselves with the flesh and blood.

An Qi shivered several times and murmured: What happened here?

Xu Ying observed the surroundings and speculated: The gods in the Tianshu Temple should have been attacked by the gods outside the sky. They were unable to come in person, and could only come to the stone statues with part of their power, or to show part of their bodies. The strength of both sides was almost the same, but The outer gods of Tianshu were still stronger and killed the entire army of the gods of heaven and earth. No wonder these gods did not cause me any more trouble.

He was originally a little confused as to why it had been so calm recently, but he didn't expect that the Heavenly God's Temple's lair had been raided, preventing the Heavenly God from coming.

Xu Ying praised: This foreign god is actually a lone hero. He challenges the Celestial Temple alone, which is admirable.

Little did he know that the Outer God Tianshu originally came to raid the home of the Tianshu Temple, but he didn't expect that in just a few moments, Jin Buyi would kill all the stone statues of Zhou Tianzhengshen.

The gods of Zhou Tianshu had no choice but to come to the stone statue again through the Tianshu Temple. Unexpectedly, the gods of Tianshu came here to ransack their homes.

When the two sides encounter each other, it is natural that they will be killed and turned upside down.

Xu Ying walked out of the Temple of Heaven. Outside the temple was the Yangjian. The sun shone in and countless dry trees came into view.

There was dead grass on the ground, and there were animal bones in the distance. Xu Ying looked further away and saw that there was no green in the mountains and everything was dead.

A Ying, what's going on? An Qi was shocked and confused.

Xu Ying's face darkened, he rose into the air, stood in the air and looked around, only to see that the more distant places were desolate and dead, without any sign of life.

The rivers in the distance dried up, the fish and shrimps died, and the birds and animals disappeared.

Outer God Tianshu is not dead yet. He said softly.

An Qifei came to his side, and upon hearing these words, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart. The outer god Tianshu was suppressed in the Land of Divine Punishment. It used its powerful will to establish a connection with Li Xiaoke, who was thirsty for power, and tempted Li Xiaoke to sacrifice to him.

Li Xiaoke obeyed the induction and brought tens of thousands of people and countless birds and beasts near Jiulong Mountain, allowing the outer god Tianshu to accumulate terrifying power, covering the descendants of the sinners who suppressed him with his own flesh and blood, and devouring them!

He decomposed into countless pieces of flesh and blood, covering the heaven and earth, like lichen, swallowing up almost all the vitality of the world and using it to restore his own strength!

But now, He suffered a more serious injury in the battle of Tianshen Temple. In order to recover, He followed the same method and began to devour the Divine State!

If the number of Outer Gods continues, I'm afraid it will destroy the entire China! An Qixin said.

Xu Ying flew in the direction of withering and passed a village. He flew down and saw that there were no livestock in the village, and there were no human beings, only human bones.

Judging from the shape of these human bones, they struggled fiercely during their lives, but they were unable to escape at all.

The elderly, women, and children were all spared.

This kind of beast is worthy of mastering the way of heaven!

Xu Ying was furious, and suddenly he jumped up and turned into a rainbow and flew away through the sky. An Qi and Dazhong quickly followed, but they couldn't catch up with Xu Ying's speed.

Xu Ying activates his ultimate mind free skill at an unrivaled speed!

An Qi and Dazhong chased for a long time, but saw the rainbow light left by Xu Ying's figure falling on a city below, and they also landed in a hurry.

The city was silent, without anything moving, not even a mouse.

On the street, countless white bones were lying scattered across the street, which was desolate and gloomy.

Bozhou, Longtoupo.

A father and son were drying millet at the foot of the mountain when they suddenly heard a rumbling sound. They looked up and saw nothing unusual.

Since the invasion of the underworld, there have been frequent earthquakes. Sometimes a big mountain will suddenly appear, and sometimes a long river will appear. The father and son have long been accustomed to it.

After a few years of living a peaceful life, no one will ask you to pay the emperor's grain when you farm.

The father smiled and said, It's just that it's a bit hard to get a wife. You have to go hundreds of miles away to find girls from other villages. When your boy is a few years old, I will match him with you.

The young man had some ambitions and said: Dad, I don't want to get married yet. I heard that there are Qi Refiners over there in Tonggu Mountain. They live on high mountains and can fly like gods. I want to be a Qi Refiner and learn from Spells.”

The father was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed. Looking at Longtou Slope, he saw a torrent of flesh and blood that was dozens of feet high, climbing over Longtou Slope and flowing this way!

That torrent of flesh and blood engulfed the entire Longtou Slope, making a rumbling sound as it moved forward, swallowing everything along the way!


The father and son ran towards the village. The village had long been in chaos. Men, women, old and young had hid in their homes, looking at the torrent of flesh and blood approaching rapidly through the window lattice in horror.

In front of this torrent, their houses were like pieces of paper, easily crushed into pieces.

Run. Someone whispered.

However, how could they outrun this terrifying torrent of flesh and blood.

The torrent of flesh and blood arrived in front of the village and was about to crush this small village to pieces. Suddenly, sword energy clanked, and a figure fell from the sky with it, nailing into the ground in front of the village!

It was a young man in black clothes and red belt. He raised his palm, and suddenly the sword light criss-crossed, and countless sword energy, carrying the power of the supreme sword, squeaked and passed through the torrent of flesh and blood!

The torrent of flesh and blood suddenly stopped and suddenly cracked. Huge pieces of flesh and blood fell and broke into countless pieces!

Those flesh and blood were still struggling, trying to reconnect, but the sword energy used the Xianjia swordsmanship, and they found gaps to strike, shattering the heavenly runes in the flesh and blood, cutting off his vitality.

Soon, all the pieces of flesh and blood lost their activity and froze in place.

Thousands of dazzling sword lights shot out from the flesh and blood, gathered behind the young man in black like a peacock spreading its tail, suddenly retracted, and disappeared into his body.

The villagers' eyes widened when they saw the young man leaping into the air, rising hundreds of feet into the air, and standing there.

And in the distance, a torrent of flesh and blood with a radius of a hundred miles was rising into the sky, like a manta ray flying in the sky in the sea.

The young man in black punched out from afar, the sky was like thunder, and the windows of the house below rattled.

The torrent of flesh and blood fluttering in the distance suddenly exploded.

The young man in black straightened his figure and turned into a rainbow that shot through the sky.

The villagers walked out of their houses one after another and looked up, but they could no longer see the young man. At this moment, a big bell and a big snake roared from the sky, and the big snake was heard shouting: Master Zhong, wait a minute! I collected some flesh and blood of the Outer Gods. I have never eaten the flesh of the Outer Gods...

The villagers were dumbfounded and saw the big bell and the big snake quickly disappearing from the horizon.

Xu Ying was galloping all the way, and among the hundreds of thousands of mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou ahead, clouds of flesh and blood suddenly rose into the sky, flying like manta rays, flying towards the same place.

Apparently, the Outer God Tianshu had accumulated some energy by devouring living beings and split it many times. He was seriously injured. After defeating the Temple of Heaven, he was beaten until only a piece of flesh and blood was left to escape.

He used this piece of flesh and blood to devour it all the way and gradually grew stronger. In addition, hiding in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and inaccessible to people, it took him several months to grow up.

This time, he noticed that two pieces of his own flesh and blood had been wiped away. He knew that the person who came was something important, so he took back these clones.

Clouds of flesh and blood roared and swirled in the sky, falling downward like a whirlpool.

When Xu Ying arrived, he saw the last cloud of flesh and blood falling into the whirlpool. Finally, all the flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a strange-looking man standing there, looking at Xu Ying.

There seemed to be countless shadows behind him, and there were countless of him standing behind him.

At the same time, there was a popping sound in the sky around Xu Ying, and flesh balls hung down. The flesh balls opened and turned into eyes.

The number of days of outer gods.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye to this, and rushed towards him without stopping, the sword energy in his hand flashing and dazzling.

He used his sword moves from a distance and stabbed at the Outer God Tianshu. In an instant, countless sword lights flew in the air, faster or slower, attacking the Outer God Tianshu with the invincibility of the sword!

The Sword-Character Jue in the Jue Zhen Jue of Sword Dao!

The Outer God Tianshu stood there, motionless, and suddenly countless arms sprang out from behind, using various heavenly seals to meet the fast or slow sword lights!

The two of them fought quickly, and Outer God Tianshu actually caught all the sword light!

Xu Ying's move changed and turned into a Taoist formula. An unbounded circle vaguely appeared around his body, and the vitality of heaven and earth surged crazily. He mobilized it and increased the power of his move!

Countless figures behind Outer God Tianshu suddenly merged into one, raised his palm and pointed, facing the tip of the sword!

The sword tip and fingertips burst out with infinite power, but this power was only limited to a point. The terrifying power was transmitted to the two people's bodies. In an instant, the promised unity of heaven and man was broken, and they could no longer use the way of heaven and earth.

Countless selves appeared behind Tianshu Outer God, each one groaning one after another, their eyes, ears, mouth and nose bleeding, but they distributed the power of Xu Ying's sword to countless selves.

Xu Ying stepped forward sideways, only a sword's distance away from the Outer God Tianshu. The sword light moved and pointed at the forehead of the Outer God.

Outer God Tianshu's figure flashed, and countless versions of himself appeared.

The tip of Xu Ying's sword shook, and countless sword lights also appeared. Then the sword lights suddenly merged, leaving only a single cold light.

A bit of cold light passed through the forehead of Outer God Tianshu.

In this short moment, he performed the Gui Zi Jue and Zhen Zi Jue of Sword Dao Gui Zhen Jue.

A bloodstain suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of all the Outer Gods. The bloodstain grew larger and larger, piercing their foreheads and piercing out from the back of their heads.

Outer God Tianshu was stunned, showing a look of confusion.

Your understanding of the runes of heaven is not as deep as mine.

Xu Ying dispersed the sword energy in his hand and said calmly, Compared to the first generation founder of Jianmen, you are far behind.

All the bodies of Outer God Tianshu merged into one, and his body shook, fell to the ground, and soon turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

An Qi and Dazhong chased after them. Seeing this scene from a distance, they were shocked and confused: Is the Xian family's swordsmanship so powerful?

Xu Ying drifted away, and Dazhong and Gan Qi quickly followed.

After a long time, the carrion on the ground suddenly moved. After a while, the carrion cracked, and the outer god Tianshu was extremely weak. He crawled out of the flesh and whispered: It's so dangerous...

call out!

An extremely beautiful sword light suddenly struck, and Outer God Tianshu's eyes widened with disbelief, and he saw Xu Ying's excited face behind the sword light!


The sword light pierced the forehead of the outer god Tianshu, and the terrifying power exploded, tearing him to pieces!

Xu Ying landed on the ground, sheathed his sword, and activated his divine power. He saw eyes suddenly appearing in the sky, staring in all directions.

Xu Ying quietly disappeared and continued to wait patiently. Behind him, Gian Qi and Dazhong did not dare to take a breath.

The purple fairy grass was also trembling, thinking: Well, it's better not to offend this kid in the future...

——Ah, I’ve tried my best, but I’m still four minutes late!

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