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Chapter 206 Must Become a Great Weapon

An Qi watched Xu Ying and Da Zhong fly up and down, picking off the bright moon beads one by one, and hurriedly said: A Ying, you can't do this, we are here as guests, um...

Xu Ying stuffed pearls into his mouth and interrupted his words.

The big bell is turned upside down to stabilize the building in the tomb. This building is a rare treasure, composed of large and small magic weapons. There are four bells hanging under the eaves, which can activate the earth, water, wind and fire respectively, which is extremely powerful.

But fortunately, this treasure is not psychic, and it will not be able to unleash its power after being suppressed by the big bell.

Xu used force to lift the building, lifting the entire three-story pavilion.

The big clock exerted force on it, and the rays of light fell down, locking the building. Each person cooperated with the clock to lift the building towards Xian Qi.

A Ying, if someone discovers... Uh-huh, we're doomed! An Qi said in horror.

Xu Ying walked out of his throat, and Dazhong followed behind, reminding him: A Ying, look at the Wobo Bridge. There are water dragon symbols branded on the bridge body, forming runes, and there are hundreds of dragons playing. It must be a rare treasure. .”


When Xu Ying came, the big bell was still suppressing him. Xu Ying demolished the bridge, dismantled the Bailong Wobo Bridge, and sent it into the belly of Xian Qi.

A Ying, this waterfall must be extraordinary. This waterfall is rootless water, must be refined from the energy of Taiyin, it can kill people's soul, it is extremely powerful!


A Ying, look at those Zhenling beasts. If you get close, they will turn into ancient behemoths. They are refined with the souls and essences of behemoths, supplemented by Taoist images. They are not vulgar objects!


A Ying, there is a Taoist platform over there!


Xu Ying and Dazhong were busy demolishing the tomb of Qiao Zizhong, the founder of Qingshuang. They completely dismantled the pavilions, terraces, rockeries, and water. Even the gold bricks on the ground were carefully removed.

One person, one bell, and one snake are familiar with the road. This is not the first time they have dealt with this kind of thing. The big bell restrained the treasure so as not to alarm the owner, and Xu Ying carefully delivered it to An Qi's belly.

Although An Qi was nagging, he still spoke in a low voice.

Today, the tomb of Patriarch Qingshuang has become extremely clean and impoverished, with only the black water pool and the coffin remaining.

The big bell said: Ah Ying, the bones of that coffin will not break down if you lie in it, and you will be blessed by your descendants. I am afraid that the black water pool is also a great treasure. These two treasures are probably not inferior to the twenty-four mountain and river bright moon beads!

Xu Ying looked at the Black Water Pool and the Splendid Coffin. He was very moved, but he still endured it and said, I have a strange feeling that there must be something under the pool, which is extremely ominous. If we move the Splendid Coffin, the things under the pool will be disturbed. Master Zhong, Master Qi, let’s go!”

Da Zhong was reluctant to leave and had to retreat with him.

——Oddly enough, ever since it was damaged and repaired by Zhu Chanchan, it has contracted the same problem as Zhu Chanchan. When it sees the treasure, it wants to fish it out.

Xian Qi thought carefully and said: Ah Ying, these treasures all bear the owner's brand. If the owner finds out that this place has been stolen, he will summon the magic weapon. I'm afraid that my belly will not be able to hold these treasures down, and I will be directly recruited by Patriarch Qingshuang.

Xu Ying said with a smile: So the Seventh Master immediately went to the Fusang Tree to see Chan Chan and asked her to erase the brand of Patriarch Qingshuang. By disposing of the stolen goods and passing through Chan Chan's hands, these treasures are considered clean.

An Qi suddenly realized that he was right.

They walked out of the crazy master's uncle's grave. Xu Ying looked around and saw no one around, so he closed the broken wooden door.

Xian Qi sneaked in the mountains and swam across several mountaintops. Then he took up his sword energy and flew through the air, heading to the fusang tree to find Zhuchanchan.

Xu Ying and Dazhong returned to the Golden Palace in the mountain and continued to study the classics of the ancestors.

By the way, I forgot to ask Master Qi, when did Qingshuang Patriarch Qiao Zizhong come from.

Xu Ying rummaged around but couldn't find the classic book that Xian Qi mentioned, and he didn't take it to heart. He thought to himself, Most of them are Qi practitioners who were at the same time as Li Xiaoke. Because there was no hope of becoming an immortal, they faked their own death and secretly He teaches fake Nuo methods to cultivate leeks. A person like him is nothing more than a fish in the eyes of others.

He devoted himself to studying Taoism and magical powers. After a few days, he finally understood the application of the six characters of True, Ling, Void, Quiet, Empty and Ming in Taishang Immortal Book.

Xu Ying sacrificed the golden elixir and closed his eyes. After being tempered by water and fire during the refining period, his golden elixir first attained the Samadhi of Water and Fire, and later refined it to the state of no ignorance.

Now that he has broken through to the second knocking stage, it doesn't matter to him to add fuel and life, but if Jin Dan wants to go further, he needs a higher understanding.

Da Zhong was stealing the elixir from Xu Ying's Six Secrets to practice. Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. He woke up involuntarily and saw Xu Ying offering the golden elixir.

Da Zhong observed secretly and saw that this golden elixir was empty and boundless, with no edges at all. It was completely different from before!

The golden elixir promised in the past has a clear boundary, because the golden elixir is composed of extremely pure qi and blood, which is highly condensed and supplemented by spiritual consciousness.

What's more, you can imprint the Taoist phenomena you have comprehended into the golden elixir to increase its power.

At that time, the golden elixir could even be used as a magic weapon and used as a means of attack!

Of course, although the power of the golden elixir is strong, if someone breaks the golden elixir, it can range from serious injuries to death!

Although Xu Ying did not do this, he did sacrifice the golden elixir to suppress the enemy. Later, he restrained himself after seeing the misery of other people's golden elixirs being shattered.

Later, he practiced martial arts, and the golden elixir was filled with extremely strong martial arts energy and blood. The boundary between the golden elixir and the outside world became even clearer!

But now, Dazhong discovered that Xu Ying had actually achieved the golden elixir without boundaries, leaving only a ball of pure light!

Transparent light!

Not only is there no boundary, Da Zhong even feels that the golden elixir is empty and has no sense of weight, as if nothing is hanging there. It cannot feel the terrifying blood and majestic vitality in Xu Ying's golden elixir, nor can it sense the golden elixir. The Taoist phenomena contained in the elixir.

It hangs there, but it's real.

Truth, spirit, emptiness, tranquility, emptiness, and clarity.

Dazhong originally had no interest in the Immortal Book of the Golden Chamber. He felt that he was a psychic magic weapon that he did not need to learn and could not learn. But now that he saw Xu Ying's golden elixir integrated into one, he suddenly realized something.

If I comprehend the truth, spirit, emptiness, tranquility, emptiness, and clarity, maybe I can be like the golden elixir, boundless and boundless, hiding in the void, transparent and transparent, without any harm or damage.

It looked at Xu Ying's golden elixir and felt that this golden elixir was like a small world, connected to the Xiyi realm in Xu Ying's body, connected to the outside world, and connected with Taoism and Dharma.

The big bell was enlightened, and the bell wall slowly rotated. Unknowingly, the six characters of the Immortal Dao runes of true, spiritual, virtual, quiet, empty and bright gradually appeared on the bell wall.

Although it cannot be cultivated like Xu Ying and An Qi, it is still born with spiritual wisdom. Whenever it has insights, it will turn into a brand and appear on itself.

In the past, Dazhong knew that Li Xiaoke loved to be clean, so he didn't dare to put any other marks on himself. Since he realized Li Xiaoke's true face, he started to act unscrupulously.

Xu Yingjindan Cave Photo, using Jindan as a medium, I feel that I am connected and compatible with the surrounding heaven and earth, as if my sense of touch has become richer, and my vision has become clear and thorough. Looking at the outside world, it is like using magic in the realm of Xiyi. The knowledge and observation are general, extremely clear, and the colors are so rich and touching!

He even realized that the power of the great road was floating between heaven and earth. It was mysterious, intangible, but could be understood and mobilized by him!

He is the Tao of the place where the golden elixir shines, and he is the principle of the place where the golden elixir shines!

This is the golden elixir avenue!

I wonder how far my golden elixir avenue can shine?

Xu Ying was about to walk out of the golden palace in the mountain, when suddenly the voice of Yankong City came from outside: Oh, Brother Xu, I forgot, I actually closed the ban on this Buddhist scripture palace so that you can't come out. I must have fallen asleep. After three thousand years, my brain is a little confused!

Yan Kongcheng appeared in front of Xu Ying with a smile on his face and said with a smile: You won't blame me, right?

The big bell flew behind Xu Ying and whispered: A Ying, this boy is so hypocritical, he will become a great person in the future!

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said with a smile: It was an unintentional mistake on your part, how could I blame you? Acheng, you and I are old friends. We have known each other for three thousand years. Since ancient times, brotherly love can last for a hundred years, but it can last for three thousand years. ? But our relationship can.

Yan Kongcheng expressed sympathy to each other and said: Brother Xu is absolutely right. I'm here to inform Brother Xu that I have opened the six secrets of the human body and opened the six secret caves one by one. Brother, my cultivation has greatly increased. You must be very happy too.

Xu Ying was overjoyed and said with a smile: Acheng Great Talent, you have made a breakthrough, how can I not be happy for you? I have also achieved a little success in my Golden Elixir Dao!

Yan Kongcheng was moved and exclaimed: Brother Xu has actually learned the golden elixir path in such a short period of time. I am not as good as you! Before brother Xu went into seclusion, his magical powers, martial arts, body skills, and understanding of the Tao were not as good as mine. I think he will definitely catch up with me in the next few days.

Da Zhong was in a daze and thought to himself: Is it A Ying who was defeated a few days ago? Could it be that I was infected by Lord Jin and my memory is wrong?

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: Acheng, Emei Taoism is really extraordinary. After your death, your mouth will never decay for thousands of years. When someone digs your grave, you can still open your mouth to curse people.

Yan Kongcheng laughed loudly, looked at his hands, and said with a half-smile, I can't believe it, but I really want to see Brother Xu's skills again.

Xu Ying stretched out his hands, looked at his nails, and said lightly: I hope your mouth, Acheng, is as hard as before.

My fist is harder than before. Yan Kongcheng said calmly.

The two of them walked out, and Dazhong swayed behind them, thinking to himself: Aying won't be able to take advantage of his strong cultivation this time. Yankong City has opened the six secrets of the human body, and he will definitely work hard to create the six secrets of the cave and sky. Open several levels. With his current level of cultivation, he can open up the Six Secret Cave to the fourth level.

Xu Ying also opened up the Six Secrets to the fourth level of caves, with a total of twenty-eight caves.

If Yankong City also opens up the Six Secrets to the fourth level, then the level of physical activity, vitality, mental strength, spiritual consciousness, soul and yin and yang will probably catch up with Xu Ying!

However, Xu Ying had only been comprehending the Golden Elixir Dao for a few days, and his proficiency in using the Dao was definitely not as good as that of Yankong City.

One thing is going down, the other is going up, and Dazhong is not optimistic about Xu Ying.

Unknowingly, Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng had arrived outside the mountain. Xu Ying saw the mountains of Emei scattered in an orderly manner, the sea of ​​clouds drifting, and the mountains in the clouds revealing golden and jade-like peaks. It was really beautiful, and he couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

When he offered the golden elixir, the golden elixir suddenly shone brightly in the sky, and the light was bright, connected with the rising rays of light from the golden peaks of Mount Emei, and there was a faint resonance of the heaven and earth avenues with the golden elixir.

When Yankong City saw that he had really built the Golden Pill Avenue, his heart was slightly shaken and he also sacrificed the Golden Pill.

The two golden elixirs are floating in the sky, reflecting each other, competing for the brightness of the sun and the moon. Even the sun hanging in the sky is not as bright as these two golden elixirs!

The wind and clouds in the mountains of Emei seem to be moved by invisible hands. Electricity is generated in the void, and thunder is gradually brewing.

The two secretly felt that heaven and earth were in harmony, and pushed their respective golden elixirs to the extreme, trying to mobilize more heaven and earth vitality and heaven and earth avenues.

Xu Ying had long wanted to know the limit of his golden elixir's sense of heaven and earth. He immediately let the golden elixir's light shine farther away and said with a smile: Acheng, if you can't hold on, why not open the six secrets of the human body and let I will give you guidance on how to practice in the cave.

Yankongcheng saw that he had not mobilized Dongtian, so how could he be willing to mobilize Dongtian before him? He immediately smiled and said: Brother Xu, you are older than me after all. In old age, your muscles and bones are no longer able to use your strength. I want you to open the cave first!

The Qi and blood of the two people gradually became stronger. Xu Ying's eyes widened, and the Qi and blood above his head formed a cloud, which swayed unsteadily, making the crisp sound of swords and swords connecting. He smiled and said: Acheng, I once practiced martial arts hard, tempered and sharpened my mental will, and refined the martial arts. After entering the golden elixir, you can persist for a long time without opening the cave!

Yan Kongcheng's face trembled, and a wisp of green energy rose into the sky above his head, like a flag fluttering, and he said with a smile: My Taishang Zhengdao Kung Fu has been verified by Taishang Patriarch, and it can become an immortal and realize Dao. You think it's just martial arts? Can you equal my skill?

The faces of the two people gradually became distorted, but they still did not open the Six Secrets and open the cave.

They each activated their golden elixirs, trying to make their own golden elixirs overwhelm their opponents in terms of coverage and gain the upper hand.

This is the disadvantage of practicing the golden elixir path.

The old god Dazhong was here and thought, Two Qi masters who practice the golden elixir avenue, with similar cultivation levels, use the golden elixir to mobilize the heaven and earth avenue and vitality at the same time, so who should listen to the heaven and earth avenue and vitality?

The faces of Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng became more and more distorted and became more and more ferocious.

Xu Ying laughed and said: Ah, Acheng, you can't support it anymore, right? B-If you can't support it, just say it, no, it's not embarrassing!

Yan Kongcheng's eyes widened, as if they were about to pop out of his sockets, his face flushed, and he murmured: Brother Xu, Xu, I, I heard you stammering, and your speech was difficult to speak. You, you Isn’t it possible? Don’t, don’t force it...

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, sweat streaming down their foreheads like a waterfall.

Da Zhong was convinced and thought to himself: Two Qi practitioners who both practice the golden elixir path, it is best to take action as soon as they come up and never use the golden elixir, otherwise this will be the situation at hand.

1. Let's start together? Xu Ying said tremblingly, unable to hold on.

Yan Kongcheng also reached the limit of his endurance, nodded and said: I count, count, count one, two, three... three!


The two of them opened their respective Six Secret Cave Heavens almost at the same time, and an extremely bright light suddenly rose into the sky. Behind both sides, there were twenty-eight caves in the sky competing for the dazzling light!

After Xu Ying mobilized Dongtian, he suddenly realized that his vitality cultivation was still far above Yankong City. He no longer hesitated and struck out with a palm. It was like an immortal weapon falling from the sky and knocking the sky upside down. It was the first of the eight methods of the God of War. Earth-shaking!


With this palm strike, no matter what golden elixir avenue Yankong City uses or what magical power he activates, they will all be crushed.

Yankong City heard the sound of his own bones snapping, flew backwards, and embedded himself in the golden dome dozens of miles away!

Xu Ying laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed back and forth among the mountains, with endless echoes!

I have taken so much of the Essence of the Original Dao and refined the elixir. How can I not crush you with my magic power?

The mausoleum of Qiao Zizhong, the founder of Emei Qingshuang.

The calm black water pool suddenly became rippled, and circles of ripples emerged from the water and swayed in all directions. The movement in the water became louder and louder, and gradually only the sound of rushing water could be heard. From the sound of the water came a voice humming from the wings of the nose, humming a light and cheerful tune.

The harvest is complete, the harvest is good this time... Hmm, did I go to the wrong place?

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