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Chapter 207: Not very capable, but very arrogant

The figure slowly emerging from the black water looked around, and then slowly sank into the water. His voice was full of confusion: Maybe I entered someone else's tomb by mistake. I'll come in again...

After a while, he slowly emerged from the water, still looking around, and was silent for a moment.

He looks ordinary, with ordinary eyes, a slightly flat nose, single eyelids, small eyes, a bit thick lips, an unshaven beard on his chin, and some messy sideburns.

The facial features put together like this made his face look a bit rigid, like a dead face, without much expression.

The clothes he wore were ordinary coarse cloth clothes, and he looked like an ordinary, honest man with a dull expression.

He is Qiao Zizhong, whose Taoist name is Qingshuang. He is an unnoticed figure in Mount Emei. Although he is the Patriarch, he is as low-key and restrained as his appearance, and he will not attract any attention among the many Patriarchs.

Where's my house?

His dead face had no expression, only his palms were trembling, letting people see that he was really angry, I have only been out for a while, but if I don't go to harvest some mature crops, my home will be gone, and there will be only one bed left. ?”

In his rage, the black water shook and the mountain made a dull sound, but it was not transmitted to the outside world.

Who is so bold that he dares to steal my Emei's tomb? I am still not the Patriarch of Emei! What does Yankong City eat? It makes me, Emei, so weak that I can be bullied!

Above the black water, in front of the splendid coffin, Qiao Zizhong had an expressionless face, gritting his teeth, and his voice came out from between his teeth, I want to see who has eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard!

He floated out of the black water and flew around the tomb chamber, looking around, trying to find any clues left by the tomb robbers.

But this tomb robber was obviously an expert. He didn't even leave any useful clues, and he didn't even leave any footprints on the ground!

Could it be that my enemies are here to find me?

He felt awe-inspiring and immediately walked to the side chamber of the tomb on one side. This was the tomb he designed in his own mausoleum!

There is no damage to the tomb and no one has been there!

He immediately opened another tomb, which was a suspicious tomb he had arranged. Inside the tomb were coffins, funerary objects, and a skeleton whose identity could no longer be identified.

However, what shocked him was that no one had ever been to the Tomb of Suspicion!

Qiao Zizhong opened another tomb within a tomb, and no one had been to this tomb within a tomb!

He opened a secret passage in the mountain and walked upwards. There was an even older tomb above. His tomb was laid out in a tomb above the tomb.

There is an old grave above. Even if someone comes to rob the tomb, they will dig the old grave first. After digging the old grave, they will not think that there is a new grave below!

However, this old tomb has also remained untouched!

Qiao Zizhong couldn't help but gasped and said in a low voice: My mausoleum is surrounded by mechanisms, including a tomb of clothes, a tomb of doubts, a tomb within a tomb, and a tomb on top of a tomb. Inside, there is a seal at three steps, a ban at five steps, and a desperate situation at ten steps. , full of killing arrays. It’s impossible for someone to enter the tomb without alerting me... I’m being targeted!”

His hands and feet were cold. Without alerting him, he broke into the tomb and snatched away all his treasures. The strength of this enemy must be extraordinary. Like him, most of them are strong men from ancient times!

He only left the coffin to demonstrate to me? Haha, how can such a flamboyant character survive to this day? In this world, only low-key and ordinary people can survive!

His eyes suddenly stopped, and he flew to the tomb of the crazy uncle. He looked at the stone wall with only a big hole left, and was speechless for a long time.

I thought he used some trick, but it turned out he came in from here.

He floated slowly, without touching the ground, and without even wanting to leave any footprints, he floated directly into the tomb of the crazy master uncle.

Little madman, I took all precautions, but I still didn't catch you!

His palm gently covered Crazy Martial Uncle's forehead, and Crazy Martial Uncle's corpse suddenly made a cracking sound and shattered to pieces on the ground, turning into a pool of flesh and blood!

You ruined my big deal.

Qiao Zizhong turned a blind eye to the body of the crazy uncle and continued to float forward. If his feet hit the ground and left footprints, maybe the tomb robber would come back to check and find his heels based on the footprints he left.

He wandered around the tomb of his crazy uncle for a week, his expression getting darker and darker.

The tomb robbers actually didn't leave any useful clues here, not even any holes or any traces of entry or exit!

Are you so smart? How did you get in?

He was silent for a moment, returned to his tomb, lay down in the splendid coffin, and said to himself, Soon after I left, this place was robbed, which means that I have been targeted a long time ago, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence. .Who would doubt me, a dead man? In these years, I have obviously kept a low profile...

He suddenly sat up and whispered: The thing he stole is my treasure and has my brand. As long as I sense it a little, I can make my magic weapon fly back!

He concentrated on sensing, but his heart became heavier and heavier.

Haha, what a powerful method!

He sneered, You stole my treasure and immediately erased my mark. You are so well prepared. You have indeed been targeting me for a long time!

His figure flashed and came to the black water pool. He stared at the water and said, The only one who has come to Mount Emei in the past few days is Xu Ying. Could it be you? The Immortal Immortal?

Xu Ying's figure slowly emerged on the water.

In the picture, Xu Ying is asking Yankong City for advice on Emei's magical powers. He is precise and serious about practicing.

He has been locked in the Golden Chamber of Emei for the past few days. It is impossible to come out, and he does not have the ability to erase my mark.

Just when Qiao Zizhong thought of this, Xu Ying suddenly raised his head from the water and looked at him with a strange expression.

Qiao Zizhong's heart skipped a beat: Can he feel that I'm spying on him? It's just the cultivation level of the second knocking off period...

At this moment, he saw Xu Ying in the water showing a playful smile. Suddenly, there was a splashing sound, and in the black pool, a man made of water slowly stood up!

Judging from his face and clothes, he looks like Xu Ying!

Who dares to spy on Xu?

The waterman made a sound, suddenly raised his finger, and said calmly, It's so rude to peep without telling you. Today, Xu will teach you a lesson you will never forget!

Qiao Zizhong's eyes widened, and he saw Xu Yingshui pointing his finger at him. Immortal light appeared on the tip of his finger, which turned into a series of fast or slow finger forces!

I, Emei, kill the Immortal Finger!

Qiao Zizhong laughed angrily, I have already mastered this magical power when I was still a disciple! I am the Patriarch, are you using it against me?


Qiao Zizhong's figure flashed, and the water man's promised finger power failed. Suddenly, a finger power changed abnormally, and stabbed Qiao Zizhong in the heart with a hiss.

Qiao Zizhong was startled, and squeaked again, and the other two fingers stabbed his forehead and throat respectively!

Qiao Zizhong was shocked and angry.

He originally thought that Xu Ying was using Emei's unique skill of killing the Immortal Finger. However, Xu Ying's Immortal Killing Finger was not pure, but had some changes in the way of heaven. Without noticing, he hit three fingers in a row!

These three fingers did not cause him any harm, but they were extremely insulting!

It is truly a lesson that will be unforgettable for a lifetime!

The water man formed by Xu Ying's magic power dispersed with a splash, and the voice gradually faded away: Don't look around. I poke you three fingers today, and if I look again, I will dig out your eyes!

Even though Qiao Zizhong had a dead face, he couldn't help but be so angry that his face turned red and his hands trembled.

I have never seen such an arrogant person in my life! You are the first one who is so arrogant even though he is not very capable!

He tried to suppress his anger.

Xu Ying uses his gaze to sense and use his magical powers to transform into a water man. The water man casts spells to teach the peepers a lesson. These methods look very powerful, but the person who uses them is wrong!

Xu Ying had just reached the second stage of Knocking off practice and achieved great success in the Golden elixir. However, Qiao Zizhong, who was humiliated by him, had already been the Patriarch of Emei a long, long time ago!

Qiao Zizhong has already attained the great mastery of his soul. If the super calamity hadn't blocked his way, he would have ascended and become an immortal and ancestor!

But Xu Ying pretended to be big in front of him, which really made him very angry.

If you are more capable than me, just give it a try. However, your cultivation level is so low that you can't even break my skin...

Qiao Zizhong took a long breath, calmed down, and whispered, Such an arrogant person, he must not have stolen my magic weapon. And he doesn't have the strength. So, who is targeting me?

He composed himself and said, Teach him a lesson first, so that this kid won't become arrogant.

He was about to take action when he suddenly stopped and saw another figure appearing on the surface of the Blackwater Pond.

The man was dressed in black with a red belt, but it was not the Han Dynasty costume, but the Qin Dynasty costume. The texture embroidered on the red belt was different from the Han Dynasty costume.

This man stood on a square stone and floated towards Emei. He seemed to be aware of his gaze and raised his head to look at him from afar.

The ripples of the black water pool were turbulent. Qiao Zizhong was shocked and immediately looked away, not making eye contact with the man!

Xu Fu!

Qiao Zizhong looked solemn and gave up the idea of ​​teaching Xu Ying a lesson. He thought to himself, Why is he here?

Xu Ying tried his best to teach those eyes that were spying on him, and then dispersed his magic power. Yan Kongcheng quickly asked: Brother Xu, what's wrong?

Xu Ying said calmly: Someone was spying on me secretly and was taught a lesson by me. Now, he probably knows that there are people outside the world.

Yankongcheng was very envious and said, Why doesn't anyone spy on me and let me shine? After all, I am also the current headmaster of Emei.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Acheng, don't underestimate the man just now, he is still very powerful. I used the Immortal Killing Finger I just learned, but I didn't take him down. I fused it with the Heavenly Dao Finger and poked him three times.

He followed Yankong City to learn Emei's Taoist and magical powers. He practiced very seriously and gained a lot.

Yankongcheng was the reviver selected by the immortals of Emei. He had strong cultivation and extremely solid foundation. He had mastered all kinds of Emei magical powers to perfection.

Xu Ying learned from him and worked hard to make up for his previous shortcomings.

Yankongcheng also followed him to learn the use of Nuo skills, but as he continued to learn, Yankongcheng discovered that Xu Ying was half-baked in Nuo skills and had a weak foundation.

There was no other way, so Xu Ying mainly relied on himself to explore Nuo skills.

He truly mastered the Nuo technique only after Zhou Qiyun's death and the Ni Wan Hidden Scenery Immortality Jue was handed over to him. Only then did he begin to understand the Nuo technique through the Immortality Jue.

Later, when he opened other secrets, they all had incomplete Nuo techniques and no corresponding Nuo techniques. He could only learn a hammer from the East and a hoe from the West.

The art of Nuo is often in the hands of a family of Nuo masters, and only the core disciples within the family can learn it. Although all the major families want to win over Xu Ying, they will not teach him the core skills of the family.

Xu Ying realized his shortcomings in the Land of Divine Punishment, learned from the pain, and then turned to study martial arts.

Martial arts is the origin of all magical powers and Taoism. He first practiced martial arts in order to polish the foundation and make up for his own shortcomings. Now that Emei Yankong City has been broken, he will naturally seize this opportunity and squeeze out the knowledge of Yankong City.

At this time, a clear and faint voice came from a distance: Headmaster Emei Yan, Huotongshan Xu Fu is here to visit.

Yan Kongcheng was overjoyed and said to Xu, Brother Xu, Xu Fu is here to visit. You come with me to see him!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I have a problem with him. I was once kidnapped by him to crack the Lishan Tomb, so I stopped going to see him. Xu Fu is determined to restore the Qi Refiners. He acts secretly and has deep intentions. Don't get too involved with him. deep.

Yan Kongcheng agreed and said: If you have a festival, you go first and I will hold him back.

Xu Ying called the big bell and quietly went down the mountain.

Yan Kongcheng came to the Golden Summit of Emei, personally greeted Xu Fu, and said with a smile: Mr. Xu is finally here.

Xu Fu looked around and saw many new Qi practitioners on the mountain. He said happily: Emei is gradually getting on the right track, which is gratifying. Yan Zhangjiao will definitely restore Emei, restore the glory of the immortal masters in the past, and restore the Taoist tradition of Qi practitioners. !”

Yankongcheng smiled and said: Mr. Xu, I'm afraid I won't be able to become a pure Qi practitioner as you wish. A few days ago, I met the immortal immortal Xu Ying and competed with him. I found that the Nuo magic power is extremely powerful. Therefore. I practice both Qi and Nuo, and I plan to let the disciples of Emei who come to worship in the future also practice Qi and Nuo.

Xu Fu's expression changed slightly and he said, Headmaster Yan doesn't want to restore Emei's orthodoxy?

Yankongcheng said sincerely: Mr. Xu, we in Emei have a profound heritage and a vast collection of Taoism and Dharma books. I shoulder the important task of revitalizing Emei. Emei's ancestors insisted on the orthodoxy of Qi Refiners until the drastic changes in the world and almost destroyed it. Since they chose me to inherit the inheritance Emei, then I cannot repeat their mistakes. Emei must change, and remaining unchanged is not enough to stand in the world!

Xu Fu was silent for a moment and said, Xu Ying defeated you and made you change your mind, right?

Yan Kongcheng said: This matter has nothing to do with Brother Xu. Since the Nuo method is good, why not be inclusive?

Xu Fu said calmly: You are clearly Emei orthodox, but you do not adhere to orthodoxy. You have failed the ancestors of Emei and failed my expectations for you.

Yan Kongcheng was surprised and didn't know why he said that.

There was no human emotion in Xu Fu's eyes. He was about to take action when he inadvertently caught a glimpse of an ordinary-looking man with a dead man's face. He was startled and his murderous intention disappeared.

Yan Kongcheng followed his gaze and saw the ordinary man, thoughtful.

Xu Fu immediately said goodbye to Yankong City and left. Xu Fu said: Master Yan, I won't stop you from cultivating Qi and Nuo, but you have to be aware of the hidden dangers of Nuo Immortal. Don't go astray, or You’ve harmed your own life! Just do it for yourself!”

He stepped on the abbot's fairy mountain and floated away.

Yan Kongcheng watched him go away, immediately turned back, came to the ordinary man, and stopped.

This man became a disciple of Emei not long ago. He is an ordinary registered disciple and calls himself Zhong Ziqiao.

Who are you? Yan Kongcheng asked.

The ordinary-looking man straightened up, and suddenly there was a powerful aura that swept the world, and he said lightly: The thirty-fourth generation founder of Emei, Qiao Zizhong.

Yan Kongcheng was shocked and lost his voice: Are you the founder of the Great Shang era? You, you are almost 20,000 years old, how do you live until now?

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