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Chapter 205 Then follow through to the end

Yan Kongcheng said alertly: Brother Xu, why are you asking about Uncle Crazy Master's grave?

He felt something was wrong in his tone, and quickly explained: It's not that I can't trust you, but the tomb of my Emei Patriarch has been dug up too many times, so when you meet anyone who inquires about the tomb, you have to ask more questions. There are still some buried in the back mountain. A few people asked where my ancestor’s tomb is.”

Xu Ying said politely: I just want to pay homage to my old friend's remains. After all, you know that I often lose my memory and not many people can remember me.

Yankong City did not doubt that he was there, and pointed out to him the location of the crazy master's uncle's tomb.

Xu Ying stepped forward to pay his respects, secretly noted the location of the tomb, and thought to himself, I'll come and visit you later.

Yankong City was not a fool. After learning the dragon-seeking positioning technique from Xu Ying, he immediately set out to find his own six secrets of the human body.

He is now in the second knocking stage. This stage is quite dangerous. The next step forward is the twelfth floor stage. He can refine the soul, but after cultivating the soul, he will no longer be able to unlock the six secrets of the human body.

Even if you have not cultivated the soul, the six secrets of the human body have become thick and difficult to open. Even a master like Yan Kongcheng must use magic weapons to open the secrets.

Moreover, every time a secret is opened, the cultivation level will increase greatly, and the subsequent secrets will be more difficult to open!

This is also the reason why Xue Ying'an originally opened the Six Secrets. The first secret can be opened with ordinary magic weapons, but the subsequent secrets can only be opened with the use of the Xiaoyao Sword and other religious treasures.

However, the Emei family is so rich that it is far from being comparable to that of a small sect like Xiaoyao Sect in Jiulong Mountain. There must be many treasures like the Xiaoyao Sword to suppress the sect. Xu Ying even suspected that Emei had an immortal weapon to protect his luck!

Therefore, he was not worried at all about whether Yankong City could open the secret treasure.

There were only two things that really interested him.

The first thing is Emei’s true Jindan Dao.

Yankong City used a golden elixir to mobilize thousands of dharma, and his magical powers and spells were superb and unbelievably powerful. One golden elixir could accommodate thousands of dharma, which he admired.

The second thing is the grave of the crazy master uncle.

If I don’t take revenge for this, I swear I won’t be a human being!

Yankong City was eager to open up the Six Secrets, so he took Xu Ying to the interior of Mount Emei. There was actually a hollow inside the mountain, which was extremely large, about three miles in size.

A golden palace stands on the opposite cliff.

Yankong City broke through the restrictions all the way and walked into the Golden Palace with Xu Ying. He saw that the palace was full of people, and there were Emei classics everywhere. The exercises were divided into categories and there were countless types.

Yankong City moved out a gold box and handed it to him directly, saying: Brother Xu, the most important thing about our Emei Golden Pill Road is the Golden Chamber of Supreme Immortal Book. Golden Chamber of Supreme Immortal Book is written by the Supreme Patriarch. There are rumors that it was written by the Supreme Patriarch, and there are also rumors that it was a fairy book obtained by the Supreme Patriarch.

The Supreme Immortal Book of the Golden Chamber is an immortal book sealed in a gold box. The golden box as a whole takes the shape of a treasure seal, with gold characters on the top and a square box below.

After opening it, there was a jade bamboo slip inside.

The golden elixir avenue is recorded on jade bamboo slips.

This is another jade slip Taoist book!

Xu Ying was surprised. The last time he saw a Taoist book on jade slips, it was at Zhou Qiyun's house. It recorded the Taoist scriptures on Yuan Yu Gong of Taiyin!

Rumor has it that this is a carrier used by Qi refiners in ancient times to record the Tao!

After that, he never encountered similar Taoist books on jade slips. At most, he only encountered some immortal runes recorded on golden books.

Unexpectedly, he could encounter another jade slip Taoist book in Emei!

Yankongcheng pointed to other classics in this golden palace and said: These books are the annotations of the Golden Chamber Supreme Immortal Book by the ancestors of Emei. Each ancestor has a different understanding of the Immortal Book and the principles they come up with are also different, but they all have It's unique. Don't find it troublesome. My master said when he taught me...

He imitated the old man's tone and said: The truth of the great road is recorded in the fairy book. You first learn the annotations of the ancestors of the past generations. The annotations of the ancestors are very one-sided, but it is like cutting a circle. The more detailed you cut the circle, the more you get. The area of ​​the circle will be more accurate. If you read all the annotations of the ancestors, you can get a circle that is close to a perfect circle. Based on this understanding, you will be infinitely close to the truth of the Jindan Dao.

Xu Ying nodded and asked: If you can directly read the Golden Chamber Supreme Immortal Book, do you still need to read these annotations?

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: Of course there is no need for it. But when the ancestors annotated the fairy books, they involved other Taoist methods and quoted from other sources. Therefore, reading these classics will be of great benefit to you in understanding other magical powers and other Taoist ways.

Xu Ying was thoughtful.

Yan Kongcheng left, leaving him in this mountain hall without any worry that he would steal the Golden Chamber Supreme Immortal Book.

This mountain hall is just one of the thousands of book-collecting halls in Emei. The books in the hall are only interpretations of the Golden Chamber of Immortal Books. There are various methods in other palaces that are not inferior to the Taishang Immortal Book.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then stayed in this palace to read the Immortal Book of the Supreme Being.

There are six bird seal and insect inscriptions in the Taishang Immortal Book, namely Zhen, Ling, Xu, Jing, Kong and Ming.

After Xu Ying observed it, he understood its meaning and could recite the six-character Taoist sound with his mouth. He obtained the mystery of the Taishang Immortal Book, but he still did not know what the golden elixir avenue was.

So, Xu Ying opened the annotations of the ancestors of the past dynasties and read them one by one.

The annotations of the ancestors of the past dynasties are indeed interpretations of these six bird seal and insect inscriptions, but they still follow the movement path of the true essence, which greatly inspired Xu Ying after reading it.

The six characters in the Taishang Immortal Book are the understanding of Tao, and the annotations of the ancestors of the past dynasties are the application of Tao.

Xu Ying used to understand Tao but did not know how to use it. Now after reading these notes, I will know the usage of these immortal ways.

I neglected to use it before.

Xu Ying suddenly came to his senses. The reason why he fought so hard against Yankong City and had to rely on his cultivation to forcefully crush Yankong City was not because his consciousness, vitality, body, strength, yin and yang, and soul were not as good as Yankong City.

On the contrary, his consciousness, vitality, body, strength, yin and yang and soul are far superior to those of Yankong City. Even in their understanding of Tao, the two of them have their own merits. Xu Yingqiang’s strength lies in his deeper understanding, while Yankong City’s strength lies in his profound knowledge.

The reason for the difficulty is that Xu Ying is far inferior to Yankong City in the use of Tao.

Although I entered supernatural powers from martial arts, my application of Tao is still not as thorough as that of holy places like Emei.

Xu Ying read them one by one, and unknowingly, after three or four days, his understanding of the Jindan Dao became deeper and deeper.

An Qi also studied hard in the Golden Palace. While copying the classics, he thought about their meanings and asked Xu Ying if he didn't understand.

Only Da Zhong had nothing to do, borrowing the Qi and blood of Xu Ying and Gian Qi to practice for a while, then he couldn't sit still anymore and tried to fly out of the hall.

A Ying, Acheng is treating us as villains to defend us!

The big bell flew back and said angrily, The ban imposed by the ancestors outside this mountain hall has been activated again. I can't get out!

Xu Ying was also a little angry when he heard this: A Cheng is guarding against gentlemen like us? How outrageous! Master Qi, get ready, let's dig out the grave of his crazy uncle.

An Qi was startled, raised his head from the sea of ​​books, and asked very quietly: A Ying, aren't we being good?

Xu Ying came to the door of the palace and said: You can do good deeds but you can do it again. It's not like you wash your hands in a golden basin. And even if you wash your hands in a golden basin, you can still wash your hands again if they are dirty.

An Qi swam out from the sea of ​​books and thought to himself: A Ying is so bad, was it led to bad by me or Master Zhong... Wait a minute, it was me who was led bad by A Ying and Master Zhong!

He realized that he was originally a practicing snake demon in Wuwu Mountain and never did bad things, but since he followed Xu Ying, he seemed to be proficient in killing gods and demons!

Xu Ying closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then walked out of the palace.

An Qi and Dazhong hurriedly followed, and saw Xu Ying raising his fingers to draw, and a variety of wonderful immortal runes lit up from his hands and were imprinted in the void.

These immortal runes were like keys, and the seals hidden in the air were layers of invisible but terrifying locks, which he opened one after another!

Xu Ying only saw Yankong City perform these unsealed immortal runes once before he understood the mystery of each immortal rune and kept it in mind. At this moment, I put it into action and walked out all the way without encountering any obstacles!

When they came outside, they saw no one on Mount Emei. Yankong City was probably still practicing hard in seclusion, and the other Emei disciples were all Qi practitioners who had just started practicing.

Xu Ying went directly to the tomb of the crazy master uncle, took out the broken wooden door, pushed the door open, and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, after three thousand years, I came to visit and open a box for you!

Da Zhong followed closely, and An Qi hesitated, then swam in, thinking: As the Romans do, who let me get on the pirate ship...

Crazy Master Uncle's tombs were sealed on the outside to deal with tomb robbers. Unexpectedly, Xu Ying had such a magic weapon as the wooden door, so he directly opened the inner chamber of the tomb and walked in without encountering any obstacles.

The tomb of the crazy master uncle is not big. It is like a small cave. It is not magnificent inside and contains his magic weapon, mantle and other items.

Xu Ying collected all these and put them into the belly of Xian Qi.

They walked forward, and suddenly they felt peaceful in their hearts. They saw a bright and generous place in front of them. An old and unkempt Qigong practitioner sat facing the stone wall. The stone wall reflected a fairyland, transformed by Taoist phenomena, with fairy mountains floating in the sky. In the middle, the clouds move between the sun and the moon, and there are many kinds of weather.

An Qi's eyes shone brightly and he exclaimed: This is the inner fairyland transformed by the crazy master uncle. This man integrated the principles he has learned throughout his life into this painting. This painting is the most precious thing in this tomb!

Xu Ying praised: Master Qi is indeed a cultured snake, now we won't lose anything!

There was a line of text on both sides of the stone wall. Xu Ying came to it, raised his head, read it, and said in a low voice: I have a way that will shine through the ages, suddenly bright, sometimes dark, and sometimes true.

He looked at the old qigong master sitting in front of the stone wall, and saw that the crazy master uncle's eyes were lowered, his flesh and blood had not yet been transformed, and his flesh and blood were lifelike.

This person has extremely high moral standards and has cultivated to the point where his body is indestructible.

Dazhong praised, Ah Ying, this man is a man of virtue.

Xu Ying snorted and said displeasedly: A righteous person would plan to eat me? Can a righteous person think of a way to use me to withstand the catastrophe?

The big bell was speechless. It had always thought that Li Xiaoke was a virtuous man, but it never thought of eating people.

Xu Ying stepped forward and plundered everything he could, but at least he left a piece of clothing for Uncle Crazy Master.

He stood in front of the stone wall and used his sword energy to carefully cut the stone wall, intending to cut off the entire stone wall and stuff it into An Qi's mouth and take it away.

This picture of the Immortal Way is definitely a great magic weapon. It contains the life-long secrets of the Crazy Master Uncle. It was painted before his death, and its power is definitely extraordinary.

Xu Ying plans to cut it off and take it away. With a little sacrifice, it can become a treasure that can be attacked and defended!

He cut the Immortal Path Diagram in a circle and used his magic power to see the entire stone wall fly forward. Xu Ying was about to put the stone wall into Xian Qi's mouth when he suddenly let out a light sigh and saw that there was actually a tomb chamber behind the stone wall!

Master Qi, swallow it yourself! Xu Ying put down the Immortal Dao Diagram and said hurriedly.

Seeing this, An Qi became more energetic. He quickly swallowed the Immortal Dao Diagram and followed Xu Ying and Da Zhong into another tomb.

The two tombs are adjacent to each other, separated only by a stone wall. I thought that the crazy uncle dug the tomb for himself before he died, but he never thought that someone else was buried next to him.

This tomb is splendid and magnificent, much larger than the tomb of the crazy master uncle.

There was not even a coffin in the tomb of the crazy master uncle, but this tomb even had pavilions, rockeries, flowing water, and even a waterfall cascading down a stone wall.

The walls are embedded with pearls as big as castanopsis, emitting the brilliance of the bright moon, quiet and mysterious.

The bright pearl in the dragon turtle's shell is called the Haoyue Pearl. It is extremely rare.

An Qi whispered, In the classics I just copied, there is a record by the Emei Patriarch that he got twenty-four and refined twenty-four mountains and rivers bright moon beads. Aying, do you think any of these pearls seal mountains and rivers? If so? The mountains and rivers are sealed, so this tomb may be the tomb of the Emei Patriarch.

Xu Ying activated the Heavenly Number Rune and used each of the Eyes of Heaven to observe the pearls and asked, What is the name of the Emei Patriarch?

He stopped and stared at one of the pearls, and saw that there was indeed a mountain range inside the pearl, winding like a crawling dragon.

Another pearl has a large river, with rushing water sloping from the high ground like flying snow.

Another pearl is a flat lake. There is a sacred tree in the lake. The red flowers are like flames, which are quite gorgeous. From a distance, they look like a red fire tree.

The big clock looked into the distance and said: Ah Ying, there is black water ahead, and there are coffins on the water!

Xu Ying cautiously walked towards the floating coffin. The water surface was dark, but the water was clear. It was not the water that was black, but the darkness under the water.

Xu Ying always felt that there was something under the water, but when he observed it with his spiritual sense, he couldn't find it to the bottom!

This pool is terrifyingly deep!

Xian Qi's memory was not very good, so he put it on Xu Ying's shoulder, took out the book he copied, flipped through the book, and said with a smile: I found it! This Emei Patriarch is the thirty-fourth generation Patriarch, his name is Qiao Zizhong, and his Taoist name is Qing. Frost.

When Xu Ying came to the coffin, his heart skipped a beat when he saw that the lid of the coffin was missing!

The coffin was empty, with no bones and no magic weapons buried with it. Instead, there was a quilt and brocade!

The veins on Xu Ying's forehead were beating wildly, and there were signs of someone lying on the brocade in the coffin!

He reached out and touched it, and it was still a little warm.

Let's retreat immediately! Don't touch anything!

Beads of sweat flowed from Xu Ying's forehead, but the next moment, he forced the sweat back into his body to prevent the smell from spreading.

Da Zhong and An Qi also realized that something was wrong. They couldn't help but be frightened. They watched Xu Ying retreat back the same way. Even the dust on the ground was quietly restored to its original state by Xu Ying!

Ah Ying, the stone wall, the stone wall cannot be restored! An Qi reminded.

Xu Ying was shocked. The stone wall was cut off by him, and it would definitely not be able to be restored to its original state. Moreover, the stone wall was left to him by the crazy uncle as compensation. How could he put it back?

Since it cannot be restored, it will definitely be discovered...

Xu Ying's face turned darker and uncertain, Then don't recover! Master Qi, Master Zhong, let's empty this place out!

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