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Chapter 204 The Realm of the Seven Immortals

The two people gradually became angry. Dazhong and Gong Qi realized that something was wrong and quietly left the golden palace.

At this moment, the hall suddenly shook violently, and a celestial light flew out from the door of the hall. The big bell hurriedly stood in front of Anchi Qi.


The big bell was shaken backwards, and various Taoist phenomena appeared on the wall of the bell, constantly rotating.

An Qi was also startled. The fluctuations coming from the Golden Palace were extremely terrifying. If the bell had not blocked it and hit him directly, it would probably smash his body to pieces!

With the ringing of the bell, in the golden palace, Xu Ying and Yankong City Rabbit rose and fell, their bodies changed in a variety of ways, and they exchanged more than ten moves in just a short moment!

Yankong City uses Emei's techniques and supernatural powers. It is obviously the same Taoist phenomenon, but in the hands of Yankong City, it can exert even greater power!

It's obviously the same move, but in his hands, it's like a natural method, making it impossible for anyone to decipher it!

He is like a young immortal, even the most ordinary supernatural powers can turn decay into magic in his hands!

However, in the space of the Golden Palace, it was Xu Ying's home field.

His physical body was too powerful. The movement of his body brought terrifying power that directly acted on the space inside the Golden Palace, causing the Golden Palace space to vibrate violently!


Xu Ying flew his hands and used a pair of fleshy palms to continuously break through Yankong City's magical powers. He stepped forward and pushed his palms from bottom to top, hitting Yankong City's throat directly.

The Eight Methods of the God of War, covering the ground!

The Golden Palace was shaken violently by the force from his feet!

Yan Kongcheng was not afraid at all. He put his palms against each other, and a strange bird seal and insect inscription appeared in his palm, but it was the word force in the immortal rune.

The moment the palms of the two people touched, there was a buzzing sound behind Xu Ying, and twenty-eight caves appeared, extremely bright, distorting time and space, interspersed with special other shores such as the Sea of ​​Chaos, Immortal Fire, and Sea of ​​Darkness!

In just a short moment, Xu Ying's mana surged, his consciousness surged, his strength surged, his energy and blood surged like a frenzy, and his eyes even had Yin and Yang energy overflowing, allowing his eyes to see different scenes, and the two realms of Yin and Yang were completely absorbed. fundus!


The palm power of the two exploded, and Yan Kongcheng jumped back with a groan, hitting the wall of the golden palace. Xu Ying flew over and punched!

In Yan Kongcheng's eyes, the punch became bigger and bigger, filling his field of vision. He suddenly realized that the opponent's energy and blood were too strong, suppressing his vision and consciousness. He hurriedly summoned energy to fill his eyes, and then his vision was restored.

He saw the movement of Xu Ying's fist and hurriedly avoided it. He only heard a loud bang, and countless tiny Taoist images appeared on the wall of the Golden Palace after being hit in all directions, taking away the power of Xu Ying's punch!

Yan Kongcheng was shocked when he saw Xu Ying following closely behind him, punching him one after another, and quickly walked around the hall close to the wall.

His movements were extremely fast, and he walked around the main hall in an instant. He could only hear the endless banging and banging, and countless Taoist phenomena appeared in the golden hall that were beaten, almost without interruption!

If he continues to beat him like this, the Golden Palace won't be able to bear it for long before he will tear it down!

Yankong City was terrified, allowing Xu Ying to bombard him like this. If he couldn't dodge and got punched, it might be enough to end the battle.

He believed that Xu Ying could punch him through with one punch!

He flew out of the palace door with a roar, and at the same time, holding the sword secret in his hand, he swung it backwards: Immortal Sword Secret!


Countless rays of sword energy shot out from his fingertips, stabbing into the palace with a supreme and mysterious rhyme!

The next moment, the sword energy was shattered, and Xu Ying burst out of the palace, his energy and blood soaring to the sky, like a god or demon.

Yankong City had already rushed into the air, spinning around and facing Xu Ying. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of him, and a golden elixir rose slowly and appeared in front of him.

Xu Ying, although you are known as the immortal immortal, you have never practiced Qi refining to the extreme. Today I want you to see what the golden elixir avenue is!

Yankong City offered up the golden elixir, raised his hand to point the thunder, and shouted: Tian Lei leads!

The sky was violently turbulent, and a thundercloud emerged. The thundercloud was not big, only a few acres in area, but the power it diffused was extremely terrifying. Countless thunderbolts clustered together, intertwined with thunder and lightning, and fell towards Xu Ying!

The thunder was extremely fast, and it suddenly drowned Xu Ying!

But the next moment, Xu Ying rushed out of the thunder at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, he turned into a rainbow, jumped from the golden top into the air, and appeared in front of Yankong City.

And that thundercloud was also extremely fast, following closely behind, the thunder broke out again!

At the same time, Yankong City stood in mid-air, with its fingers spread apart. The Taoism behind it changed turbulently, and a dragon fire phenomenon appeared. Nine dragons were seen swimming out, surrounding Xu Ying, fighting back and forth, and spewing out divine fire that refined everything.

Emei Taoism, Jiulong Tianzheng!

The nine dragons actually appeared in flesh and blood, and when they collided with Xu Ying's fist, the dragon scales were flying and dragon blood even flowed out!

The thunder clouds caused by the sky thunder also exploded with power, and the thunder struck Xu Ying. With a huge thunder, Xu Ying was knocked down from the sky and hit the mountains and rivers below.

The mountain was hit so hard that a piece of the cliff was cracked and slid down diagonally, making an earth-shattering noise and filling the air with dust.

Yankong City stands in the sky, just like a young immortal. All the avenues of heaven and earth around him seem to be mobilized for him. With his command, he turns into a variety of terrifying magical powers, falling from the sky and blasting towards Xu Ying!

Kongtong Town Demonic Seal!

He flipped his palm, and palm prints fell from the sky. Below was the palm print, and above was a Kongtong Mountain. He pressed down with supreme power, and the strong wind caused the surrounding mountains and trees to toss in an instant!

Xu Ying ran wildly, pushing the ultimate freedom skill to the extreme, flashing through the mountains at high speed, avoiding the Kongtong Suppressing Demonic Seal.

However, another sword gate descended from the sky, hanging between two mountains, with a fairy sword hanging in the middle, and the sword light was radiating!

The blazing sword light chased Xu Ying, and as the sword light became more and more numerous, it gradually turned into a torrent, following Xu Ying closely.

And above Xu Ying's head, there were thunderclouds transformed by thunder from the sky. There were lightning and thunder all the way, and the thunder kept falling, chasing after him!

Yankong City stood in mid-air, and various magical spells were displayed. All kinds of spells in Mount Emei, whether they were immortal spells or not, were all performed by him to the fullest!

An Qi and Dazhong looked straight at it. Yankong City was beaten so hard in the Golden Palace, but outside, when the magic and magical powers were used, it was almost a sweeping scene!

Xian Qi raised his tail and quietly poked the big clock: Master Zhong, divide the property into pieces. You go back to your Little Rock Mountain, and I'll go back to my Wuwu Mountain. I don't think Ah Ying can do it. Just stop. , will definitely be bombarded by Yankong City.

Da Zhong said in a muffled voice: How much property does Ah Ying still have at your place?

An Qi suddenly woke up and said: No more. When you were defeated, Ah Ying told Ancestor Chan Chan to use it, but Ancestor Chan Chan used it up and used it all on you. Now, Ah Ying is the only one left. The next piece of grass is a sealed bug. Do you want grass or a bug?

The big clock hummed.

Neither of these things are good for it.

In just a few moments of their conversation, the sky was filled with the magical power exerted by Yankong City, gradually forming an unrivaled trend.

The big bell sighed: The magical power is as exquisite as that of the empty city. Even my scrapped master's magical power is far less sophisticated than that of the empty city.

Xian Qi followed Xu Ying's figure with his eyes and couldn't help but said: The genius selected by Emei has been sealed for three thousand years. The others, including Emei's Ascension Stage Qi Refiners, have all died. He is the only one who survives. This shows that Taishang Patriarch has great influence on He attaches great importance to it. The Supreme Patriarch believes that Yankong City alone is enough to revive Emei!

They are becoming less and less optimistic about Xu Ying, because the situation in Yankong City is set!

His Golden Elixir Dao is simply amazing, and he has used the Tao method to its full potential, leaving Xu Ying no chance to turn defeat into victory!

Finally, the torrent of magical power from Yankong City formed an encirclement force, surrounding Xu Ying, leaving him with nowhere to go to heaven or earth.

Xu Ying suddenly paused and landed on a mountain. He punched wildly at the magical powers coming from all directions, using the eight skills of the God of War to the extreme!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

The earth-shattering roar came, even if it was far away, it was still deafening, but the louder sound was the sound of the magical power of Yankong City erupting!

Countless magical powers came and overwhelmed Xu Ying. No matter how powerful his martial arts powers were, no matter how strong his physical body was, he would not be able to withstand the crushing force of such a force!

Heavenly Thunder Guide, Immortal Sword Art, Sword Gate, Kongtong Demonic Seal, Nine Dragons Sky Sign, Soul Locking Curse, Taiyin Hand...

I don’t know how many magical powers exploded with power, covering the top of Mount Emei!

An Qi and Dazhong could hardly bear to look at it. Dazhong murmured: When I go to find A Ying later, I will pick up a piece or two of rotten meat. Use your mud balls to raise them in the cave, and then go to find his immortal body. True spirit.”

It estimated that Xu Ying would have no bones left this time, and his soul would probably be shattered, leaving only the immortal true spirit. Maybe he could be resurrected with one or two pieces of undamaged flesh and blood and the immortal spirit.

Suddenly, all the magical powers on the mountaintop were erupting with power, but they seemed to be frozen for a short moment.

The next moment, twisted fist peaks shattered all the incoming magical powers, and a stream of energy and blood rose into the sky from the top of the mountain, forming a blood cloud in mid-air!

On the top of the mountain, among the countless fragmented supernatural powers, Xu Ying suddenly raised his head and looked at Yankong City, which was dozens of miles away, his eyes filled with yin and yang energy.


He punched out, and the space above the Emei Mountains shook.

The corners of Yankong City's eyes were twitching wildly, and he offered up the golden elixir and activated his magical power, but he saw a thick city wall appeared in front of him, with stars on top and earth on the bottom. The city was high and the ditch was deep.

The city wall tore apart with a bang, and the martial arts power formed by this punch bombarded Yankong City, crushing him and rushing towards a golden dome!

The mountain peak was shaken, and Yankong City was deeply embedded in the mountain. His limbs and bones were in severe pain, and he thought in his heart: My bones are broken...

Just when he thought of this, he saw Xu Ying's figure appeared in front of him and punched him.

I am done……

Yankongcheng felt despair, and a loud roar came from his ears. His body trembled violently and he was ejected from the mountain. Yan Kongcheng glanced at it with the corner of his eyes and saw that a passage had been drilled through the mountain peak. The passage showed the mark of a fist and was ventilated front and back.

The passage is ten feet high and twelve feet wide, and rocks are constantly exploding inside.

Xu Ying stopped his hand, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and said with a smile: Brother Yan, how about this, you teach me the golden elixir path, and I teach you the Six Secrets of the Human Body?

Da Zhong and An Qi hurried over, surprised and confused.

An Qi shrank in size, flew to Xu Ying's shoulder, and whispered: A Ying, how did you win?

Xu Ying's consciousness fluctuated and he said via voice: I just accidentally broke through the second entrance, opened the Jiaji Pass, and entered the second knocking stage. Now, he and I are in the same realm.

An Qi was shocked when he heard this.

The situation just now was extremely dangerous. It was at that juncture that Xu Ying succeeded in breaking through the pass, breaking through the Jiaji Pass and greatly increasing his cultivation level. Only then could he be able to withstand the crushing force formed by the Jindan Avenue in Yankong City and punch. Yankong City was severely damaged.

Yankong City has also opened the Jiaji Pass, and is a Qi Refiner in the second knocking stage. Although the two of them are at the same level, Xu Ying has more six secrets and twenty-eight caves, so even if Yankong City is in a general situation, he can still Broken.

Yan Kongcheng's face was bleak, and he could barely support his body with the help of golden elixirs. He said in a solemn voice: I lost to you because I am not good at learning, not because I am a Qi Refiner. If you give me some time...


Xu Ying readily agreed, and with a wave of his hand, the Niwan Cave activity surged out, curing his injuries. He said with a smile, I will give Brother Yan ten days. In ten days, we will compete again. At that time, Brother Yan If you lose again, you will agree to my request.

Yan Kongcheng felt that his injuries were rapidly recovering and he was back to his peak state. He was surprised and happy in his heart. He was extremely envious of Nuo Fa and said: Brother Xu is so generous, how can I go back on my promise? In ten days, if I lose again, I will I will practice Nuo with you.

Xu Yingdao: You still want to teach me the golden elixir road of Emei!

Yan Kongcheng readily agreed and left in a hurry, with high morale and a smile: I have never perfected the Taishang Zhengdao technique passed down by the Taishang Patriarch. Today's battle with you suddenly enlightened me. I will definitely be able to do it within ten days. Complete this skill!

Xu Ying watched him go away.

An Qi worriedly said: Ah Ying, if he masters the Supreme Enlightenment Technique, I'm afraid...

Xu Ying said with a smile: I just opened the second profound entrance, and when his cultivation level is increasing rapidly, even if he can master the Taishang Dao Enlightenment Technique in ten days, it will not be as fast as my energy improvement in these ten days. Ten days later, he will be even more defeated. quick!

Ten days later.


Yan Kongcheng turned his head, and Xu Ying's fist grazed his scalp. The mountain peak behind him shook, countless gravel flew out, and the mountain was penetrated by this punch.

All the bones in Yankong City's body were broken, shaken out of the mountain, and fell to the ground.

Xu Ying was right. No matter how powerful his newly learned Taishang Dao Enlightenment Technique was, the speed at which Xu Ying's vitality increased in these ten days was not low. Xu Ying's fist peak would crush all his magical powers at once!

Now, I am a little immortal in the realm of the Six Immortals. With the addition of martial arts, I am the realm of the Seven Immortals. You are no match for me. It is natural. There is no need to be discouraged.

Xu Ying continued to heal Yan Kongcheng's injuries, and when he stood up, he said, Do we still want to compete?

Yan Kongcheng shook his head: Brother Xu, no need. Your magical power is not as good as mine, your martial arts are not as good as mine, your body skills are not as good as mine, and your understanding of Tao is still not as good as mine. But you are worse than me. It can be seen that, It must be good to practice both Qi and Nuo!

When Xu Ying heard this, he felt unhappy and said earnestly: How about another competition? Maybe you will beat me this time!

Yan Kongcheng shook his head like a rattle.

Xu Ying secretly regretted it and thought to himself, I really want to beat him up again.

By the way Acheng, you said earlier that you saw me in Emei, what happened? Xu Ying asked.

The thing is, my crazy master uncle is old and thought that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe, so he caught you and said that you would bear the tribulation. When the tribulation came, he would bear you on the head.

Yan Kongcheng recalled the past and said, When my master heard about this, he scolded him for being ridiculous and ordered him to let you go, saying that it was useless to use you to resist the calamity. A thousand years ago, Zulong had this plan, didn't he give up? After the crazy uncle released you, he secretly captured you and wanted to cook you and eat you, saying that you would live forever. My master found out and taught him a lesson.

Xu Ying was speechless for a long time. When he calmed down, he asked, What happened next?

Then? Later, Uncle Crazy Master didn't dare to survive the catastrophe, so he died of old age and was buried in Mount Emei.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed with unknown meaning, and he asked casually: Well, where are you buried?

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