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Chapter 203 Sealed for Three Thousand Years

The big bell whispered: Ah Ying, little Phoenix Fairy!

Xu Ying nodded slightly, and he also thought of Feng Xian'er.

What happened to Yankong City was similar to what happened to Xiao Fengxian. Xiao Fengxian also said that not long after she was born, there was a drastic change in the world and she was sealed by an unknown force. When she woke up, it was already three thousand years later.

These three thousand years have been nothing.

Xiao Fengxian seemed to have taken a nap, and when she woke up, she had traveled through three thousand years.

Xu Ying looked at Yankong City. Could it be that Yankong City and Xiao Fengxian had the same experience?

Could it be that the great seal three thousand years ago had any other secrets besides the folding of heaven and earth caused by the induction of heaven and man?

Yankong City was full of energy, his eyes were shining, and his breath felt as sharp as a knife. Suddenly he pointed a finger, and Xu Ying immediately saw his fingertips vibrate slightly, and he saw hundreds of index points pointing to him. Come on!

Those index fingers move fast or slowly, forward or backward, with strange rhythms, which contain the secrets of the Tao. They are exactly the immortal magical power that the sad-faced old man is proficient in, the Immortal Killing Finger!

However, the Killing Immortal Finger was used from Yankong City. Although its power was far inferior to that of the sad-faced old man Fu Yi, it was more subtle!

It seems that what he got is the real biography!

Xu Ying remained calm and gathered his energy, using the Finger of Heavenly Dao that he had comprehended by studying the Heavenly Dao runes of Long Yuan God.

However, this finger of his also incorporates the method of counting the days. It looks like one finger, but in fact, the power of counting the days is hidden behind it!

What the Immortal Killing Finger performs is the Immortal Way, and the Heavenly Dao Finger is the Heavenly Way. Logically speaking, the Immortal Way jumps out of the Heavenly Way and overrides the Heavenly Way. However, the Immortal Killing Finger’s Immortal Way is not the real Immortal Way, but the Immortal Way learned by Emei’s ancestor. Received supernatural powers.

But Xu Ying's Heavenly Dao Finger combines several Heavenly Dao runes on the fingertip, and its power is even more pure!

The moment the fingers of the two people touched each other, a series of terrifying finger powers erupted, making a sizzling sound, and the void in front and behind Xu Ying and Yan Kongcheng was pierced by the finger powers!

Xu Ying's figure flashed like a ghost. It seemed that his feet were in place, but his figure was like a phantom, appearing in every corner before and after. Finally, when all the power of the Immortal Killing Fingers had exploded, hundreds of Xu Ying's phantoms appeared. Return to oneness in shock.

However, a fairy light suddenly appeared in front and behind Yankong City, like a floating gauze. Countless finger forces hidden behind Tiandao's finger struck, hitting the floating gauze, and strange bird seal and insect inscriptions appeared on the gauze surface. The light is brilliant, blocking the power of Heaven's fingers!

All over Yankong City, the bird seal and insect inscriptions on the floating gauze kept lighting up, taking all these moves!

An Qi looked straight, quietly raised his tail, poked the big clock, and whispered: Master Zhong, Ah Ying has met his opponent.

Dazhong whispered: Aying did not use the Sixth Secret, otherwise his combat power would have increased sharply.

Xian Qi lowered his voice and said: The other party also saved a trick. His realm is higher than A Ying's, and he is in the second knocking stage. The lack of mana can be made up for by his realm.

After all, Dazhong was still well-informed and said: Yekong City relied on magical power to block A Ying's Heavenly Dao Finger, but A Ying relied on body skills to avoid the Immortal Killing Finger. This shows that A Ying has seen through the Immortal Killing Finger. , and Yankong City has not seen through the Heavenly Dao.

Xian Qi thought for a while and said: He was involved in the seal three thousand years ago. At that time, hundreds of schools of thought were deposed to worship Nuo techniques. What if he learned the Six Secret Nuo Techniques?

Dazhong was stunned and said with some guilt: If that's the case, Ah Ying has really met his opponent.

Yan Kongcheng praised: What the Immortal Immortal uses is the divine power of heaven, right? It's really exquisite!

He did not continue to use Emei's magical power, but in just a moment of confrontation, Xu Ying saw the extraordinary power of Emei's inheritance.

Xu Ying praised: Emei's inheritance is unpredictable and admirable. I heard that during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, people discovered the other shore, and the qi refiners went to the other shore, so that the qi refiners declined. Didn't Emei decline because of this?

Yankong Cheng said: Of course Emei is declining, but Emei has too many inheritances. Although it is declining, it actually has little impact on me, Emei.

He raised his hand and pointed at the majestic mountains of Emei and said with a smile: Any rising glow you see is the glow left by my Emei Patriarch after he passed through the heavenly tribulation and ascended to the lower world.

Xu Ying stood here and looked around, only to see hundreds of large and small hills, and hundreds of rising rays of light!

Each rising ray of light means an ascending immortal.

There are hundreds of immortals who ascended from Emei!

The place of ascension in the mountains of Emei is not among the so-called paradise of cave heaven, because the entire Mount Emei is a spectacular place of ascension!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be deeply shocked by this scene!

Yan Kongcheng spoke with great pride and said with a smile: Although it is the end of the Dharma era, my Emei heritage is still there, and the ascension ground is still there. Even if I am the only one left in Emei, I can still restore the Taoism!

Xu Ying said: I once saw someone use Immortal Killing Finger, which is the inheritance of your Emei. I didn't expect to see the same inheritance in Brother Yan.

Yan Kongcheng's heart moved slightly and he stamped his feet: Immortal Killing Finger? I know where the thief got my Emei Immortal Technique from! My great-uncle's grave was hollowed out!

Xu Ying was surprised. In fact, he was referring to the sad-looking old man Fu Yi.

Fu Yi claimed to be a Qi practitioner from Emei and was good at the Immortal Killing Finger. However, the Immortal Killing Finger that Yankong City had just used was also the Immortal Killing Finger. Therefore, Xu Ying doubted the origin of Yankong City and made insinuations.

Yankong City and Fu Yi are obviously from the same sect. Just after Fu Yi died, Yankong City appeared and claimed to have been sealed for three thousand years, which could not but arouse Xu Ying's suspicion.

Yankongcheng laughed angrily and said: The Nuo masters of later generations were so careless that they dug up the graves of many of our ancestors in Emei! I even found the things they threw away in the graves of my great-uncle!

He took out several jade seal tokens from the Xiyi Realm, and Xu Ying took them. He saw one with the word Cao written on it and the words Zhonglang General engraved on the back.

There is also a jade seal engraved with the word Zhou, and the words God bless you, there are no taboos are engraved on the surface of the seal.

It seems to be something from the Zhou family.

Xu Ying felt guilty, Did Zhou Qiyun dig up the grave of Emei Patriarch?

Xu Ying encountered the Zhonglang Jiang Ling in the character Cao and the Faqiu Yin in the character Zhou when he was exploring the truth about Nuo Immortal. They are very common. The origin of the Zhonglang General Order of Cao cannot be verified, but Xu Ying knew the origin of the Qiu Seal issued by the Zhou family. It was definitely Zhou Qiyun!

An Qi whispered: Ah Ying, this jade seal...

Xu Ying quietly waved his hand to the big snake, indicating that he should keep quiet, and thought to himself: After all, we have also had sex with Qiu, and our butts are not clean. If Yankong City suspects that we stole his ancestor's tomb, I'm afraid we can't explain it clearly.

Yankongcheng was heartbroken, cursed, and apologized to Xu Ying, saying: My ancestral tombs in Emei have been robbed too many times, so it is inevitable that I will lose my composure and make my brother laugh.

Xu Ying still had doubts about his origins and said: Brother Yan, just call me Xu Ying, or Ah Ying. There is no need to call me Xiongtai or Immortal. Brother Yan, can you tell me where you appeared after you were unblocked? ? Can you lead us to take a look?

Why not?

Yankongcheng led Xu Ying to the main peak of Emei, talking as they walked, and said, I did not disappear with the world together with those uncles and uncles. Maybe it is because the Emei Patriarch lives in the immortal world and allows me to save my life and shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing Emei. I There have been so many immortals in Emei from ancient times to the present, and they must be able to predict and prepare before the great calamity arrives.

Xu Ying thought about it and realized that this guess was not impossible.

There are hundreds of immortals in Emei ascending to the immortal world. This power is probably not a small force in the immortal world. The drastic changes that have taken place in the world of Yuanshou must not be hidden from them.

It’s no surprise that they prepared beforehand.

There is a ball of light at the foot of Yankong City, walking in the air, not hurriedly, but very fast, which can be called a leisurely stroll.

Xu Ying used the ultimate intention to walk side by side with him, but it was difficult to be as calm as him.

Xu Ying has learned many kinds of magic about flying in the sky, such as flying with a sword and flying with a ladder, but in each of them it is difficult to walk in the sky as well as walking on the flat ground.

But Emei's magic can do this.

The inheritance of Emei is no small matter. It is not the wild fox Zen like Li Xiaoke. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Although Li Xiaoke is a rare genius in the world, he is dedicated to restoring lost magical powers and deciphering various immortal methods. He has made great contributions, but compared with behemoths like Emei, he is still somewhat inferior.

Even if Emei was in decline at that time, its inheritance was still extraordinary.

Yankong City led him to the golden peak of Mount Emei and climbed the stairs. An Qi quickly lowered his voice and said: A Ying, look over there!

Xu Ying looked along the direction of the big snake's tail, and his heart skipped a beat. I saw that on the other side of the cliff, an Immortal Cave Mansion was opened with brute force. The door of the Immortal Mansion was broken into seven or eight pieces and lay on the ground.

In front of the cave door, there are still some bones lying on the ground. Judging from the degree of weathering of the bones, they must have been dead for only a few years.

Their clothes have not yet become corrupted. Judging from their clothing, they are the Nuo masters of the generation in southern and western Hunan!

That's the tomb of my great ancestor!

Yankongcheng said angrily, These devils have invaded our Emei forbidden area. They can come and leave whenever they want! The bones of the Supreme Patriarch were also dragged out of the tomb by them. When I collected the body of the Supreme Patriarch, the Grandmaster I don’t even have any clothes on me!”

Xu Ying said to An Qi and Da Zhong: It was not Zhou Qiyun. If it was Zhou Qiyun who robbed the tomb, not only a few pieces of clothing were lost on the ancestor's body, but the ancestor's bones must also have been looted.

On their way up the mountain, they saw some large tombs that had been dug up. The owners of these tombs were famous Qi practitioners in the ascension stage on Mount Emei. However, because the path to ascension was cut off, they were trapped in the mortal world and had to die here.

Then, the Nuo master who had reached the end of his life dug up the grave and robbed the tomb.

A Ying, look! An Qi quietly nuzzled Xu Ying.

The corners of Xu Ying's eyes twitched and he said: Master Qi, we have become good...

In the direction that Xian Qi pointed, there were several large tombs that had not yet been stolen. It should be that the dramatic changes three thousand years ago folded the world and folded this mountain peak. The thieves who robbed the tombs did not find these tombs.

An Qi wondered: When did we become good people?

Xu Ying was struggling in his heart. After all, when Yun Mengze first appeared, they were still searching for the Nuo Immortal Hidden Land, and they had just visited the Jiuyi Mountain Tomb not long ago.

Finally, they came to the golden summit of the main peak of Emei. There was a very eye-catching rising ray of light on the golden summit. This ray of light was different from others. It passed through a palace and entered the palace.

Yan Kongcheng raised his right hand, and a variety of bird, seal, and insect inscriptions burst out from his palm, opening the seals of the Golden Palace layer by layer. His profound knowledge was admirable.

He came to the splendid golden palace and pushed open the heavy palace door.

In the hall, a mysterious aura rushed to his face, impacting Xu Ying's body, hair and skin, soaking into his internal organs, making his Xiyi Realm feel like it was being brushed by fairy light!

The caves in Xu Ying's body also relaxed at this time, and the speed of absorbing the fairy medicine also accelerated a lot!

Xu Ying immediately noticed that this ascending ray of light in the Golden Palace had incredible power. The other ascending rays of light were extremely strong in the vitality of heaven and earth, and this ray of light not only possessed extraordinary vitality of heaven and earth, but even vaguely had the power of the fairy world permeating it. Come down!

When I woke up, I found myself floating in the rising glow.

Yan Kongcheng said, I just felt that space and time seemed to be still, and time stopped passing. This feeling did not disappear until I came out of it.

An Qi said in shock: You have been sealed in this ray of light for three thousand years!

Da Zhong guessed: Perhaps someone used this ray of light to send him to three thousand years in the future.

What they both say makes sense, although the results are the same, the processes are different.

Xu Ying looked up at this rising ray of light, and could vaguely see the outline of another world from the end of the ray of light. His heart moved slightly and he asked: Brother Yan, who ascended to leave this ray of light?

Yan Kongcheng looked solemn and said: This ascending ray of light is the ray of light left by my first ancestor of Emei, the Taishang Patriarch, after his ascension.

Xu Ying asked: When will the Supreme Patriarch ascend?

Yan Kongcheng shook his head and said: It's too ancient and can no longer be verified. However, after the Supreme Patriarch, there were hundreds of ancestors who ascended. At that time, the road to heaven should not have been cut off, and the super catastrophe had not yet appeared.

Xu Ying was moved. This Supreme Patriarch was even older than the Super Heavenly Tribulation. He was probably a figure from 48,000 years ago!

Maybe it was this Supreme Patriarch who saved the only seedling of Yankong City for Emei!

So, who protected Feng Xianer? Xu Ying suddenly thought.

Yankong Cheng said: After I came out of the ascending rays of light, I came outside feeling confused and ignorant. Although my Mount Emei was no longer as prosperous as before, there were Qi refiners stationed on each peak, with thousands of auspicious auras. There are thousands of rays of light. But I flew all over the mountains and didn’t meet any familiar faces.”

Xu Ying can understand this kind of helplessness. For Yankong City, when he wakes up, Mount Emei suddenly becomes empty and no one can be found. This is definitely like a nightmare!

I met a guy just when I was about to break down.

Yan Kongcheng showed a smile on his face and said, It was this person who allowed me to get out of my predicament, rekindle my fighting spirit, and shoulder the important task of revitalizing Emei and restoring the glory of the Qi Refiner!

When Xu Ying heard this tone, his heart skipped a beat, and suddenly a familiar face appeared in front of his eyes: Could it be him again?

A look of fanaticism appeared on Yan Kongcheng's face, and he said: He is Xu Fu, a living immortal! He had a long talk with me and made me realize the mission I have undertaken! The Qi Refiner will surely be restored!

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: Brother Yan, the practice of Qi Refiner is doomed to be unworkable. The right way is to practice both Qi and Nuo...

Yan Kongcheng's face darkened and he said calmly: Brother Xu Fu told me that you are stubborn and have a stupid head. I never believed it. After meeting today, I finally believe it. Brother Xu.

His body stood upright, as straight as a gun, and a fighting spirit emanated from his body: Brother Xu Fu, please ask me to make you realize what a real Qi practitioner is. You and I have practiced before, but we haven't decided who is the winner. burden.

Xu Ying was angry and stuffed the prison-character seal in his hand into Xian Qi's mouth, saying, I also want to see the true legacy of Emei!

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