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Chapter 194 The Lord of the Underworld

Xu Ying put on new clothes and made some repairs.

Li Xiaoke has the style of a scholar-bureaucrat in the Han Dynasty. His clothes are mostly black with red trimmings. His clothes are close-fitting and slender.

Xu Ying didn't pay much attention to image in the past, but later he met Yuan Weiyang and bought some clean clothes under Yuan Weiyang's guidance. But Yuan Weiyang's advice to him only stopped there, so Xu Ying always bought the same style every time he bought clothes.

This was the first time for him to wear such gorgeous clothes. When he put them on, they felt like skin touching each other, without any strange feeling.

Li Xiaoke is tall and Xu Ying has a broad frame and is about the same height as him. This set of clothes fits him just right. When he moves, the hem of his clothes flies around, making him look handsome and free.

When Li Xiaoke saw this, he secretly praised in his heart: I used to catch this kid from the countryside and conduct experiments directly. I never thought that he actually has a good appearance. It's just that his skin is a little darker.

He turned back to look for the Emperor of Yin Ting, ready to cut the grass and roots, but he saw that the Emperor of Yin Ting, who was nailed to the cliff, had disappeared.

Li Xiaoke felt awe-inspiring in his heart and said in a deep voice: This guy is extremely powerful in the underworld, let's go quickly!

Xu Ying was puzzled and asked: The Emperor of Yinting has been severely injured by you. It is a miracle that he has only 15% of his ability left. Why should you be afraid of him?

His eyes flashed with excitement: Joining forces with Qashke, I will definitely be able to kill the Emperor of Yin Ting with his sword!

Li Xiaoke snorted and hurried forward, in the opposite direction to the other side of the martial arts.

Xu Ying planned to slip away and go against him, but suddenly sword aura appeared around his body, forcing him to follow Li Xiaoke.

The Emperor of Yinting is not very powerful. Even some powerful Nuo Immortals can defeat him. If he doesn't use the immortal corpse, he is just an ordinary Qi Refiner in the ascension stage. Even if he uses the immortal corpse, it is far from mine. adversary.

When Li Xiaoke said this, his face became a little solemn and he said, However, the ruler of the underworld has never been him.

His voice was also trembling: Behind Him stood other beings, and those beings were extremely terrifying.

Not long after they left, Zhai Wuxian came here.

This young martial arts master fought his way through the ancient battlefield. Even if the ancient battlefield was more terrifying than before, it could not stop him.

His shoes were full of blood, and there were blood marks every step of the way.

There is the atmosphere of Brother Xu here.

He looked around and found no trace of Xu Ying, so he headed towards the Five Color Fairy Mountain.

There, Wu Tianzun's energy and blood flowed like a torrent, reaching to the sky, extremely strong.

Xu Ying followed Li Xiaoke in the other direction, galloping under the Cangwu Abyss.

As for the purple fairy grass, it had long been hiding in Xu Ying's Xiyi territory, shivering and not daring to show its head.

From the perspective of this fairy grass, Xu Ying had reached an agreement with the enemy, sold the grass for glory, handed himself over, and at the same time exchanged a set of sword skills for the chance of survival.

However, it has nowhere to escape and can only hide in the depths of the Xu Ying Xi Yi Domain.

If you are caught by these two bad guys, I will give an account today, Mr. Cao, and they will eat up all the dregs of the medicine!

It wandered around and suddenly found a spring in the Xiyi Domain. It drilled down along the spring, getting deeper and deeper, and gradually penetrated into a secret area.

It followed the Yellow Spring and finally came to the most mysterious secret of the Six Secrets of the Human Body, the Yongquan Secret.

In front of it is a vast sea of ​​​​netherworld, with four lotus-shaped caves floating on the sea, penetrating the sea of ​​​​netherworld and absorbing the soul elixir!

The Lotus Cave is vast and deep, and the elixir is continuously extracted and transported to Xu Ying's soul through the underworld!

In one of the lotus caves, three leaves of the elixir of immortality were floating!

The purple fairy grass was surprised and happy, and hurriedly swam over, picked off three fairy leaves, and placed them on herself.

The leaves automatically grew with it. With these three leaves, it couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and thought to itself: Finally, I'm not running around naked. This guy took off my clothes and poked my head. He's so rogue! But he has extraordinary abilities. I took off my clothes. Even if I fight with him, I can't beat him. Speaking of which, where are my other three leaves?

How could it know that the Yongquan Secret Treasure was divided into left and right, mirror images of each other. At this moment, the other three leaves are floating in another spring secret treasure!

Xu Ying looked at Li Xiaoke's back with twinkling eyes.

Li Xiaoke explored the Five Color Mountain and rescued the Yin Ting Emperor from the mountain. At that time, the Yin Ting Emperor was just a new soul born from the immortal corpse and had no power in the underworld.

What is the underworld?

Dragons and snakes are mixed together. Not only are there countless ghosts here, but there are also countless powerful ghosts of Qigong practitioners. These strong men are running rampant in the underworld. The Emperor of Yin Ting is just a newcomer. How did he gain a foothold in the underworld and become the Emperor of Yin Ting?

Li Xiaoke must know something. His eyes flickered and fell on Li Xiaoke's back.

Suddenly, there was a crow's noise in the air, which was very noisy.

Xu Ying heard the sound and looked around, only to see a crow flying in the sky. The crow was different from the crows in the world. The crows in the world were all black, but this crow had dots of white light on its body, like stars hanging on it.

It fluttered its wings, like stars flying across the sky, and landed on an old tree in front of it. It turned its head to look at Xu Ying and Li Xiaoke.

Wherever it flew, there was a hint of coolness, and gray snowflakes were floating in the sky.

Li Xiaoke's expression suddenly changed and he whispered: Jackdaw! Let's leave quickly!

He took Xu Ying away quickly, getting faster and faster, but his injuries were still extremely serious and he kept coughing up blood.

Back in the Land of Divine Punishment, Xu Ying, Fairy Qingqu, Jin Wujin Buyi and others had left him with extremely serious injuries. This kind of injury contained the power of Taoism and invaded his body and skin, making it difficult to remove.

Fairy Qingqi's space magic, Jin Buji's magic sword, and Xu Ying's heavenly power all greatly affected his strength.

Fairy Qingqi cut off most of the Nuo Immortal Cave he transplanted, leaving his magic power far less than before. Coupled with the injuries sustained during this trip to Five Color Mountain, his injuries were far more serious than Xu Ying had seen.


Another jackdaw flew from the sky, landed in front of them, and stared at them sideways.

Xu Ying flicked his fingers, and a sword energy flew out and landed on the jackdaw. The jackdaw's body exploded and turned into a ball of gray gas, floating in the air, coming and going swiftly.

Suddenly, it returned to the tree and turned into a jackdaw again.

Don't mess around! Li Xiaoke became nervous, took out his handkerchief and coughed repeatedly. The handkerchief was filled with blood.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows, realizing that the jackdaw should be a tangible and insubstantial creature from the underworld, composed of the resentment of those who died in vain.

Suddenly, the noise of countless jackdaws was heard in the air, croaking and deafening.

It's over!

Li Xiaoke's expression changed greatly, Let's go!

Xu Ying was also startled when he saw the bright stars in the sky, shining on the galaxy. It was like countless jackdaws flying in the sky, so densely packed that he didn't know how many.

Li Xiaoke held up his soul, held up Xu Ying, and immediately accelerated forward.

They saw bright stars in the sky, and the jackdaws that made up the stars were always following them.

Not long after, Li Xiaoke took him running for thousands of miles along the Cangwu Abyss above their heads, and above them, countless jackdaws flew around like a galaxy, as if the Milky Way fell into the underworld.

Li Xiaoke was still unable to shake them off, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he suddenly shouted: Give me the elixir of immortality quickly, I will take it first to regain my strength, otherwise everyone will die here!

Xu Ying took out a leaf of the Immortal Medicine and handed it directly to him, saying: You should have seen Xu Fu. After taking this piece of Immortal Medicine, you can only return to your peak state by standing on the Immortal Mountain. Otherwise, your injuries will be the same as before. , has no effect at all. Do you have a fairy mountain now?

Li Xiaoke grabbed the elixir of immortality with a gloomy expression on his face.

He had clashed with Xu Fu more than once, and he knew Xu Fu's methods, so he was a little hesitant.

Suddenly, the galaxy in front fell downward.

Li Xiaoke gritted his teeth and took the elixir of immortality. Sure enough, as Xu Ying said, there was no change after he took the elixir of immortality!

Li Xiaoke calmed down and caught a glimpse of an ancient and dilapidated temple in the distance, so he came to stay in the temple.

There are many similar temples in the underworld, which are often the residences of forgotten gods.

The fate of the gods who had no one to worship them was miserable. The temples sank into the underworld, and their own incense gradually dissipated, eventually turning into a pile of wood or soil.

Li Xiaoke entered the temple, frowned slightly, and swept the dust on the ground.

After cleaning, he wiped the dusty tables, chairs and benches very carefully, determined not to leave any dust.

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head. When he came to the temple gate, he saw bright stars and rivers in the sky. The Cangwu Abyss was floating in the sky, and the stars were just below the Cangwu Abyss.

Suddenly, the stars fell from the sky, and many stars fell from the sky into a deserted forest outside the temple.

At this moment, the already dry forest suddenly seemed to be covered with leaves, reflecting the light, but if you look carefully, you will see that there are actually countless jackdaws standing on the trees, and the leaves you see are just the stars on their wings.

The jackdaw stared at the ruined temple with bright eyes.

Xu Ying felt his scalp numb, closed the temple door, and returned to the temple.

During this time, Li Xiaoke had wiped the tables, chairs and benches spotlessly and was renovating the temple.

Xu Ying frowned and couldn't help but said: The jackdaws are coming outside, but you still fix these useless things.

Li Xiaoke snorted, floated down from the top of the temple, and said: I severely injured the Emperor of Yinting and offended the person behind him. The jackdaw is that person's eyes and ears. If the jackdaw comes, it means that the person has locked us. Will Cleaning here will improve my combat power.

His magic power rolled up the scattered glazed tiles and laid them neatly on the ruined temple.

The green bricks on the ground also flew up automatically and slowly fell down.

Xu Ying quietly changed the right lapel of his clothes to the right lapel and the left lapel. Li Xiaoke suddenly showed a fierce look in his eyes and glanced over with murderous intent.

Xu Ying changed his left lapel, and Li Xiaoke restrained his murderous aura and said calmly: Don't mess around. You and I can sit quietly and cultivate our sword energy. As long as we survive tonight and wait until the sun rises, we will be safe and sound.

He repaired the temple door again, then returned to the temple and sat down cross-legged.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I will teach you a heavenly sword that can deal with enemies.

Li Xiaoke didn't open his eyes, but shook his head and said: If I use the sword skills you taught me to fight against the enemy, I won't learn it deeply for a while, and it will be easy for others to take advantage of me. I can only rely on my own well-refined moves to deal with the enemy, but the chance of winning will be higher. .”

He said calmly: Immortal immortal, don't underestimate me. Even though I have been plotted by you, I am still the top group of people in the lower realm. As long as I am in the mortal world, no one can manipulate me at will! Even in the underworld Neither can the Lord!

He stopped talking and maintained his sword energy.

Li Xiaoke was also a grandmaster back then, with astonishing magnanimity. Under the pressure of life and death, he gradually regained his former magnanimity. It's a pity that he still decayed. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Li Xiaoke silently cultivated his sword energy, and his sword energy became stronger and stronger. At this moment, his sword energy gradually reached an unprecedented peak, and he continued to climb to higher peaks!

Xu Ying admired him in his heart: His swordsmanship is extremely talented. If he had had such perseverance, how could he have lost his swordsmanship in my hands?

He looked up at the Cangwu Abyss in the sky and thought to himself: How long is this abyss? Where does it lead to?

Before I knew it, the crows outside had subsided and it was eerily quiet.

There is also day and night in the underworld. At this time, it was night, and countless stars formed by jackdaws fell in front of their temple and illuminated the sky.

The deep chill coming from the jackdaw made the air biting. Xu Ying stimulated his martial arts energy and blood, which made his body feel better.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew, and paper money and ashes flew all over the sky, floating in the air, covering the abyss of Cangwu and the sky.

Xu Ying looked up and couldn't see the end of the ashes of the paper money.


The temple door was suddenly blown open by the cold wind, and the biting cold wind roared in. Along with the cold wind were countless paper money and ashes, overwhelming the sky and pouring into the temple!

Xu Ying heard a loud sound of earth shattering. The entire ruined temple rapidly aged, decayed, and collapsed in an instant, leaving only the place where he and Li Xiaoke stood!

In front of Li Xiaoke, a huge sword blade rose from the ground and separated the ashes of the blown paper money. The paper money split into two torrents and blew past Xu Ying and Li Xiaoke!

Xu Ying stood in the torrent, and the sound in his ears became more and more noisy and terrifying. He saw that everything around him was decaying and collapsing, the mountains and the ground were falling apart, and he was swept away by the torrent of paper money and ashes!

Li Xiaoke's sword energy became more and more powerful, soaring into the sky, blocking the impact of the ashes!

He was sitting still, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding profusely, but his sword energy and sword intent were stronger and terrifyingly stable!

Suddenly, a sound like the roar of a bull or the roar of a dragon came from the ashes. It was also like the noise of heaven, the unreasonable sound of the immortal way, impacting the sword energy, causing the sword energy to collapse and be destroyed at any time!

Xu Ying was frightened and looked at Li Xiaoke nervously, but he saw that all the large and small caves behind Li Xiaoke were lit up at this moment. These caves were in tatters and still running wildly. It was obvious that he was also pushed to the limit!

After an unknown amount of time, when Li Xiaoke's sword energy gradually weakened, the sky suddenly became brighter, and the ashes retreated with a roar.

Xu Ying looked up and saw bright light coming from the Cangwu Abyss. A huge three-legged golden crow with only bones left vibrating its wings with no flesh and only feathers, dragging a dark red sun from Cangwu. Fly out of the abyss.

Behind the skeletal Golden Crow, countless ashes flew, chasing the sun.

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