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Chapter 195 Death of Qashke

When Xu Ying came outside the temple gate, he saw jackdaws flying in the sky and disappearing quickly. There is sunlight shining down from the Cangwu Abyss, actually bringing some warmth to the underworld.

Li Xiaoke stood up slowly, his legs and feet still trembling. He came behind Xu Ying and said in a hoarse voice: This man is arrogant and arrogant. If he misses a hit, he will not be entangled. But he is not the only one behind the Yin Ting Emperor. We Let’s go, so as not to cause trouble!”

He was originally seriously injured, but he tried his best that night, causing great damage to his cultivation and making it difficult to suppress his injuries.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: You mean, the person who took action last night was a human?

Li Xiaoke hesitated and said nothing.

Xu Ying continued: Those who control the underworld are actually humans, not ghosts and gods? Who can control the underworld?

Li Xiaoke did not answer his question and said: Immortal Immortal, there are many secrets in this world, and you are one of them. No one can understand your secret, let alone other secrets?

He urged the large and small caves behind him. These caves were in dilapidated condition, and they were a little overwhelmed at the moment. Suddenly, the six caves could no longer bear it, and they burst into pieces, completely destroyed.

Xu Ying looked at these caves, his eyes flashing.

Li Xiaoke's cave was dug out from Nuo Immortal and directly transplanted into his own body, rather than being opened by himself.

If you open it yourself, even if the cave is broken into pieces, you can just open another one. But since it is transplanted, it cannot bloom again after it is broken, and one broken one will lose one.

Strip away these caves, and he is just a Qi refiner in the ascension stage.

After Li Xiaoke's death, two more caves collapsed, but even so, he still had more than 130 caves.

Not to mention anything else, just the magical power of these incomplete caves is enough to stand out from the crowd!

What's more, he is also a top figure among Qi Refiners!

Xu Ying dispersed the murderous intention in his heart, and Li Xiaoke also quietly dispersed the sword energy flowing from his fingertips. The two smiled at each other, tacitly understanding each other, and walked hand in hand, controlling the sword energy to fly towards the Cangwu Abyss.

The Cangwu Abyss is extremely huge. I don’t know how long it is, and I don’t know how deep it is. Looking from the bottom up, you can see different scenery.

Some are a blue sky, some are a waterfall, some are mountains, some are water, and there are long rivers running and lava gushing out.

Li Xiaoke took Xu Ying into a flat lake and went upstream. After a while, the two of them rushed out of the lake and looked up. They saw a huge star hanging in the sky, covering half of the sky. The star was scarlet.

Suddenly, the star blinked, and the layers of aura inside the star focused and looked towards them!

That star is actually an eye!

Xu Ying was stunned when Li Xiaoke pulled him and dived into the water, saying in the water: It's not here!

Xu Ying followed him downstream, and the two of them flew out of the Cangwu Abyss and arrived at a magma pool. As soon as they flew out of the magma, they saw sky fire everywhere, like the legendary hell.

Not here either.

Li Xiaoke plunged into the magma again, and Xu Ying returned to the magma. After passing through the magma, he returned to the Cangwu Abyss.

Li Xiaoke took him to continue searching. Each time they passed through different geography above Cangwu Abyss, and entered different places.

Seeing this, Xu Ying couldn't help but be suspicious and asked: Could this Cangwu Abyss connect to other different worlds?

Li Xiaoke shook his head and said: I don't know whether the Cangwu Abyss is connected to other worlds or other places in the Yuanshui world. The Yuanshui world is very big, and there are many unknown places that I have never been to.

He hesitated and said: The Cangwu Abyss is, after all, the Great Rift Valley of our world. If this rift even tears other worlds apart...

When Xu Ying heard this, he also shook his head: This is too unbelievable.

Li Xiaoke nodded.

The two of them swam across a lake and saw that the sun was shining down, which was a bit dazzling. Xu Ying raised his hand to block the sun. After a while, his vision recovered.

He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. He saw eight strange peaks surrounding the peak around them. The mountain was steep and beautiful, and it was Jiuyi Mountain.

Xu Ying recalled the situation between him, Zhou Qiyun, Yuan Weiyang and others on Jiuyi Mountain, and felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Li Xiaoke said: Jiuyi Mountain is not too far from Daozhou Jiulong Mountain, and my Eight-sided Sword is still there. Why not go get the sword first.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck.

He handed over the Eight-Sided Sword to Xue Ying'an. Xue Ying'an was obviously no match for Li Xiaoke. If Li Xiaoke went to Jiulong Mountain, Xue Ying'an would definitely die!

Suddenly, Li Xiaoke's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly jumped into the lake with Xu Ying and swam towards the underworld.

Xu Ying suddenly heard a strange noise in his ears, as if sentient beings were chanting, but this chanting sound was somewhat familiar.

It's the elegant and easy-going dragon beside Miss Qingyu!

Xu Ying was overjoyed. Li Xiaoke had smashed the body of this heavenly dragon with a big bell, but Xu Ying was able to replenish his body and change the wrong heavenly runes on his body!

The reason why Xu Ying felt familiar was because of the modified Heavenly Dao runes!

Now that the sky dragon is flying, doesn't it mean that Fairy Qingqu is not far away?

In Li Xiaoke's current state, in Qingqi's hands, he might not even be able to get out with a single move! Xu Ying's eyes flashed.

The two swam from the lake into the Cangwu Abyss and entered the underworld. Li Xiaoke took Xu Ying away quickly.

After a while, a heavenly dragon descended from the sky, crossed the green lake, and entered the Cangwu Abyss. He looked around and said, Qingqi, Li Xiaoke's aura appears nearby!

Qingqi walked out of the lake, followed by a black coffin, and said: Li Xiaoke and the Emperor Yin Ting are the same as each other. He will definitely go to the Emperor Yin Ting. Let's go there and see!

Tianlong carried her and was about to go to the Yin Court. Suddenly the heavenly runes on his body lit up, and he said doubtfully: Look, look! The heavenly runes on my body light up!

Qingyu's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly woke up: The runes on your body were changed by Xu Ying, which means that Xu Ying is nearby! Tianlong, you sense Xu Ying's direction immediately!

She was smart and immediately said: Xu Ying is nearby, and Li Xiaoke is nearby. So Xu Ying fell into Li Xiaoke's hands, otherwise he would not have inspired the heavenly runes on you!

Tianlong said yes, sensing Xu Ying's direction with his heart, and finally caught Xu Ying's breath, and smiled: Follow me!

He immediately followed the direction Xu Ying and Li Xiaoke left, and suddenly remembered something: Xu Ying left the runes of heaven on my body. He can activate these runes and make them light up. So can he activate the runes? Wen? If he can activate the runes, then can he sacrifice me...I have become a magic weapon!

Tianlong was furious and puffed out smoke from his nostrils: I finally killed my master. After a few years of living freely, he plotted against me again!

Qingqi didn't know what kind of temper He lost, and didn't care.

Li Xiaoke rushed to the Naihe River with Xu Ying, but he couldn't get rid of Qingqiu and Tianlong, and felt anxious.

Xu Ying consoled him: Brother Qiao, hiding is not an option. Why not stop and recharge your batteries like last night to fight them to the death?

Li Xiaoke groaned, the Lord of the Underworld missed a single hit and was unwilling to attack a second time to avoid losing face, but Qingqiu and Tianlong would definitely kill him!

Xu Ying obviously had bad intentions.

Qingqiu and that stupid dragon can always catch me. Is he causing trouble in secret?

Li Xiaoke glanced at Xu Ying. Although he guessed that Xu Ying might be causing trouble, he couldn't provide any evidence.

However, if you think that I will be at the end of my rope, then you are underestimating me.

Li Xiaoke took Xu Ying all the way downstream along the Nai River, over the mountains and ridges, and came to a place with beautiful mountains. Li Xiaoke took Xu Ying into the mountains, and walked around seven times until they came to a gurgling creek in the mountains.

He stretched out his hand and drew lightly, and Xu Ying saw a bright light coming from the empty space in front of him, as if a hole had been cut in the space.

Li Xiaoke opened the space crack, walked in with Xu Ying, and then closed the crack.

Xu Ying's eyes were bright, and he saw that this place was a place with hidden scenery. There were no Five Sacred Mountains, just pure mountains and rivers.

There is a thatched cottage in front of a long mountain river, and a red sun hangs behind the thatched cottage.

A woman walked out of the thatched cottage and saw Li Xiaoke. She smiled and nodded gently to him: Are you here?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that this was a female Nuo Immortal. She was practicing pure Nuo techniques and there was no trace of Qi refining at all.

Li Xiaoke hummed and walked forward. He did not say hello to the female Nuo Immortal, but nervously came to the well in front of the thatched cottage and looked at the water.

Xu Ying's eyes kept falling on the female Nuo Immortal, who smiled at him and nodded.

This is the hidden scenery of the Nuo Immortal, so this female Nuo Immortal is the owner of this place.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, and he felt pity in his heart. He thought, The fact that Li Xiaoke can easily find her here means that this woman is probably his disciple, and she has been eaten by him until only her human skin is left.

But the woman was extremely good. She was not as violent as any other Nuo immortal who had been eaten until only human skin was left. She was gentle and considerate. She asked Xu Ying to sit down and said, What kind of tea do you want to drink? I'll make tea for you.

Give him a bowl of boiled water!

Li Xiaoke didn't look back and said, Don't be too polite to him, he is my prisoner!

The woman went into the house and made tea for Xu Ying. After a while, she got the teapot and cup, poured tea for Xu Ying, and said with a smile: I don't think he is a bad person.

Xu Ying glanced at Li Xiaoke and said with a smile: Bad people never say that I am a bad person on their face.

The woman smiled and said, So are you a bad person?

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said, No.

Li Xiaoke snorted, stood up from the well, came to sit next to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying picked up the tea cup and came to the well. He looked into the well and saw that what was reflected in the well was a hidden scene hidden outside the earth.

Tianlong had already chased Qingqi nearby, looking around, but found nothing, and finally flew away.

Xu Ying drank tea, a little disappointed.

The hidden scene subtly blocked his connection with the runes on Tianlong's body.

He turned around and saw Li Xiaoke and the woman talking softly. Xu Ying was suspicious, so he quietly walked around behind the woman and carefully observed whether there was a fine crack on the woman's neck.

He didn't notice.

The woman noticed his gaze, turned to look at him, and responded with a warm smile, which was very contagious.

Xu Ying smiled back, but his heart felt cold.

The moment the woman turned her head, he saw a subtle light extending from the back of her head.

She died, why didn't she have any resentment? Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

Li Xiaoke stayed here and was not in a hurry to leave. He rarely relaxed and was no longer so alert.

His relationship with that woman is not like a master and a disciple, but like a husband and wife. The two often get tired of being together, and they look very warm.

When Li Xiaoke had free time, he would ask Xu Ying for advice.

Xu Ying taught him the Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword. Li Xiaoke was a genius in the way of swordsmanship. It was not difficult to understand the way of swordsmanship, but it was difficult to contain the way of heaven in the Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword.

The powerful man from the Taichu world who created this secret art understood the heart of heaven and earth and realized the way of the sword, mixed with his understanding of the way of heaven!

Xu Ying is proficient in the way of heaven, and has integrated and perfected these thirteen moves, making them better than the original thirteen sword moves!

Li Xiaoke studied for more than ten days but could not finish learning the thirteen sword techniques. He could not help but frown and his temper gradually became agitated.

On this day, the woman saw him practicing swordsmanship and quietly found Xu Ying and said, From what I've said and done in the past few days, you're not a bad person. You should leave earlier and I'll let you out.

Xu Ying looked at her in surprise.

The woman smiled and said: Although my husband has a bad temper, he is not a bad person. He is just too obsessed with studying Taoism, so he kidnapped you. Don't blame him.

She led the way and said: This is my hiding place. I will let you out without disturbing him.

Xu Ying's mind was buzzing and he asked, Are you Li Xiaoke's wife? You...

Li Xiaoke coughed, and Xu Ying stopped talking.

The woman opened the Hidden Scenery, and promised to step out. The woman smiled, waved to him, closed the Hidden Scenery, and disappeared.

Xu Ying was still a little stunned.

Li Xiaoke probably won't let me leave, he will catch up. I must leave here as soon as possible!

Xu Ying walked out quickly and soon arrived at the Nai River.

At this time, I saw a small boat floating slowly on the Nai River from upstream. There was a man wearing a bamboo hat on the boat, holding a pole and fishing.

Seeing this, Xu Ying became suspicious: Are there fish in the Nai River?

He was eager to avoid Li Xiaoke and left in a hurry. Looking back inadvertently, he saw the man in the bamboo hat mooring the boat on the shore and going ashore.

Xu Ying was puzzled, so he ran downstream along the Nai River at an extremely fast speed without stopping.

Not long after, a boat floated on the Nai River. The man in the bamboo hat was still on the boat, but instead of holding a fishing rod, he stood on the bow with his hands behind his hands.

The small boat sailed near him, and the man in the bamboo hat gently lifted the bamboo hat and looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's eyes met his, and suddenly his heart was shocked. He suddenly felt a familiar feeling, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of coldness welling up from the bottom of his heart and filling his whole body.

He had seen these eyes before, and he had memorized this aura carefully!

When he opened the Yuchi secret treasure, he had seen these eyes and sensed this aura!

Xu Ying stopped, and the boat broke through the waves and passed downstream.

The figure of the man in the bamboo hat also disappeared with the disappearance of the boat.

Xu Ying hesitated, turned around, and went back the way he came.

After a long time, he returned to the stream in the mountain, calmed down, took out the broken wooden door, and stood aside.

Xu Ying pushed open the wooden door and walked in. Inside the wooden door was the hidden scene of the woman.

When the woman saw him returning, she looked surprised and smiled quietly at him: Why are you back again? My husband is still practicing his sword. He is very diligent.

Xu Ying looked at Li Xiaoke. Li Xiaoke was indeed still practicing his sword there, but there was a pool of blood behind him.

There was a thin cut mark on the back of his head, and there was a faint light shining from it.

Li Xiaoke looked back at him with a smile on his face.

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