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Chapter 193 Number one in swordsmanship

Wu Tianzun, who had gray hair, roared angrily, his muscles bulged, and he struggled to lift a corner of the Five-Colored Immortal Mountain.

Can't carry it!

Just hearing a roar, half of the old man's body was pressed down the mountain, leaving only half of his body exposed.

He dug holes in the soil and finally escaped from the bottom of the mountain. Seeing the loss of his energy, he quickly returned to the mountain and thought to himself: Fortunately, no one discovered the scene just now, otherwise I would have been silenced!

The five-color fairy mountain is too heavy. Even though he has cultivated the martial arts soul, he can't even think of lifting it.

However, Wu Tianzun immediately thought: I am already an immortal and have endless time. I can practice as long as I want. Today I cannot carry this mountain. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, next year and the year after that, I can't do it for another hundred or thousand years. Years later, sooner or later I will be able to cultivate to the point where I can lift this fairy mountain and walk away with ease!

He laughed loudly, his voice vibrating in the fairy mountain: Sooner or later, one day, I can hold the five-color mountain in the palm of my hand, run, jump, and even beat people!

Xu Ying looked into the distance into the Cangwu Abyss, hesitated for a moment, and did not go there.

He started back.

He also wants to return to the other side of martial arts.

He wanted to go back and tell the people on the other side of the martial arts that Wu Tianzun had found a way to another world, which was the world where the Martial Saint who pioneered the Eight Methods of the God of War went.

He also wanted to tell them that Wu Tianzun did not die of old age, but lived on the Five Color Fairy Mountain.

As Xu Ying walked, he felt hazy and sleepy. He thought to himself, I probably haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

His mind was so groggy that he fell asleep without realizing it, but he kept walking forward. His eyes were also open, looking straight ahead.

Before he knew it, the roots of the purple fairy grass had clung to his eyelids and opened his eyes.

The other roots of this fairy grass pierced into Xu Ying's eyes, ears, mouth and nose one after another. Xu Ying was controlled by this fairy grass without knowing it!

You must know that the Immortal Immortal Grass was an important part of suppressing Emperor Chongtong back then. It was used to seal Chongtong's physical body and lock Chongtong in the jade coffin!

Not only that, it can also steal Chongtong's magic power and absorb Chongtong's Taoism.

Xu Ying was just a qi refiner who had mastered the golden elixir. He fell into its trap and was controlled by it if he wasn't careful.

The purple fairy grass climbed onto Xu Ying's head, feeling proud. Now, Xu Ying's body is its body, and Xu Ying's magic power is its magic power.

It can control Xu Ying's body, manipulate Xu Ying's vitality and consciousness, and even mobilize Qi and blood.

However, the first priority is to find the six leaves of his own, otherwise it would be awkward to be naked all the time.

It immediately looked around for Xu Ying's pocket, but still couldn't find it. It dug out more roots and dug into Xu Ying's Xiyi territory to rummage inch by inch.

But strangely enough, it found the broken door that was promised to be cherished, but it still didn't find its own six leaves!

It lifted up a few roots and scratched Xu Ying's head, and then it felt something was wrong. It quickly scratched its own stem, and then it felt right.

At this time, a voice of laughter came: The immortal immortal is actually controlled by a fairy medicine. If the news spreads, people will laugh out loud.

The purple fairy grass turned Xu Ying's neck and looked towards the voice, only to see a man with a hole in his head walking towards this side with his hands on the ground and walking as fast as flying.

The Purple Immortal Grass felt awe-inspiring in its heart, and immediately recognized this person as the strong man whose lower body was shattered by the iron chain. However, it did not know the name of this strong man.

Aba Aba! The purple fairy grass controlled Xu Ying and shouted to the Emperor of Yin Ting.

The Emperor Yin Ting laughed heartily and indignantly: What am I going to do? What else can I do? Resurrection, of course! Do you think Li Xiaoke and I are having fun just for fun? I joined forces with him for the elixir of immortality. !”

His eyes were wild, he pushed away the messy hair in front of his forehead, revealing the wound of the eight-sided sword, and said to the purple fairy grass: Have you seen this wound? Li Xiaoke left it for me! But before this wound , I am already dead! To be precise, my true body is dead!

The purple fairy grass controlled the opening and closing of Xu Ying's mouth, and he asked doubtfully: Aba Aba?

You can't figure it out? Of course you can't figure it out!

The Emperor of Yinting sneered, My god in the previous life died a long time ago and became a corpse. He was used as a magical weapon to set up an array, and formed an array with the corpses of other immortals. I am dead but not stiff, and I am at the end of the array. On the lower level, every time the jade coffin tries to break the formation, I will be closest to you and smell the medicinal power you emit. Over time, I relied on the weak medicinal power you emitted to gain spiritual wisdom.

The purple fairy grass put Xu Ying's face into a serious expression and said: Abba, Abba!

The Emperor Yin Ting laughed and said: That's right! I am a soul born from a corpse! The day I escaped from the trap, the jade coffin happened to attack various seals. I took the opportunity to escape from the Immortal Family's formation and fled, but unexpectedly... Suppressed by the Immortal Formation! I was lucky enough to survive and escaped from the crater, but was attacked by Li Xiaoke again, leaving this sword wound on my forehead.

He sneered: Although I have been dead for a long time, I can't do anything about this sword wound, but this hatred has been forged after all. How could I help Li Xiaoke find the elixir of immortality? In fact, I did it for myself, When necessary, Li Xiaoke was sacrificed as a sacrifice.

The purple fairy grass controlled Xu Ying's mouth to open and close, and laughed loudly: Abba, Abba!

Am I your defeated general? You must have forgotten that here, you don't have the help of multiple seals on the Immortal Mountain!

The Emperor Yinting's aura exploded, and his cultivation level blossomed, Even if I only have half my body left, even if I am severely injured many times, my cultivation strength is still not comparable to yours!

His aura increased to the extreme in an instant, and the tattered Yuanshen and Xiyi Domain emerged behind him. The next moment, a bite of the Netherworld Buddha Sword struck Xu Ying!

Although the purple fairy grass desperately urged Xu Ying's body to resist, he had no time to react and was struck by a knife, almost cutting it into two pieces along with the grass and man!

Fortunately, Xu Ying himself was full of vitality, and the wounds were intertwined with flesh and blood, trying to heal.

However, the Emperor of the Underworld is after all the ruler of the Underworld. Although the Underworld is only the ruler of the underworld in China, his strength is beyond doubt.

At Xu Ying's wound, the remaining magical power of His sword still acted on the wound, destroying Xu Ying's physical muscles and preventing the wound from healing.

The Emperor of Yinting struck with his second sword, and the purple fairy grass no longer hesitated, and immediately pulled out its main root, returning control of the body to Xu Ying.

When Xu Ying woke up, he saw the Netherworld Pagoda Divine Sword coming towards him. Without thinking, he used the Extreme Intention and Freedom Skill and flew away through the air. In an instant, he was dozens of miles away!

The Emperor Yin Ting sneered: You still want to escape?

The ghostly energy surged behind him and turned into huge ghostly hands. As soon as Xu Ying landed, the ghostly ghostly hand grabbed him and wanted to cover him under his palm!

Xu Ying took a long breath and activated the Mountain Crash Technique. His fists were like long horns, colliding with the ghost hands of the underworld!

His aura surged, and the caves behind him opened up, and the twenty-eight caves rotated, removing the power of the ghost hands and retreating continuously.

At the same time, the roots of the purple fairy grass were flying, hitting the ghost's hand with a snap. One person and one grass worked together to finally block the move of the Emperor of Yin Ting, but he was still knocked back by the power coming from the ghost's hand. go.

Xu Ying stabilized his body, looked up, and saw the upper body of the Yin Court Emperor flying over, activating his magical power. The sky behind the Yin Court Supreme Lord was completely black, and countless ghostly hands were reaching out!

Countless arms were waving in the air, grabbing the purple fairy grass on Xu Ying and Xu Ying's foreheads one after another!

On the Five Color Fairy Mountain, the Emperor Yin Ting was suppressed by the fifth level of ban. He fought with Xu Ying in close combat and was beaten to a state of embarrassment and humiliated. Fortunately, most of the people who knew about it were dead.

Although his injuries are more serious now than before, without the suppression of the Five Color Mountain seal, his cultivation strength is even higher!

Xu Ying's body skills changed continuously, and he exerted his ultimate mind freedom skill to the extreme to avoid the ghost hands coming one after another.

The young man's heart was dripping with blood: My martial arts spirit is probably over! Speaking of which, the ultimate freedom skill is also martial arts. Maybe my heroic avoidance of enemies also coincides with the martial arts spirit?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ground keeps exploding, and when the Netherworld Ghost's hand fails, it will cause waves of mud to roll on the ground, rocks will fly into the air, or it will plow the ground into ditches!

This ghost hand is full of ghost energy, and it is the most powerful Yin Ting magic power. Its biggest effect is to hurt people's souls, souls, souls, and corrupt people's golden elixir, but the damage to the physical body is not that severe.

But Xu Ying's most powerful thing was his soul, so his soul was not damaged, but his physical body was injured again and again!

Whenever he fails to dodge, there will be blood marks on his body that are deep enough to see the bones and are difficult to heal.

Fortunately, the purple fairy grass also tried its best to help him resist. Although this fairy grass did not have any Taoist or magical powers, it was born with strange powers and had extremely unique talents. Its strength was almost on par with Xu Ying.

It also knows that if Xu Ying is killed by half a human, it will definitely be doomed.

The Emperor of Yinting is here to eat it. If he catches it, he will definitely not gnaw just one leaf like Wu Tianzun did. He is afraid that he will even squeeze out its juice and drink it, and his body will be used to make soup!

It has to work hard.

Xu Ying's movement skills were strange and fast. Even though the Yin Ting Emperor's cultivation was far higher than Xu Ying's, he couldn't defeat him for a while. He couldn't help but feel angry and anxious.

He sacrificed the broken Yuanshen, and saw the broken Yuanshen swinging the Netherworld Buddha Sword, and the light of the sword flew up and down, never leaving Xu Ying's left and right!

Xu Ying and the Purple Immortal Grass each used all their moves and resisted frantically. Both the person and the Purple Immortal Grass were injured.

Xu Ying was too late to use the Eight Methods of the God of War, so he could only use the Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword to fight against the Yin Court Emperor with the Heavenly Sword.

The Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword are the martial arts secrets he has best practiced besides the Extreme Intention Self-Contained Skills. The Eight Methods of the God of War can only be shot in the third place.

He was already proficient in the runes of heaven and had a deep understanding of heaven. The thirteen movements of the Heavenly Sword contained the law of heaven. When he used it in his hands, the sword's meaning was unpredictable and his moves were so exquisite that even the Emperor of Yin Court could not decipher them.

But the Emperor of Yinting does not need to crack it.

His cultivation level is so advanced that he can directly crush him with the Netherworld Ghost Hand and the Godly Sword of Buddha. Not only is he proficient in the Heavenly Sword, but even if he is proficient in all the changes in Heavenly Dao, his moves will be directly crushed by his magic power and cannot be hurt at all. he!

Seeing that everything was at an end, Xu Ying suddenly noticed something strange.

This strangeness is the unusual fluctuation sensed by the sword intent of the Heavenly Sword.

His heart moved slightly, and he immediately woke up and said loudly: Li Xiaoke, why don't you take action? You have been exposed by me. If you don't take action, it will be too late!

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword energy suddenly filled the air, and the sword intention filled the air. Li Xiaoke held the sword energy and directly cut into the battlefield. The sword light swayed, instantly breaking through countless ghost hands, and drove straight in!


The sword energy in his hand shot out, directly penetrating the forehead of the Emperor Yin Ting.

The Emperor Yin Ting was caught off guard, and was stabbed between his eyebrows by this sword energy. He flew backwards and was nailed to a cliff in the distance with a bang, unable to move.

There was originally a sword wound between his eyebrows, which was caused by Li Xiaoke's eight-sided sword. At this moment, Li Xiaoke followed the same method and showed the style of a peerless swordsman in just a short moment!

All the ghost hands in the sky dispersed. Li Xiaoke turned around, his face was pale, but he looked at Xu Ying with a smile, and said with a smile: How did you notice me?

Xu Ying took a few deep breaths, and then said, I just used the Thirteen Styles of the Heavenly Sword. The swordsmanship is really exquisite, using the mystery of the heavenly way. You can see that my achievements in the way of swordsmanship have surpassed I killed you, so your sword intention drifted unconsciously and was noticed by me.

Li Xiaoke laughed loudly: My swordsmanship is not as good as yours? What a joke! You learned your swordsmanship from me! Will I be inferior to you?

Xu Ying waited quietly for him to finish laughing, and said: You and I are both masters of swordsmanship, and we can tell who is superior and inferior at a glance. Why should we deceive ourselves?

Li Xiaoke's face darkened, he snorted, and another eight-sided sword energy appeared in his hand, pointing at Xu Ying, and said solemnly: Hand over the elixir of immortality, and I can leave you with the whole body! By the way, there is no need to keep the whole body. Corpse, I heard some people are looking for you, I just need to hand you over to them and they will handle you well.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I can teach you the Thirteen Styles of Heavenly Sword.

Li Xiaoke's eyes twitched, and he chuckled: My swordsmanship is better than yours...

Xu Ying slowly put down his right hand, which was still dripping with blood. The blood mixed with his vitality gradually formed a sword energy, and said leisurely: If you don't accept it, give it a try?

Li Xiaoke's pupils shrank, and the sword energy in his hand slowly lowered. The two of them moved slowly, and their breath became calmer and gentler.


Suddenly, two figures rushed forward. The moment the sword light touched, the move collapsed, the sword energy flew on the ground, and countless sword energy collided in the air, making a clanging sound!

Xu Ying and Li Xiaoke passed by each other, and the sword energy in the sky was divided into left and right, falling into their bodies respectively.

Li Xiaoke's clothes were flying like colorful butterflies, and thirteen pieces were cut off. But Xu Ying's clothes were not torn, and were still in thousands of strands.

They faced off against Thirteen Moves in a short period of time, and Li Xiaokai lost Thirteen Moves.

Li Xiaoke's face was as dark as a pool of stagnant water, the corners of his eyes were beating violently, and he tightly grasped the sword energy in his hand.

As long as he uses all his strength, he can chop Xu Ying to death like a melon or a vegetable. No matter how high Xu Ying's swordsmanship is, he can't compete with his magic power!

After a while, the sword energy in his hand dissipated. Without looking back, he threw over a set of clothes and said calmly: Put them on. I have learned your swordsmanship.

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