Choose a day to soar

Chapter 192 If there is wine

Wu Tianzun took a leaf of the elixir of immortality. After a while, there was still no reaction.

Is the elixir of immortality useful?

Xu Ying still had roots flying in his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. He was disappointed in his heart and murmured, Could this purple weed be the grave grass?

Purple Immortal Grass was furious, jumped out of his Xiyi Domain, and wanted to fight him desperately.

How could Xu Ying give it this chance? He grabbed its roots and struck it on the head with a palm. ——If the place where it branches and splits is considered a head.

Although the purple fairy grass is just a root, it is really powerful. The roots are flying and slapping, and when it falls on Xu Ying, he will be beaten to pieces!

Xu Ying was so daring that he used the eight methods of the God of War, thinking: How can I defeat a grave grass? Either it will die today, or I will die!

Suddenly, an indescribable wave burst out in Wu Tianzun's body, like the spring breeze suddenly blowing in the cold and desolate winter, like the rain suddenly falling from the long-term dry land, nourishing all things, and even nourishing Taoism.

His aging body was nourished by a strange power.

A mysterious and mysterious Tao sound came from his body, like an ancient spell or call. His dissipated martial arts soul began to reunite in this mysterious Tao sound call.

Xu Ying and Purple Immortal Grass were fighting for their lives, but they immediately noticed the incredible changes in Wu Tianzun's body and stopped.

Xu Ying dispersed the prepared Heavenly Drawing Technique, and the purple fairy grass also quietly removed the seven main roots that were ready to be pierced into his body. Everyone and everyone watched Wu Tianzun's changes nervously.

Xu Ying wanted to save Wu Tianzun, but he didn't want to be able to save only a three-year-old child, while the Purple Immortal Grass wanted to see whether he was the elixir of immortality or the grass on the grave.

Gradually, Wu Tianzun's physical functions recovered, his old body gradually became full of vitality, and his spiritual consciousness returned to its peak.

What was even more astonishing were his other changes. Along with the burst of power of the immortal elixir and the mysterious Taoist sound, his memories that had been dispersed due to death gathered together like trickling water.

Wu Tianzun gradually remembered his past, and even those long-forgotten memories began to revive.

His dispersed soul reunited like sand, and his dissipated soul was like a collapsed sand tower, now restored to its original state.

Xu Ying looked at this scene in surprise and felt the mysterious power emitted by the immortal elixir.

This kind of power transcends the ordinary world and is not a human power. It contains the principles of life, which is profound and unpredictable and cannot be understood.

If you can understand this power, you can control life and death, transcend reincarnation, and achieve true immortality!

His heart was pounding, trying to remember that wonderful Taoist sound, but the sound imprinted in his memory would soon dissipate, as if it had been erased.

The voice of this supreme Tao is difficult to remember, let alone understand.

Xu Ying tried for a while, but still couldn't remember any of the Taoist sounds. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly. He glanced at the purple fairy grass that was still locked around his neck, and thought to himself: Isn't the grave grass the immortal medicine? As long as you study it, you will be able to You can gain transcendent power...

Purple Immortal Grass noticed his gaze and felt awe-struck in her heart. She saw Xu Ying retracting his gaze and nervously paying attention to the white-haired old man, so he slipped into Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm.

——It is used as a key link in suppressing the Chongtong Emperor. Naturally, it has extraordinary means and can travel through other people's Xiyi territory at will.

It used this talent to penetrate its roots into the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the Chongtong Emperor, and penetrate deep into his territory.

The purple fairy grass rummaged through the boxes and cabinets in the promised Xiyi territory, looking around, but could not find its other leaves, so it quietly slipped out.

It must be on the brat!

It looked around, pretending as if nothing had happened, while quietly moving its tiny roots, turning over Xu Ying's clothes silently, and checking whether its leaves had been put into his pocket.

The battle in Wuseshan was quite fierce. The battle between Xu Ying, Li Xiaoke and the Emperor Yin Ting left only half of his clothes on his upper body. The front half of his clothes was destroyed, and only the half of his back was left with rags and strips.

Of course, the pants weren't much better.

After digging around in his trouser pocket for a moment, he realized something was wrong, as if he had taken out the wrong thing.

Rogue grave grass!

Xu Ying was ashamed and angry, so he picked up its neck and punched it hard.

Purple Immortal Grass knew that he was in the wrong, but he would never suffer any loss. He immediately fought with him, inserting his eyes, picking his nose, stabbing his waist, demolishing the ancestral hall, and doing all the dirty tricks.

After a long time, Wu Tianzun completely returned to the peak state of his life. His soul was powerful and his body was strong, even better than before!

He lowered his head and looked at his hands and body in disbelief. His pale hair was flowing and his eyes were filled with tears.

Only through experiencing death can we realize the preciousness of life.

He died once, with his body aging and his heart failing. Even with great force, there was nothing he could do. He finally died and allowed his soul to disintegrate, his soul to disperse, and his empty spirit to turn into a torch.

This resurrection gave him more insights, a kind of profound enlightenment that allowed him to break through and then stand up again.

His martial arts state of mind unknowingly reached a new level.

Fellow Daoist Xu. He stepped forward to stop the fight between Xu Ying and the purple fairy grass.

Xu Ying was fighting fiercely with the purple fairy grass, and they were both a little embarrassed. When they saw him coming forward, they followed the trend and took a step back.

Xu Ying asked with concern: Wu Tianzun, do you have any other discomforts?

Wu Tianzun shook his head and exclaimed: I didn't know that there was such a rare elixir in the world. It can bring the dead back to life and change one's fate against the will of heaven. It's so amazing. I feel as if I have become an immortal immortal with endless lifespan. Endless.

Xu Ying was surprised and asked: Do you feel like you have become an immortal?

Wu Tianzun nodded and said with a smile: This feeling is amazing. When I open the second profound entrance, I can accurately detect my life span and how many years are left in my life. It can even be accurate to the sky. But after taking the Immortal Immortal After taking the medicine, I feel like my life span is endless and will never end.”

Xu Ying secretly marveled and thought to himself: Could it be that the elixir of immortality is really so powerful? It can not only resurrect the dead, but even make immortals?

He suddenly remembered that Emperor Chongtong had said before leaving that grave grass was indeed an elixir of immortality, but it did not make people truly immortal.

You will discover the disadvantages of the immortal medicine. He said to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

But Wu Tianzun bounced back to life and returned to his peak condition. He couldn't help but feel happy for Wu Tianzun.

I finally followed the path that the martial saint took.

Wu Tianzun smiled and said, Now, we can return to the other side of the martial arts and meet Zhai Wuxian and the others!

He was excited and said with a smile: Our trip was worthwhile. Not only did we open up this road, but we also discovered this fairy mountain. The era in which our world cannot practice without the vitality of heaven and earth should be gone forever, right?

Even a martial arts leader like him has his own obsessions. He wants to teach martial arts to the outside world, and also wants to change the problem of being unable to practice in the Taichu world, and also wants to solve the invasion of the Taichu world by the ancient battlefield and the underworld.

Now, these questions finally have answers!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that with the collapse of the six seals that suppressed the Chongtong Emperor, the five-color vitality also collapsed. It no longer flowed back to the crater, but leaked from the top of the mountain and flowed towards the ancient battlefield.

The five-color vitality has the miraculous effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead, containing majestic vitality. Wherever it passes, the ancient battlefield sweeps away the previous gloomy and lifeless scene, and quickly becomes beautiful and lush.

The heaven and earth are washed and become clear.

However, the ancient battlefield is still equally dangerous, even more dangerous.

Those gods and demons who died here in the ancient times originally had residual thoughts or remaining flesh and blood entrenched here. They can only cause trouble in the ancient battlefield and cannot leave.

At this moment, being nourished by the five colors of vitality, the withered bones stand up one after another. Driven by evil thoughts, they will definitely become a disaster!

However, Wu Tianzun became full of fighting spirit and walked down the mountain, smiling: Here we go to sweep away the demonic atmosphere! Give our Taichu world a bright future!

Xu Ying followed him and looked further away, only to see the five-color vitality flowing in the direction of the Taichu world. As the vitality of heaven and earth gradually diluted, the vitality contained in the vitality was also much less active than before.

But this is the vitality of heaven and earth. If it is too strong, it will become evil and difficult to control. If it becomes too weak, it will be difficult to practice.

The direction in which the five-color vitality flows is not the underworld, but the primordial world.

Xu Ying thought, The fact that there is no vitality of heaven and earth in the Taichu world is really related to the suppression of Emperor Chongtong. Now that Emperor Chongtong is out of trouble, the five-color vitality will return to the world of Taichu. It's just...

He fell into deep thought, why was Emperor Chongtong suppressed by the immortal world in the first place?

The immortal world sacrificed the vitality of a world to suppress Chongtong. Was it because he made a big mistake, or was it for some other reason?

Is this escape from the trap a good thing or a bad thing for the mortal world?

Also, what is going on in the underworld?

Xu Ying looked down at the underworld and thought, How big is the underworld? Why can it be connected to other worlds? What is the truth about the invasion of the underworld?

He was thinking about the answer to the question when suddenly the purple fairy grass tugged at the rag strip on his back and promised: Don't pull it, I don't have new clothes to change. I was kidnapped and my new clothes were all put in a In the snake's belly...are you still pulling it? Are you going to fight?

The purple fairy grass tugged at the rag strips on his body again. Xu Ying was confused and saw a root of the purple fairy grass lifting up and pointing at Wu Tianzun in front.

Xu Ying looked over and saw that Wu Tianzun had arrived at the foot of the mountain and was walking out.

The wind wall blocking the Five-Color Fairy Mountain at the foot of the mountain stopped at some point. Perhaps it was destroyed by the Chongtong Emperor, or perhaps it disappeared naturally because the six seal restrictions were broken.

They can leave in any direction without worrying about being strangled by the wind wall.

However, Xu Ying's face gradually became serious as he looked at Wu Tianzun's back.

I saw that the old man was still high-spirited and moving like a dragon and a tiger, as if he had returned to his youth.

At this moment, he was stooped and his steps were staggering.

He left the Five-Color Fairy Mountain, and his essence was like sand blown by the strong wind, flying backwards.

His soul, his martial arts energy and blood, and his soul are all constantly disintegrating at this moment!

Wu Tianzun was unaware of it and was still talking to himself: We can practice, that's it... Martial arts is too difficult and people without great perseverance can't practice it. After we go back, we can spread the practice. People can If you practice, you will become stronger and you will be able to protect yourself and resist the invasion of the underworld...

His white hair was trembling, and his old eyes were a little cloudy: But our way cannot be lost, we still need someone to persist, because when the vitality of heaven and earth is taken away again, brave men are needed to resist and take it back...

Wu Tianzun! Xu Ying shouted loudly, wanting him to notice his strange state.

Wu Tianzun was confused, looked back at Xu Ying, and murmured: You must have the spirit to resist in desperate situations, and you must have the courage to fight against the sky...


He spun around, turned back into a corpse, and fell to the ground.

Xu Ying quickly stepped forward and checked, only to see that Wu Tianzun had no breath at all and was already dead!

What's going on? Xu Ying grabbed the purple fairy grass by its neck, picked up the fairy medicine, and asked fiercely.

The purple fairy grass used its roots to push his hand away and wrote the words Immortal Immortal on the ground.

Xu Ying was puzzled and looked at these three words repeatedly. After looking at them for a moment, he suddenly realized: These are not three words, but four! So that's it, that's it!

He picked up Wu Tianzun's body and returned to Five Colors Fairy Mountain.

As soon as I set foot on this fairy mountain, I saw bursts of mysterious Taoist sounds coming from Wu Tianzun's body. The essence was reunited, the soul was recast, and the soul returned.

Wu Tianzun woke up again.

The elixir of immortality can indeed make you immortal, but there are conditions.

Xu Ying explained to Wu Tianzun and said, Your feeling is not wrong. You have indeed become an immortal, but there are conditions. Only in the immortal world can you be an immortal and you will not die.

He sighed, wrote down the three words immortal immortal, and said: The meaning of the immortal medicine is actually the immortal people on the mountain. Wu Tianzun, this five-color mountain should be an immortal mountain in the immortal world. Although the immortal mountain falls into the lower world, , but it is still a fairy mountain. When you are on the fairy mountain, it is equivalent to being in the fairy world, and when you leave the fairy mountain, it is equivalent to leaving the fairy world.

Wu Tianzun understood and said: In other words, if I leave the Immortal Mountain, I will die. If I return to the Immortal Mountain, I can still live like an immortal.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Wu Tianzun exhaled a breath of turbid air and said with a smile: It is a great blessing that I can live another life. Why do you have to be so solemn? Zhai Wuxian and the others need a torch to guide them. I am here, can't I tell them the direction?

He was quite free and easy, and said with a smile: When you are on the mountain, you are an immortal. I have become an immortal and am immortal. You should be happy for me.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You should be happy!

Wu Tianzun smiled and said: If there is wine, it will be a big shame!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Yes. It's a pity that my friend An Qi is not here. If he is here, he will definitely have wine.

Wu Tianzun's Adam's apple rolled, probably because he was addicted to alcohol. He smiled and said, You are an ordinary person. You shouldn't stay in the mountains for too long. I won't be bothered by the world of mortals, but you still have a lot to do.

Xu Ying stood up and said with a smile: Yes. I still have a lot of trivial matters.

Wu Tianzun said: You go down the mountain, I won't see you off. Be careful along the way.

Xu Ying wanted to keep the purple fairy grass with him, but Wu Tianzun shook his head and refused. The purple fairy grass was also quite afraid of this old man, thinking that he could not defeat him, and he wanted to take back his own leaves, so he did not want to keep them.

Xu Ying walked down the mountain and found the broken door. He was about to put the door into his Xiyi Domain when suddenly Wu Tianzun's voice came from the mountain: Fellow Daoist Xu——

Xu Ying looked up.

Wu Tianzun, white-haired, stood on a high place: Remember to come and see me, don't make me too lonely!

Xu Ying waved and turned away.

Wu Tianzun stood on the mountain and looked up at the sky. It was the sky of the fairy world. The old man felt melancholy in his heart.

Wait a moment!

His eyes gradually brightened, and he clapped his hands hard, I can't go down the mountain, but the mountain can be walked! As long as I carry the Five Color Fairy Mountain, can't I walk around and visit?

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