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Chapter 177 God descends

In the land of divine punishment, countless flesh and blood squirmed and gathered in the same direction. Soon after, the flesh and blood of the entire world came together, pulsating and shrinking.

Soon after, the flesh and blood shrank to the extreme and gradually swelled. There were halos of light seeping out of the flesh and blood, and the outline of the human figure could barely be seen.

He rose from the flesh and walked outward.

Layers of halo enveloped the outline of the human figure, making him look extremely different.

But what's even more different is that another Him appears behind Him, also in human form, with a halo formed by layers of divine light on the outside.

Behind the second Him another Him appears, also in a normal form.

Then the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and in a short period of time, countless Him appeared!

If you look from behind Him and look forward, you can only see one Him, and if you look from the front of Him, you can only see one Him. But if you look just a little bit away, you can see countless Him, like giant centipedes made up of countless humanoids!

These Him, standing behind Him, clearly have no end in sight, but they do not occupy any space.

He looked up at the sky, as if searching for traces of Jiulong Mountain. After a moment, he turned around and faced the temple gate of the ancient temple.

The sealing runes on the door plaque have been erased, leaving only the door standing there alone.

He raised his palm and saw that the temple that had been shattered into powder suddenly rose from the ground, with sand and stones flying, and soon the temple reappeared, as if it had never been destroyed.

He walked among the temples and observed the paintings on the walls.

The murals were painted by sinners who were enslaved by Him. Time can easily erase paper and silk, but it will take a longer time to erase the murals.

He stopped in front of one of the murals.

In the painting, there are many beings like him encircling and suppressing sinners, but there is no such thing as him.

His eyes fell on a big bird in the mural. The big bird had three legs. It was Jin Buyi who had just fought against him with two magic swords!

But at that time, Jin Buyi was in his prime, and his power was even more terrifying than it is now!

His gaze searched and finally landed on the young man on Jin Buyi's back.

The breath of heaven. You are my hope to return to heaven!

His voice is like the song of a bird, and his powerful spiritual consciousness surges out, deep into the void, searching the heavens and the world, looking for the Yin-Yang Vine, the spiritual root of the heaven and earth of Taiyi Xiaoxuantian!

Jiang Qi's name of fake heaven spread to all the heavens and all realms, and naturally it also reached the land of divine punishment.

The road to Jiucailing has been cut off, so the only road left is the Yin-Yang Vine road!

it's here!

He found the breath of Yin Yang Vine and established a relationship. With a hiss, his body flew up and turned into a huge piece of flesh and blood, sticking to the sky. The flesh and blood squirmed and followed the induction bit by bit to drill into another time and space. go!

Like a big leech, He found a loophole in time and space, and quickly got into the loophole and disappeared without a trace.

The sky bounced and returned to its original state.

The land of divine punishment has become extremely desolate, without any breath of life anymore.

Yuanshou World, Jiulong Mountain in Daozhou.

The sky was violently turbulent, and rays of light fell from the sky. They fell to the ground one after another. As the light faded, a tall or short, fat or thin stone man appeared on Jiulong Mountain.

Those stone figures have triangular heads, and some may have ferocious faces, some may have indifferent expressions, some may be ferocious and ugly, or some may be extraordinary handsome.

They were of varying heights, and suddenly one by one they grew taller rapidly, turning into giants of dozens of feet or even hundreds of feet, shooting divine light in all directions.

One by one, the stone men moved their heads, looked around, and then flew up one after another, floating parallel in the sky, flying rapidly.

The divine light in their eyes scanned Jiulong Mountain, but failed to find the person they were looking for. They landed one by one and turned into small stone figures outside Xiaoyao Palace.

These stone figures staggered and walked with difficulty as they walked towards Xiaoyao Palace.

Xue Ying'an felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He had already led the disciples of Jiulong Mountain to offer sword sacrifices and wait outside Xiaoyao Palace.

The stone men turned a blind eye to them and looked around. One of the stone men noticed a different aura and shouted: The man who has no power to bring disaster has been here before! Wait a minute, there is still the aura of the old gods here. .There were old gods suppressed nearby!”

Another stone man with a ferocious face spoke and said: The old gods once controlled the way of heaven, but because of the battle 48,000 years ago, they suffered too many casualties, and their strength and power are not as good as before.

Another sinister-looking stone man said: They lost power. The most powerful group of old gods fell into the lower world and were unable to return to the world of heaven. The old gods in the world of heaven have been seized of power by us and are no longer in charge of heaven. He We wanted to resist, but we were bloodbathed and expelled from the world of heaven.

The scrapped Heavenly Dao is not as good as a dog. They have become heretics and can only wallow in the world. I can smell the heretics smell of decay on their bodies, which is disgusting.

Finally, large and small stone figures came to Xiaoyao Hall, creaking and turning their necks, staring at Xue Ying'an and others.

I haven't eaten meat for a long time. A stone man stared at the people behind Xue Ying'an and said.

Cold sweat broke out on Xue Ying'an's forehead. He was holding the Eight-Sided Sword, and his palms were wet and covered with sweat.

Although the tallest of these stone men is about the same height as him, the sense of oppression is too strong!

The triangular-headed stone statues sighed, moved their bodies, and left Xiaoyao Palace with difficulty, turning into streams of light and piercing the air.

Unfortunately, we are not coming in the flesh.

Their voices came from far away, Find that person first!

Xue Ying'an watched them go away and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he felt his feet go weak and he almost fell over.

He hurriedly stabilized his body, wondering in his heart: What on earth were those stone statues just now? The breath is too scary!

Behind him, the Jiulong Mountain disciples were also relieved.

When these stone statues came just now, their Taoist hearts were broken in an instant, and their consciousness was confused. If Xue Ying'an hadn't stood in front of them with his sword and used the eight-sided sword to fight against these stone statues, they would have lost their minds long ago!

Are they looking for Brother Xu?

Xue Ying'an looked at the direction in which the stone statues were flying away, which was exactly the direction Xu Ying left, and couldn't help but worry in his heart.

Brother Xu, I wish you a safe journey.

In the distance, Beichenzi and Shenzhou Land saw a stone figure flying through the sky, and each breathed a sigh of relief.

Can you sit back and relax this time? the two of them thought to themselves.

Xu Ying stood on Qi Qi's head, looked back and said: Don't forget, don't always peck Qi Ye's tail, you will peck him bald.

He always felt that Xian Qi was getting slower and slower. When he turned around this time, he saw Jin Buyu pecking at Xian Qi's tail. Wherever the big snake passes, it bleeds all the way, and its speed is naturally not fast.

Jin Buyi raised his dim eyes and said, I thought it was an earthworm. I'm still wondering why after eating one piece, another one grew out.

An Qi held back the pain and said, Master Jin, that's Xiao Ke's tail. You pecked off a piece of it just now, and Xiao Ke activated the Niwan to make it grow.

Jin Buyi said angrily, No wonder there are still some after eating. Little brother, you are worth making friends with!

An Qi looked hopeful: Is it because I am loyal?

No. It's because you can grow back after being eaten. If I make friends with you, I can eat more meals. Jin Buyi said.

An Qi groaned.

Seeing that they were getting along well, Xu Ying was very happy and said with a smile: Let's go to Haojing to find Zhu Chanchan. Master Zhong was seriously injured and was beaten out of his bell shape. Please help Chanchan.

Under Xian Qi's neck, Po Zhong struggled endlessly, obviously not happy to fall into Zhu Chanchan's hands.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Look, Master Zhong is also very happy.

An Qi said cautiously: Ah Ying, I think Master Zhong is not happy, but worried.

Xu Ying laughed and said: What are you worried about? Are you worried that Ancestor Chanchan will trick us like he tricked the Emperor of Zhou? No! We are friends of life and death!

An Qi's heart suddenly flashed, and he was not optimistic about this, saying: Ancestor Chanchan will definitely be able to rescue Master Zhong, but the rescued Master Zhong will probably be a lot smaller and much thinner. More importantly, Master Zhong will definitely be stamped with the personal stamps of countless Chanchan Ancestors!

The broken bell under his neck trembled.

Xu Ying was also a little worried in his heart, but what he was worried about was not this matter. The young man thought: I wonder if Emperor Zhou has returned from the other side? If he has returned, Ancestor Chanchan may have been reincarnated, right? After all, she committed a crime The case is enough to behead someone.”

He sighed: Bad people don't live long.

At this moment, Xu Ying noticed that the surroundings were much quieter. When he looked back, Jin Buyi was nowhere to be seen. Xu Ying hurriedly jumped into the air, and Yu Jian looked back. After searching for dozens of miles, he saw Jin Buyi standing there without moving.

This three-legged golden crow, whose head was already covered with white feathers, stood there with a confused face, a little at a loss.


When it saw Xu Ying, it came back to its senses, hurriedly ran over, and said with a smile, You disappeared in the blink of an eye. I was afraid of losing you again, so I didn't dare to leave. I knew you would definitely look for me. Come back!

Xu Ying's eyes turned red and he smiled: Don't worry, I will get it back. Master Jin, can you reduce your size?

Jin Buqi worked hard to reduce his size, but he was still 15 feet tall. It was obviously inappropriate to stand on Xu Ying's shoulders.

You stand on Master Qi's corner. Xu Ying suggested.

Jin Buyi flew over, spread his three legs, and stood on the black and white corners of Xian Qi, with the middle leg retracted into the feathers.

Master Jin can only stand on one corner. Xu Ying reminded.

Jin Buyi woke up and stood on the seven black corners of Anhui. The old golden crow fluttered its feathers, opened its beak, and sprayed out a mouthful of sun fire downwards.

——It is out of habit that when standing on the hibiscus tree, it likes to blow out a flame first to make the tree warm.

Xu Ying hurriedly rescued him and finally rescued the burnt An Qi.

An Qi was dying, choking with sobs and saying that he was unwilling to carry it.

Jin Buqi said apologetically: I thought your horns were tree branches, so I wanted to spray them, but it was too late when I remembered.

Fortunately, Xian Qi also opened the secret treasure of Niwan and wandered in front of the gate of hell for a while before rescuing him.

Jin Buyi felt very guilty. When he stood on his corner again, he reminded him: Your black and white horns should have considerable talents. Back then, I met a snake that had awakened its bloodline. Its black and white horns The horn can stimulate the two energies of yin and yang and kill gods and demons, which is extremely powerful.

An Qi was surprised and happy, and quickly asked for advice: How should I mobilize the power of blood?

Jin Buyi said: You mobilize the two qi of yin and yang and inject them into the two horns to try.

Xian Qi immediately mobilized the yin and yang energy secretly stored in Yujing and injected it into the two horns. However, the black and white horns suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, cutting off a mountain in the distance!

An Qi was startled and lost his voice: My bloodline is so powerful? Mr. Jin, is that Anhui snake you met also very powerful?

Jin Buwei nodded, recalling the past, and said, It tastes very good.

Hao Jing was still far away, so Xu Ying put aside his distracting thoughts and thought back on what he had learned in the past few years, from martial arts, to Nuo swordsmanship, to supernatural powers, he felt that what he had learned and comprehended was very messy.

Martial arts simply mobilize qi and blood, Nuo skills inspire one's own secrets and use the power of secrets to shape hidden scenes, swordsmanship comprehends the way of the sword, and the spiritual power of a Qi practitioner needs to be imagined.

In his Xiyi territory, there are all kinds of hidden scenes and Taoist phenomena everywhere.

His techniques are also quite complex.

Not to mention his own Taiyi Guiding Skill, he also has Yuanyu Bayin. Xu Ying often practices it and uses Daoyin to improve himself. Each of the six secrets of the human body requires a kind of exercise. Although it has eliminated the essentials and retained the essence, the six secrets are also very complicated when running.

The Nuo skills of the Six Secrets are different from the magical powers of Qi Refiners. For example, the Nuo skills in Ni Wan's Secret Collection can control naturally animate and inanimate objects, and even deprive others of their lives. There are no such magical powers among Qi Refiners. .

And now, he came into contact with another method, the runes of heaven.

Xu Ying realized that the heavenly runes could be combined into heavenly powers, which were also extremely powerful.

In addition to the way of heaven, there are also outside methods and the art of creation. In addition, there are also immortal runes!

Xu Ying thought hard, there were too many Taoist magical powers and they were too complicated. Sometimes they seemed not to be a system at all, and some were simply incompatible.

He thought hard and did not think about food or food for three days.

On the other hand, An Qi and Jin BuYe chatted very animatedly. The two guys often went to kill an ancient beast that had awakened its bloodline. Jin BuYe breathed fire and roasted it until it was cooked, and then ate it with An Qi.

Ho Kyung.

Zhuchanchan was supervising people's reconstruction of Haojing when she suddenly felt something in her heart and couldn't help but rejoiced: My snakeskin bag is here!

Wearing shackles and locked with magical powers, she hurriedly ran out of the city. Before she could get far, someone whipped her and shouted: Zhu Tiangong, you are carrying an important case, and you still want to escape?

Zhu Chanchan stopped in a hurry and said: It's not about escaping! You used the Heavenly Lock to lock up my cultivation. I can't even use my magical powers. Now I'm a mortal, where can I escape to?

The person who whipped her was the servant Gong Yangce. Hearing this, he sneered and said, You designed the Tianli Lock yourself. I don't believe you didn't leave a backdoor!

At this time, Jiang Qi came over and said to Gongyang Ce: Zhu Tiangong's old friend is here to visit. This old friend is extremely important and cannot be ignored. Zhu Tiangong, you are exempt from sin today.

Zhuchanchan was overjoyed. She broke free from the Heavenly Law Lock, recovered her cultivation, and ran out of the city. She smiled and said, Aying, is my baby still there?

Gongyang Ce pointed to the Tianli Lock on the ground and stammered: Tai, Taishi, am I right? This woman even dares to covet the materials of the Shenzhou on the other side!

Jiang Qi also had a big headache and said: What can you do to her? If you chop off her head, who will restore Hao Jing? Besides, although she was a little greedy, the other shore Shenzhou still flew to the other shore without any major mistakes. . Let’s find another heavenly craftsman to build the ship...

He shook his head: Even if all the materials are used, I'm afraid I won't be able to fly to the other side at all.

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