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Chapter 178 Starting from Martial Arts

Outside Haojing, Xu Ying saw Zhu Chanchan emerging as a eldest girl from a distance. She was so excited that she ran towards him. The young man was so excited that he couldn't help laughing. He jumped down from Xian Qi's head and opened his arms to wait.


Zhu Chanchan rushed past him furiously and punched the big snake, who was full of joy, straight up.

The big snake originally had its head raised, but after receiving the punch, it couldn't help but straighten its body and touch its chin to the ground.

Zhu Chanchan raised her hand and opened the mouth of the big snake and walked in. There was a burst of cheers inside: They are still there! My babies are still there!

The voice came out from An Qi's nostrils, and said, No one can take away my treasures... Hey, there are more treasures!

Xu Ying waited for a moment, and Zhu Chanchan pushed open the Shekou and walked out of it with a glorious face.

The woman looked at An Qi and punched him twice. An Qi suddenly felt refreshed and energized. He exclaimed in surprise: Ancestor Chanchan's boxing skills are getting more and more powerful. I don't know why, after being knocked twice by you, I feel that my cultivation level has improved a lot.

Zhu Chanchan glanced at his butt quietly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her brand was still there.

When she saw Jin Buyi, her eyes suddenly lit up, she jumped forward, punched him twice, and burst into tears. ——How powerful is Jin Buyi? Although she is old and frail, her divine power is still unparalleled in the world. How can she fight? Both hands were almost broken off.

Xu Ying took off the big clock from Jian Qi's neck and said: Chanchan, Mr. Zhong is injured. Please patch it up. The magic weapon in Mr. Qi's belly is my collection these days. You can use whatever materials you need. , no need to save.

Zhu Chanchan took the big bell and saw that the wall of the bell had been damaged, and only the eight immortal runes were intact. Logically speaking, it was no longer worth repairing.

I can use the magic weapon in Xian Qi's belly however I want? She looked directly at Xu Ying with bright eyes.

Xu Ying smiled and said, As long as it can cure Master Zhong, you can use it as much as you want!

Zhuchanchan cheered.

Seeing that she was thinner than before, Xu Ying asked, What are Chanchan doing these days? You haven't shown up in the past two years.

Zhuchanchan said: The Emperor of Zhou asked me to help him build Haojing and entrusted me with important tasks. I am his old minister, how can I refuse?

In the distance, a Da Zhou Qi practitioner swung his whip and shouted: Zhu Tiangong, don't talk for too long, come back to work!

Zhuchanchan turned around and shouted: My friend is here!

If you don't come to work, you won't have food to eat at night!

I'm coming!

Zhu Chanchan responded and smiled at Xu Ying: I have a very high status in Haojing, and they can't leave me for a while. During dinner, I asked the cook to prepare a few more meals for you to keep. As for repairing Master Zhong , wait until I get off work.

Xu Ying watched the girl leave in a hurry, and Xian Qi whispered: A Ying, Patriarch Chanchan seems to be having a bad life.

In the distance, a great Zhou Qi practitioner threw his shackles and said, Put them on yourself.

Zhu Chanchan put on her shackles and went to supervise the work.

At this time, Jiang Qi's voice came: Zhu Tiangong has not been executed, and he has been treated outside the law. According to the laws of Da Zhou, he should be sentenced to death.

Xu Ying saw the courtesy and said with a smile: Master Jiang, we meet again.

Jiang Qi returned the gift and looked at Jin Buyi with a look of surprise. His face suddenly changed slightly, as if he remembered something, and he hurriedly ordered the Da Zhou Qi Masters on his left and right, saying: Don't neglect this Golden Crow.

Xu Ying explained his purpose, and Jiang Qi smiled and said: I see. Since it is Senior A Ying's friend who is injured, how can we delay? Come, please invite Zhu Tiangong.

After a while, Zhuchanchan was invited again. Jiang Qi said: Zhu Tiangong, Senior A Ying's friend is injured, so you will miss a few days of work to heal Master Zhong. Don't neglect it.

Zhu Chanchan looked at Xu Ying, astonished. She obviously didn't know when Xu Ying had such a great reputation and could actually ask Jiang Qi to intercede.

She is a natural worker and is responsible for the entire Haojing restoration. If she stops working for a few days, Haojing restoration will have to stop and wait for her!

Xu Yingruo is just an immortal immortal who has lived long enough, so that Jiang Qi can pay such a high price to please him?

Xu Ying handed the big clock to her and said with a smile: Zhu Tiangong, I will leave the clock to you.

Zhu Chanchan picked up the big bell, called for An Qi, and said, I still need the strongest flame!

Jin Buyi stretched his head over and said with a smile, What do you think of me?

Zhuchanchan took them away.

Jiang Qi looked at Xu Ying and said with a smile: I see that Senior A Ying's brows are not furrowed. I wonder what's bothering him?

Xu Ying took a long breath, confessed all his troubles, and said: I have seen the peerless Qi masters and the peerless Nuo immortals, and I know that I still have many shortcomings. I want to take a step further, but now I don't know how to start. .”

Jiang Qi thought for a while and said: I am not the most powerful person in Da Zhou. My strength cannot be among the top ten in Da Zhou. In the future, Da Zhou Qi practitioners will definitely cultivate both Nuo and Qi, and my cultivation strength will definitely be even stronger. I can’t get into the queue. I’m sorry that it’s hard for me to answer Senior A Ying’s doubts.”

Xu Ying said seriously: If you also follow the path of cultivating Nuo Qi, you can enter the top ten of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or even be ranked first. I think it is very possible.

Jiang Qi shook his head and said: I am a great thinker. I don't need to pursue strong force, just appropriate force. For me, wisdom is sometimes a hundred times better than force.

He had the opportunity to practice both Nuo Qi and Qi, but at that time he needed to practice to the extreme level in the shortest time and control the Tianzhu Sword before he could implement the subsequent plan to protect Emperor Zhou.

Therefore, he had to give up this opportunity.

Jiang Qidao: The vast majority of people just learn the skills and magical powers passed down from their ancestors. After practicing the skills to the ascension stage throughout their lives, they are already praised by everyone as geniuses. But in fact, the vast majority of people are just mediocre. What if If you can create one or two magical powers, you will be called a great master. Senior Aying, you have comprehended the Eight Sounds of Yuanyu, observed the heavenly runes, comprehended the heavenly powers, and studied the immortal runes. You have already surpassed most people.

Xu Ying's face turned gloomy and he said: But those are all things I have done and understood in the past. I still cannot be called a master.

Jiang Qi sighed: But, what have you realized, how many people can't achieve it in their lifetime?

He shook his head, summoned a Qi practitioner from the Great Zhou Dynasty, arranged for Xu Ying to stay in Haojing temporarily, and turned around to leave.

Xu Ying settled down and had someone to arrange food and daily life every day. He didn't have to worry about it himself, which was quite comfortable.

He couldn't take any time off, so he rested for a while and then went to help Zhu Chanchan repair the big clock.

Chanchan, did you build Haojing?

Xu Ying realized that Haojing was an extremely large magic weapon. Every street, every building, every building, every bridge and river was composed of different types of magic weapons. He was inexplicably shocked.

Zhu Chanchan looked sad and shook her head: My master designed it, but he couldn't finish it. Later I helped him finish it.

She took out many magic weapon fragments from An Qi's mouth, asked Jin Buyi to breathe fire to refine them, extract the treasures, and slowly told the story of her master.

Haojing is the capital of Emperor Zhou. At that time, Emperor Zhou had the idea of ​​​​ascending the whole country to the immortal world. To ascend the whole country, a huge city would be needed to carry everyone.

The firelight shone on Zhu Chanchan's face, which was uncertain.

To build such a heavy weapon, a person with great wisdom is required. This person must have supreme experience in refining treasures, be proficient in various magic weapon castings and rune imprints, and have extremely strong space control.

People who master this ability were called Tiangong in that era. Master and I are the strongest Tiangong!

This matter was left to Zhu Chanchan and her master. Her master told Emperor Zhou that even if all the treasure mines in China were dug up, it would not be possible for Hao Jing to protect Emperor Zhou from the catastrophe.

How can the copper of the poor Chinese state resist the gods? If the city is destroyed and the body is destroyed, it will only increase the number of people who have perished. If the people of the world are poor, how can they resist the gods? If the country is destroyed and people perish, it will only increase the reputation.

When her master said this, the Emperor of Zhou became furious and ordered his execution. The master's race was suppressed and many people were beheaded.

Before her death, her master told her that Emperor Zhou must not have any thoughts of ascending to the throne.

He himself was unable to resist the calamity, so he tried to kidnap all living beings in China to go through the calamity together, betting that Heaven would not dare to kill all the people in China.

Her master told him, But Heaven is ruthless and will never take care of all living beings. If the whole country ascends, the country will surely be destroyed and everyone will be destroyed.

After my master died, the refining of Hao Jing fell into my hands.

Zhu Chanchan's eyes were illuminated by the fire, and suddenly the crystal light slipped from her cheeks. The girl said, From then on, no matter how many treasures or mines the Emperor Zhou brought, he could not fill the bottomless pit of Haojing. Use me as a Heaven's work, he will never be able to refine Hao Jing.

Xu Ying asked: So, later on, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, refine the other shore's divine boat and carry the civil and military officials of the dynasty to the other shore. Is that right?

Zhuchanchan smiled and said: He almost didn't even make the Divine Boat of the Other Shore. Although he knew that I was greedy for a lot of things, he just didn't dare to kill me. If he kills me, no one will be able to make the Divine Boat of the Other Shore for him.

Xian Qi asked in confusion: Ancestor Chanchan, why didn't you board the other side of the divine boat?

Zhuchanchan said calmly: Disciples of guilty ministers are not qualified to board the ship. Those who can board the ship are all nobles. Although I am a Tiangong in name, to the emperor of Zhou, Tiangong and the mulberry workers are not the same as those who raise mulberry trees. Fisherman of fish, no difference.”

Xian Qi murmured: Those who don't build ships can board the ship comfortably and go to the other side, but those who build ships are not qualified to board the ship. What's the truth?

Jin Buyi was snorting the blazing sun fire while dozing off. Suddenly he seemed to wake up again. He opened his drowsy old eyes and said, This has been true since ancient times. Look at those mud-legged people who build houses for people. , who can afford a house?”

Xu Ying exhaled a breath and reminded: But Emperor Zhou will be back soon. Your Feilai Peak is bigger than the Shenzhou on the other side. This crime can make you go to see the Master.

Zhu Chanchan smiled and said, Don't worry, I will definitely have a way to escape.

The big bell was originally made of ordinary brass, but it was beaten to pieces this time. Zhu Chanchan just rebuilt it.

Xu Ying got a lot of magic weapon fragments in Taiyi Xiaoxuantian. These fragments are the magic weapons of the strongest Qi refiners in all the worlds. There are countless treasures used in them!

Zhuchanchan spent a lot of effort to refine these treasures, and it took more than ten days to complete them.

Although Jiang Qi allowed her to help Xu Ying refine the bell first, he couldn't help but get anxious after it took so long and came to urge her several times.

Xu Ying returned to his residence and continued to meditate and find his own path of spiritual practice.

On this day, I suddenly had a realization in my heart: What is the Nuo method? What is the magical power? What is the martial arts? What is the purpose of their development?

He became excited: It's resistance!

When the hurricane comes to destroy my home, resist the hurricane!

When the flood comes to swallow our lives, resist the flood!

When the beasts eat our lives, resist the beasts!

When the power doesn't give us a way to survive, we must resist the power!

It's time to resist the law of heaven when it tramples on us!

He jumped up and laughed loudly: When our human race was weak, we did not have the claws of wild beasts, the power of powerful people, the power of hurricanes, the fierceness of floods, and the power of heaven. When we started to resist, All we can use are these fists!

The ancestors used their bodies to fight against savage beasts and resist the power of heaven. Nuo method, magical power, everything started with martial arts!

He no longer cares about the operation of the exercises, no longer thinks about the magical powers of Nuo, he meditates inwardly, stirs up Qi and blood, and the golden elixir emerges from the elixir cauldron and shines all over his body!

Let's start with martial arts!

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