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Chapter 176 Everlasting Love

Xue Ying'an took the Eight-Sided Sword, feeling surprised and happy. Ever since Taiyi Xiao Xuantian broke the magic weapon during his trip, he has been in a situation where he has no treasure to use.

Xu Ying can do without magic weapons, and various magical powers and Nuo techniques are ever-changing, but Xue Ying'an still majors in Zhongjian after all. If he has magic weapons, his strength can be greatly improved.

Moreover, he still has three secret treasures that have not yet been opened. He has already opened three secret treasures. With the improvement of his cultivation level, the difficulty of opening the other three secret treasures has been greatly improved. Normal magic weapons can no longer open those three secret treasures. Tibetan.

But if he has the Eight-sided Sword in his hand, he can open the other three secrets!

The sky made of flesh and blood suddenly drooped, like a huge meat ball hanging from the sky. Noisy sounds also sounded in the hearts of everyone, disturbing their mental thinking.

Suddenly, the flesh ball split open, revealing an eye, and the noisy sound reached its peak at this moment, making people confused!

The two huge magic swords behind Jin Buyi suddenly clanked, and all the noise disappeared, leaving only the crisp sound of the swords.

That huge eye rolled around and focused on Jin Buyi from a distance.


The sword light behind Jin Buyi burst out, and the ten thousand feet long sword energy split the sky, causing the nearby flesh and blood to continuously break.

The old Golden Crow stood there motionless, letting his sword energy expand and sweep across the world.

That eye seemed angry and was about to attack. Suddenly the light of a knife caught his eye, and the next moment the huge eyeball split in half!

The two sword aura behind Jin Buyi became stronger and stronger, the sword light became brighter and brighter, and everything where the sword shined was cracked!

A cold snort came from the piece of flesh and blood covering the sky, and suddenly all the flesh and blood quickly retreated, not daring to compete with the sword light.

However, the sword energy behind Jin Buyi became more and more powerful. With Jiucailing as the center, it expanded in all directions, covering an increasingly wider area, occupying half of the sky.

Hold on tight.

Jin Buyi hummed in a low voice, I'm old, my energy and blood are declining, I won't be able to hold on for long.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart and hurriedly helped Qingyu treat his physical injuries. However, Qingyu's injuries in the Xiyi Realm and Yuan Shen's injuries were beyond his ability to heal.

Xu Ying took out a jade bottle and said: I still have some essence of the original path here. Miss Qingzhu can take it and it should be able to quickly restore her cultivation.

An Qi asked in surprise: Ah Ying, where did you get the essence of the original way?

The big clock hanging around his neck swayed feebly, as if he had something to say.

Xu Yingdao: Before I return it to Master Jiang, I pour out a little bit for myself.

A little bit?

A little bit.

General An Qi was doubtful when he saw Fairy Qingqi take a sip from the jade bottle and then return it to Xu Ying. Apparently there was still some remaining essence of the original path in the jade bottle.

Aying, is it really just a little bit? Let me see! the big snake shouted.

Xu Ying quickly put away the jade bottle and said sincerely: Seventh Master, you know, I am not young anymore. I have to think about the rest of my life and prepare the betrothal gift as soon as possible. Otherwise, which girl will marry me? I'm probably already here. Twenty thousand years old, do you still want me to be a bachelor?

An Qi said nonchalantly: I see, I wrongly blamed you. I thought you left a hundred million points for yourself and a little bit for Grand Master Jiang.

Xu Ying said seriously: This is absolutely not the case!

An Qi secretly glanced into the jade bottle, but still couldn't see how much essence of the original path was left, and he felt anxious.

Xu Ying helped the elegant Tianlong regain his physical body, making Tianlong grow a lot, but compared to his huge head, his body still seemed very small.

Not long after, Qingzhu recovered some of his cultivation and offered sacrifices to his soul. Jiulong Mountain Jiucailing suddenly shrank deeper into the sky.

The world is rumbling and shaking, Jiucailing is returning to Yuanshou from this world!

Suddenly, the flesh and blood occupying half of the sky came back and rushed towards Jiuciling quickly!

Jin Buyi roared, and the fire suddenly started. The fire merged with the light of the sword and became sharper. It split countless flesh and blood, and when the flesh and blood fell, it burned on its own.

The flesh and blood that swept across the sky made a popping sound, and large meat balls hung down from the sky. When they turned around, they turned into huge eyeballs!

call out!

Countless strange eyes shoot divine light toward Jiucailing!

Jin Buyi rolled up his two swords with his wings and struck them down.

Xu Ying, Gian Qi, Xue Ying'an and others were horrified when they saw it. They couldn't help but sweat over the old Golden Crow. Suddenly, Jiucailing shook violently and disappeared from the land of divine punishment.

There was a light in front of them, the sun was dazzling, and then the even more dazzling sword light swept the sky of Jiulong Mountain with the sun fire, burning the sky red!

Just two clanks were heard, and the two magic swords fell to the ground, still inserted behind Jin Buyi.

The light of swords and fires filled the sky with a hissing sound, and they were withdrawn into the two magic swords, and the light of fire fell into Jin Bu's body.

Xu Ying and An Qi looked straight at him, their eyes almost bulging out with envy.

Xu Ying said to Xian Qi: I will definitely prepare such a powerful magic weapon for myself. It must be hidden somewhere waiting for me to sense it, and it will fly over!

An Qi nodded repeatedly, and the broken bell under his neck rang silently.

Jin Buyi said: Ah Ying, you have forgotten that you don't use magic weapons.

Xu Ying was stunned, and suddenly remembered that in Jin Buyi's memory in those years, it seemed that he had never used any magic weapon!

Even if he used some magic weapons, he only used them once or twice and put them aside casually.

An Qi said carefully: Ah Ying, do you still remember our experience in Taiyi Xiaoxuantian? There are fragments of powerful magic weapons from all over the world buried there. These broken magic weapons often have your palm prints. It can be seen that you are No magic weapon is needed.”

The corner of Xu Ying's eyes twitched, he looked at Xue Ying'an, coughed, and said: A'an, your master Li Xiaoke is still alive, he will definitely take back this eight-sided sword. If the eight-sided sword is placed here with you, you can't control it. live.

Xue Ying'an quickly said: Brother Xu, I can control it.

No, you can't help it!

The two young people were competing for the Eight-sided Sword. Fairy Qingqi came over and her eyes fell on the Eight-sided Sword. Xu Ying's face turned red, he let go of the Eight-sided Sword, and said calmly: I'm afraid he won't be able to control it...

Fairy Qingqi suppressed her laughter and said, Do immortal gods also steal things from younger generations?

Xue Ying'an hugged the Eight-sided Sword tightly and nodded repeatedly: Yes, you are a senior! This is a junior's thing!

Xu Ying gave up reluctantly, feeling secretly upset in his heart.

Fairy Qingqiu said: I have recovered from my injuries and will hunt down Li Xiaoke until death. I beg you to resign. Have you recovered your previous memories?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: There are always some pictures in front of me, but I can't see them clearly.

The spirit behind Fairy Qingqi gently reached out and took off the Pure Yang Fire that she placed in Xu Ying Xiyi's Domain, and said: I originally thought that this Pure Yang Fire could help you get rid of the miasma. Let you regain some memories. It won’t have much effect if you don’t think about it. You still haven’t remembered our past.”

She held the flame with her fingertips, opened her lips slightly, and blew gently.

Xu Ying felt the fragrant wind blowing on her face, and the pure Yang fire was blown into her body and disappeared.

Fairy Qingqiu smiled softly, turned around and said, I will plant this fire in your soul. See you again in the future, immortal immortal.

She summoned Tianlong, who had a small body with a big head on his head, jumped up and followed her, and called back: Xu Ying, I...

When he saw Jin Buyi standing behind Xu Ying, he shrank and said, I won't care about you killing my master anymore. It won't happen again! If you dare to kill my master next time, I will kill you. !”

He jumped onto the black coffin, squatted down, and said: Qingqiu, after killing Li Xiaoke, let's settle the score between us. But I probably can't beat you, so you have to be merciful and don't beat me too hard.

Qingqiu snorted.

Xu Ying said loudly: Miss Qingyu, if you want to practice both Qi and Nuo, you can come to me! I have collected all the six secrets!

Qingzhu waved his hand, and the black coffin flew away.

Tianlong squatted on the coffin and said: That brat promised to kill my previous master. I have no sworn relationship with him, but I just want him to help me heal my wounds... This little brat changed the Heavenly Talisman on my body. arts!

He was furious, jumping up and down on the coffin, and shouted angrily: The heavenly runes on my body were born, and he changed them for me... Hey, they're even better!

He crouched down again, standing in the wind, and said: I feel that what he changed is the right one. Weird, why does he know the runes of heaven? Qingyu, how do you know him?

Fairy Qingqiu fell into deep thought. Tianlong observed the woman's profile and saw a smile on her face.

Tianlong was confused.

Fairy Qingqiu whispered: I was very curious about him back then and met him several times.

Tianlong asked curiously: What's the reason?

Fairy Qingqiu did not continue.

On Jiulong Mountain, Xu Ying asked Xue Yingan to resign and left. Xue Ying'an was helping the Jiulong Mountain disciples treat their injuries and explaining Li Xiaoke's evil deeds to them. When he heard that Xu Ying was leaving, he felt reluctant to leave.

Brother Xu, I really want to follow you, but I'm worried that the simple brothers in Jiulong Mountain will be deceived by Li Xiaoke again, so I can only stay.

Xue Ying'an said, Now that Jiulong Mountain has no owner, I will be the teacher and teach the brothers the Six Secrets so that they can follow the right path.

His eyes were eager and he said: Brother Xu, your knowledge is a hundred times greater than mine, why don't you stay? If you stay, you will be the Jiulong Mountain Master!

Xu Ying declined politely: The battle between Qingqi and Li Xiaoke gave me a great shock and made me realize that I have huge flaws.

Xue Ying'an lost his voice and said: You are so strong, you have mastered the six secrets, and you also know the divine power of heaven. How come you still have flaws?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I just mastered the Six Secrets one step ahead of others. In the future, Qi and Nuo cultivation will become orthodox, and everyone can master the Six Secrets. As for the magical power of Heaven, it is the power of Heaven, what does it have to do with me? It's another one If a person is proficient in the runes of heaven, he may not be worse than me. Watching the battle between Qingli and Li Qiaoqai, I suddenly realized that I might be on the wrong path.

Xue Ying'an inquired and Xu responded: Miss Qingyu can defeat Li Xiaoke simply by refining Qi. This shows that Qi refining has huge potential.

Xue Ying'an nodded lightly and praised: The fairy's magical power is so extraordinary that it is indescribable. If the transformation of magical power has the immortal realm, then she must have entered the fairy realm.

Xu Ying said: Li Xiaoke transplanted other people's Six Secrets Cave Heaven and used the power of the Six Secrets. Although his magic power is extremely powerful and his Nuo skills are also extraordinary. But in my opinion, his Nuo skills are not as good as Zhou Qiyun.

Xue Ying'an didn't know who Zhou Qiyun was, but he thought there must be something special about being remembered by Xu Ying.

Since I left Jiangjiatian, I have never systematically learned magical powers, nor have I seriously studied swordsmanship, nor have I been taught the true teachings of Nuo.

Xu Ying said seriously, If I want to integrate the Six Secrets and Qi Refining, I first need to learn both well. If you cannot learn both well, even if you practice to the extreme level, you will be just another Li Xiaoke.

He smiled slightly and said: Ying An, I'm a bit greedy. I want to practice Qi to the level of Miss Qingyu, practice Nuo, and practice to the level of Zhou Qiyun. By then, if we merge the two families into one, we may be able to reach the ultimate level. territory.

Hearing this, Xue Ying'an stopped trying to stay and said, You have lofty ambitions and I can't force you to stay. Please stay for two days and I will compile the master's sword skills and teach them to you.

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: No need. I have learned it.

Xue Ying'an looked at him in surprise.

Xu Ying waved his hand and took Gong Qi and Jin Buyi down the mountain. Xue Ying'an looked at their backs, suddenly a surge of pride arose in his heart, and said loudly: Brother Xu, we have never had a fight since we met. Don't you want to experience the swordsmanship of Jiulong Mountain for yourself?

Xu Ying stopped and looked back, with fighting spirit in his heart, and said with a smile: Okay!

Xue Ying'an stood on the top of the mountain. Suddenly, the sword energy in his hand burst out, and the sword light flowed. The young man rose up with the sword like a sword fairy and struck across the sky!

Xu Ying straightened up and turned into a stream of light that shot through the air. Countless sword energies behind him turned into long sword tails and swept toward Xue Ying'an.

Xian Qi and Jin Buyi stopped to take a look and saw that the mountains of Jiulong Mountain were undulating. The ridges were low in gentle places and difficult for the spirit ape to climb in steep places. Two sword lights shuttled between the mountains and rivers. The sword lights collided and exploded. Like a silver bottle breaking apart, sword lights poured out all over the sky!

Those sword lights never dissipate, either lurking between mountains and rivers, or hiding under trees and grass leaves, hiding in ambush.

When the two figures flew towards each other, the sword light and sword energy suddenly erupted, like silver snow in the sky, and the two figures shuttled and fought among the snowflakes!

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, which shocked all the disciples from Jiulong Mountain to come and watch.

They were all masters of swordsmanship and had obtained Li Xiaoke's true biography, but even they were dazzled by it.

I saw the snow gradually covering the mountains, forming a dragon-like force, just like the dragon veins of Jiulong Mountain reviving, each pulse coming from different mountains!

The Jiulong Mountain disciples were shocked: Are we going to separate life and death?

But when the two dragon-shaped sword energies were about to collide, they suddenly staggered to the left and right.

Xu Ying fell on top of Xian Qi's head, and Xue Ying'an fell on the top of the mountain.

As soon as the two of them settled down, they saw sword energy falling from the sky, whizzing, whizzing, and sinking into their bodies.

The dazzling snow scene just now disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying said goodbye from afar, and Xue Ying'an bowed in return.

An Qi carried Xu Ying down the mountain, while Jin Buyi stretched out his three legs and swung from side to side to keep up with the big snake, keeping his eyes on the snake's tail.

An Qi was so stunned by it that he quickly said: Master Jin, you don't want your sword anymore?

The two magic swords were inserted on the top of Jiulong Mountain's Jiucailing Ridge, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

I put it over there.

Jin Buyi stretched out his claws to grab the swimming tail, and said casually, My sword is quick, and I can pick it up at a moment's notice.

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