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Chapter 175 Jin Buji’s Knife

The old Golden Crow howled loudly, and soon a sea of ​​fire engulfed Xu Ying and others.

The flesh all over his body was sizzling from the heat, and he could smell a faint fragrance. He was frightened and said quickly: Ah Ying, please persuade it quickly and stop it from crying. It's so miserable.

I don’t know if he is talking about Jin Buyi or himself.

Xu Ying thought of Jin Buyi's experience and felt pity in his heart. He stepped forward to comfort him and said, I have recognized you for a long time, but you are old. I want you to stay in the hibiscus tree and take care of yourself. Why are you running away again? Out?

Jin Buyi choked up. He was old and had a bad memory. He was a bit nagging. Sometimes he would mention one thing several times and say it over and over again.

However, it complained about its own forgetfulness both inside and outside its words, and it never complained about Xu Ying.

It complained that it had promised to never abandon him, but it had forgotten the promise and had forgotten him for more than four thousand years.

If it hadn't been promised to leave the essence of the original path in its body, and let the people in the fish belly practice Nuo Qi and provide it with elixirs, it wouldn't have remembered these things.

It babbled, saying that it was muddy in old age and always forgetting things.

It still remembered that the last time it saw Xu Ying, Xu Ying was caught, imprisoned in a prison car, and escorted to Xianyang.

It flew over the prison car and saw the young man in the prison car below looking up at him, but it flapped its wings and flew away indifferently.

From then on, I don't remember you! it howled, and the flames set Xu promised's clothes on fire.

Xu Ying quickly comforted him, and An Qi also endured the pain and comforted him: It's none of your business. You're injured, so hurry up and heal...

Jin Buyi waved his wings, wiped away the tears of fire, looked at the blood on his body, and said: It's not mine, it fell on me when I killed someone. You smell so good...

An Qi said timidly: I'm almost done. Please stop crying.

Jin Buyi calmed down, raised a paw and asked Xu Ying: Is this bell yours?

During the battle with Qingqiu and Tianlong, the big bell was riddled with holes. Li Xiaoke sacrificed it again and fought hard to make it even more seriously injured.

Although Jin Buyi is old and confused, he has followed Xu Ying through many killings and calamities, including more than thirty battles with gods!

What's more, it also participated in the fight against the mysterious beings who came down from above. Those mysterious beings, even the gods respected them!

This battle with Li Xiaoke is just an insignificant battle in its long life. Although it is old, it will not fall into the hands of Li Xiaoke.

It had seen the big bell and had some vague impression of it, so it didn't throw it away, just like grabbing a bell and asking for permission.

It's probably Mr. Zhong! An Qi said in surprise after identifying it.

Only the eight immortal runes of the big bell are still there. Most of the other parts are broken. He must have fainted. I don't know whether he was seriously injured by Jin Buyi or by Fairy Qingqiu.

Jin Buyi raised the big clock and shook it, causing wind to leak everywhere, and said: This clock is probably broken.

It planned to hang the big bell around Xu Ying's neck, but it was too big, so it spit out a stream of flames, made a match rope, and hung it around Anchi Qi's neck.

An Qi didn't dare to move. He always felt that this match rope would burn his neck cleanly and his head would fall off together with the big clock!

But fortunately this didn't happen.

However, he immediately felt that his energy and blood were quietly draining, and he felt relieved: Master Zhong is still here, and it is stealing my energy and blood to heal. But I'm afraid it won't be able to heal well this time.

Jin Buyi raised another bird's foot and asked Xu Ying: Did you drop this sword?

When Xu Ying saw the eight-sided sword, he was surprised and happy, and said quickly: I could have dropped it!

The sword held in Jin Buyi's talons is Li Xiaoke's Eight-sided Han Sword, one of the two most important treasures of Jiulong Mountain's Jiucai Ridge!

Li Xiaoke refined the Eight-sided Han Sword and the Xiaoyao Bell. The Xiaoyao Bell was beaten to pieces by Qingzhu, but the power of this sword is still there, and it is definitely the top magic weapon!

Jin Buqi said apologetically: The brand in the sword was burned away by me.

This is better! Xu Ying took the sword excitedly.

Xue Ying'an was very envious.

Seeing that he was happy, Jin Buyi was also very happy, so he wanted to fly up and land on Xu Ying's shoulders like he did when he was a child.

Xu Ying suddenly felt like the tip of a needle, stuck on the ground, with a giant bird the size of a mountain peak on top. Xu Ying trudged forward, feeling that the burden on him was heavier.

Let's go to Jiulong Mountain to heal our wounds first. This place is not safe. Fairy Qingqu promised to Xu.

She was keenly aware of a strange aura between heaven and earth, and her heartbeat was also fluctuating, telling her that it was best to leave quickly.

The Land of God's Punishment was desolate. The corpse of the ancient beast carrying the seal of the ancient temple was lying on the desolate wilderness, while other behemoths fled in all directions.

This ancient giant beast died in the battle between Li Xiaoke and Fairy Qingyu. During the battle, neither of them could hold back their strength, and they failed to hold back their power, which resulted in the tragic death of this giant beast.

Although the giant beast is dead, there is still a lonely portal standing on its back, and the writing on the door's forehead is unclear.

At this time, huge pieces of flesh and blood were flying in the air like manta rays, falling one after another and getting into the deep well behind the door.

And beneath the manta-shaped flesh and blood, on the wasteland, towers of flesh and blood are rushing towards this side one after another!

Not enough! Not enough!

A grand thought was surging in the well, I need more limbs and more energy to unlock the seal of the Immortal Dao! My limbs scattered all over the world, come back quickly and break through the seal!

At this rare opportunity, Li Xiaoke was extremely powerful, but also extremely cunning. He had been holding him back by helping him break the seal, asking him to teach his heretical methods, and trying to squeeze out his knowledge.

At that time, he also had the intention of being a white wolf with empty hands, seducing Li Xiaoke, allowing Li Xiaoke to sense the heavens and humans, fold time and space, and fold part of the mountains and rivers of the land of China into the sky of the land of divine punishment for him to eat.

He devoured millions of people, emptied that piece of China, plundered the vitality of the world, and finally a part of his body could escape the seal.

He used this part of his body to take revenge, devour the Land of Divine Punishment, devour the descendants of his enemies, and drain the world dry. But Li Xiaoke did not continue to support Him and got more heaven and earth to feed Him.

Obviously, Li Xiaoke was also hoping to get more from Him.

However, I am finally out of trouble! The deep well continued to vibrate.

Jin Buyi stood on Xu Ying's shoulder, but felt that his standing was not stable, so he had to jump down.

This three-legged golden crow followed Xu Ying, like a big vulture, hopping around on three legs.

It was very excited, fearing that it would become a stranger to its former owner, and always had nothing to say. However, my memory is not very good, I always forget things, and I especially like to pick up things.

A Ying, did you drop this insect? It curiously picked up Jian Qi's head, brought it to Xu Ying, and asked.


Then I'll eat it.

No... Master Qi, wake up! Wake up quickly... Yes, you were not eaten. When you got into the throat, you were spit out. It's not dirty, it's not dirty. Xu Ying comforted the big snake.

After a while, Jin Buyi came and asked Xu Ying: A Ying, did you drop this boy?

Xue Ying'an's head was held in Jinwu's mouth, with a desperate look on his face. It hung lifelessly under Jinwu's mouth, and he did not dare to struggle.

No, but don't eat it! This is a good friend. Xu Ying was frightened and saved Xue Ying'an.

Jin Buyi put Xue Ying'an down, patted the boy's head to comfort him, and said, I don't eat people.

After a while, it picked up Xue Ying'an again and asked Xu Ying: A Ying, did you drop this?

Xu Ying, Fairy Qingyu, Xue Ying'an and others returned to Jiucailing to recuperate. On Jiucailing, Li Xiaoke's disciples were shocked and confused.

This place is ominous.

Fairy Qingqiu stood on Jiucai Ridge and looked at the Land of Divine Punishment below. She was a little frightened and said to Xue Ying'an, There must be a peerless evil hidden in the heaven and earth here, waiting for an opportunity to escape. We can only stop for a moment, and wait for a moment. Treat the injury, otherwise you will suffer harm! Your fellow disciples must let them leave as soon as possible!

An Qi was puzzled and said: Why don't we go after Li Xiaoke? Li Xiaoke's injuries must be extremely serious, otherwise it would be impossible to escape. Now is the best time to kill him!

Qingqian shook his head and said: If we leave, after the peerless evil comes out, we can follow this mountain and enter China. With his ability, he can easily destroy a world, and China cannot withstand his torment. When I recover from my injury, I Move this mountain back to China and cut off communication between the two worlds. As for Li Xiaoke...

She shook her head and said: A bereaved dog is vulnerable. Take care of things here, and it's not too late to kill him.

Xu Ying secretly praised: This woman has a chivalrous heart.

Xue Ying'an swept away the dejection of the bird's beak as he had just escaped, and said: You heal your wounds, and I will persuade my fellow disciples to leave!

He walked away in a hurry.

Xu Ying watched him leave and thought to himself: In the minds of the Jiulong Mountain disciples, Xue Ying'an is a traitor who colludes with outsiders. Will the Jiulong Mountain disciples listen to his words?

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the sword energy surge. A dozen Jiulong Mountain disciples activated the sword boxes and small bells, and started to kill Xue Ying'an, shouting: The traitor named Xue, I will kill you today to sacrifice to heaven!

Get rid of Xue Gou!

Kill Xue Gou to avenge Master!

While resisting the attacks of the disciples, Xue Ying'an shouted loudly: The heretic evil gods suppressed here are about to escape. If we don't leave, we will all die here!

He had no magic weapon, so he could only rely on his sword energy to fight against the sword boxes and small bells of many brothers. However, when he used his sword energy, he cut off the flying swords one after another. Even Xiao Zhong, who was famous for his strong defense, could not stop them. The power of his sword!

Xue Ying'an was startled: Why did my cultivation improve so quickly?

He has opened three caves during this period, and with the essence of the original path in his body, his cultivation strength has unknowingly surpassed that of all his brothers in Jiulong Mountain!

Many senior brothers came to fight, and Xue Ying'an defeated them one after another with a single move, and knocked down one senior sister after another. There was no opponent in the whole mountain!

After a long time, Xue Ying'an severely injured all his brothers and knocked them to the ground. He carried them and sent them out of Jiucailing. He was surprised and happy in his heart: Even now, my vitality is still at its peak, and my wounds are hurting rapidly. I have recovered, and my physical body is not tired. I practice Nuo Qi at the same time, it is really amazing!

Xu Ying, Qing Yu and others stayed temporarily, recovering from their injuries while paying attention to the changes in the Land of Divine Punishment.

Xu Ying took advantage of the confrontation between Xue Ying'an and his brothers to learn the swordsmanship from the Jiulong Mountain lineage.

Jiulong Mountain is a master of both bells and swords. Li Xiaoke was a peerless master in the Han Dynasty, and the swordsmanship he passed on to his disciples was a unique skill.

Although Li Xiaoke's attainments in swordsmanship were not unparalleled in the world, he was still the supreme swordsman among the Qigong masters in the Han Dynasty. Xu Ying learned the swordsmanship from him, but he never improved after that.

At this moment, watching the battle between Xue Ying'an and the disciples of Jiulong Mountain, his swordsmanship has also improved by leaps and bounds, and has reached a new height.

Most of the injuries on Qingzhu's body were caused by Li Xiaoke's magical powers. There were residual magical powers in the wounds, which were the most difficult to remove. Qingzhu needed to use his own magical powers to remove them bit by bit, and others could not help.

The same is true for Tianlong.

However, he is a creature of heaven, and his vitality is many times stronger than that of a normal person. He was beaten to pieces by a big bell from the head down and still survived. But He was also the most seriously injured and was on his deathbed.

Qingqiu recovered slightly from his injury, so he helped him refine the remaining magical power from the wound.

Xu Ying immediately took over and activated Niwan's secret secret elixir of longevity to help him recover his physical body.

I recognize you.

Slender limbs gradually grew below Tianlong's neck, and his energy and blood no longer flowed away. However, his newly grown limbs were relatively small, only more than ten feet long. They were extremely weak and could not support his huge mountain-like head.

When my master was alive, I worked with him to suppress you.

Tianlong looked at Xu Ying and said, Then my master died. My master said, you are a rebel!

Jin Buli curiously picked him up, raised his neck, and tried to swallow him.

Tianlong quickly tried to open his limbs, trying to hold its mouth to prevent himself from falling into its stomach, and shouted: Stop! Stop! We used to be rivals, but now we are on the same team!

Jin Buyi reluctantly spit him out, and Toba touched his big head.

Don't be like this, we're in the same group, we're in the same group.

Tianlong whispered, Xiaolong rebelled.

At this moment, the celestial phenomena in the Land of Divine Punishment suddenly changed, the earth shook violently, and even the sky shook.

Xu Ying stood up and activated his heavenly eyes to look at the source of the vibration. He saw that the ground there was cracked, and the earth's energy was spurting outward, filling the air with white smoke.

Jin Buyi stood behind him, his voice was old and thick, and he said: I don't remember where I put the knife for cutting people that the master made for me. I'll take a look.

It spread its wings and mobilized its ancient divine consciousness. The sun's divine fire filled its entire body and turned into a scorching sun, illuminating the land of divine punishment.


The Land of Divine Punishment shook violently, and the cracked earth formed an abyss. Countless flesh and blood rose into the sky from the abyss, stuck to the sky of this world, and spread outward.

More and more flesh and blood poured out from the abyss of blood, gradually covering the sky of this world.

Pillars of flesh kept falling from the sky, with a snap, spreading out their thick tentacles, covering the fleeing ancient beasts below, and devouring them on the spot!

When those meat pillars were retracted, only the white bones of the ancient beasts were left on the ground, with no flesh and blood left!

In the sky, the sun's light was also blocked, and it seemed that even the two suns were swallowed up by flesh and blood.

The only light left was the blazing fire radiating from the top of Jiulong Mountain's Jiucailing Mountain!

Xu Ying turned around and said loudly: Qingyu, how much has your cultivation level recovered?

Qingzhu hesitated for a moment and then held up the black coffin.

Her cultivation is not enough to move Jiuciling back to China, but if she transplants the cave hidden in the coffin, her cultivation will skyrocket, and she can use her magical power to move Jiuciling!

She was about to take action when suddenly the albino feathers on Jin Buyi's face trembled like pearls, and he said with a smile: I sensed my knives! They are coming!


The sky behind them split open, and two extremely bright rays of light cut through the sky and flew over Jiucailing. They were like two bright monuments standing behind Jin Buyi and Xu Ying, reflecting thousands of sharp blades.

The endless flow of flesh and blood from all around was stirred up by the light of the sword, and suddenly fell in pieces!

Xu Ying looked back. The two long knives were so dazzling that it was almost difficult to focus his eyes on them because they were too smooth.

These two magical swords were taller than Jin Buyi. The two swords were inserted on both sides of Jin Buyi's wings, one on the left and one on the right.

Xu Ying looked at the Eight-sided Sword and then at the two magic swords, with a confused look on his face: I made this?

He handed the Eight-sided Sword to Xue Ying'an and murmured: Ying'an, keep this sword. I think I must have left a better one for myself.

————The knife you want is here! Is it this kind of knife?

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