Choose a day to soar

June ends, please get a guaranteed monthly ticket for July

Updated at noon! !

The troubled month of June has passed like this.

July is probably a new month.

Yesterday, there were silver rewards from Window, Ying'an, and the management team. Zhaizhu took a look and found that Ascend Another Day has 388 alliances. In last month's monthly list, all of them were alliance leaders. In addition, they can only be among writers. The assistant sees the little red dot of the support message, which makes everyone spend money.

At the beginning of June, Zhaizu really couldn't calm down. I kept feeling something was wrong as I wrote and wrote. I couldn't even fight with him. There were all kinds of restrictions and I felt uncomfortable.

At that time, the number of words deleted every day far exceeded those updated. Even if I went to Hainan later, I would write one chapter a day, and it was only recently that I adjusted.

Last night, I made an appointment with my friend Ru Shui Yi to go to the sea. After walking for more than ten kilometers in the sea, my feet were worn out. Although I didn't gain much, it cultivated my mood. Thank you Ru Shuiyi for taking the risk and risking your life before the typhoon arrived, and thank you Brother Dangyan for your guidance during this period.

I'd like to apologize for my recent update. Many readers advised me to put down the book and cultivate my body and mind. But if I don't update a chapter, I can't do it. I can only update it from time to time.

So when I see that everyone likes Jin Buqi's story, I am also very happy. This may be the most recognized way.

From the beginning of Liu Zongyuan's Snake Catcher, Zhai Zhu began to slowly add some long-standing historical figures, myths and legends.

At the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, no one must have guessed that this immortal immortal was talking about Xu Ying, right?

Hahaha, this name is correct, Xu Ying is as his name suggests, he is very tough.

If you like this kind of background story, then I have to recommend another book by the cute new author Zhai Zhu, The Supreme Humanity.

I believe you will also like Zhong Yue's story.

Slow down and watch, don't keep threatening to send razor blades to urge you to update, the pig's trotters are smoking~

Before the book started, Zhai Zhu said that the new book would be an in-volume story. Now you can see from the plot that there are at least two aliases, Scrolled to Death and No One Can Think of Ascension.

Who is controlling the divine weapon of heaven? The increasingly powerful Heavenly Tribulation slowly cut off the chance of ascension. Under the inner scroll, a new cultivation system emerged.

Some people hide themselves and wait for opportunities, such as Zulong; some people devote their entire country to build a flying boat and force the crossing to the other side; some people become the mastermind behind the scenes, such as Li Xiaoke who is working hard at Leek.

When no one can ascend, everyone can show off their magical powers. Is this enough?

But this is where the story begins.

Please subscribe. We are now working towards a four-star book. Subscribe more every day and everyone will create a four-star book as quickly as possible.

Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket for July so that we can stand higher.

I would like to express my special thanks to Zhai Cai (the founder of Digital E Alliance Cai) for his escort. The boss of Zhai Cai gave me the greatest strength and encouragement to not compromise.

The confrontation during that period was undoubtedly difficult, but in the end we came out and we were not that weak.

Zhai Zhu is responsible for writing the book. If you are able, please come to the starting point to support Choose a Day to Ascend. Thank you! ! !

Monthly vote, monthly vote please! ! !

Also, do you remember the book I recommended earlier? I Got You is now on the shelves, and the suspense is endless. If you like it, you can support I Got You. ps, my good friend wrote it, it’s very beautiful, um... I’d better recommend the book! ! !

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