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Chapter 167 The Battle of Two Bells (Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

Just as Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly saw light coming from behind him. He looked back and saw another sun rising slowly from behind him.

There was no sun essence in the sunshine from the sun just now, so the sun essence contained in this sun was too strong and the aura was overwhelming.

The plants that were half-dead before are now growing crazily, and the small animals in the mountains are also eating desperately at this moment!

Li Xiaoke's disciples also went out at this time to practice facing the sun. There were actually many of his disciples, two to three hundred. Xu Ying saw everyone offering golden elixirs one after another, floating in the air, shining with golden light. The golden elixirs were refined to be extremely pure, and everyone's cultivation level was not weak!

There are also some disciples who are displaying their magical sword skills, which are even more exquisite.

Xu Ying followed Li Xiaoke forward, and saw many disciples facing each other across the mountain, dozens of miles apart, controlling flying swords to fight with fierce and extraordinary swordsmanship.

Xu Ying stopped and watched for a moment, comprehending a few moves from their swordsmanship, and secretly praised in his heart: Li Xiaoke is indeed a great master! His swordsmanship has reached its peak!

At this time, someone in the canyon was practicing sword moves, and turned into a sword as thick as a dragon, flying along the canyon with a terrifying momentum!

The long dragon of sword energy is composed of countless sword energy and wraps around the body of the sword wielder. It is more exquisite than the sword energy pillar that Xue Ying'an displayed that day.

This person's sword energy is long and can turn in the air like a real dragon. It is complex and changeable, unlike Xue Ying'an's swordsmanship, which is straightforward.

The sword energy dragon flew past the canyon, spun upward, and suddenly stopped in the air, forming a sword energy cloud.

Standing on the sword cloud was a girl in yellow clothes. With a roar, she saw three thick sword lights shooting out from the cloud, shuttling back and forth in the air. The three sword lights crossed and cut back and forth, extremely vicious.

Good swordsmanship! Xu Ying stopped and admired sincerely.

Li Xiaoke's voice came from the front and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, please come this way.

Xu Ying followed him and brought him to Xiaoyao Hall in Jiucailing. He saw a big golden bell on the top of the mountain, which radiated thousands of rays of light, more dazzling than the sun in this world!

This bell is entirely golden and so bright that it is difficult to look directly at it. It must be the Xiaoyao Bell.

Xu Ying immediately noticed that the bell was filled with hatred, and immediately coughed and said, Fellow Daoist Li, when you made the bell to suppress the demon, are the magic weapons you refined have priority?

Li Xiaoke said solemnly: I treat all magic weapons equally, how can I prioritize them? All the magic weapons I refine are unique in my heart.

The big bell was inexplicably moved.

An Qi muttered: Leeks.

In Xiaoyao Hall, the kitchen has prepared a leek feast, with leeks grilled, steamed, boiled and stir-fried in various ways. The table is full, but the taste is a bit strong.

Li Xiaoke invited Xu Ying to the table and said solemnly: This is the highest standard of hospitality we have in Jiulong Mountain. I hope fellow Taoist Xu will not dislike the roughness of Bishan.

How dare you? Xu Ying sat down.

Upon seeing this, the big bell quietly flew out and reached the top of the hall. The golden bell was seen hanging over the hall, spinning slowly and slowly.

Many deep imprints emerge from the surface of this golden clock. The sun, moon, mountains, rivers, and all kinds of things are reduced to simple patterns.

Although the patterns are simple, with the stimulation of the golden bell, these patterns turn into light and shine around, and you can see the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, lakes, birds, animals, insects, fish and other strange phenomena flying out of the bell wall.

They are vivid and real, imprinted on the heaven and earth around Jiulong Mountain, forming a barrier that is isolated from the outside world and protecting Jiulong Mountain!

When Da Zhong looked at it, he felt that the mark on his body suddenly became eclipsed.

It can certainly bloom into an extraordinary wall of light and form a bell outside the clock, but that is a unique skill that can only be displayed when you are desperate!

However, every time the Xiaoyao Bell rotates once, it causes the imprint of all living things to explode, and it continues to protect Jiulong Mountain, with ease and ease.

From this point alone, it failed.

Are you Xiaoyao Zhong?

The big clock said to the golden bell, I am also a magic weapon refined by the master. We are two brothers. You stay with the master, and I stay in Xiaoshi Mountain to suppress the demon. The work we do is equally important to the master, and it has no influence on the master. The distinction between noble and humble.”

The Xiaoyao clock turned slowly and slowly, and ignored it.

Da Zhong smiled and said: Master made you look so beautiful, you are golden. Originally, I was also golden when I was first made.

I know.

Xiaoyao Zhong's consciousness fluctuated, and he finally ignored it lazily and said, When Fellow Daoist Li made you, I was beside you. You were very glamorous at that time. But you were not golden at that time, your color was brass. color.

Da Zhong was stunned and forced a smile: The brass color is just a little different from the gold color, the difference is not big...

The gap is huge.

Xiaoyao Zhong solemnly said, The difference between you and me is the difference between gold and copper. When Li Daoyou refined you, he just found some brass, refined it into a bell, and put a copy of my brand into yours. In the body. But when Li Daoyou refined me, he searched for rare treasures in the world, collected gold crystals from Nanshan Mountain, refined the essence of Mount Tai, collected gold and stones from alien stars in the sky, stole fairy fire, and tempered it day and night. It took forty-nine years to refine it. Then he Put me into his Xiyi territory, put me in the Yujing Profound Gate, and use the great road of heaven and earth that I built to imprint on it repeatedly, and it will take a hundred years to complete.

Hearing this, Da Zhong felt sad in his heart and said with a smile: Me too. The master said that there is no distinction between high and low in the magic weapon in his heart.

Xiaoyao Zhong said lightly: You are different. Fellow Daoist Li spent a hundred and fifty years in refining me. During these one hundred and fifty years, he did not advance but retreated. But it only took him three or four years to refine you. Days of work, no effort required. Also.”

It spoke in an arrogant tone: Don't say that there is no distinction between high and low magic weapons. Do you believe this? Some magic weapons are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and some magic weapons are born with a low-grade patina! You really Do you think we do the same job?

Dazhong became angry and said: What's the difference? You are exposed to wind and rain here, while I still have a pavilion in Xiaoshishan, and your situation is not as good as mine!

Xiaoyao Zhong said disdainfully: Fellow Taoist Li does treat all magic weapons equally, but that's how he treats magic weapons. But I am different. I am his Taoist friend, not his magic weapon. Magic weapons can be thrown away after they are used up, but Taoist friends keep them with them for life. .”

It spoke with pity in its tone, and said leisurely: The reason why he calls me a fellow Taoist is because he is growing, and I am growing too. I will ascend with him, enter the immortal world, and become his immortal weapon to protect the Tao. You, Huang The magic weapon is made from copper. There are still many impurities in the copper. Are you worthy of ascending with Fellow Daoist Li?

Da Zhong stammered: I have suppressed demons for my master for three thousand years. What have you done for my master?

Xiaoyao Zhong said: You are a magic weapon and I am a fellow Taoist. I don't need to do anything for Fellow Daoist Li. Fellow Daoist Li has even done a lot for me. What's more, I guard Jiulong Mountain and protect Fellow Daoist Li's foundation. In terms of merit, you also Far less than me.”

Dazhong was furious: You are a fake, why are you so arrogant? If you are capable, let's show it off!

Xiaoyao Zhong sneered: You are asking for death.

In Xiaoyao Hall, Xu Ying and Li Xiaoke toasted. Li Xiaoke said with a smile: You and I have not seen each other for three thousand years. After three thousand years, I didn't expect that we would be reunited. After three thousand years, you are still the same as before, and your appearance has not changed at all. .”

He drank the wine in one gulp.

Xu Ying raised his head and drank the wine in the cup. The spicy wine entered his throat, and it was extremely hot. He coughed and said with a smile, I think fellow Daoist Li is not old yet. I think he has some skills in beauty.

Li Xiaoke laughed and said: I have learned the magic of immortals since I was a child, but in the end, I was told that the magic of gods cannot lead to immortality. So I became discouraged and hid and took on a few apprentices to make ends meet. My Taoist friends may think that I am not old, but in fact I am The body doesn’t have many days left to live.”

He sighed endlessly, and Xu Ying couldn't tell whether he was genuine or not.

Fellow Daoist Li, has Xu Fu come to look for you?

Xu Ying got straight to the point and asked, What did he say to make you change your mind and come out again?

Li Xiaoke picked up the leek and eggs and said calmly: He only did one thing. He stood on the abbot's fairy mountain and asked me to use my strongest means to fight him.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

Li Xiaoke put down his chopsticks and said with a sad expression: Three thousand years ago, I was known as the master of bells and swords. With one sword and one bell, although I was not said to be invincible in the world, there were few people who could keep pace with me. But this battle , I lost.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat.

Li Xiaoke sighed: I have been dormant for three thousand years. I thought that during these three thousand years, my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. I have dreamed again and again that I can survive the catastrophe, ascend to the immortal world, and become a free and easy immortal without any shackles. But this battle, let me A sudden wake-up call. Hey, this seemingly correct path may not be correct.

Xu Ying asked: Fellow Daoist Li used the Six Secrets but failed to defeat Xu Fu?

Li Xiaoke was surprised and asked doubtfully: Why did Fellow Daoist Xu say this? The Six Secrets of the Human Body are just small techniques, and they are just evil paths that have no choice but to follow when refining Qi. How can I, an upright Qi Refiner, know how to practice the Six Secrets? Ying An, Come and tell Fellow Daoist Xu how I evaluate the Six Secrets on weekdays.

Xue Ying'an said seriously: Master has always taught us that the six secrets of the human body are crooked ways and quick fixes. If they are practiced, they will cut off the road to immortality!

Xu Ying brought a plate of leek and vermicelli dumplings to Xue Ying'an and said with a smile, Ying'an, you and Qiye take this to Master Zhong. He likes to eat this.

Xue Ying'an quickly picked up the dumplings and walked out of Xiaoyao Hall with Xian Qi. Then he suddenly realized: Wait a minute, isn't Master Zhong a bell? How can Zhong eat dumplings?

In the hall, Xu Ying looked at Li Xiaoke and said with a half-smile: Fellow Daoist Li, this is not the first time we have met in the past three thousand years. We have met once. The most recent time was two and a half years ago. Moreover, you are not I only played against Xu Fu once.

Li Xiaoke had a smile on his face and said, Why do you say that?

Xu Ying smiled and said: It is difficult to change the behavior and habits developed by a person. In the Lishan Tomb, your clothes, hair accessories and beard were also so meticulous, without any clutter. You took us to find Jiuding, remember? ?”

Li Xiaoke groaned and asked in surprise: Is this happening?

Xu Ying said: At that time, you were hiding in Yuan Wuji's body. You had a battle with Xu Fu first. You saw that he was standing on the fairy mountain, and you tried to beat him out of the fairy mountain. How did you see that he was standing on the fairy mountain? ?”

Li Xiaoke leaned forward and said with a smile: How did I see it?

Xu Ying said: Because four years ago, Xu Fu came to you. He defeated you in that battle. In the past four years, you have learned from the pain and finally found out his weakness, which is that his feet cannot leave the fairy mountain. So in the Lishan Tomb, You just took action and tried to knock him out of the fairy mountain.

He said leisurely: I don't think a person who has just met can see Xu Fu's weaknesses. If there had been a confrontation four years ago, it would be much more reasonable.

Li Xiaoke's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: As a Qi practitioner, you gain wisdom every time you suffer. If you suffer a loss once, you will not suffer the same loss the next time. If Xu Fu has such a weakness, he will definitely be punished by others. against.

Xu Ying continued with a smile on his face: As Yuan Wuji, you have been coveting Jiuding for a long time. Your purpose of entering the Lishan Tomb is to get Jiuding. But it is too difficult to hide it from Yuan Wuji's wife. Therefore, the elder prince must die.

Li Xiaoke sighed: Since we are husband and wife, some small habits must be familiar. Even if the person who eats Yuan Wuji absorbs all the spiritual medicine in Yuan Wuji's body and gets all Yuan Wuji's memories, , and it’s impossible to imitate them exactly the same. Husband and wife are too sensitive.”

Xu Ying said: After you were exposed, the strange eyes in Cangwu Abyss still made you suffer. Then you were hit by Feilai Peak, so that when you faced the Ancestral Dragon, you had to retreat.

Li Xiaoke said: Zulong possesses ten golden figures, has tremendous magical power, controls the Nine Cauldrons, and suppresses everything. He is indeed a fierce man who sweeps across the world. If you confront him head-on, no one dares to say that you can defeat him.

Xu Ying said: Later, we escaped from your pursuit, and your spiritual consciousness sent a message to try to lure us out.

Li Xiaoke sighed: Fellow Daoist Xu, we are old friends. It makes me sad that you doubt me like this. You have no evidence, how can you just slander and make a conclusion based on some living habits?

He smiled slightly and said: There is no need to say more about things without evidence.

Xu Ying looked at him and accidentally cut a leek dumpling in half with the chopsticks in his hand, letting the leek filling scatter on the plate. He smiled and said, What if I have it?

Li Xiaoke looked at the scattered leek fillings and felt very uncomfortable, so he put down his chopsticks.

Xu Ying sandwiched another leek dumpling in half, spread the filling everywhere, and said: A thoughtful person like you will definitely not leave any flaws. But Xu Fu is your clue.

The corners of Li Xiaoke's eyes trembled: Stop pinching me.

Xu Ying crushed another leek dumpling and said calmly: Besides Xu Fu, you have other flaws. For example, those Nuo immortals who were eaten by you have sword marks on their skins.

Li Xiaoke frowned and his voice gradually became louder: I said stop pinching!

Xu Ying crushed another dumpling and said, You are known as the master of bells and swords, but your sword is so special. It leaves those sword marks and is easily recognized by familiar people. For example, I know someone who is familiar with you. Qingqi Fairy.

Li Xiaoke's previous calmness disappeared. Veins appeared on his forehead as he stared at the leek dumplings he pushed aside.


The Xiaoyao Hall was torn apart, the bells sounded, the big bell and the Xiaoyao bell collided with each other, and their respective powers exploded!

The two big bells exploded with power in the air, clanging against each other. Sometimes the bells sounded loudly, and sometimes they collided with each other. The sky was dark and the earth was dark!

Da Zhong was beaten with bruises all over his body, but he shouted: Master Zhong suppressed you today to let you know who is the imitator!

————July 1st, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass! ! !

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