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Chapter 168 Destroying the God in the Heart

Li Xiaoke was stunned and raised his head to watch the battle.

For him, the big clock is not even a high imitation. Compared with the golden bell, there is not much similarity except that they are both in the form of a bell.

He was eager to suppress his opponents, so he used local materials to make a big bell without having time to refine it.

Apart from refining the form of the big bell, he didn't put much thought into branding it.

Later, he even let Xiaoyao Bell directly emit its own rune brand, imprinting it on the wall of the newly refined copper bell, and so on again and again.

It is unusual for a clock made in this way to be able to awaken spiritual intelligence, but it would be too shameless to have the nerve to say that the Xiaoyao Bell is a high imitation.

He didn't like the big clock very much.

He himself pursues symmetry. Even in the battle to kill the white-clothed Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu, his sword hit the center line of Shuikou Temple.

When Chen Miuzhu died, his skin was carefully cut from the middle line of his back, and the places where the skin was cut were symmetrical. Many other Nuo immortals died in his hands, including Yuan Wuji.

Even the big clock he made casually, its imprint is symmetrical and has a unique beauty.

But now, not to mention that there are other people's marks on this clock, these eight marks are not symmetrical, which really makes him uncomfortable.


A mountaintop exploded in the distance. It was the big bell that was knocked sideways by Xiaoyao Bell. The attack that originally hit Xiaoyao Bell hit that mountaintop.

The Xiaoyao Bell is indeed a magic weapon refined by Li Xiaoke. It is called the treasure of Taoist friends. It is more powerful than the big bell. It can even independently activate various imprints and combine them into different magical powers to beat the big bell to its left and right. , completely unable to fight back!

Of the two of them, one was like a golden god-man, and the other was like a clay leg growing crops, being held down and beaten.

An Qi saw this and felt very happy: Is there such a thing as a broken bell?

Immediately, the big snake became furious again: Is that golden bell worthy of beating Master Zhong? Master Zhong is only worthy of being defeated in my hands and kneeling down to tell me that I was wrong!

The Xiaoyao Bell exudes monstrous power. The patterns on the bell wall are like true representations of all things in the world. The sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, birds, beasts, insects, fish, and various images of the great avenues become more and more real!

Around it, the sun and the moon rotate, mountains and rivers emerge, the Yangtze River flows, divine birds and exotic birds flutter around it, dragons, tigers, unicorns and other exotic beasts rush around it.

Its power is getting stronger and stronger!

Both An Qi and Xu Ying have seen the situation when the big bell explodes with full force before, but the Tao phenomenon of the big bell erupting is not so clear and real!

The power is not that powerful!

The Xiaoyao Bell was refined by Li Xiaoke and was used to survive the catastrophe and accompany him to the immortal world. Naturally, it was different from rough and refined treasures like the Big Bell.

It was said to be a high imitation by the big bell, and I couldn't help but get really angry, intending to teach this bronze bell an unforgettable lesson!

At the moment when its power fully exploded, a strange mark suddenly lit up on the wall of the big clock!

The power of this brand was inadvertently activated by the big bell, and the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed. The sound of immortality vibrated in an instant, and rays of immortal light fell from the sky, directly defeating the Taoist phenomena of all things in Xiaoyao Bell!


The fairy light hit the Xiaoyao Bell with almost no obstruction, causing the Xiaoyao Bell to stagger, and the Taoist phenomena dimmed one after another.

This golden bell was frightened and angry. It had been beating the big bell just now. Whether it was a head-on collision, a contest of Tao, Xiang, or supernatural powers, or a powerful collision, it was far better than the big bell!

This bronze bell is far inferior to it in terms of material, brand, power, strength, speed, and adaptability!

Unexpectedly, now it was hit by the big bell!

I originally planned to teach you a lesson, but I didn't expect you to slap me in the face!

The Xiaoyao Bell was furious, and was about to use its power to smash the big bell. Suddenly, the place where it was hit was completely numb. Its mark and its body seemed to have disappeared completely!

The big bell rushed over, with another loud bang, and another burst of fairy light, hitting the golden bell and the wall of Xiaoyao Bell.

Xiaoyao Bell was beaten and rolled over, flew backwards, and hit a mountain, stirring up a cloud of dust and gravel.

It was so frightened that the place where it was hit by the light of the big clock seemed to have completely disappeared!

Its all-things-and-all-kinds of Taoist phenomena were originally connected into one, but now two large pieces have suddenly disappeared. All things and all kinds of Taoisms are no longer complete. Not only is its power greatly reduced, but the changes in the Divine Tao-similes are also not as good as before!

The big bell was unreasonable and kept hitting the Xiaoyao Bell, leaving the golden bell unable to resist. Soon the surface of the golden bell was filled with pits!

The Taoist imprints on it also disappeared one after another and were sealed by the big bell!

The alien brand that was activated on the wall of the big clock was one of the eight sealing runes that Xu Ying carved on it when he was in Master Ying's state, the Taoist script with the word sealing!

The big bell also accidentally inspired the sealing Taoist rune. He didn't know how to use this immortal rune, but the Xiaoyao Bell was sealed with the Taoist image and was not as powerful as it. It naturally wanted to give it a good beating in retaliation for the humiliation it had just suffered. hatred!

There were hundreds of disciples up and down Jiulong Mountain, all of whom were stunned.

Li Xiaoke's disciples basically grew up hearing stories about Li Xiaoke, the Golden Bell, and the Han Sword. In the eyes of these disciples, Xiaoyao Bell has long been an invincible myth!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the invincible symbol of Jiulong Mountain would be beaten to pieces by an unknown bronze bell!

Xue Ying'an was stunned and murmured: Is it true that as Mr. Zhong said, he is the magic weapon that the teacher carefully refined, and the Xiaoyao Bell is just a substitute that the teacher refined after missing it?

Li Xiaoke couldn't help but frown slightly, looked at Xu Ying, then looked at the big bronze bell, and said with a smile: Could it be that the brand on this bell was written by fellow Daoist Xu?

Xu Ying smiled slightly, clasped his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: I left it behind. Does Fellow Daoist Li still want to do it?

Li Xiaoke smiled and said: Of course. I have always admired the Immortal Immortal for his knowledge of heaven and man.

He suddenly said in a deep voice: Stop!

As soon as he said this, the big bell naturally stopped quickly, but the Xiaoyao bell was riddled with holes, and many Taoist phenomena were annihilated and could no longer be sensed. He couldn't help but feel evil and rushed towards him!

It has never suffered such a big loss since its birth, and now of course it wants to take revenge.

Just as the big bell was about to be knocked flat by it, a palm suddenly struck the wall of the bell with a clang, sending it flying sideways and smashing into the mountain col.

The Xiaoyao Bell swayed and flew up, feeling confused in my heart.

The one who knocked it away just now was Li Xiaoke's spirit!

But why did Li Xiaoke take action against himself? It was puzzled.

She was clearly his beloved magic weapon, he clearly called her a Taoist friend, and they clearly agreed that they would ascend together and never abandon or give up!

Why did you slap yourself suddenly?

Li Xiaoke's face was solemn, with anger in his voice, and he waved his sleeves and said: Fellow Taoist Xiaoyao, I have told you to stop. The bronze bell has stopped, why do you still hurt it? If I hadn't been here, you would have caused a big disaster. !”

He was so angry that he waved his sleeves and said: You are the magic weapon I refined, and the magic weapon is so bad! I am ashamed to be associated with you!

Xiaoyao Zhong felt desolate in his heart, floating swaying in the air.

Li Xiaoke walked towards the big bell, gently touched the wall of the bell, and whispered: Fellow Taoist, you have been subjected to hardships and hardships over the years to suppress the demons. It's pitiful that you have made great contributions, but you are not proud of yourself. , you came to me but were misunderstood by Xiaoyao Zhong, you have been wronged.

Da Zhong felt that all the hard work and grievances he had endured over the past three thousand years were worth it at this moment.

Li Xiaoke gently raised the big bell, which was suspended above his head. The size was exactly as he wanted.

Li Xiaoke looked at Xu Ying, smiled, strode over, and said, Thank you, fellow Taoist Xu, for helping me add these eight brands to Taoist Tongzhong.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: It's not called Tongzhong, it's called Master Zhong.

Dazhong stammered: Ah Ying, don't say that. He is my master and created me. How can he call me Master Zhong? Master can call me whatever he wants.

Li Xiaoke said seriously: How can you be so contemptuous of yourself? You are my Taoist friend and you should be respected. From now on, you will call me Xiaoke and I will call you Master Zhong. You and I will never leave and we will ascend to the immortal world together in the future. !”

Da Zhong hesitated for a moment, thinking of Xu Ying.

Xian Qi opened his mouth, swallowed the dumplings stuffed with leek and vermicelli in Xue Ying'an's hand together with the plate, and sneered: Who said that leek must be in human form?

Da Zhong said nonchalantly: Master Qi is joking, leek is of course a plant, how can it be in human form? Ah Ying, Master Qi, my purpose was to complete the task of suppressing the demon and return to the master. Now that I have found the master, Then I will naturally follow my master from now on and can no longer accompany you around here and there.

Before An Qi could say anything more, Xu Ying raised his hand to stop him and said seriously: Master Qi, the purpose of Master Zhong following us is to heal our wounds. It uses our Qi and blood to heal our wounds and also helps us survive one disaster after another. In fact, it has recovered from its injuries a long time ago and can leave us long ago. It is just that it does not worry about our safety, so it has stayed with us and protected us. Now that it has returned to its owner, we should be happy for it.

An Qi was silent for a moment, turned his big head to the side, and whispered: I just don't want to say goodbye.

The big clock was silent.

Li Xiaoke laughed and said: Today is a happy day for our old friends to reunite. How can we say goodbye so easily? Fellow Taoist, please don't leave in a hurry and stay with me in Jiuciling for a few more days.

Dazhong said earnestly: Ah Ying, Master Qi, please stay a few more days!

Xu Ying agreed and said, Then I won't bother you.

Li Xiaoke asked Xue Ying'an to take Xu Ying to arrange a place to live, and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, Master Zhong and I have not seen each other for three thousand years. We have a lot to say, and we have to help Master Zhong practice again and deepen his brand. These days I’m afraid I can’t entertain you.”

Xu Ying smiled and said, Fellow Taoist, just go ahead and do your work.

Xue Ying'an took Xu Ying to stay at the famous small house in Jiucai Ridge, Jiulong Mountain. This is a place to entertain distinguished guests. As soon as they settled down, Xian Qi couldn't help but said angrily: Li Xiaoke treats us like leeks! Master Zhong has something wrong with him. The immortal runes were carved by Master Ying. When he saw it, he thought it was powerful, so he coaxed and deceived Master Zhong and snatched it away!

Xue Ying'an was furious and was about to speak when Xu Ying shook his head and said, Master Qi, don't say that. He is Master Zhong's master after all. It is natural and understandable for Master Zhong to return to his master.

Xue Ying'an nodded quickly and said, That's right. Master Qi, please don't slander my master!

Before Xian Qi could speak, a sneer suddenly came from outside: Slander? Ying An, you are speaking too lightly.

Xue Ying'an was stunned and looked at the sound, only to see the bruised Xiaoyao Bell floating from the outside. The golden bell was in tatters and the Taoist imprints on the wall of the bell were illusory and disillusioned. The injuries were extremely serious.

Xiaoyao Zhong's consciousness fluctuated and reached their ears. They laughed and said: Do you think Li Xiaoke is a good person? He abandoned me when he found a new love. Hehe, he is unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust! Back then, Xiaoshishan suppressed the gods. , why did he suppress Fairy Qingqiu together? Why do you think so?

It sneered: Back then, Fairy Qingqiu was a peerless beauty, her beauty surpassed that of a fairy, and the men who pursued her could line up from Jiuyi Mountain to Chang'an! Li Xiaoke pursued her for a long time, but never succeeded. Later, he I heard that Fairy Qingqu was going to suppress a rebellious god, so she took me and ran there, following Fairy Qingqu shamelessly. They worked together to suppress the god and suppressed it in the small stone mountain.

Xue Ying'an lost his voice and said: Senior Xiaoyao, this is different from the story you told us before!

Xiaoyao Zhong coughed, clanking, and sneered: In order to protect his image, of course I can't tell you the truth. Hey, the truth is more shameless than you guessed! After Li Xiaoke and Fairy Qingzhu suppressed the gods, they continued to ask Qing Fairy Qingqu proposed to her, but she rejected her again. So, Li Xiaoke got angry and turned against Fairy Qingqu, seriously injuring Fairy Qingxu and throwing her into a well in Xiaoshi Mountain!

Xue Ying'an's ears were buzzing, his mind went blank, he was in a daze, and suddenly said: This is impossible! You lied to me! Qingqiu must be a female devil!

Xiaoyao Zhong snorted and said: I personally suppressed Qingzhu, how can it be false? Hey, after Li Xiaoke suppressed Qingzhu, he turned around and poured dirty water on Qingzhu, slandering her as a bad crotch, using beautiful words Sex seduces the gods, causing chaos and harming the world! Give Qingyu a good scolding! Fairy Qingyu escaped from the trap not long ago, and is looking for his whereabouts. He wants to avenge his past. Do you think he dares to show up? Does he dare to confront Qingyu?

Xue Ying'an's mind was pounding, and he felt that a supreme god in his mind suddenly collapsed, and he felt as if his concept had collapsed.

Xiaoyao Zhong shouted: He abandoned me, so don't blame me! I tell you the truth, he not only eats people, but also intends to eat you! You all have the essence of the original path on your body, and this essence of the original path exudes a strange fragrance. , I can’t hide it from other people at all!”

It sneered: Ying An, do the lies you told in front of him deserve to be called lies? Bah! Just smell your body and you will know whether you have the essence of the original path! The reason why he doesn't eat it You are too little! His purpose is to ask you to invite Xu Ying over and eat together!

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