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Chapter 143 Your master is not a good person

The young man was dressed in cloth, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was very simple, as if he was traveling far away for the first time and was not good at dealing with people. When he entered the city, he ran to a corner alone to avoid everyone.

Xu Ying stepped forward and said politely: Lingling Xu Ying, may I ask what your name is?

The commoner boy was nibbling dry food. When he heard this, he looked around and saw that Xu Ying was talking to him. He stood up hurriedly, wiped his hands on his body, felt a little uneasy and said, My name is Xue Ying'an, from Daozhou.

Seeing his golden elixir dazzling in front of him, he put it away so as not to disturb Xu Ying.

Xu Ying asked: Brother Xue, why did you come here alone? Are you also here for the Yunmeng Ancient Battlefield?

Xue Ying'an said: Master ordered me to come out of the mountain, saying that there is a fairy fate here, let me try my luck.

Xu Yingdao: Who is your respected master?

Dazhong flew forward excitedly, his consciousness fluctuated, and he said quickly: Is your master's name Li Xiaoke? He was a Qi practitioner in the Han Dynasty. He was dressed in black with a white belt and a red collar. He always had a waist. He wears an eight-sided sword, a mustache on his lips, and no beard on his lower lip?

Xue Ying'an was stunned when he heard this and said, Do you recognize my master?

The big clock laughed loudly and was out of breath. Xu Ying and Gan Qi even worried that it would be scrapped due to laughter.

Recognize? Of course I do! Li Xiaoke is my master, he was the one who refined me more than three thousand years ago!

The big bell was extremely happy and flew around Xue Ying'an, saying, He took me everywhere to slay demons and eliminate violence, and he took me to visit hermits in the mountains and masters outside the world. I experienced all kinds of dangers with him, We supported each other until he suppressed the God of Heaven and Fairy Qingqi, and then I separated from him! We are comrades in arms!

Xue Ying'an was stunned. After a moment, he said: Zhong...

Call me Master Zhong! Da Zhong said.

Master Zhong.

Xue Ying'an was a little timid and said, Did you remember it wrong? My master does have a bell, and it has accompanied my master through various things, but it is a golden bell named Xiaoyao Bell. Xiaoyao Bell has always been there. Follow Master and never leave.

Da Zhong was stunned and said with a smile: It's not that I remembered it wrong, it's that you remembered it wrong. Your master Li Xiaoke never had any golden bell Xiaoyao Bell. The only ones who were with him from beginning to end were me and a sword!

Xue Ying'an said: I once heard Master talk about the various deeds between his old man and Xiaoyao Bell. Senior brothers and sisters often mentioned this matter. Moreover, Xiaoyao Bell sometimes told us about its legend with Master.

Da Zhong laughed and said: This is impossible! Can my memory be false? I still have the mark left by your teacher on me!

All kinds of strange textures suddenly appeared on the wall of the bell, and the inner wall of the big bell also showed the scene of all kinds of frost and sky, and all kinds of things competing. It was mysterious and profound!

Look, is it the imprint of your teacher Li Xiaoke's technique? Dazhong asked earnestly.

Xue Ying'an looked at it carefully and said in surprise: It is indeed the imprint of the master. But the master clearly said that Xiaoyao Bell has been with him for most of his life... Wait a minute, I remembered it!

He paused and said: Master said that in order to suppress the gods who brought trouble to the world, he imitated the Xiaoyao Bell and refined several copper bells to suppress the monsters! He was reluctant to put the real Xiaoyao Bell in To suppress the demon there, you must be Master’s imitation Xiaoyao Bell!”

He exclaimed: You are an imitation, but you are also born with spiritual intelligence. It is really extraordinary!

The clock is sluggish.

After a while, the big bell seemed to have aged a lot, with traces eroded by the years. He smiled tremblingly and said: You must have heard wrong, right? That's right, it was your master who missed me so much that he refined a mouthful of gold. Bell, used to remember me! That golden bell is an imitation of mine!

Xue Ying'an shook his head and said: The brothers and sisters in the mountain have said it many times about Master Zhentian Shen, so it should not be false. There is no rust on the Xiaoyao Bell, but there is a lot of copper rust on your body. And the Xiaoyao Bell's The texture is also deeper and the imprint is clearer, your texture and imprint both look a bit sloppy.

Da Zhong was furious: Obviously my imprint and texture are more freehand! Do you understand freehand? Master Qi, Master Qi, you have read a lot. Come and tell him what freehand is and what craftsmanship is!

An Qi hesitated for a moment and did not interrupt.

Xue Ying'an said: I don't know what freehand craftsmanship is, but we live in seclusion in Jiucailing, Jiulong Mountain, Daozhou. Master folded the world and took us to live in seclusion outside the world and among the heavens. If you don't believe it, we can go to Taoism together. Go to Jiulong Mountain in Zhouzhou and ask Master for clarification!

Da Zhong said quickly: Okay! Let's go now!

Xue Ying'an wondered: I came out of the mountain this time to find immortality. I can't go back for the time being. When I get the immortality, I will go back to the mountain with you.

Da Zhong urged him repeatedly, making Xue Ying'an extremely embarrassed.

Xu Ying coughed: Master Zhong, calm down. You can wait for three thousand years, so what's the harm in waiting a few more days?

Da Zhong was stunned, with bursts of sadness in his heart, and said: A Ying, I am not a substitute for Xiaoyao Zhong. I remember many things I experienced with my master, and he likes me very much.

Xu Ying nodded slightly: You are my good friend, how can you be a substitute for Xiaoyao Bell?

An Qi said: Master Zhong, I think the freehand brushwork on your body is better than the craftsmanship. The freehand brushwork on your body is the style of a master. Even if the Xiaoyao Bell was crafted by Li Xiaoke, it is not as charming as your freehand brushwork.

The big bell said angrily: It was not refined by workers, it was refined by carelessness! I am the treasure that the master has worked hard to refine!

In the past, when it was angry, it would hold down An Qi and hit him. Now, although it was angry, it was rare that it was empty of anger and did not use violence.

An Qi whispered to Xu Ying: Master Zhong once said that its memory from three thousand years ago has been hazy, its spiritual wisdom has not yet been opened, and it cannot remember many things.

Xu Ying had also heard Da Zhong talk about this matter. Da Zhong couldn't even remember clearly the drastic changes caused by the divine induction three thousand years ago.

It could only barely remember that some mountains and rivers gradually disappeared, and some mountains and rivers gradually became smaller. As for what happened, it had no idea.

If the big bell is really a treasure refined by Li Xiaoke and has accompanied him for a long time in his life, then the big bell's spiritual wisdom should have awakened earlier, so that it would not be less impressed by the seal of heaven and earth.

Xian Qidao: I suspect that it is indeed a substitute for the Xiaoyao Bell refined by Li Xiaoke. Some of its memories are actually the memories of the Xiaoyao Bell, not its real experiences. When it was used by Li Xiaoke to suppress the demon, it had not yet awakened its spirit. Wisdom, until it has been weathered and absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, it slowly awakens its spiritual wisdom and thinks that it is Li Xiaoke's favorite magic weapon.

Xu Ying whispered: Master Qi, please stop talking. I haven't visited Daozhou yet, so don't jump to conclusions easily.

An Qi said: But Mr. Zhong is indeed full of rust...

Xu Ying glared at him, and An Qi had no choice but to shut up and thought to himself: The rust on Master Zhong's body shows that the materials used by Li Xiaoke to refine it are definitely not good ones, otherwise it would not rust.

Da Zhong was so lost that he huddled in the corner and refused to come out.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master Zhong, come to my Xiyi territory, I still have some essence of the original path that has not been refined yet, don't you try it?

The big clock didn't answer and huddled in the corner of the stone city wall, not wanting to talk to them.

An Qi opened his mouth to speak, thought for a moment, and then did not say anything about letting me have a taste. He thought to himself: Ah Ying should have said that to make Mr. Zhong happy. If I open my mouth, I will probably be beaten up. pause.

Master Zhong is probably autistic. Xu Ying thought to himself.

He brought the big bell into his own Xiyi Domain, hung it in front of the pure Yang fire, and used the light to illuminate its heart. But not long after, the big bell disappeared. Xu Ying searched for a while and finally found it in the Yongquan Secret Treasure.

It stuffed itself into the underworld and sank to the bottom, motionless.

I might be a fake.

The big bell said, I want to be quiet.

Xu Ying had no choice but to let it go.

Ying An, what kind of place is Jiucai Ridge in Jiulong Mountain? Why haven't I heard of this place before? Xu Ying asked.

Xue Ying'an hesitated and said: The sky in Jiulong Mountain's Jiucailing is not the same as the sky here. There are two suns over there. It's natural that you haven't heard of them.

Not the same sky?

Xu Ying was startled. Daozhou was obviously to the south of Lingling. Before the new land appeared, the distance between the two places was not that far. Why were they not under the same sky?

Could it be that Mr. Zhong's master folded Jiulong Mountain into another dimension? He thought to himself.

Xue Ying'an said: We have been living well. Brothers and sisters all know that there is another world outside, the world where Master used to live, but no one has been there. Until one day, a man came and stood on the stone. The person found the master.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said: That stone is square and can float in the air. It is a fairy mountain! The man standing on the stone is a young man with a scar at the corner of his eye.

Xue Ying'an said in surprise: Brother Xu, were you also present at that time?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Of course I can't be there, but I have seen that person. His name is Xu Fu. When did Xu Fu find your master?

Xue Ying'an said: It's been almost four years.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Xu Fu found Li Xiaoke who was living in seclusion in another world before Naihe River changed its course. At that time, the underworld had not yet invaded, the new land had not yet appeared, Zhou Qiyun was still looking for a way to overcome the tribulation, and the Nuo master's transformation of Nuo law was still in its infancy.

Xu Fu visited the master. After he left, the master was very angry and went out with the Eight-sided Sword and Xiaoyao Bell.

Xue Ying'an said, He was injured when he came back and had a bad temper. He always said he was wrong, wrong, wrong, and this was not the right path. In the past, he cared for the little junior sister, and he rarely got angry with the little junior sister, and even beat me. After a while. Those heavenly masters became very gloomy, and the dragons in Jiulong Mountain were also frightened, telling us that the master had changed the seal, and we might return to the world of our ancestors.

He was stunned and said: Later, the world changed drastically. There were roars from the sky and deep underground, like countless cows and elephants roaring together. I also saw huge limbs swimming underground and in the air. , you can see the sky and the earth gradually tilting.

The heaven and earth tilted very slowly, and it took two or three years to completely turn upside down. But so far, Jiucailing in Jiulong Mountain is still in another world and has not completely come back.

Li Xiaoke told Xue Ying'an and others that he had to leave a way out, and Jiucailing was such a way out.

After returning to this world, Master was very happy, but he was also very cautious and did not let us go down the mountain. He often worried about gains and losses, walked around, and whispered to himself, saying that I was forced to do this, and I didn't want to be like this. He also Sometimes he made a nasty sound: You know too much! Only this time, he asked me to pick my own fairy fate.

When Xue Ying'an said this, he suddenly woke up and said in a panic, Brother Xu, I don't know why I said these words to you. I haven't been so nagging in the past.

He had a worried look on his face, obviously worried about his master Li Xiaoke.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Maybe it's because I took the Yuandao Essence in the fairy grass that made you reveal your heart unconsciously. Don't worry, I'm about to refine the Yuandao Essence.

The words Xue Ying'an said made Xu Ying deep in thought. He always felt that there were some details hidden in them that were not suitable for others to notice.

How did Xu Fu know about Li Xiaoke who was hiding in another world? How did he find Li Xiaoke? Did Li Xiaoke wear an eight-sided sword and go out with the Xiaoyao Bell to kill Xu Fu?

He said silently in his heart, Li Xiaoke returned defeated and was injured. Did Xu Fu hurt him? He was defeated by Xu Fu, so he said he was wrong. He said this road was wrong. Where is this road? Road?

Beyond that, there's a mystery.

Jiulong Mountain has such a domineering name, why is one of its peaks called Jiuciling?

Xu Ying suddenly said: Ying An, do you recognize this sword technique?

With a movement of his shoulder, a powerful sword energy was like a rainbow in the sky, slashing down from the sky behind. It was the boundary-breaking sword energy that Xu Ying had comprehended in Shuikou Temple!

Xue Ying'an said in surprise: This is a move from Master Xiaoyao Sword. Where did you learn it?

Xu Ying's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he briefly recounted his experience at Shuikou Temple in Lingling, saying: Brother Xue, I met the white-clothed Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu at Shuikou Temple. He is the emperor of the Southern Dian Kingdom, and he is a man of cultivation. Extremely high, and dabbled in Qi refining methods. In his later years, he sealed himself and hid his hidden scene between the underworld and the Yang world. However, he was still found. The one who split his hidden scene was It’s such a boundary-breaking sword energy.”

Xue Ying'an's eyes shone brightly and he said: This Nuo Immortal must have done many evil things. My master will eliminate violence and make peace!

Xu Ying continued: There was a sword wound between the eyebrows of the Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu. It was caused by the Eight-sided Sword, which directly pierced his forehead. After Chen Miuzhu died, the sword energy formed lines of fairy light around him. , like a sword, spinning around him.”

Xue Ying'an said excitedly: Master is a master of bells and swords. The sword energy he left behind will never be erased even after a thousand or two thousand years!

Xu Ying said: The Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu was eaten.

Xue Ying'an was still waiting to speak, but was stunned when he heard the words.

Xu Ying said: Chen Miuzhu was eaten until only a piece of human skin was left. He was so resentful that he turned into a ghost and a fairy to cause trouble. He searched for ghosts to refine elixirs, and also captured living people, intending to seize their bodies and be reborn. It's just that , not to mention his body, even his soul has been eaten completely, so how can he be reborn?

Xue Ying'an's eyes widened and his face turned red.

Xu Ying continued: The person who ate Chen Miuzhu was the one who used the sword skill just now to break through his hidden scene. This person stabbed him to death with an eight-sided sword. The reason why he didn't Any ability to resist is because his Nuo technique was taught by the person using the Eight-sided Sword.

Xue Ying'an stammered: Brother Xu, what do you want to say? I have no enmity or enmity with you, why do you slander my master?

Xu Yingdao: South Dian Kingdom is near Lingling, Daozhou is also nearby, and Fairy Qingqi, who your master suppressed, is also nearby. Your master should also be active nearby. He can calmly arrange some back-ups . He passed on the Nuo method to Chen Miuzhu and left a trap in the Nuo method. After Chen Miuzhu returned to seclusion, he immediately found him and ate him...

shut up!

Xue Ying'an was furious, and suddenly a flying sword flew out from his Xiyi Domain. The sword energy surged and pointed at Xu Ying!

This sword energy was so pure and strong that it made Xu Ying's clothes rustle. A piece of his clothes was cut off by the invisible sword energy, and then shattered in the air, flying like a butterfly!

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken. This sword energy was too powerful, even stronger than the boundary-breaking sword energy he had comprehended!

He only figured out the sword's intention and swordsmanship from the sword marks left by Li Xiaoke, but Xue Ying'an got Li Xiaoke's true biography!

This swordsmanship is much better than his!

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, causing both of them to shiver. They saw a majestic man in armor walking towards them and passed through their bodies!

Xue Ying'an's surging sword energy failed to hurt the majestic man at all!

An Qi screamed in surprise. Xu Ying looked over and saw that An Qi's body was too big and too long. The majestic man walked into his body and did not get out for a long time.

This feeling is extremely weird and uncomfortable, even for snakes.

Master Qi, reduce your size! Xu Ying suddenly said.

An Qi quickly shrank his body and turned into a small snake about a foot long, jumping onto Xu Ying's shoulder.

Xu Ying whispered: The ghosts of the dead appeared in the city. The village elders told me that they were the heroic spirits of their ancestors. After death, they continued to fight and kill themselves.

Xue Ying'an was so angry that he pointed his sword at Xu Ying and shouted: What is your intention in slandering my master?

There was a strong wind in the city, and ghosts appeared one after another. They were all wearing armor, running around the city, shouting, as if they were fighting the enemy!


The ghosts roared, their auras were extremely powerful, and behind them there were tattered Xiyi realms floating around, from the tail gate to the divine bridge, everything!

However, their Xiyi territory was broken, many ghost bridges were broken, the Yaochi was burned dry, and the twelve-story building was left in ruins!

There are still ghosts. The Tianhe River has stopped flowing, and the thirty-third Tianshan Mountain has collapsed!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the ghosts that appeared in this stone city were all Qi Refiners, and they were Qi Refiners who had opened the last mysterious door and whose souls were standing on the divine bridge waiting for their ascension!

This is the divine weapon of heaven, a warrior selected from all the heavens and worlds!

Oops! The ancient battlefield of Yunmengze that this stone city goes to may be more dangerous than we expected!

Xu Ying thought of this and shouted loudly: Xiaodie, let everyone in the Guo family leave this stone city!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the ghosts of the warriors who were fighting and fighting suddenly disappeared one by one!

They seemed to have encountered an invisible enemy and were defeated and killed by the invisible enemy!


The stone city was filled with murderous intent, and countless ghosts rushed forward one after another, fearless of death. However, Xu Ying saw that there was actually only one person fighting with them!

The most powerful warrior selected from all the worlds actually has only one enemy!

This man killed the most powerful Qi Refiners one by one, smashed their bodies to pieces, blasted through their Xiyi Realm, and pulled out their souls and smashed them to pieces!

Their magic weapons, their supernatural powers, their flesh and blood, and even their beliefs were all trampled under the feet of this man who entered Stone City!

Young Xue Ying'an seemed to be infected by the murderous intention of the ghosts in Shicheng. He raised his eight-sided sword and attacked Xu Ying brazenly. At the same time, Nuo masters from the Guo family, Gao family, Zhu family and other major families in Shicheng also They started fighting one after another, regardless of whether they were friends or foes, and started killing everyone around them!


They screamed, completely driven by the overwhelming murderous intent, and fell into madness.

No one noticed that at some point Shicheng had already taken off, tilted, and headed towards the vast unknown!

In front of the stone city, the magnificent divine light was turbulent, and thunder intertwined in the divine light, forming an incomparably majestic dragon-headed god-man!

Within the body of that god-man, something exuded bursts of heavenly power, leading Shicheng to retake the heavenly path of the past!

It was on this heavenly road that the strongest men in the world gathered together to intercept and kill the devil.

————Five thousand five hundred words. I went to relax. I took a flight today and wrote some at the airport. I came to the hotel at 7:30 pm and wrote some more. Well, I'll try to resume normal updates tomorrow, two chapters a day, and see if I can do it.

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