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Chapter 142 The Essence of the Original Dao (this chapter says it has been released)

Everyone in the Zhu family was shocked and inexplicable. They clearly saw Xu Ying coming to the prison car and did nothing. Why did the old god suddenly scream in agony?

Is the old god trying to get something wrong?

Someone murmured, Antique shops often play this trick, where people hit people with porcelain and then blackmail them for money. Does he want to touch porcelain and become the Demon King?

Da Nuo nearby scolded: You bastard! That's what ruffians do. How can we, the old gods of the Zhu family, do such a thing?

However, this scene was really like a fight. Xu Ying didn't move him, so he cried and rolled around.

This is also due to the old god's entrustment, and he should not use his soul to deal with Xu Ying. Xu Ying's soul has been refined into an immortal true spirit, and immortal aura is emitted from his soul.

However, the old immortal was locked in the Xiyi Realm of the body by the Zhu family. His magic power was limited, his consciousness was also imprisoned, and all he could use was his soul.

If he wanted to punish Xu Ying, he could only use his soul.

The old god cried for a long time, stopped his sorrow, and held his own hand, still shaking in pain.

Two fingers of his soul were shattered, and the pain in his soul spread to his body, hurting his heart.

What's even more terrifying is that although these two fingers on his body are still there, there is no feeling at all, as if these two fingers have never existed!

The injury to his soul was difficult to heal, and he didn't know how long this pain would stay with him.

This person must have a strange treasure that protects his soul, so much so that it could break two fingers of my soul! This magic weapon is rare, I don't know what kind of strange treasure it is!

He held back the severe pain, his eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he thought to himself, Since ancient times, it has been difficult to survive the heavenly catastrophe. There is a kind of thunder catastrophe in the heavenly tribulation that is aimed at the soul of the soul. With one blow, the soul will fly away! What if there is something wrong with this child? Treasure, maybe you will have some confidence in fighting against the heavenly calamity.

His heart was filled with heat: My physical body is of no use. It has been burned away by the fairy fire on the other side. Zhu Zhongquan was about to refine the golden elixir. If I take away his body at that time, I will kill this kid and get the soul. Treasure! Then refine the immortal medicine in this body, seize the immortal grass from the immigrants, and obtain the divine weapon of heaven. It’s easy to transcend the tribulation and ascend!

Zhu Zhongquan was also looking at Xu Ying, his heart filled with rage, but he still had a smile on his face, saying in his heart: What a shame, my fate has been ruined by him! But Xu Ying really shouldn't be underestimated, he can run the Niwan Secret Treasure, the Niwan Nuo technique is indeed much better than mine. Could it be that Zhou Qiyun taught him?

Everyone in the Zhu family was terrified by Xu Ying's death, especially those Nuo masters who were deprived of their vitality by Xu Ying. They feared Xu Ying as if they were gods.

Only Da Nuo and the clan elders were eager to take the opportunity to get rid of Xu Ying. But Zhu Zhongquan didn't allow it, and there was nothing they could do.

Da Zhong said to Xu Ying: A Ying, these villagers will definitely not be able to save the Fairy Plant. After we leave, the Zhu family will still come to seize the fairy grass. Even if the Zhu family doesn't take it, other aristocratic families will come to seize the treasure after hearing the news.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

The crime of having a jade is that the immigrant people have such rare treasures but do not have the corresponding strength. Sooner or later, they will cause disaster because of the rare plant of Jiangxian.

At this time, several elderly villagers in the village came forward to see Xu Ying and worship him for his rescue.

Xu Ying helped them stand up and asked, Where did the strange Crimson Immortal plant in your village come from?

The leader of the village said: This fairy grass was snatched by our ancestors in the Yunmeng battlefield to protect the village.

Snatched from the Yunmeng battlefield?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he asked carefully. The village elder didn't know much about it. He just said that according to old legend, they were not locals, but immigrants from another world.

Their ancestors were the most powerful warriors selected from that world of heavens. They were ordered to suppress the demons and made great military exploits for the gods of the heavens.

But the road to heaven was interrupted, and they could not return to their respective worlds, so they had to stay in this land.

This strange plant of Crimson Immortal is called Jiuzhi Xiancao by the villagers. It is a treasure snatched by their ancestors on the Yunmeng battlefield and planted in the village so that they can thrive here.

Xu Ying roughly understood what happened, but there were still many unanswered questions. For example, to suppress some demon, we need to select warriors from other heavens?

What is Heavenly Road? Why was it broken? Why can't they return to their respective worlds?

Xu Ying came to the small earthen altar in the village and carefully looked at the strange plant of Jiangxian. He saw that this fairy grass was fragrant with Jiuzhi. There were little spiritual lights flashing in the grass, and it was going through the branches and leaves.

He gazed at the aura, and suddenly bursts of majestic sounds came to his ears. The Nine-turn Zhicao grew bigger and bigger in his eyes. The whole body was composed of auras, as if it had turned into the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and contained great power!

This is... Dao Xiang! Jiuzhuan Zhicao is born with Dao Xiang. It can be used as a magic weapon, and it is a living magic weapon!

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken. The sight in front of him was truly astonishing. He observed the trend of the aura of Jiuzhi Xiancao and realized something in his heart. He suddenly felt that he could develop an extraordinary magical power!

Suddenly, he saw a ball of water in the vision, like a fist-sized water ball, floating in the aura, moist and indescribably attractive!

Xu Ying used his magic power to catch the ball of water. Unexpectedly, as soon as the water touched his palm, it penetrated into his body.

Shui Guang felt a little exhausted after he took away the Jiuzhi Xiancao.

A faint coolness surged through Xu Ying's body and flowed throughout his body, making him feel comfortable all over.

At this moment, in the cave where his Ni Wan was stored, powerful physical activity was mobilized by the water light. The power of the elixir of immortality from the Ni Wan secret store exploded and was refined by the water light. , quickly refined into his limbs and bones!

He suddenly felt that waves of surging energy and blood were integrated into his body, his physical body became more and more active, and his body became more and more powerful!

Within his body, brilliant light shone, shining out from under his skin, covering his entire body in light!

Xu Ying's whole body was even filled with a strange fragrance, which was so fragrant that it was like a human-shaped Jiuzhi Xiancao, which made even An Qi, who was closest to him, unable to help but move his mouth.

Ah Ying, you smell so good, let me have a taste! Xian Qi shouted.

Xu Ying glared at him, and the divine light around him gradually dimmed, but the fragrance still filled his nostrils.

The wonderful medicinal power contained in that ball of water catalyzed the immortality elixir secretly stored in Ni Wan, and the immortality elixir was continuously refined into his body, causing wonderful changes!

The reason why the divine light is dim is because the longevity medicine fished from the three mud pill caves cannot keep up with the speed of water light refining, causing the divine light to be greatly reduced!

Master Zhong, what is the watery light contained in Jiuzhi Xiancao? Xu Ying asked the big clock.

Da Zhong said: I once heard from the master that there are immortal grasses in the world of heaven and immortality, which contain a kind of wonderful energy called the Essence of the Original Dao. Maybe, the water light you get from that immortal grass is the immortal grass The essence of the original Tao contained in it.”

It became eager and wandered behind Xu Ying's head, saying: A Ying, you smell so good. I can take a sip of your Qi and blood. I haven't tasted the taste of you after taking Yuan Dao Essence... We are fighting together. My dear brother who died, what’s wrong with you letting me have a taste? Not even a bite? I will sever all ties with you!

Xu Ying locked his own Xiyi territory and resolutely refused to let it in.

An Qi said angrily: Bitch Zhong, your injury has been healed long ago, and you are still pestering Ah Ying. You are shameless and shameless! Ah Ying, don't pay attention to it. Just pay attention to it. It will take every inch it takes. If it tastes you, it will taste you twice. Then I'll eat you up and wipe you clean. Well, Ah Ying, you can chop off one of your legs and give me a taste.

The big snake showed his true face, nuzzled up to Xu Ying, and shouted: Anyway, you can still grow, so give me a taste of your leg, we have been a good brother for many years!

Xu Ying was furious and punched out, causing the snake to roll and fly out of the village.

Seeing this, Da Zhong flew towards An Qi in a hurry and shouted: Master Qi, you have his fragrance on you! Come on, let me take a breath!

The big snake shouted: Go away! I want it all to myself!

Xu Ying called the village elder and said: I have just studied your Jiuzhi Xiancao and figured out a set of formulas to teach you. If you practice according to the formulas, you can control the Jiuzhi Xiancao and protect the village.

He taught the villagers a set of sacrificial refining formulas that he had just comprehended and listened to the Taoist sounds. This is a simple sacrificial refining method and a method of refining Qi. Several different Taoist tones can be recited orally to activate the spirit. Jiuzhi Xiancao.

At the same time, practicing diligently can also strengthen your own Qi and blood.

This can be regarded as the creation of a new skill. Even for the Nuo masters of the Guo and Zhu families, this skill is a first-class magical skill. Within the family, only senior leaders can learn skills comparable to it!

But for Xu Ying, it was just a matter of inspiration and inspiration for Jiuzhi Xiancao, and he created it casually.

Xu Ying taught a few villagers, but did not continue, letting them teach on their own, and then asked about the Yunmeng Ancient Battlefield. The village elder said to Xu: Much of the history of our village has been lost, and there are no records in this regard.

Are there any records of this in Stone City? Xu Ying asked.

It is an ominous city. The city has long been empty and no one has settled there. There have been wars in the city for thousands of years. The ghosts of my ancestors live there.

The village elder told him that the heroes of their ancestors who died in the war in each village still practice fighting in the city every day. There are often deafening sounds of fighting, as if they are still fighting and killing after death!

Every villager lives in the village, and there is no living person in the city. Whenever the full moon rises in the middle of the month, the city will disappear.

The village elder said, Those who enter the city will also disappear with the city. Many villagers once entered Stone City by mistake. During the full moon, they disappeared with the city without a trace. They did not come back alive after they disappeared.

An old woman on the side said: There is a fool who comes back alive. He is crazy and wants to kill this and that every day.

The village elder remembered this and said: He was not stupid before entering Shicheng. By the way, my benefactor, a group of weird people entered Shicheng a few days ago.

Xu Ying thanked him, walked out of the village, called Guo Xiaodie, Zhu Hongyi, Li Yingzhu and others, told the source of the fairy grass, and said: That stone city will disappear every full moon night, which is extremely strange. Today is fourteenth, today After midnight, it will be fifteen... itchy!

Xu Ying hurriedly pushed Guo Xiaodie's face away. The girl was licking his ears, which made his body numb and seemed to be going soft.

Guo Xiaodie said calmly: You smell so good, I can't help but want to take a bite... Just keep talking!

Li Yingzhu looked at him with a confused expression, her eyes twitching, and said: Yes, keep talking.

She was almost close to Xu Ying's face, Guo Yue quickly pulled his wife away, and Li Yingzhu said: He smells so good...

Xu Ying calmed down and said: This kind of fairy grass is a treasure obtained by their ancestors when they entered the Yunmengze ancient battlefield. I suspect that the stone city is actually a tool leading to the ancient battlefield. As long as you enter the stone city, you can enter the ancient battlefield on a full moon night. On the battlefield, you might be able to get more jelly grass.

Guo Xiaodie and Zhu Hongyi sandwiched him on the left and right, trying to mistreat him.

Xu Ying stretched out his hands, pressed them on the faces of the two girls, pushed them away, and said calmly: The fairy grass you collected is more fragrant than mine. This kind of fairy grass can help you quickly refine the Six Secrets of the Immortal Medicine! Yes, the village elder said that someone has entered Shicheng. The smoke we saw in the city earlier must be those people making fires to cook!

Guo Xiaodie and Zhu Hongyi stayed away from him and suddenly woke up.

Guo Xiaodie said murderously: Who is so bold as to steal the fairy grass from my Guo family?

Zhu Hongyi thanked Xu and immediately returned to the Zhu family team to inform the clan members of the matter.

Everyone immediately set off and headed towards Shicheng.

On the way, Xu Ying saw other villages and tombs outside the village, which should be the tombs of the ancestors of these villages.

Waves of extremely powerful killing energy burst out of these tombs, forming swords, axes, axes and other weapons dozens of feet high in the air, emitting a monstrous murderous energy!

There was even blood seeping out of some graves. A blood cloud floated over the graves, and blood rain continued to fall!

The murderous aura in these tombs was so strong that even Xu Ying, who had mastered stone axes and other ferocious soldiers, felt a little uncomfortable facing these tombs.

In life, he fought bloody battles with Xuanhuang, and after death, he never forgets his weapons. He is a true warrior! Xian Qi murmured.

Xu Ying nodded: Master Qi said it well.

They came to the outside of the stone city and looked up. They saw that the main body of the stone city wall was the skeleton of a huge snake. The place where the snake was connected end to end was reserved as a city gate.

The immigrants used the skeleton of the giant snake as a framework to build a city wall. The city wall was much higher than the capital. It should be to guard against the impact of Yunmengze's giant beasts.

Xu Ying looked up and saw claw marks on the city wall that were three to four feet thick and more than ten feet long. They were traces left by some vicious beast. There were also traces of blood on the claw marks.

Suddenly, arrows shot out from the city towards the Guo and Zhu families!

Each arrow feather is two to three feet long and is made of polished bones. When it flies out of the air, it will make a strange whistle sound. It is extremely fast and more powerful than a flying sword!

When those sword feathers hit the ground, the soil exploded and rolled like waves. The sound was terrifying. The air waves could lift off the Nuo master who had opened three caves!

It turns out to be the Nuo master of the Li family!

When Li Yingzhu saw clearly the Nuo master in Shicheng who was plotting against them, she couldn't help but became furious and shouted, Who doesn't have eyesight and dares to attack me?

She was born into a royal family and had such an extraordinary status that the Nuo masters on the city wall did not dare to attack her again.

At this time, a young man quickly came to the city wall, looked down, and said quickly: It turns out to be the second aunt! This is a misunderstanding!

The young man turned around and glared at the Nuo masters who were shooting arrows, and whispered: If you can't kill them, don't rush to take action. Do you understand?

Everyone said yes.

Li Yingzhu ordered Guo Xiaodie and others, saying: On the city wall is the eldest son Li Tingshu, the most outstanding figure among the younger generation of the Li family. He calls me aunt very sweetly, but he is a bad boy. Be careful, he only needs to catch If you get the chance, you will definitely kill us!

Everyone was awe-inspiring and cautiously led their Nuo divisions into the city.

Xu Ying also followed him into the city, and the crown prince Li Tingshu came forward to greet him and said with a smile: Second aunt, how did you find yourself here?

He hurriedly knelt down and saluted, and said with a smile: Just now, the Jinwu guards were dazzled and did not see that it was the second aunt.

Li Yingzhu smiled and said: One day when you are dazzled, you will kill your father.

Li Tingshu laughed and said: Second aunt is really good at joking. Xu Demon King!

His eyes fell on Xu Ying, he stepped forward and hurriedly bowed down, saying: I've heard of your name for a long time! I've heard your father and uncle Li mention you many times!

Xu Ying's breath wavered slightly, but he didn't take it seriously.

Li Tingshu raised his eyebrows and said to himself: I bowed down and took the opportunity to use my magical power, but I couldn't knock him over. Xu Yaowang is indeed worthy of his fame. But I didn't use my full strength. When he helped me stand up, I Confront him again!

When he thought of this, he saw Xu Ying walking past him. Not only did he not help him stand up, he didn't even look at him.

Li Tingshu was furious.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that there were not only Nuo masters from the Li family but also Nuo masters from the Cui family in the city, and Cui Dongli was among them.

When Cui Dongli saw Xu Ying, his eyes once again showed eagerness to try, as if he wanted to challenge Xu Ying again.

When An Qi saw this, he said to Dazhong: This person will definitely have another adventure during this period. You can see that his confidence is much stronger than before.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a piano, high mountains and flowing water, with a profound artistic conception. I saw a young man in white clothes sitting on a stone bridge playing the piano.

Dazhong said to Xu Ying: This man must not be at peace in his heart. Ah Ying, do you have a grudge against him?

Xu Ying looked over and didn't recognize the young man in white. He shook his head and said, I've never seen him before.

Guo Xiaodie said: That is Gao Xingqian of the Gao family, a genius cultivated by the family of the world clan. It is said that he planned to stop the Demon King Xu on Luoshui River, but for some reason he did not take action.

Night falls and the moonlight shines.

Nuo masters from the Chai family and the Zhao family came together, led by Chai Wuyong, and two young men from the Zhao family. The Chai and Zhao families are both emerging aristocratic families, and their backgrounds are not as deep as those of the Cui, Gao, Pei and other aristocratic families. They need to join forces to break into this Yunmengze.

Xu Ying felt a few more eager eyes and was surprised: When did I offend someone again?

He didn't care.

At this time, a young man came from outside Shicheng. With a golden elixir floating in front of him, he walked into Shicheng alone.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on him, and he raised his brows, showing a look of surprise: This Qi Refiner is so strong! How can he practice to this level without practicing Nuo techniques and only practicing Qi?

Da Zhong was also inexplicably surprised and whispered: A Ying, I sensed the master's aura from this young man! He should be practicing my master's technique!

The big clock started to vibrate: Is my master still alive?

————This chapter has been released. Brothers and sisters, hurry up and pull up your chapter. I want to read (copy) it!

Thanks to Mr. Zhaicai for the Golden Alliance reward. I was so dizzy yesterday that I forgot to mention it. Please forgive me.

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