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Chapter 144 The Unlucky Guy (First update, please order)

At this time, many people in Shicheng had already received Xu Ying's warning and hurried out of Shicheng.

As soon as they arrived outside the city, they saw the god-man with the head of a dragon pulling the giant city. Amidst the thunder, the giant city soared into the sky, tilted, and followed the giant into the depths of darkness.

The people who escaped from Shicheng couldn't help but be shocked. Most of them were Nuo masters from the Guo family, and there were not many Nuo masters from other families. Everyone in the Guo family had great trust in Xu Ying, which was why so many people escaped.

But Guo Xiaodie, Guo Yue, Li Yingzhu and others failed to take the opportunity to escape.

There has been chaos in Stone City for a long time. Regardless of whether they are close or distant, everyone is affected by the murderous intention and kills with pain. Various magical powers, magic weapons and nuo techniques are used to greet the people nearby!

Xu Ying has been practicing the Taiyi Guoyin Gong for many years, and his mind is pure. Coupled with the Guixin Jue taught by Pei Du, he is not affected by murderous intentions. Under the shroud of his energy, An Qi was not affected by his murderous intention.

The next moment, the sword light flashed in front of Xu Ying, and suddenly the sword light split, filling his field of vision in an instant!

It was the eight-sided sword raised by Xue Ying'an, and it stabbed Xu Ying in the chaos.

His swordsmanship promises to be unprecedented!

Xu Ying obtained the basic know-how of swordsmanship from Yuan Tiangang's sword box, and understood the boundary-breaking sword from the sword energy cracks in Shuikou Temple.

Compared with Xue Ying'an's swordsmanship, which he learned from Li Xiaoke, his swordsmanship is too superficial.

However, Xu Ying was proficient in more than just swordsmanship. He retreated and used his Nuo skills to fight against Xue Ying'an's eight-sided sword with the sixth form of Bi Luo Fu's Star Li Zhao.

Darkness fell around him, and only the stars gathered together and surged like a long river. With the force of his palm, he met the little sword lights that filled his field of vision!

In terms of cultivation, he has opened the Six Secrets, and his vitality, spiritual consciousness, strength, and body are far superior to other Qi Refiners!

However, when he used this move, his heart skipped a beat. He saw the little bit of sword light colliding with the starlight, and suddenly the power surged. There were three or four levels of stamina hidden in the sword light, and each level of stamina was several times more powerful than the previous one!

The boundary-breaking sword energy that Xu Ying understood became stronger when it encountered strength. After the first burst of sword energy, there was a second, more powerful sword energy, which had the momentum to defeat all enemies!

But there is only one move.

And the swordsmanship performed by Xue Ying'an is more exquisite than the boundary-breaking sword energy, and in terms of moves, it is better than Bi Luofu Liangduo!

In addition, Xue Ying'an's eight-sided sword is also an amazing treasure. Xu Ying immediately saw the stars shattering and knew that his move was broken, so he immediately knocked back!

Behind him is a stone building. The layout of this building is somewhat different from that of a normal building. It has an exotic feel. The stairs rotate and spiral upward like a dragon along the wall. The rooms are built on the four walls, which are stone chambers.

Xu Ying had just retreated into the building when he saw sword light filling the room and Xue Ying'an charging into the stone building.

Xu Ying quickly retreated up the stairs, and saw Xue Ying'an's sword light steaming from the ground, roaring up, like a huge pillar of sword energy, spinning and smashing everything!

Such swordsmanship is really not bad!

Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart, and flicked away several sword auras approaching him with his fingers. Before the second and third levels of the sword aura could explode, they were directly crushed by his powerful magic power.

However, the sword energy that Xu Ying shattered was just a drop in the bucket. The pillar of sword energy rose from the ground, already more than twenty feet high, and was still growing!

His sword energy is too strong, and it has become a trend, forcing me to retreat, otherwise I will have to fight him desperately. This kind of swordsmanship is worthy of being passed down by Master Zhong's master!

Without thinking, Xu Ying penetrated into a stone room, jumped out from the window lattice, flipped upwards deftly, and landed on the roof of the stone building.


The power of the sword energy pillars in the stone tower exploded, and sword light suddenly spurted out from the windows of each stone chamber, but it failed to destroy the stone tower.

This stone city was built by the strongest qi masters in all the worlds. In order to face the powerful enemy, even though Xue Ying'an's swordsmanship was exquisite, he could not destroy the stone tower.

Xu Ying seemed to have expected this scene. He stood on the roof and watched the sword energy pour out.

Xue Ying'an flew out of the window lattice, stood in the air with sword light under his feet, and looked around, looking for traces of him.

Although this kind of sword-controlling technique is not as good as the sword-controlling technique that Weiyang and I completed, it is still extremely rare.

Xu Ying secretly praised it, seeing that Xue Ying'an's sword-controlling technique was not authentic. It should be that Li Xiaoke only obtained the residual technique and created a new sword-controlling technique based on the residual technique.

Suddenly, Xu Ying threw a pebble and hit Xue Ying'an on the forehead.

Xue Ying'an felt awe-struck and looked up quickly, thinking: If it's not a pebble, but a flying sword or magical power...

He hesitated, rose up with his sword, landed on the stone tower, and stood side by side with Xu Ying. He pointed his sword at Xu Ying and said loudly: I don't know you, so I shouldn't attack you, but you slandered my master. You say that my master cannibalizes people, so for the sake of my master’s reputation, I have no choice but to attack you!”

He pumped up his true energy and said loudly: I attacked you just now and got the upper hand. To be fair, you make the first move this time!

An Qi was surprised: Ah Ying, this kid has indeed never walked in the world. If such a simple person has been walking in the world for many years, I'm afraid he would have turned into a lonely ghost and danced on the grave every day, right?

Xu Ying smiled and said, Xue Ying'an, look outside.

I won't let you fool me!

Xue Ying'an said loudly, If I look outside, you will take the opportunity to attack me, and then I will die.

Even so, he couldn't help but peek out secretly. This was an extraordinary sight. Xue Ying'an looked dull for a moment and turned his head to look straight outside.

Silly boy. An Qi whispered.

However, the scene outside the city was indeed astonishing. The stone city they were in was flying past a huge planet at the moment. The planet was composed of gas, and the gas formed a sea of ​​clouds on the surface of the planet, glowing in three colors: yellow, red and white.

The planet was so big that it obscured their view, and then passed over their heads.

They even heard the low hum and hum of the planet, and in the sea of ​​clouds, giant fish that were countless thousands of miles long were shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds, riding wind and thunder, chasing Shicheng.

In front of Shicheng, there was a strong wind and thunder, and the dragon-headed giant transformed from the divine weapon of heaven was bathed in the wind and thunder, dragging Shicheng with all his strength.

Even the big fish among the stars could not catch up with Shi Cheng, and the distance became farther and farther away.

And in the starry sky next to this huge gaseous planet, there is a huge vortex, formed like thunder.

Shi Cheng was being dragged straight towards the thunder whirlpool!

Xue Ying'an was stunned by this scene, and suddenly became alert. Without thinking, he raised his body-protecting bell, and a sea of ​​mana surged in, turned into a palm print, and came to him!

The small body-protecting bell was an imitation of the Xiaoyao Bell. The wall of the bell bloomed with light, forming a large bell that fell upside down. But the next moment, the force of the palm crushed the light wall to shake, become blurry, and was on the verge of shattering!


Xue Ying'an was frightened and activated the little body-protecting bell to the extreme. Still, he felt an incomparable force crushing him. He flew up involuntarily, rolled over and fell to the bottom of the stone building!

Clang clang clang clang!

He smashed all the way down and landed with a crash, making a big pit in the ground, and the person and the clock were embedded in the big pit.

Xu Ying took back his palm and said to An Qi: Master Qi, look, he won't be so stupid and really go to see it in the future.

An Qi praised: Ah Ying is kind! Bodhisattva-hearted!

Xue Ying'an was furious and was about to get up when Xu Ying pressed down with his palm. Xue Ying'an was on guard and immediately raised the eight-sided sword, and his sword skills exploded!

However, Xu Ying's palm was a magical power gained from observing Zhou Qiyun's journey through the heavenly calamity and based on the Biluo Fu. The calamity fell from the sky!

All qi refiners must face the calamity. When this palm fell, Xue Ying'an was frightened. He responded to the calamity with the palm and was covered in a big pit by the force of the palm.

In the pit, a small bell kept ringing, frantically removing the power of this palm.

I am done!

Xue Ying'an was desperate. The first opponent he met when he came down the mountain seemed to be ridiculously strong. As long as he got a chance, he could hold himself down and beat him to death!

If he had been trapped in this big pit, he would definitely be beaten to death by the opponent!

However, Xu Ying did not continue the attack after the blow fell.

Xue Ying'an was shocked and confused, struggled to get up, and thought to himself: What does he mean?

In the stone city, I don't know when the fighting has stopped. The ghosts of warriors from all walks of life looked solemn and looked up, like an army with strict discipline.

But in the short moment of commotion just now, corpses were everywhere in Shicheng. Only 30 to 40% of the Nuo masters who entered Shicheng were left, and 60 to 70% of the Nuo masters were killed at the hands of others!

The survivors didn't care about saving the injured, and raised their heads one after another, watching in horror as Shi Cheng approached the thunder vortex in the starry sky.

Many people noticed the confrontation between Xue Ying'an and Xu Ying, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Zhongquan's eyes flashed and he thought to himself: I originally thought this Qi Master was a master, but I didn't expect that he couldn't even receive a palm from Demon King Xu. That's all.

Gao Xingqian put away his guqin and thought to himself: This person's magic weapon is exquisite, but his strength is not good. Xu Yaowang has disappeared for two years and has become outdated. He was still beaten to the ground by Xu Yaowang. These Qi refiners are indeed There is no good thing that can be obtained, and it is far less sophisticated than the Nuo Qi cultivation of the major aristocratic families.

The young masters of the Chai and Zhao families also had flashing eyes. They judged Xue Ying'an's strength from the beatings he received, and each felt relieved.

They did not see how amazing Xue Ying'an's sword energy was in the stone tower. They only saw Xue Ying'an being held down by Xu Ying, and they felt that this young qi refiner was nothing more than that.

Along with the roaring thunder, the stone city drove into the terrifying thunder whirlpool. The stone city was sometimes bright and sometimes dark, and there was a feeling of traveling through the membrane wall of time and space!

This feeling is very similar to Zhou Qiyun's tribulation, the feeling when the distorted fluctuations of time and space pass through the human body, and it is also like the feeling of Shuikou Temple, entering the hidden scene of Nuo Immortal from the outside world.

It’s just that the process of crossing is extremely long.

Everyone's body was weightless, floating in the air, stretched by time and space, sometimes turning into white hair, sometimes turning into a staggering baby, and suddenly turning into other species such as cows and horses, and even into big fish, insects, and weird things.

Their consciousness, magic power, golden elixirs, magic weapons, and magical powers are all unable to be used and can only float like this.

After an unknown amount of time, the feeling of traveling through the time and space wall gradually disappeared. Everyone suddenly felt that their magic power had returned, their bodies could control themselves, and they fell from the air one after another.

At this moment, an ancient continent came towards us, and what came into view was the vast desert. The stone city suddenly fell down, sliding against the desert, rolling up the sky with yellow sand!


The ancient warrior ghosts in the stone city surged out with loud killing cries and rushed towards the desert. Many Nuo masters were trapped by them and rushed into the desert, quickly disappearing.

There were only more than thirty people left in the stone city who were not controlled by the ghost's murderous intent.

Everyone looked outside the city in confusion. The stone city had stopped sliding and stopped in front of a huge stone monument.

That stone monument was a mountain split in half, and someone wrote bloody words on it.

Taiyi Xiao Xuantian is in desperate situation! Xu Ying raised his head and read.

Below this column of text, there are several columns of small characters.

At the first pass of the Heavenly Road, soldiers from all realms were here to suppress the demons and sacrifice the six heavenly artifacts to fight. Six hundred people were killed in the battle. A monument was built to commemorate it. Never forget the past and be the master of the future! Tian Qingzi guarded Qianliu here In the cemetery of hundreds of soldiers, monitor the devil and leave a note!

Xu Ying's heart was surging, and he whispered: This man has great ambitions, guards the tombs of soldiers, and suppresses demons. He is truly a hero!

An Qi was also filled with admiration and said: Ah Ying, I think you should have been such a hero back then.

Xu Ying was fascinated.

Suddenly, the old immortal of the Zhu family who was suppressed in the cage laughed and said, Good disciple, this is the first stop of the Yunmengze Ancient Battlefield! Hurry up and carry me!

The cage had been shattered in the melee. The old god was covered in blood, and he must have been affected by a lot of magical powers. His body was covered with hooks and chains, and even the Xiyi Domain was sealed by chains, making it difficult for him to resist, so he was seriously injured in the battle.

He was in good spirits, and laughed and said: There is a peerless fairy plant here, a treasure given by heaven, to help soldiers slay demons! Quick, carry me to find the fairy plant!

Zhu Zhongquan rushed forward in a hurry and knelt down to greet him. The old immortal rode on him, and Zhu Zhongquan ran wildly into the desert.

I just heard the old god's voice coming from afar, shouting: Time waits for us not. We have a short time. We must find the elixir before returning to Shicheng, otherwise a great terror will happen! Let's go, let's go!

When everyone looked around, they saw the old immortal waving the chain, slapping Zhu Zhongquan on the buttocks, and driving away like a whip on a horse.

Other surviving Nuo masters from the Zhu family also hurriedly followed and rushed into the desert.

In the city, people from all the major families saw this and entered the desert one after another in search of the immortal plant.

Guo Xiaodie ordered a Guo family Nuo master to stay and said: Every quarter of an hour, you throw a magical power into the sky to position us.

The Nuo master said yes.

Guo Xiaodie looked at Xu Ying, hesitated, and did not call Xu Ying to enter the desert together. After all, Xu Ying is not from the Guo family. If he collects the fairy plant, he still needs to give Xu Ying a share.

If Demon King Xu is willing to get married, there is no need to separate. Li Yingzhu saw the girl's dilemma and said leisurely.

Guo Xiaodie sighed: I'm afraid he won't.

You have to be strong!

Li Yingzhu said excitedly, Knock him unconscious, take off his pants, and force him! I can hold down his arms for you!

Guo Yue glanced at his wife, hesitated, and did not interrupt.

In the stone city, Xue Ying'an looked at Xu Ying and did not continue to entangle with Xu Ying. He raised the eight-sided sword and flew away with the flying sword.

Xian Qi looked up and asked, A Ying, no one else dares to fly, but Xue Ying'an is the only one who dares to fly over with his sword. Will he be unlucky?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xue Ying'an suddenly bumping into an invisible barrier. The barrier was a defensive magical power formed by an ancient magic weapon fragment.

Xu Ying and Xian Qi stretched out their necks and saw Xue Ying'an being hit by hundreds of thunderbolts contained in the magic weapon's residual power. The young man fell straight down, and each one breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really bad luck. An Qi gloated.

Xu Ying was also very satisfied and walked out of the city.

In the distance, Xue Ying'an was chopped to pieces, tender inside and scorched outside, but he was still alive. This time the young man was more cautious, giving up flying with his sword and choosing to walk.

Not long after, Xu Ying, who was hanging behind him, saw a sandstorm erupting in front of him from a distance, swallowing the young Qi Refiner. It was the Xiyi Realm of an ancient great qi alchemist. It was in dilapidated condition. Xue Ying'an did not notice it and fell into the Xiyi Realm.

Ah Ying, he may not survive today. An Qi looked around.

————There will definitely be two chapters written today!

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