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Chapter 141 Jiangxian Strange Plant

Tiandao immigrants? Xu Ying looked towards Shicheng, becoming increasingly curious.

Yimin means migrating people. Tiandao migration means that Tiandao migrated them here.

Where did these people immigrate from? Why immigrate here?

Guo Xiaodie's voice came: There were no traces of humans in the new land that erupted from the Cangwu Abyss. Yunmengze also emerged from the Cangwu Abyss. Why are there humans surviving here?

Xu Ying nodded lightly. Although Guo Xiaodie was careless, what he said was right.

Perhaps it's because Yunmengze is special than other new lands. Zhu Hongyi said, It's also possible that these Tiandao immigrants are special than others.

Three thousand years ago, the influence of heaven and man was so popular that the heaven and earth were sealed and the Qi Refiners disappeared.

But now that the land has been unsealed, the disappeared Qi Masters have not appeared again. The immigrants in Yunmengze are the first living humans to appear in the new land!

Everyone rushed forward. When the villagers near Shicheng saw them, they stopped what they were doing and looked around, very curious.

Their clothes are simple and simple, with the ancient meaning of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and their appearance is similar to that of normal people, not much different. The only difference is that they are taller than ordinary people, just like Xu Ying, they have broad hands and feet.

Xu Ying looked towards these villages and saw the bones of unknown giant beasts outside the villages. They were extremely huge. Several children were waving the bones of the giant beasts and beating them around.

Those children were covered in flesh and bones, using bones weighing a hundred pounds as weapons. They danced so loudly that it made people's scalp numb.


A child with a weak body was knocked away by the big bone, flew six to seven feet in mid-air, and landed not far in front of Xu Ying and others.

His head hit a big rock hard, making Xu Ying and the others tremble with fear, but they saw the stone cracked from the middle, and the thin child was also hit with a bruised head and blood.

The child straightened up, jumped up, exposed eight neat abdominal muscles, and ran towards the enemy.

A woman quickly called out: Xiao Liang, come back quickly!

The thin child named Xiaoliang had no choice but to come to the woman. The woman checked the wound on his forehead, took him to an earthen altar in the center of the village, and chanted in a low voice to the earthen altar.

There is a Zhicao plant on the earth altar, one foot and seven inches tall, with leaves like Ganoderma lucidum and nine leaves growing out.

After the woman recited, one petal of Zhicao trembled slightly, and light visible to the naked eye flowed to the skinny child's wound. His wound healed immediately, leaving no trace of scars.

Several playful children were called back to the village by the villagers. The adults held on to their children tightly and watched warily as the Nuo master team from the Guo and Zhu families passed by the village entrance.

They should feel that they are weak, right? Xian Qi said in fear.

Da Zhong guessed: Master Qi, do you think the giant beast at the entrance of the village was beaten to death by them, dragged here, skinned and eaten?

I think so! An Qi said with a shudder.

He always felt that something was wrong with the way those villagers looked at him.

Xu Ying looked at the village. The villagers' houses were also built based on animal bones. They were very spacious inside. It seemed that these Yunmengze giant beasts did not die naturally.

A group of fierce villagers! Li Yingzhu was extremely alert and secretly ordered the Guo family's Nuo master, Don't provoke them!

Zhu Hongyi was also awe-inspiring and hurriedly ordered the Zhu Nuo master not to cause trouble.

Xu Ying mobilized his heavenly eyes and observed these villagers carefully. He saw that there was a strange force in their bodies that opened their tail gates, making them born in the Knocking Stage state!

Even the skinny kid just now was in the knocking-off period!

But what puzzled Xu Ying was that their Xiyi Realm had not been opened, and there was no trace of any cultivation.

If it were a Qi practitioner, there would be traces of cultivation in the Xiyi Realm, such as the five internal organs and the five Qi coming to life, and the wind and rain harmonizing, but these Yunmengze immigrants did not.

The Guo and Zhu families were walking towards Shicheng, when suddenly an old voice came from the black prison car: Zhu Zhongquan, the Zhicao enshrined in their village is a strange plant of the Crimson Immortal in the world of heaven, an immortal plant raised by the immortal energy! These villagers don’t know how to practice, but they have become so powerful by relying on the nourishment of this strange plant of Crimson Immortal!

He chuckled and said: This is a treasure to break through the realm, a great medicine to break through barriers! If this treasure falls into your hands, the barriers and bottlenecks of cultivation will almost disappear!

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhongquan raised his hand and shouted: Stop!

All the Nuo masters of the Zhu family stopped, and Zhu Zhongquan turned to look at the strange plant of Crimson Immortal in the center of the village, and laughed softly: In other words, if I take this immortal grass, I can immediately break through to the refining stage. , cultivate into a golden elixir?

The old god in the prison car said: Not only that! If you take one leaf, it will be enough for you to cultivate the golden elixir! But if you take it like this, it will be a waste of natural resources. The greatest function of this treasure is to break the Jade Pillow Heavenly Barrier! The Jade Pillow Heavenly Barrier If the barrier is not broken, you cannot ascend!

Zhu Zhongquan's eyes were eager and he said with a smile: Come here! Bring me that strange plant of Crimson Immortal!

Immediately, more than ten Zhu family Nuo masters came out and rushed towards the village.

When Li Yingzhu and others heard this, they also stopped and looked at the small earth altar in the center of the village in surprise. Guo Yue whispered: Is there really fairy grass in this small village?

Li Yingzhu's eyes flashed and she said: Let's take a look first. If there is really a fairy grass...

There was also a rush of enthusiasm in her heart. The temptation of the fairy grass that could directly make people break through the realm was too great.

It is very difficult for a family of Nuo masters to become a qi warrior. After all, not everyone is Zhou Qiyun. For them, the qi warrior skills are obscure and difficult to understand, and their realm is difficult to break through. There are very few people who can really cultivate qi to a very high state. few.

If the spiritual grass in the small village of the immigrants was really a fairy grass, the Guo family would not be able to resist seizing it!

The dozen or so Zhu family Nuo masters had just entered the village when suddenly figures shook and punched them all, sending them flying out of the village!

When the figure stopped, it was a young man from the village, standing at the entrance of the village, majestic, shouting: How can you take someone's treasure for nothing? This fairy grass is to protect our village...

call out!

A ray of sword light flew by, and the young villager stood there blankly, looking blankly at the Nuo master who had just been knocked away by him. The Nuo master had a fierce face and was opening the sword box.

The young villager touched his neck and saw blood on his neck.

He opened his mouth to speak, but there was blood in his throat.

Stupid thing!

The Nuo master strode forward, kicked him in the heart, kicked him away, and sneered, You clearly had the chance to kill me just now, but you actually didn't kill me! You fool!

The sword energy flew back and fell into the sword box.

The Nuo master carried the sword box on his back and strode into the village. He looked around fiercely and said loudly: A group of untouchables, they are just a little thicker, and they dare to hit me in the face! I will teach you that I, the Zhu family, are the governor of Bianzhou. , the official of the feudal territory!

The young villager fell to the ground, his throat was full of blood, his body was twitching, and he could not live.

Other villagers rushed out crying, holding primitive bows and arrows and bone spears in their hands, protecting the young villager. The others quickly dragged the young man to the Jiangxian strange plant.

We have wiped out countless small villages like yours!

The Nuo master laughed loudly and activated the sword energy in the box to kill the villagers who were blocking the way. However, the villagers here were all incredibly strong. They waved their bone spears and bone sticks to block the sword energy!

There are even textures floating on those bone spears and bone sticks, which become brighter. They are the bones of ancient giant beasts. Most of these ancient giant beasts have awakened the power of blood, and there are innate runes on the bones.

Although those villagers are not qi refiners, they have strong qi and blood in their bodies. When these runes are activated, seemingly ordinary weapons such as bone spears and bone sticks can exert inexplicable power!

In just an instant, the Nuo master's sword energy was completely shattered!

The Nuo master was in a daze when he saw bone spears raining down on him, pricking him into a big hedgehog!

Other Nuo masters rushed over and saw this situation and hurriedly stopped. At this moment, a Zhu family Nuo master rushed out from behind them and sneered: Get away from all useless things!

The great Nuo of the Zhu family opened the three secret treasures of Niwanjiang Palace and Yuchi, activated Niwan Cave Heaven, rushed forward, and saw roots breaking out of the ground all around, enveloping the villagers!

The bone spears, bone clubs, bone swords and other objects in the hands of the villagers were covered with flesh and blood, making them impossible to hold!

Even the bodies of the villagers began to grow strangely. Some had another face growing on their faces, some had another heart growing on their hearts, and some were three to five times larger than before, covered in fat!

From the elderly villagers to the children, everyone is controlled by his Nuo skills!

This Da Nuo performs the Niwan Nuo technique that the Zhou family dominates the world. After the Zhou family was destroyed, many secrets that were not passed down fell into the hands of other families!

Kill them!

The Da Nuo sneered and walked towards the Jiangxian strange plant with eager eyes, To cut the weeds, we must remove them by their roots, leaving no one behind!

Behind him, the Zhu family Nuo masters rushed out, activated the sword energy in the sword box, and slashed at the villagers. The swords flashed and stabbed a child with a deformed body!

The child's mother was nearby. She had been entangled by roots and her body had become deformed. She struggled hard and whined, but she was too late to save her child!

In front of the small earth altar, the young villager was having his wounds treated by the Jiangxian Strange Plant. The Jiangxian Strange Plant was indeed miraculous and pulled him back from death.

He struggled to get up and was about to meet the Zhu family's Nuo.

The great Nuo of the Zhu family came up with his hands behind his back, his eyes were strange, and he smiled and said: It can heal even a cut throat. It is indeed a fairy grass. So, if you cut off the head, can you put it back again?

He flicked his hair gently, and a strand of hair was like a sword, passing through the young villager's neck, and suddenly a big head flew up!

He is Da Nuo. Faced with a country boy who has only a strong body but only the realm of knocking off, can't he easily crush him to death?

The Zhu family's Danuo smiled and walked towards the Jiangxian strange plant. However, the head of the young villager flew towards the neck again, and the broken part of the flesh sprouts flew up and connected with the body's neck!

The Zhu family's Nuo eyes widened, and he saw that the young villager's head had grown back together with his body, and he was really alive!

who is it?

He suddenly turned around and saw a figure standing between the other Zhu family Nuo masters and the villagers. All the sword energy suddenly stopped in the air and stood still. The faces of the Zhu family Nuo masters turned red and they tried their best to activate the sword boxes. The sword energy cannot be shaken even one bit!

Promise Demon King!

The Zhu family's chief Nuo's eyes twitched and he sneered, Xu Ying, do you want to get involved in my Zhu family's affairs?


The sword energy that was nailed in the air suddenly flew back, whirled around the Zhu family Nuo masters, and then sank into the sword box with a clanking sound!

One by one, the Zhu family Nuo masters staggered, fell to the ground, and died!

Xu Ying fluttered his sleeves, turned around, and faced the Zhu family Nuo directly. The sword boxes behind him were closed with a click.

The moment his body turned, the distorted villagers also returned to normal. Regarding the Ni Wan Nuo technique, Xu Ying received the true transmission from Zhou Qiyun, and the Zhu family's Ni Wan Nuo technique was completely different from his.

The corners of Zhu family's Nuo's eyes trembled and he sneered: Xu Ying, even if you are an immortal immortal...

The next moment, Xu Ying came to him and punched him. The Zhu family shouted loudly, and layers of caves opened behind him. There were secret treasures such as Yuchi, Jianggong and Niwan. There were as many caves as there were, and the most secret treasures were in Yuchi. , there are as many as five caves, and the smallest Niwan Secret Treasure has four caves!

He also practiced the Qi Refining Technique, and the Xiyi Realm appeared behind him. He has reached the Knocking Off Stage, and his magic power is powerful!

His Taoist magical power exploded, and he spread his fingers, and saw layers of sealing techniques extending forward, forcing Xu Ying away!

Xu Ying's fist came, punching through all the restrictions, breaking his five fingers, twisting them backwards, and immediately his arm exploded.


Xu Ying's fist fell on his face, his face and facial features were pressed against the back of his head, and his brain was pushed out.

Master Qi told me to reason with the corpse after killing someone.

Xu Ying pulled out his bloody fist from his face, wiped his hands on his body, and said calmly, I want to say, do you think I'm dead?

He turned around and looked at the Zhu family Nuo master who was about to move outside the village. His heart was filled with anger and he said to the corpse of the Zhu family Nuo master: Are you worthy of using the Zhou family's clay ball Nuo technique? I'll teach you, what? This is the real Niwan Zhengfa!”

Zhu Zhong had a fierce look on his face, and he waved his hand suddenly, and a group of Zhu family Nuo masters came to kill him. Among them, the Zhu family Nuo master and the clan elder were hidden in the crowd, preparing to give Xu Ying a fatal blow!

The Zhu family Nuo masters who were charging forward suddenly felt their bodies weakening rapidly. In an instant, they were as skinny as firewood and gray-haired. They fell to the ground one by one, unable to move!

At the same time, the houses in the small village shook, making loud noises like the earth was falling apart. Those houses shed their stones, sprouted flesh and blood, and turned into behemoths. It was astonishingly the ancient beasts were resurrected under the mud ball exorcism technique promised!

The giant beast galloped towards Zhu Nuo Master!

Many Nuo masters from the Zhu family looked pale, looking at the charging beast and not knowing what to do!

Depriving life and giving life is the true method of Ni Wan Hidden Scenery Immortality Secret!

Seeing this, all the Da Nuo and clan elders of the Zhu family, regardless of hiding their whereabouts, opened their caves one after another to resist the impact of these giant beasts.

Suddenly, Zhu Zhongquan rushed forward, knelt on the ground, raised his hands and laughed loudly: Brother-in-law, this is a misunderstanding! Stop, everyone, stop! Sister, please come and explain to my brother-in-law, this is a misunderstanding!

Zhu Hongyi stepped forward bravely and was about to speak when she saw those giant beasts retreating one after another, returning to the village, and then turned into withered bones and crawled on the ground.

Xu Ying stepped over Zhu Hongyi, walked forward, and walked straight to the prison car shrouded in black cloth. He said calmly: Old god, you are in jail, so it is better not to talk nonsense and stir up trouble.

Ha ha ha ha!

The energy in the prison car surged, and the black cloth suddenly fell apart. An old man with white hair and blood in the prison car suddenly stood up, his hair flying, his limbs struggling with the chains and rattling, and said with a ferocious face: Little thing, are you following me? Talk?

His aura expanded like an explosion and swept through the remaining clouds in the sky. In an instant, the clouds were dense and thunder was everywhere!


A bolt of thunder fell, illuminating the surroundings and dazzling everyone's eyes.

In front of Xu Ying's eyes, the prison car, the village, the Zhu family Nuo masters, the Guo family Nuo masters, the stone city in the distance, and everything else, all disappeared, including Yunmengze and this world!

He suddenly felt severe pain in his limbs. When he looked down, he saw huge iron hooks drilling into his shoulders and patellas, with pieces of flesh and blood coming out from the sharp hook ends!

He was sweating from the pain, his body was stiff and he couldn't move.

Behind the four iron hooks were chains, which shook and hung him up.

Iron pestles flew over and made a clanging sound, forming a cage and placing him in it. Xu Ying was hung in a large font in the center of the cage.

little things!

The old man's face was getting bigger and bigger, and his body was getting taller and taller. He raised his palm, and Xu Ying and the prison car were under his control.

The old man stood tall and tall, with a sarcastic look on his face, and his voice rang in Xu Ying's mind: Young man doesn't know how high the sky is, so I should give you a little punishment! I will erase your soul vision and punish you for being ignorant and ignorant of your seniors. Just be a blind man from now on!

Xu Ying looked at the fingers that he stretched out towards her eyes, suddenly woke up and said, You said you would erase my soul's vision, so all this is just an illusion you created for my soul.

The white-haired old god thrust his two fingers into Xu Ying's eyes and laughed loudly: You Nuo masters refine your Qi but not your soul, how can you block my magical power of the soul?

Click! Click!

He inserted two fingers into Xu Yinghun's eyes, like they were inserted into a copper wall. The two fingers immediately broke, exploded, and dissipated into two puffs of smoke!

The illusion in front of Xu Ying dissipated, and he was still standing beside the prison car, and the white-haired old god was in the prison car. At this moment, the white-haired old god was rolling in pain in the car, screaming repeatedly, and it was extremely sad.

Old god, I think I will cut off two of your fingers this time because you are in jail.

Xu Ying squatted beside the prison car, looked at the white-haired old man who was screaming and struggling in the car, and said softly, Next time, I will twist off your head. Do you understand?

He stood up, walked back to An Qi in full view of everyone, and gently landed on the big snake's forehead.

Master Qi, am I using the word jail correctly? The young man asked quietly, feeling anxious.

An Qi said: You did not use it wrong this time. Ah Ying, in the past two years, you have learned to speak Chinese and understand Chinese characters with me, and you have become more and more proficient.

Xu Ying smiled: Master Qi taught me well.

————A five thousand word chapter! Keep adjusting!

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