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Chapter 140 Ready to come out

Zhu Zhongquan looked up at Dongting Mountain, his heart was agitated, and he whispered: As long as I complete the transaction period, I can cast the cauldron to refine the elixir, and then defeat him!

His heart was filled with enthusiasm.

For Shendu men, almost everyone has a big mountain in their hearts that weighs down their Taoist heart, and that is Promise.

Three years ago, Xu Ying killed everyone from Guo Mansion to Luoshui, and from Luoshui to Shi Mansion, one person at a time, suppressing the passionate Taoist hearts of countless hot-blooded young people in God's name!

In the eyes of the younger generation in Shendu, Promise has become a myth!

The new land has emerged, the imperial power is fragmented, and the Li family no longer has the ability to rule the world. I need Xu Ying's reputation to defeat him, the immortal immortal, and to build momentum for me, so that the Zhu family can fully support me! I may be able to aspire to the throne in the future !”

Zhu Zhongquan suppressed the blood in his heart and whispered, He is just called an immortal god, but there is a real god behind me! I have had my fortune told, and the fortune teller said that I am the general star of Ziwei, and I have the destiny of the emperor! Xu Ying , I want to use your name to help me achieve success!

The Guo family and the Zhu family set out to continue searching for Yun Mengze, looking for the god with the body of a dragon. Xian Qi carried Xu Ying and followed the Guo family.

Xu Ying suddenly woke up and asked Zhu Hongyi: How come my brother has all six secrets opened? The six secrets are secrets that are not passed down by the family, among which the spring is even more mysterious and extremely rare. How did he find it?

Zhu Hongyi played a few notes, adjusted the strings, and said: Zhongquan's qualifications are much better than my concubine. He was favored by the old god in the prison car and taught him Taoism and magical powers. Now his status in the Zhu family has already Just above me.”

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the prison car covered with black cloth, and his eyes were strange: Old god?

Zhu Hongyi smiled and said: Yes. In the past, Demon King Xu was said to be an immortal, which caused a great sensation in the capital of the gods. Nowadays, immortals and immortals are no longer rare in aristocratic families. Nowadays, any aristocratic family does not have old immortals, and I am afraid they all want them. Removed from the family!

She covered her mouth and smiled: Even aristocratic families such as Pei, Cui, and Li have several old immortals! Their big families are still very capable, and they are better than small families like us.

Guo Xiaodie said: My ancestor has no one to keep his mouth shut. He talks about everything to the outside world. When you entered my ancestor's cave, you captured a little fairy. The little fairy ran away, and my ancestor joined forces with you. Others explored the cave again and captured another immortal from the other side. This incident spread and caused a sensation, causing major families to try their best to enter the other side of the cave to find the immortal from the other side.

The little fairy in her mouth is Zhuchanchan.

Xian Qi asked: How do you treat those immortals from the other side?

Guo Xiaodie and Zhu Hongyi looked at each other, but Zhu Hongyi said nothing.

Guo Xiaodie sighed: We can only imprison them, lock the limbs of the immortals on the other side to prevent them from escaping, seal their Xiyi territory to prevent them from recovering their cultivation, and then suppress their consciousness to prevent them from deceiving people's hearts.

When Xu Ying heard this, he looked at the prison car in the Zhu family's team, and his heart moved slightly: The person in the car is probably an immortal from the other side.

Seeing Guo Xiaodie let go, Zhu Hongyi stopped hiding and said, If they cooperate and are willing to explain the Qi refining method to us, they won't be tortured. If they don't cooperate, they will be punished a little. .”

Xian Qi felt pity in his heart and said to Xu: If Ancestor Chanchan falls into their hands, I'm afraid her life will be worse than death.

Dazhong sneered and said: Master Qi, you think too well of the family! Immortal Bian'an is A Ying's replacement! If A Ying falls into their hands, the end will not be much better!

Zhu Hongyi smiled without showing her teeth and said: There is only one Immortal Immortal, so everyone naturally has to hold it for fear of killing him. But there are many Immortals on the other side. Even if one is tortured to death, he can still go to the other side to find the second one. .

Xu Ying asked: Who is the dragon-headed god-man in Yunmengze? Why are you two chasing him?

Zhu Hongyi and Guo Xiaodie were hesitant. Seeing this, Xu Ying smiled and said, If it's not convenient to say it, you don't have to say it.

What can't be said?

Li Yingzhu's figure was floating in the wind, her dress was thin and was blown close to her body by the wind, showing off her beautiful figure. She said with a smile, My Guo family suppressed the Immortal from the Other Side said that the dragon-headed human spirit in Yunmengze Human beings are not real living beings, but are transformed by divine weapons of heaven.”

A female seductress who doesn't keep her word! Da Zhong was very unhappy with this woman.

Seeing this, Xu Ying secretly thought about it and asked, Second aunt, can you tell me in detail?

Li Yingzhu came to them and immediately compared the two young girls. Her beautiful eyes were really captivating. She smiled and said: This matter is not a secret in the first place. Most of the major families know about it. It's just that No one found out. My old god from the Guo family said that the dragon-headed god-man was a heavenly artifact that fell to the mortal world when the heavenly world punished him. He could not return to the sky, so he hid in Yunmengze. In the old In the immortal's time, many people entered Yunmengze to look for it, but they never found it.

She paused and said: There are rumors that when this treasure is in action, there will be thunder from the sky, and the thunder will roll, and you can see a dragon-headed god in the thunder. With this treasure, you can overcome the tribulation. Shake the heavenly calamity and ascend to the immortal world! I don’t know the reason why the Zhu family entered Yunmengze, but my Li family and Guo family entered Yunmengze because of this treasure. I married the Guo family and did not go to the Li family .”

The pipa in Zhu Hongyi's arms half-hidden her face, and she said with a low smile: Our Zhu family also came here for this treasure. That's why we brought the old immortal with us.

Li Yingzhu's eyes fell on her and she said with a smile: Not only did you bring the old gods, you also wanted to pull the immortal gods into your Zhu family's chariot. Little sister of the Zhu family, your collar is too low. The rabbit is coming out!

Zhu Hongyi had never seen this formation before, her face turned red with embarrassment, she quickly covered her face with her pipa, and escaped from Gian Qi's head in embarrassment, thinking that she was going to change clothes.

Li Yingzhu quietly nudged Guo Xiaodie with her elbow, and said in a low voice: I'll help you get rid of the troublesome one. The rest is up to you. This is all I can do to help you. After that, he put the little girl away. Butterfly's chest was pulled downwards.

Second aunt, if you pull again, you're ready to come out! Guo Xiaodie was angry and punched Li Yingzhu away.

Li Yingzhu flew away with tears in her eyes.


Suddenly, the Yunmengze Lake ahead surged, and something huge flew out of the water. It was a giant fish, with two pairs of fleshy fins like four wings. The fleshy wings vibrated and flew on the water. It opened its big mouth and looked forward. The Nuo master on the road bit it down!


It closed its big mouth and made a dull sound, and the dozen Nuo masters from the Guo family in front were swallowed into its belly without even a chance to struggle.

The Nuo masters from the Guo family in the rear rushed forward one after another, using all their methods to land on the giant fish, but their fur was not even broken!

It's an adult ancient beast!

Li Yingzhu and Guo Yue quickly rushed forward, opening the cave to fight the giant fish in close combat. The other great Nuo from the Guo family also came to kill them, but the giant fish opened its mouth and roared, and the invisible sound bounced everyone away in all directions.

The old man of the Guo family bloomed in the eighth level of the cave, and then he blocked the impact of the giant fish. Everyone stepped forward to attack and beat the giant fish with bruises all over its body, but they were unable to kill it.

Seeing that it couldn't fight them, the giant fish swung its tail heavily, swept away dozens of Da Nuo, dived into the water and disappeared without a trace.

This attack caused the death and injury of hundreds of Nuo masters in the Guo family, and their morale was severely damaged for a while.

Not long after, the Zhu family was also attacked by another ancient behemoth. That ancient behemoth was also an adult, its bloodline was fully awakened, and it crawled in the mountains and rivers like a small island.

It suddenly attacked and caused heavy casualties to the Zhu family Nuo master. In the end, several clan elders joined forces and sacrificed their immature souls to force it back.

After these two fierce battles, Xu Ying saw that the two aristocratic families were indeed making rapid progress.

Just now, the Nuo masters from the Guo and Zhu families took action. Almost every Nuo master refined two or three secret treasures. It seems that the unification of the six secrets with the Qi refining method has spread among the Nuo masters.

Xu Ying was quite pleased. Zhou Qiyun was the first to practice Nuo Qi cultivation. Xu Ying improved it and eventually spread it in the city of God.

Zhou Qiyun, the pioneer, has contributed to this, and Xu Ying’s contribution is also huge!

If you are poor, you will change, and if you change, you will be successful. If you stick to the ancestral laws and remain unchanged, you will only be put on the shelf like an antique and no one cares about it. Xu Ying thought of Xu Fu and thought to himself.

The Guo and Zhu families knew that it would be difficult to explore Yunmengze with just the strength of one family, so they got together and the two families went hand in hand to help each other, which relieved some of the pressure.

The deeper you go into Yunmengze, the more dangers there will be.

There is also a strange bird hiding in the mountains and rivers. It is covered with iron feathers and can fly very fast, even faster than a flying sword. When it flies over, it grabs one person and flies away. Other strange birds will fly over, and when the two are fighting, they will catch them in the air. People tore it open and ate it.

The Guo and Zhu families suffered losses many times, so they had to sacrifice the magic weapon first and protect it in the sky.

Ah Ying, I'm hungry! An Qi called out when he saw those strange birds flying over again.

As Xu Ying soared into the air, he saw Qi Qi wrapped in sword energy, whistling and flying out, chasing the strange birds in the air and swallowing them one by one. When the Nuo masters from the Guo family and Zhu family met, they all applauded.

Xu Ying landed lightly on the water and followed the two aristocratic families on the calm, mirror-like surface of the lake.

In these two days, he finally completed the rectification of the Huangquan Sutra. Xu Ying searched for the location of the dragon and searched for his secret treasure of Yongquan.

Master Zhong, protect me!

Xu Ying called out, and the big bell immediately flew out and hung above his head.

Xu Ying followed the large armies of the two aristocratic families and went deeper into Yunmeng Ze. In his Xiyi territory, a golden elixir radiated thousands of rays of light, rising from the cauldron and falling from the sky.

Thousands of rays of light were like substance, making a tinkling sound, illuminating the continent of the Xiyi Territory.

The golden elixir flew over the mountains and rivers of the mainland, illuminating every corner of the land. Soon after, Xu Ying found the location of the dragon and determined the underworld.

The golden elixir sank into the underworld, shining all the way down, gradually going deep into the ground. I saw thick pipes everywhere in the underworld. Qi and blood were flowing in the pipes, flashing with uncertain light, which looked extremely mysterious.

The location of Huangquan is mysterious, and the interior of Huangquan has nine twists and turns, just like reaching the eighteenth level of hell.

When you reach the deepest point, you will find the sea of ​​​​underworld. A lotus is floating on the sea of ​​​​underworld, about to bloom.

That lotus flower that has never bloomed is the secret treasure of the spring!

According to the records of the Huangquan Sutra, there are two secret treasures, one in the left foot and one in the right foot. Only by opening these two secret treasures can the secret treasure of Yongquan be opened. There are actually seven secret treasures in the six secrets of the human body. !”

Thinking of this, Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, No, I saw that Zhu Zhongquan only opened a Yongquan secret treasure. Could it be that the old god who taught him had something left behind? If so, this old god might not have any intentions. kindness!

In addition to Zhu Zhongquan, the ancestor of the Shi family, Shi Mole, only opened one Yongquan secret treasure.

Without thinking too much, he activated the golden elixir, and the golden elixir's light flowed and fell into the lotus.

After a moment, the lotus on the Underworld Sea suddenly bloomed with light, and the layers of petals opened outwards. Lotus leaves grew from the Underworld Sea, and the lotus grew taller and taller!

It is a lotus-shaped cave sky, rooted in the sea of ​​​​underworld, drawing fairy medicine from the sea of ​​​​underworld. The elixir is absorbed by the lotus leaf and lotus, purified, and gushes out from the flower-shaped cave!

The energy contained in this elixir is extremely unique, and is different from other secret elixirs.

The secret elixir of Niwan is active, which increases physical activity and leads to long life. The elixir secretly stored in Huangting is divine consciousness, which strengthens the spirit, increases induction, and dances with the Tao.

The elixir secretly hidden in Jianggong is mental strength, which strengthens my body and improves my qi and blood. The elixir hidden in Yuchi is vitality, which can strengthen the essence and enhance the qualifications. The elixir secretly stored in Yujing is composed of the two qi of yin and yang. When the elixir is refined into the eyes, the yin and yang can be connected and the dawn will change.

Xu Ying was already familiar with these secret elixirs, but even though he fished out Yongquan's secret elixir from the underworld, he didn't know its use.

Open another Yongquan secret treasure first and see if there are any changes!

Xu Yingjindan flew out of this secret cache and came to the corresponding secret cache on the other side of the Xiyi Realm.

When the secret lotus cave opened, Xu Ying felt that the elixir hidden in the two springs rose up and merged into one stream out of the underworld.

The moment the elixir merged, the lotus flowers bloomed in the Xiyi Realm, and the light illuminated the surrounding area.

He immediately noticed that his soul was gradually growing under the nourishment of this elixir.

Xu Ying realized: The secret treasure of Yongquan contains soul elixir! It is for soul refining!

He was surprised and happy. He hadn't felt that his soul's cultivation level had improved for a long time. Now that you have opened the secret treasure of Yongquan, you can cultivate your soul and strengthen your immortal true spirit and soul!

During the second knocking period, Jiaji Pass is opened. After that, the soul is compatible with the 12-layered Golden Pill Tower, crosses the 12-layered tower, turns into the soul and ascends to the Yaochi. After undergoing baptism, climb the Shenqiao and knock on the Heavenly Pass. Ascend!

With the soul-refining elixir secretly stored in Yongquan, the path of cultivation will be much smoother!

Xu Ying opened his eyes and activated the Taiyi Guidance Gong. The six secret elixirs in his body continued to pour out, were refined layer by layer, and were imported into his body.

Xu Ying sacrificed the golden elixir, activated the Six Secret Dharma, and opened the Yongquan Secret Treasure to three levels of caves. However, the golden elixir was exhausted and could not open the fourth level of the cave, so he gave up.

Now he has six secrets and twenty-one caves in his body. Various secrets are intertwined in the realm of Xiyi. At the same time, each acupuncture point in his body is connected with the heavens and worlds in the void, and he has developed great power.

An Qi flew over after eating and drinking, got into the water, stood up suddenly, put Xu Ying on his head, and shouted: A Ying, I am so full!

Xu Yingdao: Master Qi, I have opened the Yongquan secret treasure. I can find the dragon's cave for you and find your Yongquan secret treasure.

An Qi was surprised and happy, and thought to himself: Three years ago, I was a snake being chased by Ah Ying. Just because of a thought, I followed Ah Ying for three years. Now, I also want to become a Qi practitioner with all six secrets. Got it!

He was delighted: Si Zhong only learned Yuanyu Bayin from A Ying, and he is far inferior to me! One day, one day I will be able to blast the hammer with Si Zhong!

At this moment, there was an uproar ahead. Someone pointed forward and shouted: Look! Look!

Xian Qi's head rose higher and higher, and Xu Ying stood on the snake's head. Looking from a distance, he saw smoke curling in front of him, and a stone city came into view.

There are some villages next to Shicheng, and at lunch time, there is also some smoke from the cooking pots.

How can anyone survive in Yunmeng Ze? Xu Ying was surprised.

At this time, an old voice came from the Zhu family's prison car, saying: Zhu Zhongquan, they are immigrants from Yunmengze. It is said that they are immigrants from heaven! They can sense the artifacts of heaven!

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