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Chapter 127 Changes on the other side

Xu Ying looked up at the golden man, and was inexplicably shocked. This golden man indeed looked very similar to him!

Could it be that in that ancient era four thousand years ago, besides crossing the sea to find the Immortal Mountain, I also did other things, so that the Twelve Golden Man wanted to be cast in his own image?

Xu Fu was also a little surprised. He seemed not to have expected that Zulong would value Xu Ying and cast the golden man into Xu Ying's appearance.

The aura of the golden man became more and more powerful. In the vision behind him, the Milky Way had stopped flowing, but now it was slowly resuming its flow!

Water and fire are circulating, the cauldron is steaming with glow, the divine bridge is crouching with dragons, the Yaochi is generating waves, and the three entrances are also opening one after another!

Even the aura of incense surrounding the golden man gradually became stronger, making countless noises appear in everyone's minds in an instant, and thousands of people chanted!

This is a sign that the golden man is about to wake up!

Everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Suddenly Xu Fu stepped on the abbot's fairy mountain and flew forward. With a light palm, a 圄 character in bird seal and insect script appeared in the palm print, which was printed on the golden man's eyebrows.

The golden figure made a loud clang, and the Tianhe River suddenly stopped, water and fire no longer interacted, the glow shrank back into the cauldron, and the three entrances were closed one after another.

The long river of mercury flows, carrying this golden figure forward.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they felt relieved when the golden man was gone.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows. The sixteen characters in the golden book allowed Xu Fu to understand many useful magical powers. The character 圄 just now came from the golden book!

Da Zhong whispered: Ah Ying, he has the Golden Book and won't give it to you, just to understand the contents of the Golden Book and threaten you again. He wants you to escape from the suppression of the Demon Suppressing Rune, and then Fall into his control!”

Xu Ying nodded silently, he also had this guess.

By then, he would really become a shadow taking orders from Xu Fu!

Twelve golden figures are scattered throughout the mercury rivers between mountains and rivers. After this golden figure leaves, the next golden figure is not far away. Let's set off immediately!

Xu Fu gave an order, and everyone jumped up one after another, using their own methods to land on the long river. Some raised boats, some rode leaves, some stepped on lotus flowers, and some stepped on a bamboo stick.

Xu Ying wanted to throw the big bell into the mercury, but the big bell refused to work and said: I have already made a pot, and I can no longer make a boat!

Xu Ying caught a glimpse of the little Phoenix Fairy throwing out a piece of phoenix feather. The phoenix feather landed on the mercury river and grew bigger and bigger. It was three to four feet long and could accommodate many people, so he went over shamelessly.

Xiao Fengxian glanced at him but said nothing.

Xu Ying stood beside her and said calmly: This ship is really nice and soft.

Xiao Fengxian sighed quietly, with a sad expression, obviously still worried about whether to snatch Xu Fu's golden book.

A young Qi Refiner said: Why don't we fly over with our swords?

The thin bamboo man laughed, took out a copper coin, and said with a smile: Look!

He threw the copper coin up. The copper coin became larger and larger, with a radius of more than ten feet, whistling and spinning, flying towards the mountains. Suddenly, lightning flashed in the air and thunder broke out. In an instant, the copper coins were riddled with holes!

Everyone was horrified.

The Thin Bamboo Man laughed and said, Did you see it? There are so many seals and restrictions in the Lishan Tomb that it makes one's head spin! If you want to fly over unscathed, you have to be an immortal.

He was about to take back the copper coin when suddenly water and fire arose in the mountain. The water was the lunar water and the fire was the sun fire. The water and fire invaded together and turned the copper coin into a pile of copper slag!

The thin bamboo man was shocked and angry. He felt that the brand in his magic weapon had also been refined into slag, and he felt a pain in his body.

At this moment, another sharp claw descended from the sky and hit the copper slag with a bang. The copper slag disappeared into ashes and ceased to exist!

The thin bamboo man shuddered, this copper coin was the magic weapon he refined. When he was in his prime, the copper coin was naturally not as good as him, but now that his body is aging, the copper coin is even stronger than him.

If it were him who entered the mountain, he would probably end up with the same fate!

Fortunately, I am old enough and have accumulated many magic weapons, so I won't go bankrupt all at once. He thought to himself.

A long river of mercury flowed, taking them into the mountains. Everyone looked around and saw that the layout of the mountains here looked familiar.

That's Yandang! It's just Yandang four thousand years ago when heaven and earth were not sealed!

Look over there! That's the Kunlun Ruins over there! The Kunlun Ruins haven't fully appeared yet!

That's Wangwu Mountain, the mountain where the qigong master named Yu Gong summoned the gods to carry him away!

The trends and shapes of the mountains and rivers here are actually the same as those in China before the world was sealed!

It's as if the ancestral dragon has shrunk the mountains and rivers of the world countless times and hidden them here.

Now new lands are emerging, and today's new lands are the mountains and rivers that existed when the heaven and earth were not sealed back then. However, new lands are still increasing, and the world that was sealed back then has not yet been completely unsealed.

They are long-lived Qi practitioners, but only Xu Fu has seen the world before the Great Seal. Others, including Dong Meiqing, have never seen the real China.

In Dongmeiqing's time, heaven and earth had begun to seal.

They rode various tools for crossing the river and gradually drove into the depths of the mountains. Everyone looked around and couldn't help but admire the magnificence of the rivers and mountains. They lingered and looked forward to seeing more dazzling mountains and rivers ahead, because often at the next corner, mythical mountains would emerge.

The main peak of Kunlun, Lingshan Mountain, Fengshan Mountain where the Nine Gods Bell hangs, the broken Buzhou Mountain, as well as the legendary Yingzhou, Penglai, and the Abbot Fairy Mountain.

However, judging from the Abbot Immortal Mountain, the First Emperor Zulong should have never seen the real Abbot Immortal Mountain, which was much larger than the Abbot Immortal Mountain at Xu Fu's feet.

Xu Ying was dazzled and amazed.

It's not surprising that Zulong will rule China after his death, dominate the world, and cast twelve golden figures to protect his country after death. The country is so beautiful, and it would be me, too, who would like to always be with the mountains and rivers.

Just when he thought of this, there was a violent shock in front of him. It was Master Nuo who encountered a seal and restriction.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that there were bright caves shining in the sky. The large and small caves were extremely dazzling. There should be hundreds of Nuo masters who had raised their cultivation to the extreme to fight against the ban!

Suddenly, large and small caves in the sky were extinguished, leaving only eight caves, and then those eight caves suddenly dimmed.

A great Nuo who had cultivated the eighth level of the cave also died, and he died very quickly! Xu Ying was secretly shocked.

After a while, they came to the place where they met. They saw many corpses floating on the mercury river. They were piled up and down on the bank by the river water. They were in extremely miserable death conditions. There were few whole corpses, and they were all cut into pieces. It was unknown where they were. Things do.

Look there! There is a sword under the door!

Someone raised his hand and pointed forward. Xu Ying looked and saw this long river of mercury passing through a towering mountain. This mountain had two peaks. There was a cliff between the peaks. The cliff was hollow, forming a portal.

Under this portal, there is a sword still dripping with blood.

The sword glowed red and swayed slowly with the breeze, and from time to time a murderous aura appeared.

I think that the group of Nuo masters just came here, activated this sword, and were all killed by this sword!

Dragon-Slaying Sword!

An Qi was well-informed and said to Xu Ying, This is what Nuo masters use to kill demonic dragons that make trouble. They are often hung under the bridge. If a demonic dragon causes floods and passes under the bridge, it will be killed by the Dragon-Slaying Sword. .So I don’t dare to take the waterway.”

Suddenly, the power of the dragon-slaying sword exploded, and as soon as the light moved, the invisible sword energy caused the mercury river to splash with white flowers. The big bell appeared, covering Xu Ying and Feng Xian'er, and was struck by the sword energy, making it clang!

The big bell was shaken so much that it kept spinning, removing the power from the sword energy, and shouted: This sword is so strong!

All around, more than a dozen Qi refiners were caught off guard, their heads suddenly dislocated, and their bodies fell on the river!

Everyone activated their magical powers to resist the sword energy. Dong Meiqing stood up and flew towards the long sword with the sword energy. The higher he went, the sword energy became stronger. Even though he was a master in the ascension stage, he had no choice but to Concentrate on fighting the sword energy!

The sword energy in the air formed a torrent, attacking Dongmeiqing from all directions, becoming more and more powerful!

Dong Meiqing was beaten and retreated for a while. Finally, she couldn't help but sacrificed her soul and smashed the sword energy into pieces. Then she was able to breathe and flew to take off the long sword!

This long sword is a bronze sword that is more than ten feet long. It is extremely light and thin. With a slight dance, the sword flowers are all over it, and it is filled with green light!

Dong Meiqing was surprised and happy, suppressing the restlessness of the bronze sword and refining it wholeheartedly.

When everyone saw it, they were very envious.

This sword is not Qin Shi's sword. Qin Shi's sword is thicker than this sword.

Xu Fu took a look, his face changed slightly, and said, This is Zhou Shi's sword. This sword has an owner, Dong Meiqing lets go!

Just as Dong Meiqing was about to let go, the bronze sword suddenly wrapped around Dong Meiqing's arm like a spiritual snake. With a slight twist, Dong Meiqing's arm was broken at shoulder level!

Dong Meiqing cried out in pain, the bronze sword had already rolled towards his neck, leaving him unable to avoid it!

Suddenly a palm came out, and he flicked his fingers on the tip of the sword. The bronze sword was like a long snake, and the sword body trembled when it was flicked, and it stretched out unconsciously!

Xu Fu flicked back the bronze sword, only to see it stabbing straight at him. In an instant, a sword sky formed, with the sun and moon running side by side, and the mountains shining brightly!

Xu Fu raised his hand to meet him, and all the sword energy gathered in his palm. The bronze sword gathered a little of the sword energy and pierced his palm!

The sword light pressed against his palm, and the sword body was shaking, but it could not move forward.

Xu Fu pushed forward with his palm, and the bronze sword snapped and exploded inch by inch. The sword turned around and wanted to escape, but it seemed to be stuck and could not turn the blade.

Xu Fu pushed forward with this palm, and saw that the bronze sword quickly exploded to the hilt. His palm pushed forward heavily, and violent power exploded, crushing it along with the sword master's brand!


In the mountains a hundred miles away, a mushroom cloud suddenly rose, and a violent wave shot out in all directions, arousing countless seals and restrictions in the mountains, and terrifying power one after another!

The surface of the river exploded, mercury splashed everywhere, and huge waves arose!

A tall figure in retro clothes shuttled among the mercury waves, and the river beneath his feet exploded repeatedly. Without the power of Xu Fu's palm, he was still shaken to the point of coughing up blood and his breath was scattered.

He finally removed the power of Xu Fu's palm and calmed down. He couldn't help but feel shocked and horrified: Who is this person? I am already a half-immortal, and he can still hurt me with one palm. Could he be a real immortal? ?”

He swallowed the blood that surged into his throat. The blood was filled with a refreshing fragrance, the fragrance of elixir.

He was reluctant to spit out the blood.

Suddenly, another golden figure woke up not far away, and the terrifying aura suppressed the world, making it difficult for anyone with weak cultivation to breathe.

The young man in retro clothes immediately restrained his aura and walked away, avoiding the golden man.

Not long after, Xu Ying and others came here. Xu Fu raised his hand gently and saw a drop of blood flying up from the river and landing on his fingertips.

Xu Fu sniffed it gently and smiled at Xu Ying: The authentic elixir is indeed here. I originally thought that the elixir was not enough to resurrect the ancestral dragon, but now I am relieved. The ancestral dragon can definitely be resurrected with this elixir. !”

Dazhong and Anhui were puzzled: What kind of magic medicine?

Xu Ying suddenly shivered and immediately understood Xu Fu's intention!

The Nuo master he lured here to hunt for treasure was the elixir he used to resurrect the ancestral dragon!

Nuo masters opened various secrets and obtained the elixir in the secrets, but they could not be refined and could only be accumulated in the body, so every Nuo master was a kind of elixir.

Nuo masters who open different secrets have different types of elixirs. Some can enhance spiritual consciousness, some can enhance vitality, and some can enhance physical activity and various functions.

Sacrificing these Nuo masters is the key to resurrecting the ancestral dragon!

And the person who hangs the sword under the mountain gate to kill the newcomers should be the person who came back from the other side of the world!

Xu Ying said to Gian Qi and Da Zhong, The elixir contained in this person's blood is particularly pure. It seems that besides Ancestor Chanchan, there are others who have also returned from the other side of the world.

An Qi and Dazhong were shocked: A real pre-Qin Qi master has appeared?

Zhuchanchan practiced Nuo, which slowed down her progress in cultivation. This ancient qi-refiner probably did not practice Nuo, and concentrated on refining qi and refining the elixir in his body.

This person can compete head-on with Xu Fu, and he is probably a master in the ascending stage!

Logically speaking, no one should be able to come back from the other side, right?

Xu Ying thought about it, Why did other pre-Qin Qi refiners come back from the other side of the world after Chanchan came back?

Dazhong guessed: Could it be that Pei Du and Guo family ancestors spread the news about ancestor Chanchan, and other Nuo master families also entered the other side of the world through their respective caves and rescued the pre-Qin Qi refiners?

Xu Ying thought for a while, and realized that this was indeed a possibility, and said with a smile: I thought something happened on the other side, causing the ancient Qi Refiners there to escape. Master Zhong is right.

Ahead, there was a Nuo Immortal fighting fiercely, shaking the heaven and earth, and confronting the seal of the Lishan Tomb. The movement was extremely terrifying.

Xu Ying saw that the nine caves were extremely bright, like nine suns, and even the hidden scene of Nuo Immortal himself emerged, with such power that even the fairy mountains in the sky could not suppress it!

This aura... is from the strong men of the Yuan family!

Xu Ying was surprised to find that the nine caves were none other than the Huangting Cave. The powerful fluctuations of spiritual consciousness transmitted here even disrupted the thinking of some Qi Refiners, making it difficult for them to concentrate and almost falling into the mercury river!

This is exactly the terrifying power brought by the Yuan family's Huang Ting secret treasure!

Xu Ying has practiced the Yuan Dao of the Yuan family and is no stranger to this magical power!

Could it be Yuan Wuji!

The young man's heart was pounding wildly and he whispered, Yuan Wuji is here, but is Sister Weiyang here?

An Qi looked at the big clock, with a worried look on his face, and said: A Ying's memory still hasn't been fully recovered. He regards Yuan Weiyang as Yuan Rusu.

Da Zhong comforted: It will be fine, it will be fine.

An Qi said worriedly: Are you going to tell Ah Ying the truth?

Da Zhong smiled and said, Tell him and I will beat you to death. Really.

Zhaizhu saw a fan of Talking Elbow backstage and left me a message, saying that Elbow said in the chapter that I was cheating on votes, and asked me to explain whether I was cheating on votes. To respond, there is a principled issue called Whoever claims it shall provide evidence. Do you understand? You can't ask me to prove how many bowls of noodles I ate. I can only explain it by cutting open my stomach and taking out the noodles for you to see. Who claims it and who gives evidence? This is the basic attempt at debate. understand?

As for the Talking Elbow who hacked me in the circle of friends and said that I cheated fans with black money from game developers, I will respond in the circle of friends! The above does not count as money.

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