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Chapter 126 The Twelve Golden Men of Zulong

Beichenzi and Fairy Yutang were furious. Just now they saw clearly that the golden book displayed by Xu Fu was exactly the content of the paper talisman on the altar that sealed Xu Ying!

Is this okay?

If this Qi Refiner who appears out of nowhere deciphers the contents of the paper talisman and Xu Ying escapes from trouble, all three of them will be punished by heaven and never recover!

What's more, before Heaven can punish them, Xu Ying will cut them into pieces!

Who is this scarred man?

Beichenzi's veins were pulsing on his forehead, and he whispered, How did you get the demon-suppressing runes? The demon-suppressing runes are almost never revealed to outsiders!

Fairy Yutang gritted her teeth and said, It's been half a year since we recovered from our injuries, and now something is going to happen again! Beichen, why don't you test his origin first?

Beichenzi hesitated for a moment and said: Those who can take out the demon-suppressing runes must be very important. We should wait until the reinforcements arrive.

The corners of his eyes trembled, and he became more cautious.

After all, he was beaten by Zhou Qiyun because he was not cautious enough, and he was beaten by the demon who was chasing Zhu Chanchan because he was not cautious enough. He was almost killed by Xu Ying, whose memory was unsealed.

Only after being beaten can you become honest.

Although Xu Fu has a scarred face, he looks gentle and gentle, not as violent as Zhou Qiyun, but it's hard to tell. So Beichenzi is willing to act cautiously.

On the abbot's fairy mountain, Xu Ying glanced at Xu Fu and fell into deep thought.

Ordained by Heaven, this life will last forever; imprisoned and imprisoned, closed and imprisoned.

This passage is what is shown in the golden book. Xu Fu just shook it lightly, but Xu Ying wrote down the meaning of these words.

But although he wrote down the meaning of these words, he could not recover them. Because as long as he tried hard to think about the structure of these words, a cloud of incense immediately overflowed from his mind, covering his memory and making it difficult for him to understand clearly.

Why did I give the demon-suppressing runes to Xu Fu? How did I know these runes?

Xu Ying left the Abbot Fairy Mountain and came to Xiao Fengxian. Xiao Fengxian stood on the back of a roc bird, opening its small mouth and spitting out a series of flames from time to time.

Seeing Xu Ying coming, the girl became a little nervous. She was probably still debating whether to repay her kindness or choose justice.

Xu Ying called out An Qi and Dazhong, told him what he had seen before, and said, Master Qi is very knowledgeable, do you know the meaning of these sentences?

An Qi said: The phrase I am ordered by heaven shows that I am obeying the orders of heaven and doing justice for heaven. I will be suppressed forever in this life, which shows that this beast's crime is extremely evil and will be suppressed forever.

Dazhong was quite dissatisfied and said: How could Ah Ying be this bad guy? Master Qi underestimated Ah Ying too much.

Xu Ying coughed: Master Zhong, I'm still here.

Xian Qi continued: 囹囹prison, 囿圉, these eight characters, the first six characters, mean seal, prison, cage, prison, siege, 囿 means trapped beasts, and 圉 means captive. These eight characters all have it. It means trapped.”

He paused and said, I don't understand the bird seal and insect scripts that explain the great road, but with ordinary words, Ah Ying can't compare to me.

Xu Yingdao: Master Qi, please save some face for me.

An Qi said yes and whispered to Xiao Fengxian: Far from being as good as me.

Xu Ying pretended not to hear and said: These sixteen words, only by seeing the golden book with my own eyes can I understand the meaning behind it, and then I can think of a way to decipher it. The problem now is that the golden book is on Xu Fu. How can I steal it?

Xiao Fengxian looked serious and said, I heard it!

Xu Ying said: Feng Xian'er, think about my life-saving grace.

Xiao Fengxian fell into the entanglement of repaying kindness and righteousness again, wondering whether she should report Xu Ying.

An Qi said: His golden book should be hidden in his own Xiyi territory, and it is difficult to steal it easily. However, if he said that he wanted to decipher the words in the golden book, he would definitely take it out. As long as he takes it out while When the speed is fast enough, you can take away the golden book!

Da Zhong said: To take away Jin Shu, the speed must be extremely fast, and Xu Fu must not be able to catch him. Xu Fu's methods are too high, I think they are even higher than Zhou Qiyun at his peak!

It fought with Xu Fu and failed to move Xu Fu at all. Instead, Xu Fu grabbed the bell nose and was unable to move.

That move is called Qiankun Yishou, and it really feels like you have everything in the world under your control!

Even if it faces Xu Fu again, it has no chance of escaping.

An Qi said: The big clock doesn't run fast. A Ying and I can't keep up with our cultivation and can't escape. So the one among us who is the fastest and most likely to escape Xu Fu's control is...

Xiao Fengxian became alert and saw Xu Ying and Da She were staring at her. Although the big bell had no eyes, it seemed that a pair of eyes were falling on her.

I will not betray Ancestor Xu Fu... Xiao Fengxian muttered.

An Qi advised: Think of Ah Ying's life-saving grace.

Xiao Fengxian looked sad.

Da Zhong said: We are our own people. Think about how A Ying saved you, and then think about how you repaid us.

Xu Ying thought about it and realized that he really couldn't remember how he saved her, so he said, Think about it again.

Xiao Fengxian stamped her feet and said, Okay! I'll help you!

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

However, in the next few days, Xu Fu did not take out the golden book, and Xiao Fengxian never found the opportunity.

The Qi practitioners who followed Xu Fu came to Xu Ying with various scriptures for advice, and Xu Ying would not refuse anyone who came. Whether it was skills, magical powers, formations, alchemy, sealing, or fingerings, he would answer them all and even help them complete them.

Although these Qi Refiners have gained a lot, Xu Ying has also accumulated countless secrets of Qi Refiners, and his cultivation strength has also made great progress!

Ho Kyung is getting closer.

In the past few days, there is always a ray of light gushing out from the ground, reaching straight into the sky, which is extremely spectacular. Even if they are far away, Xu Ying and others can see the bright light, like a burning candle hidden in the clouds, the light is overflowing with color. .

Not only that, they also felt a terrible throbbing, like the overwhelming power emanating from a magic weapon, and like the world-shaking aura emanating from a peerless powerful man.

He is the Twelve Golden Man.

Xu Fu felt something in his heart and said, One of the golden men has revived. The twelve golden men are responsible for guarding the tomb of Zulong. It seems that the Nuo master who was led here does have some tricks and has dug the tomb of Zulong.

Xu Ying asked: Master Qi, what are the twelve golden men?

Xian Qidao: I only heard that the First Emperor searched for weapons from all over the world and cast the twelve golden men so that people in the world could not rebel. What happened specifically, the book did not say.

Xu Fudao said: At that time, the First Emperor Zulong ruled the world, gathered the top magic weapons of the Qi Refiners from the six countries, and cast twelve golden men to suppress the Qi Refiners' luck and prevent the Qi Refiners' luck from being lost. At this time, Refining Qi Shi has declined, and the First Emperor Zulong used this method to try to prolong the life of Qi Shi. However, after his death, all this became a dream, and even the Twelve Golden Men were buried with him.

Xu Ying said: I have never heard that the dead can be resurrected. Since Zulong is dead, how can he be resurrected?

Abbot Xianshan flew towards Lishan Mountain, Xu Fu said: Ancestral Dragon may not really be dead. Beings like him long for immortality. He may use secret techniques to seal his body and spirit, putting himself in a state of suspended animation, waiting for resurrection.

Lishan Mountain came towards us, towering into the clouds. It was hundreds of miles around and was many times larger than the original Lishan Mountain.

From a distance, this mountain looks like the word gold, standing there, majestic and solemn.

However, someone had already found the entrance to the Lishan Tomb and punched in. Xu Ying also saw dozens of corpses lying scattered outside. There must have been a fierce fight over who owned the Lishan Tomb.

I once went to the underworld and searched for more than two hundred years, trying to find out where the soul of Zulong went. But I still couldn't find him.

Xu Fu said, I also found the Nuo masters who opened the secret of Yongquan. They are masters of soul summoning and use Nuo methods to summon ghosts. But they also said that the soul of the ancestor dragon is not in the underworld.

When they came to the gate of Lishan Tomb, Xu Ying saw dozens more corpses. However, judging from their clothes, these people were not Nuo masters, but ordinary people.

Hua Xianchen stepped forward to look at it and said: There is a seal on the tomb door. There are ghosts and gods hidden in the seal, which is extremely dangerous. In order to open the door and break the seal, those Nuo masters sacrificed these ordinary people, stained the seal with blood, and lured the ghosts and gods out to kill them. Then he opened the door and barged in.

They walked into the Lishan Tomb, and there was a corpse every few steps in the tomb passage, also dressed as ordinary people.

For sacrifice.

Hua Xianchen took out a bright mirror and illuminated the surrounding tomb passages in detail. It even shone into the wall. Inside the wall, he could see dead ghosts and gods!

These ghosts and gods are hidden in the ban. As soon as the ban is activated, they will fly out of the wall and kill people!

It's a pity that such an exquisite ban was broken by blood sacrifice.

The method of breaking the ban by using human lives is crude. Xu Fu commented.

They continued to move forward, and saw more and more people dying along the way. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer mortals, more and more Nuo masters, and some were huge demon gods, who were also used as sacrifices to break the ban!

Xu Ying even saw a familiar face. He was the Nuo master of the Pei family. He had a relationship with him once and was used as a sacrifice to the ghosts and gods.

It is conceivable that there was a terrible battle and fighting here.

Walking deep into Lishan Mountain, the front suddenly opens up, and the vast mountain world comes into view. There are hundreds of fairy mountains floating in the sky. In the distance, you can see the bright rays of light washing down between the mountains. Sparkling with fairy brilliance, extremely dazzling and colorful.

Is this the place of ascension?

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. This Lishan Tomb turned out to be a place of ascension!

Moreover, there is more than one immortal who ascended here. Judging from the number of ascended rays of light, seven immortals once ascended here!

Is this the paradise of cave heaven?

As soon as he thought of this, he realized something was wrong. This should not be the Ascension Land. Instead, someone had cut off the Ascension Land in the Cave Heaven Paradise and moved it here!

Because those cut-off spaces are glowing with the color of glass. When you move your eyes, you can see the colorful colors reflected from the space sections!

Xu Fu pointed to the distance and said: The First Emperor transplanted seven places of ascension, and used the glow left by these immortals to hang his coffin, bringing himself closer to the immortal world. Have you seen his coffin?

Everyone was using their eyesight to the extreme, but few could clearly see what was in the rising glow. Xu Ying used his heavenly eyes and could barely see a golden coffin floating in the rising glow, slowly rotating.

Could that be the golden coffin of the First Emperor?

There are mountains on the ground and mountains in the sky. The fairy mountains hang upside down and are glowing with blood.

There are blood dragons coiled around some mountains. Looking from a distance, the blood-colored scales are sliding. I don't know if it is an illusion or real.

That's the First Emperor's Ancestral Dragon. He killed the most powerful man and used the Five Sacred Mountains in the Xiyi Domain to set up a ban. It's extremely difficult to get past.

The old man, Thin Bamboo Man, who was only three or four feet tall, took a breath and said, When those Nuo masters came here, they should have crossed over this river and entered the mountains.

Under their feet, there was a long silver-white river, about a hundred feet wide, and the river was flowing. This was a mercury river, and the river water was extremely heavy mercury.

The long river of mercury passes through the mountains and flows between the mountains and rivers. Judging from the trend of the river, it should be close to the golden coffin of the First Emperor Zulong!

Xu Fu was about to cross the river when he suddenly stopped. Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart as he felt an extremely powerful aura coming towards him.

Everyone followed the breath and saw an altar floating on the river, which was 14 to 50 feet long and 15 feet wide. The place where the altar floated above the surface of the water was only over a foot high, and it was unknown how high it was under the water.

On the altar, stood a golden figure of more than twenty feet, covered with golden light, holding a bronze sword, and wearing golden armor. The aura of incense around him was extremely strong, and it also carried the aura of a heaven-shaking magic weapon!

Behind it, there is actually a shrine. In addition to the shrine, there is also the vision of the Five Sacred Mountains floating. The Tianhe River hangs upside down, the Tianshan Mountains come from the sky, and the entrances such as Weulu, Jiaji, and Yujing are clearly listed.

The cauldron tempered by water and fire, the golden twelve-story building, and the Yao Chi Divine Bridge are all here!

The big bell rang, and the sound was a little dull: Ah Ying, is this the golden man? It seems a little too strong to be true. I may not be the most powerful magic weapon...

Suddenly, someone shouted: Look at the face of the golden man! The immortal!

Everyone looked at him one after another, inexplicably surprised. They turned to look at Xu Ying, and then turned to look at the golden man on the altar.

I saw that the face of the golden man was exactly the same as Xu Ying!

The twelve golden figures of the First Emperor Zulong are modeled after the immortal gods!

An Qi also looked straight at it and murmured: A Ying, there are legends about you everywhere in the Lishan Tomb.

————The novel Lin Yuan Xing written by Zhai Zhu, the author of Pujie, I think it's okay and can pass the time.

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